336 research outputs found

    The Resistance Dilemma

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    How organized resistance to new fossil fuel infrastructure became a political force and how this might affect the transition to renewable energy. Organized resistance to new fossil fuel infrastructure, particularly conflicts over pipelines, has become a formidable political force in North America. In this book, George Hoberg examines whether such place-based environmental movements are effective ways of promoting climate action, if they might inadvertently feed resistance to the development of renewable energy infrastructure, and what other, more innovative processes of decision-making would encourage the acceptance of clean energy systems. Focusing on a series of conflicts over new oil sands pipelines, Hoberg investigates activists' strategy of blocking fossil fuel infrastructure, often in alliance with Indigenous groups, and examines the political and environmental outcomes of these actions. After discussing the oil sands policy regime and the relevant political institutions in Canada and the United States, Hoberg analyzes in detail four anti-pipeline campaigns, examining the controversies over the Keystone XL, the most well-known of these movements and the first one to use infrastructure resistance as a core strategy; the Northern Gateway pipeline; the Trans Mountain pipeline; and the Energy East pipeline. He then considers the “resistance dilemma”: the potential of place-based activism to threaten the much-needed transition to renewable energy. He examines several episodes of resistance to clean energy infrastructure in eastern Canada and the United States. Finally, Hoberg describes some innovative processes of energy decision-making, including strategic environment assessment, and cumulative impact assessment, looking at cases in British Columbia and Lower Alberta

    Practice hospitality

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    Historical series, 3. Delivered at graduation, Lutheran Theological Seminary, Saskatoon, Sask, Spr 2000. Rom 12:13b

    Preferences, Perceptions, and Veto Players: Explaining Devolution Negotiation Outcomes in the Canadian Territorial North

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    Since the early part of the 20th century, the federal government has engaged in a long and slow process of devolution in the Canadian Arctic. Although the range of powers devolved to the territorial governments has been substantial over the years, the federal government still maintains control over the single most important jurisdiction in the region, territorial lands and resources, which it controls in two of the three territories, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut. This fact is significant for territorial governments because gaining jurisdiction over their lands and resources is seen as necessary for dramatically improving the lives of residents and governments in the Canadian north. Relying on archival materials, secondary sources, and 33 elite interviews, this paper uses a rational choice framework to explain why the Yukon territorial government was able to complete a final devolution agreement relating to lands and resources in 2001 and why the governments of the Northwest Territories and Nunavut have not. It finds that the nature and distance of federal-territorial preferences, combined with government perceptions of aboriginal consent and federal perceptions of territorial capacity and maturity, explain the divergent outcomes experienced by the three territorial governments in the Canadian arctic. The following acronyms are employed: AIP: Agreement-in-Principle; DTA: Devolution Transfer Agreement; GEB: gross expenditure base; GN: Government of Nunavut; GNWT: Government of Northwest Territories; NCLA: Nunavut Land Claims Agreement; NTI: Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated; NWT; Northwest Territories; ON: Ontario; TFF: Territorial Formula Financing; UFA: Umbrella Final Agreement; YDTA: Yukon Devolution Transfer Agreement; YTG: Yukon Territorial Government; YK: Yukon


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    Miriam Toews is a prominent and profound writer in Canada. She has received a number of literary awards for her works. Governal General Award, Writer Trust Findley Award and Roger Writer’s Trust Fiction Prize are her major and notable awards. As a degree holder of BA in Film study, she worked in CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) yet she wrote number of stories, scripts and hilarious works for CBC. As she was born to Mennonite parents, she is well known about the values of the community. From her childhood, she has been isolating herself. In her personal life, she faced lot of unwanted and unexpected happens like the suicide of her father and later the similar happen of her sister. Nevertheless she does not worry about her past days instead she is moving towards the future with hopefulness. In this research article explains how Miriam Toews survives this society through her own life. She has penned many novels like, A Complicated Kindness, All My Puny Sorrows, Irma Voth and The Flying Troutmans. As she was born in Mennonite community metaphorically she used the place in many novels. In the mean time, she very much dislikes the community more or less and she likes the values of it. This research proposal also explains how Miriam Toews affected and how she expressed her own feelings and emotions through her writings. Besides, the researcher wants to explore the segregation and loneliness of female characters in the novels of Miriam Toews. The novels are A Complicated Kindness, Irma Voth, All My Puny Sorrows and Swing Low: A Life. The purpose of the novels which the researcher has chosen is to explore the migration life the female protagonist of the above novels. In all the novels, the female protagonists move to various countries like, the US, the UK and Canada. When they move to other countries they cannot survive the life as their own. Instead they face many problems like, solitariness, identity crisis, racism, etc.. Besides they are all encountered by isolation or loneliness. Similarly, Miriam uses the name of her community name that is Mennonite in all her major works. A Complicated Kindness: Generally in a family, a girl will be most affectionate with her sister. In the other hand that sister may not understand the affection and love of her sibling. Similarly in this novel A Complicated Kindness explains the depression and isolation life of the Female Protagonist. This novel begins in Mennonite community. The protagonist of this novel is Nomi Nickel. From the beginning to end she faces a misery life. She believes in God mean time she has lot of assured on her own community. Regrettably, she could not find any happy moment in her life. On the other hand, her father is so pious on God. As the result he uses to return to home very late. Because of this Nomi begins to use drugs and etc... After some time she got a boyfriend and married him. After one month he also departed from her and again she came to isolation life. At once she came to know that her mother had affair with her English Teacher, besides she very much depressed. After a year passed there were a conflict between Nomi and her boyfriend the result he left her and her father also left her because of pious on God. Eventually she was isolated by her own family members like Sister, Mother, boyfriend and Father. The theme of the novel elucidates the isolation of a teenage girl. Though she is more affectionate with her family members they cannot understand her affections and love. This is not only in Nomi’s life also there are people like Nomi all around the world who faces the similar problem. Irma Voth: In the second novel Irma Voth explains the loneliness and misunderstanding among the family members. This novel is based on the movie Silent Light which is directed by Carlos Rygadas. Miriam had played a leading role in this movie. Besides, Miriam explains her own feelings and emotions through this novel. The protagonist of the novel is Irma Voth such an eminent woman, as she was born in Mennonite community; she has to flexible in certain places. When the novel opens her family members won’t talk with her. Because she married a local young man against of her father wishes. As a result, she was isolated by her family. She has one young sister and two younger brothers. The relation between Irma and her sister Aggie is strongly delineated by the author. When all the family members annoyed on Irma she doesn’t contemplate it. Though she was isolated by her boyfriend, she doesn’t consider him. When the novel came to the turning point she became very famous among Mennonite community. In many places of this novel Irma’s sister Aggie tried to talk with her but her father restricted her. The result Irma returned to the loneliness life. After a year passed Irma’s husband came to Irma in the mean time she does not accept her. At one point Aggie left her own house and lived with Irma. When they came to know that their mother got a new baby, both Irma and Aggie visited there and Irma’s mother also solicited to carry the baby with Irma. At finally with the child Irma lived a happy life. Mean time everybody realized their mistake and they came to Irma’s home and stayed with her. All My Puny Sorrows: In the third novel All My Puny Sorrows gives the details of a good relation between two sisters. This novel is considered as a semi-autobiography of Miriam Toews. In 1998, her father committed suicide himself similarly after twelve years later her sister also committed suicide. The central character Yolandi wants to save her sister Elfrieda. When the novel begins with Yolandi is a famous author and her sister Elfieda is a famous Pianist. Later Yolandi has two children and Elfieda has no child because of her doting husband. Elfieda lives very happy life with money and she is such a wonderful pianist. Nevertheless she was not happy with her husband and the circumstance where she lived. She felt loneliness and she always think about her past days with her younger sister Yolandi. Yolandi lived in other side in Canada. At once, when Yolandi came to know that Elfieda is going to suicide, Yolandi came there and saved her. When Elfieda tried to suicide for the second time Yolandi arrived there and stopped it. Finally Yolandi wrote that, “she wanted to die but I wanted her to live and we were enemies who loved each other”. There are people there around us like Elfieda. From this novel we came to know that, how much she loved her own sister. Though Elfieda gains lot of happiness from the people like money, playing Piano etc... She lived the loneliness life from her husband. Swing Low: The fourth novel which the researcher has chosen is Swing Low. It is the form of prologue and epilogue, Swing Low is written entirely from Mel Toews’s nostalgically narrates his memories. Miriam Toews has her father tell his story from bed as he waits in a Steinbach hospital to be transferred to a psychiatric facility in Winnipeg. Mel turns to writing to make sense of his condition, to review his life in the hope of seeing it more clearly. He remembers himself as an anxious child, the son of a despondent father and an alcoholic mother, who never once made him feel loved. At seventeen he was diagnosed with manic depression. His psychiatrist’s predictions were grim: Mel shouldn’t count on marrying, starting a family or holding down a job. With great courage and determination, Mel went on to do all three: he married his childhood sweetheart, had two happy daughters and was a highly respected and beloved teacher for forty years. Although Mel was able to keep his disorder hidden from the community, his family frequently witnessed his unravelling. Over the years this schism between his public and private life grew wider. An outgoing and tireless trailblazer at school, he often collapsed into silence and despair at home. Ironically, in trying to win his family’s love through hard work and accomplishments, he deprived them of what they yearned for most: his presence, his voice. Once he retired from teaching – "the daily ritual of stepping outside himself" – Mel lost his creative outlet and, with it, his hope. In the Globe and Mail, author Moira Farr described Swing Low as "audacious, original and profoundly moving." She added: "Getting into the head of your own father – your own largely silent, mentally ill father, who killed himself – has to be a kind of literary high-wire act that few would dare to try.. Healing is a likely outcome of a book imbued with the righteous anger, compassion and humanity of Swing Low.

    Balfour Mount Oral History.

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    Dr. Balfour Mount begins the interview by describing a pivotal moment when he heard Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross lecture at McGill University\u27s Royal Victoria Hospital. Dr. Mount had not previously heard of Kubler-Ross\u27s work and was impressed to learn about the unmet needs of the dying. When Dr. Mount conducted a similar study at the RVH, he found the same deficiencies in care and carried out a two year pilot project aimed at addressing these needs through the creation of an in-patient ward, a consultation service, a home care program, an outpatient clinic, and a bereavement follow-up service

    Power in Coalition: Strategies for Strong Unions and Social Change

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    {Excerpt} For decades, unions around the world, like the teachers\u27 union in Australia, have been struggling. Across advanced English-speaking economies, we have seen the rising power of capital and its increasing influence over government. This has created a hostile environment for unions, characterized by aggressive employers, unfriendly governments, and declining union membership. Unions have been forced to reevaluate their role and objectives. Debates have considered how unions could advance the conditions of their members and whether achieving this goal also requires a more fundamental confrontation with the political and economic logic that underpins this crisis for unions (Hyman 2007). This book is about the promise of successful coalitions. I consider why coalitions have re-surfaced as a strategy and the various ways in which coalitions can successfully achieve social change and rebuild the organizational strength of civil society. To do this, I identify three elements of coalitions using case studies based in Australia, the United States, and Canada. I draw out key principles about how to build strong coalitions and the circumstances under which coalitions succeed. I apply these lessons directly to unions, distinguishing the ways in which coalitions support union revitalization and enable unions to win on issues and build political agendas that they have struggled with on their own

    Shortening as a way of word-formation in advertisements

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    Стаття присвячена способам словоскорочення в англомовній рекламі, як однім із найпродуктивніших для поповнення лексичного запасу мови в цілому. Сучасний темп життя вимагає від друкованих засобів передачі великого об’єму інформації за найкоротший проміжок часу, ощаджуючи на письмі. Словоскорочення означає утвореннянових слів, замінюючи ціле слово його частиною, що є дієвим по відношенню як до окремих слів, так і до словосполучень. Розглядаються найбільш популярні способи словотворення з точки зору структури і прагматики рекламних оголошень. Всі скорочені слова функціонують в мові як і звичайні інші, таким чином набираючи специфічні граматичні флексії. Всі вони традиційно діляться на: графічні абревіатури, заглавні абревіатури, лексичні скорочення, слова-гібриди. Мова реклами має тенденцію до скорочення довгих і складних слів, особливо для зрозумілого читання. Рекламні оголошення призначені для людей, які дійсно зацікавлені продуктом або послугою, що рекламується. Ось чому всі види скорочень використовуються в поширених текстах, подаючи широку інформацію щодо рекламованої продукції. Окрім того, всі нові скорочення мають бути знайомими пересічному споживачеві, щоб їх можна було відразу впізнати при читанні. Але треба також пам’ятати, що нові словоскорочення не є мовним стандартом, хоча багато з них офіційно використовується в рекламних оголошеннях. Маючи свої власні особливості стилю, вони вимагають від рекламодавця спеціальних навичок при їхньому написанні. В цілому, словоскорочення залишається одним з найбільш продуктивних способів написання якісних рекламних оголошень завдяки здатністю до запам’ятовування і ощадності на письмі. (The article is devoted to the ways of shortening in the English advertising as the most productive ones for the lexical completion in general. The modern pace of life demands from the print media to convey a great bulk of information as quickly as possible, saving the space written. The most popular methods of shortening from the advertising structural and pragmatical points of view are taken into consideration. Shortening of words means the formation of new ones by substituting a part of the word for a whole, affecting both separate words and word-groups. All shortened words function in the language as other ordinary words do, thus taking on specific grammatical inflections. All of them can be divided according to the traditional division: graphical abbreviations, lexical shortenings, blends and splinters. The language of advertising has a trend to shorten long and difficult words especially for reading comprehension. Advertisements are intended for people who are really interested in the product or service advertised. That is why all kinds of shortenings are used in the expanded texts giving wide information on the advertised ones. Besides, all the new shortenings have to be familiar to an average customer in order to be recognized at once while reading them. But it should be kept in mind that they cannot be taken as a standard, though quite a lot of them are officially used in advertisements. Having their own peculiarities in style, they demand some special skills from advertisers, while being written. In general, shortening remains one of the most productive ways of writing new qualitative advertisements because of their memorability and economy of written space.