70 research outputs found


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    The present study aims at identifying the link between economic growth and a wide variety of external competitiveness indicators, related to both price and non-price factors. Using data for European Union, we estimate a series of panel Vector Autoregression (PVAR) models and find that non-price indicators have a higher contribution in explaining GDP developments compared to traditional price and cost based measures of competitiveness. On the other hand, the results underline the broadness of competitiveness concept, as economic growth alone is found not to determine significant effects on the competitive capacity of economies


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    The present study aims at identifying the link between economic growth and a wide variety of external competitiveness indicators, related to both price and non-price factors. Using data for European Union, we estimate a series of panel Vector Autoregression (PVAR) models and find that non-price indicators have a higher contribution in explaining GDP developments compared to traditional price and cost based measures of competitiveness. On the other hand, the results underline the broadness of competitiveness concept, as economic growth alone is found not to determine significant effects on the competitive capacity of economies

    Studiul histerezisului capilar în soluri cu textura medie folosind modelul Preisach

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    The purpose of this paperis to studythe physical properties of the soil using a phenomenological model which should be able to describe the capillary hysteresis of water from pores of the medium-textured soil.The proposed model is Preisach typeand has been used successfully to describe the hysteresis of nonlinear phenomena in physics, biology or economics. This model has the advantage ofbeingeasily adapted. We had expanded this model to study the pressure exerted by water in the processes of drying and wetting of the soil. The developed and implemented model, unlike other models, takesintoconsideration the way in which interconnected pores are filled and emptied.Our study presents a new method of assessing the water circulation in soil pores with medium texture from greenhouses. The results are useful to make the irrigation systems used in gardening more efficient, from economicalpoint of view


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    Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaIntroducere. Tratamentul malocluziilor transaversale reprezintă o provocare pentru practicieni. Medicii ortodonți au căutat întotdeauna să intervină cât mai curând posibil în perioada creșterii și dezvoltării copilului, cu diverse dispozitive si protocoale pentru rezolvarea acestei probleme. Scopul lucrării. Prezentarea protocolului de expansiune rapidă a maxilarului ce alternează cu constricția acestuia (Alt-RAMEC), clinicienilor. Materiale și metode. Analiza publicațiilor din bazele de date științifice internaționale din perioada 2005-2023. Publicațiile au fost căutate în bazele de date online PubMed, ScienceDirect, AJO-DO, Google Scholar. Protocolul Alt-RAMEC este următorul: expansiunea maxilarului 1 mm/zi timp de 7 zile, apoi constricția acestuia cu 1mm/zi timp de 7 zile, pe o perioadă de 9 săptămâni, urmată de 3 luni pentru obținerea stabilității și 3 săptămâni de protracție a maxilarului superior cu masca faciala. Rezultate. În urma analizei studiilor am constatat ca s-a obținut un rezultat mai bun la grupul ce a urmat protocolul Alt-RAMEC în comparație cu cei la care s-a utilizat protocolul RME (rapid maxillary expansion). Datorita utilizarii protocolului Alt-RAMEC s-a realizat deschiderea suturilor circummaxilare fără expansiunea excesivă a maxilarului, înainte de protracția maxilarului superior. Concluzie. În urma analizei literaturii de specialitate: aplicarea protocolului Alt-RAMEC, înainte de protracția maxilară, este o metodă eficientă pentru tratamentul precoce al pacienților cu malocluzii transversale. În majoritatea studiilor, protocolul Alt-RAMEC pare a fi mai eficient decât RME.Background. Treatment of transverse malocclusion is a real challenge for practitioners. Orthodontists have always tried to intervene as early as possible during the child’s growth and development, using various devices and procedures to solve these problems. Objective of the study. The aim of the study is to present to practitioners the Alt-RAMEC protocol. Material and methods. The research is based on the analysis of publications from the scientific databases of the international library from 2005-2023. The publications were searched in the online databases PubMed, ScienceDirect, AJO-DO, Google Scholar. In the Alt-RAMEC protocol: each expansion or constriction course was 7 days and 1 mm/day, during 9 weeks, followed by 3 months, 3 weeks of maxillary protraction. Results. Following this procedure, at the end of the study, the expansion of the maxilla in the Alt-RAMEC group was more effective than in the RME group. The aim of the Alt-RAMEC protocol is to disarticulate the circummaxillary sutures and to promote the next advancement of the maxilla with the face mask. Conclusion. In most of the studies: the application of the Alt-RAMEC protocol before maxillary protraction was an effective method for early treatment of patients with transverse malocclusion. The Alt-RAMEC protocol appears to be more effective than RME (rapid maxillary expansion)

    Biometric Indicators and Yield of Tomato under Conventional and Unconventional Biostimulators

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    The research consisted of an experiment applying unconventional stimulators to tomato crop, as a measure against chemical stimulators, known as having negative effects on human health. In our research there have been used four unconventional stimulators (Ecostim, AuCl4-50μg, AuCl4-30μg and Chitosan) and a conventional stimulator BNOA, all compared with the untreated control.Application of stimulators in unconventional farming determined lower productions compared to conventional farming, but is an alternative because determined healthy products. In three of the four unconventional variants, the content of macro- and microelements in plants was higher

    Analiza conţinutului de proteine din plasma sanguină a animalelor erbivore şi carnivore

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    This paper focuses on determining the concentration of blood plasma proteins for different domestic animals to highlight the link between diet and proteins content. Blood plasma from two categories of animals, herbivores and carnivores (horse, cow, goat, sheep and dog) was used for this study, the protein content being compared to that found in human and turkey blood (omnivorous). Our results showed that the samples of blood taken from dogs have the lowest proteins content, although they consume food rich in proteins. The highest value of proteinemia is found in horse blood, even if it is an herbivorous animal that consumes food rich in fibbers and vitamins. The hypothesis that herbivores have a higher content of proteins in blood than carnivores is supported by the results obtained for samples of cow, goat and sheep blood

    The use of reverse Tween-block in pacients with inverse occlusion

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    Introduction. Inverse occlusion is one of the most difficult problems in orthodontic treatment, therefore, this form of disocclusion must be treated earlier due to an unfavorable growth pattern. Most often, treatment can be started with a primary dentition or at an early stage of mixed dentition with the help of various orthodontic appliances that promote the extension of the upper jaw, because the lower jaw's growth potential is difficult to contain by non-surgical methods. One of such appliances is a reverse twin block. The plate on the upper jaw has a three-way screw to ensure the expansion of the upper jaw in the sagittal and transversal directions. The lower occlusal blocks serve to limit the distal movement of the upper molars. Purpose. The evaluation of efficiency in treatment of inverse occlusion by reverse Tween-block. Material and methods. Patient X (10 years 2 months), whose parents consulted a doctor with compliants of aesthetics, speech impairment, and incorrect closure of the jaws. An external examination revealed: forced closing of the lips, a protruding chin, therefore, the facial expression seems "angry", as well as retraction of the second third of the face due to the upper jaw underdevelopment. Intraoral examination showed: reverse incisal overlap, retrusion of the tooth 32 (fig. 1,2). A reverse Tween-block was made for the patient (fig.3). It had to be used permanent and activated once a week. The treatment continued for 6 months followed by a retention period of 4 months. The grinding of milk canines was also made(fig.4). According to the literature, the first studies on the early treatment of class 3 disocclusion with the help of reverse twin-blocks were carried out in 1998 in London University College (Kidner, Di Baise et al.). During the work, the following clinical changes were noted: retroinclination of the lower incisors, proinclination of the upper incisors, an increase of SNA, ANB and MM angles, and a decrease of SNB angle. The studies also showed that reverse Tween-block treatment time was 75% of the FR III treatment time (Loh, Kerr, 1985), and results were more favorable compared with the FR III appliance. Results. The control examination of the patient revealed the correct formation of occlusion with no need to continue treatment in permanent occlusion (fig.5,6). Conclusions. Treatment of inverse occlusion by orthodontic plates such as reverse twin-block can be very useful and successful if it stars during the mixed denture of a patient

    Studiu spectrofotometric al efectelor metalelor grele în sângele animal

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    n order to obtain information on the alteration of blood structure in the presence of heavy metals, mercury and lead, the modification of the absorption maxima of oxyhemoglobin was analyzed. Blood samples were collected from three healthy animal species: cows, horses and dogs.For the samples, 20 ml of 5% HgCl2and Pb(NO3)2solution and 0.5 ml of blood from each species have been prepared.The obtained experimental results have shown that heavy metals affect certain biophysical characteristics of hemoglobin in the blood of the studied animals. The strongest effect has been obtained in the case of mercury, which is the most toxic heavy metal; for the horse blood sample at the wavelength of 410 nm, the absorption measurement gave an error, indicating that the sample was severely degraded

    Aplicarea cromatografiei pe strat subţire în studiile de degradare accelerată a picăturilor auriculare combinate

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    Introduction. Metoda CSS este utilizată cu succes în studiile de stabilitate, este accesibilă si asigură identificarea eventualelor produse de degradare, fiind utilă în special pentru testarea produsele farmaceutice combinate. Purpose. Studiul procesului de degradare accelerată ale picăturilor auriculare combinate cu izohidrafural (IHF) și metiluracil (MU) prin CSS. Material and methods. Cameră cromatografică; faze mobile: cloroform -acetonă (70:30), 1-butanol-eter dietilic-acetonă (10:85:5), etilacetat-hexan (2:1), acid acetic glacial-apă-butanol (1:1:4), cloroform-metanol-acid acetic glacial (90:8:8), cloroform-metanol-acid acetic glacial (95:10:2); lampă UV; reagenţi de revelare. Results. Numai faza mobilă etilacetat-hexan (2:1) asigură posibilitatea detectării concomitente a ambelor substanţe, s-au determinat produse de degradare ale IHF (Rf=0,24) şi ale MU (Rf=0,51) în urma oxidării și expunerii la temperatură. Valorile Rf-ului substanţelor din amestec mecanic și formă farmaceutică au fost apropiate (0,37 pentru IHF și 0,72 pentru MU)

    Aplicarea difracției cu raze X în cercetarea compatibilității substanțelor active cu excipienții

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    Catedra de chimie farmaceutică şi toxicologică, USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”Background. Compatibility studies between active ingredients and excipients in a pharmaceutical form are a key step in the development of a new drug, being applied several methods to investigate potential transformations at the molecular level. Objective of the study. Evaluation of the possibilities of using X-ray diffraction in researching of the compatibility of active principles with excipients in pharmaceutical forms. Material and Methods. Advanced bibliographic study using the databases Medline, Environmental Issues & Policy Index, Environmental Sci & Pollution Mgmt, Scopus (Elsevier), Current Contents, Scirus. Over 120 bibliographic sources were evaluated. Results. An increasing number of studies have focused on the development of non-specific rapid methods for assessing compatibility at an early stage of the development process. In recent years, more and more studies attest to the use of X-ray diffraction techniques. In 88% of the evaluated sources, X-ray diffraction has been combined with spectral (FT-IR) and thermal (DSC) methods, being applied only for crystalline substances testing. At 24% of the evaluated articles, molecular interactions between active and auxiliary substances were reported. Some researchers (12% of sources) successfully apply Bragg's law in interpreting diffractograms. Conclusion. The identification of crystalline substances by X-ray diffraction with determining of the interplanar distance and the intensity of deviation from these X-ray planes is an advantageous method of detecting incompatibilities.Introducere. Studiile de compatibilitate dintre principiile active și excipienții dintr-o formă farmaceutică reprezintă o etapă cheie în procesul de elaborare-dezvoltare a unui nou medicament, fiind aplicate mai multe metode de investigare a potențialelor transformări la nivel molecular. Scopul lucrării. Evaluarea posibilităților de utilizare a difracției cu raze X în cercetarea compatibilității principiilor active cu excipienții în forme farmaceutice. Material și Metode. Studiu bibliografic avansat cu utilizarea bazelor de date Medline, Environmental Issues & Policy Index, Environmental Sci & Pollution Mgmt, Scopus (Elsevier), Current Contents, Scirus. Au fost evaluate peste 120 de surse bibliografice. Rezultate. Un număr tot mai mare de studii s-au axat pe dezvoltarea unor metode rapide nespecifice pentru evaluarea compatibilităţii într-un stadiu cât mai timpuriu al procesului de dezvoltare. În ultimii ani tot mai multe studii atestă utilizarea tehnicilor de difracție cu raze X. În 88% din sursele evaluate, difracția cu raze X a fost combinată cu metodele spectrale (FT-IR) și termice (DSC), fiind aplicată doar pentru testarea substanțelor cristaline. În 24% din articolele evaluate au fost semnalate interacțiuni la nivel molecular dintre substanțe active și auxiliare. Unii cercetători (12% din surse) aplică cu success legea lui Bragg în interpretarea difractogramelor. Concluzii. Identificarea substanțelor cristaline prin difracție cu raze X cu determinarea distanței interplanare și a intensității de deviere de la aceste planuri de raze X constituie o metodă avantajoasă de detectare a incompatibilităților