Analiza conţinutului de proteine din plasma sanguină a animalelor erbivore şi carnivore


This paper focuses on determining the concentration of blood plasma proteins for different domestic animals to highlight the link between diet and proteins content. Blood plasma from two categories of animals, herbivores and carnivores (horse, cow, goat, sheep and dog) was used for this study, the protein content being compared to that found in human and turkey blood (omnivorous). Our results showed that the samples of blood taken from dogs have the lowest proteins content, although they consume food rich in proteins. The highest value of proteinemia is found in horse blood, even if it is an herbivorous animal that consumes food rich in fibbers and vitamins. The hypothesis that herbivores have a higher content of proteins in blood than carnivores is supported by the results obtained for samples of cow, goat and sheep blood

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