23 research outputs found

    Modular Descriptions of Regular Functions

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    We discuss various formalisms to describe string-to-string transformations. Many are based on automata and can be seen as operational descriptions, allowing direct implementations when the input scanner is deterministic. Alternatively, one may use more human friendly descriptions based on some simple basic transformations (e.g., copy, duplicate, erase, reverse) and various combinators such as function composition or extensions of regular operations.Comment: preliminary version appeared in CAI 2019, LNCS 1154

    Equivalence of Symbolic Tree Transducers

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    International audienceSymbolic tree transducers are programs by which to transform data trees with an infinite signature. In this paper, we show that the equivalence problem of symbolic top-down deterministic tree transducers (DTops) can be reduced to that of classical DTops. As a consequence the equivalence of two symbolic DTops can be decided in NExpTime, when assuming that all operations related to the processing of data values are in PTime. This results can be extended to symbolic DTops with lookahead and thus to symbolic bottom-up deterministic tree transducers

    A Class of Automata for the Verification of Infinite, Resource-Allocating Behaviours

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    Process calculi for service-oriented computing often feature generation of fresh resources. So-called nominal automata have been studied both as semantic models for such calculi, and as acceptors of languages of finite words over infinite alphabets. In this paper we investi-gate nominal automata that accept infinite words. These automata are a generalisation of deterministic Muller automata to the setting of nominal sets. We prove decidability of complement, union, intersection, emptiness and equivalence, and determinacy by ultimately periodic words. The key to obtain such results is to use finite representations of the (otherwise infinite-state) defined class of automata. The definition of such operations enables model checking of process calculi featuring infinite behaviours, and resource allocation, to be implemented using classical automata-theoretic methods

    Synchronizing Relations on Words

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    While the theory of languages of words is very mature, our understanding of relations on words is still lagging behind. And yet such relations appear in many new applications such as verification of parameterized systems, querying graph-structured data, and information extraction, for instance. Classes of well-behaved relations typically used in such applications are obtained by adapting some of the equivalent definitions of regularity of words for relations, leading to non-equivalent notions of recognizable, regular, and rational relations. The goal of this paper is to propose a systematic way of defining classes of relations on words, of which these three classes are just natural examples, and to demonstrate its advantages compared to some of the standard techniques for studying word relations. The key idea is that of a synchronization of a pair of words, which is a word over an extended alphabet. Using it, we define classes of relations via classes of regular languages over a fixed alphabet, just {1,2} for binary relations. We characterize some of the standard classes of relations on words via finiteness of parameters of synchronization languages, called shift, lag, and shiftlag. We describe these conditions in terms of the structure of cycles of graphs underlying automata, thereby showing their decidability. We show that for these classes there exist canonical synchronization languages, and every class of relations can be effectively re-synchronized using those canonical representatives. We also give sufficient conditions on synchronization languages, defined in terms of injectivity and surjectivity of their Parikh images, that guarantee closure under intersection and complement of the classes of relations they define

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    Two-Way Two-Tape Automata

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    International audienceIn this article we consider two-way two-tape (alternating) automata accepting pairs of words and we study some closure properties of this model. Our main result is that such alternating automata are not closed under complementation for non-unary alphabets. This improves a similar result of Kari and Moore for picture languages. We also show that these deterministic, non-deterministic and alternating automata are not closed under composition

    Tree-Walking Pebble Automata

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    this paper is to investigate the power of tree-walking automata with pebbles. Obviously, the unrestricted use of pebbles leads to a class of tree languages much larger than the regular tree languages, in fact to all tree languages in NSPACE(logn). Thus, we restrict the automaton to the recursive use of pebbles, in the sense that the life times of pebbles, i.e., the times between dropping a pebble and lifting it again, are properly nested. A similar, but stronger, nesting requirement is studied in [13] for 2-way automata on strings. We prove in Section 5 that our restriction indeed guarantees that all tree languages recognized by the tree-walking pebble automaton are regular, but we conjecture that the automaton is not powerful enough to recognize all regular tree languages. In Section 6 we generalize the notion of pebble to that of a \set-pebble", in such a way that the tree-walking set-pebble automaton recognizes exactly the regular tree languages