796 research outputs found

    Growth-induced electron mobility enhancement at the LaAlO3_3/SrTiO3_3 interface

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    We have studied the electronic properties of the 2D electron liquid present at the LaAlO3_3/SrTiO3_3 interface in series of samples prepared at different growth temperatures. We observe that interfaces fabricated at 650{\deg}C exhibit the highest low temperature mobility (≈10000 cm2/Vs\approx 10000 \textrm{ cm}^2/\textrm{Vs}) and the lowest sheet carrier density (≈5×1012 cm−2\approx 5\times 10^{12} \textrm{ cm}^{-2}). These samples show metallic behavior and Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations in their magnetoresistance. Samples grown at higher temperatures (800-900{\deg}C) display carrier densities in the range of ≈2−5×1013 cm−2\approx 2-5 \times 10^{13} \textrm{ cm}^{-2} and mobilities of ≈1000 cm2/Vs\approx 1000 \textrm{ cm}^2/\textrm{Vs} at 4K. Reducing their carrier density by field effect to 8×1012 cm−28\times 10^{12} \textrm{ cm}^{-2} lowers their mobilites to ≈50 cm2/Vs\approx 50 \textrm{ cm}^2/\textrm{Vs} bringing the conductance to the weak-localization regime

    Tunable Rashba spin-orbit interaction at oxide interfaces

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    The quasi-two-dimensional electron gas found at the LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interface offers exciting new functionalities, such as tunable superconductivity, and has been proposed as a new nanoelectronics fabrication platform. Here we lay out a new example of an electronic property arising from the interfacial breaking of inversion symmetry, namely a large Rashba spin-orbit interaction, whose magnitude can be modulated by the application of an external electric field. By means of magnetotransport experiments we explore the evolution of the spin-orbit coupling across the phase diagram of the system. We uncover a steep rise in Rashba interaction occurring around the doping level where a quantum critical point separates the insulating and superconducting ground states of the system

    Measurement Of The Nonlinear Ultrasonic Parameter In Aqueous Solutions

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    This paper deals with the measurement of the nonlinear ultrasound coefficient in aqueous solutions. Our aim is to show the possibility of using this parameter in ultrasound characterization of these solutions with the possibility of extending this technique to other complex media. The experimental determination of nonlinearity parameter is based on the quasi-linear approximation that allows us to derive an analytical expression of the second harmonic amplitude that takes into account the diffraction and the absorption effects. The experimental set up is composed of a piezoelectric disc transmitting at the fundamental frequency 2.2 MHz. The second harmonic is detected using a ring surrounding the disc and functioning at 4.4 MHz. The disc and the ring are both mounted on the same composed device and are both located in the same transversal plan to the propagation axis. The transmitted wave propagates through the sample and is detected by the receiver An appropriate signal processing permits the determination of the nonlinear parameter. The experimental results are promising and show a close correlation between the nonlinearity parameter, and the nature and the concentration of the compounds in the aqueous solutions studied.This paper deals with the measurement of the nonlinear ultrasound coefficient in aqueous solutions. Our aim is to show the possibility of using this parameter in ultrasound characterization of these solutions with the possibility of extending this technique to other complex media. The experimental determination of nonlinearity parameter is based on the quasi-linear approximation that allows us to derive an analytical expression of the second harmonic amplitude that takes into account the diffraction and the absorption effects. The experimental set up is composed of a piezoelectric disc transmitting at the fundamental frequency 2.2 MHz. The second harmonic is detected using a ring surrounding the disc and functioning at 4.4 MHz. The disc and the ring are both mounted on the same composed device and are both located in the same transversal plan to the propagation axis. The transmitted wave propagates through the sample and is detected by the receiver An appropriate signal processing permits the determination of the nonlinear parameter. The experimental results are promising and show a close correlation between the nonlinearity parameter, and the nature and the concentration of the compounds in the aqueous solutions studied

    Epitaxial growth and thermodynamic stability of SrIrO3/SrTiO3 heterostructures

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    Obtaining high-quality thin films of 5d transition metal oxides is essential to explore the exotic semimetallic and topological phases predicted to arise from the combination of strong electron correlations and spin-orbit coupling. Here, we show that the transport properties of SrIrO3 thin films, grown by pulsed laser deposition, can be optimized by considering the effect of laser-induced modification of the SrIrO3 target surface. We further demonstrate that bare SrIrO3 thin films are subject to degradation in air and are highly sensitive to lithographic processing. A crystalline SrTiO3 cap layer deposited in-situ is effective in preserving the film quality, allowing us to measure metallic transport behavior in films with thicknesses down to 4 unit cells. In addition, the SrTiO3 encapsulation enables the fabrication of devices such as Hall bars without altering the film properties, allowing precise (magneto)transport measurements on micro- and nanoscale devices.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Band inversion driven by electronic correlations at the (111) LaAlO3_3/SrTiO3_3 interface

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    Quantum confinement at complex oxide interfaces establishes an intricate hierarchy of the strongly correlated dd-orbitals which is widely recognized as a source of emergent physics. The most prominent example is the (001) LaAlO3_3/SrTiO3_3(LAO/STO) interface, which features a dome-shaped phase diagram of superconducting critical temperature and spin-orbit coupling (SOC) as a function of electrostatic doping, arising from a selective occupancy of t2gt_{2g} orbitals of different character. Here we study (111)-oriented LAO/STO interfaces - where the three t2gt_{2g} orbitals contribute equally to the sub-band states caused by confinement - and investigate the impact of this unique feature on electronic transport. We show that transport occurs through two sets of electron-like sub-bands, and the carrier density of one of the sets shows a non-monotonic dependence on the sample conductance. Using tight-binding modeling, we demonstrate that this behavior stems from a band inversion driven by on-site Coulomb interactions. The balanced contribution of all t2gt_{2g} orbitals to electronic transport is shown to result in strong SOC with reduced electrostatic modulation.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, (+ supplemental material

    A Short-Range FMCW Radar-Based Approach for Multi-Target Human-Vehicle Detection

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    In this article, a new microwave-radar-based technique for short-range detection and classification of multiple human and vehicle targets crossing a monitored area is proposed. This approach, which can find applications in both security and infrastructure surveillance, relies upon the processing of the scattered-field data acquired by low-cost off-The-shelf components, i.e., a 24 GHz frequency-modulated continuous wave (FMCW) radar module and a Raspberry Pi mini-PC. The developed method is based on an ad hoc processing chain to accomplish the automatic target recognition (ATR) task, which consists of blocks performing clutter and leakage removal with an infinite impulse response (IIR) filter, clustering with a density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise (DBSCAN) approach, tracking using a Benedict-Bordner alphaalpha -etaeta filter, features extraction, and finally classification of targets by means of a kk-nearest neighbor ( kk-NN) algorithm. The approach is validated in real experimental scenarios, showing its capabilities in correctly detecting multiple targets belonging to different classes (i.e., pedestrians, cars, motorcycles, and trucks)

    Two-dimensional quantum oscillations of the conductance at LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interfaces

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    We report on a study of magnetotransport in LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interfaces characterized by mobilities of the order of several thousands cm2^{2}/Vs. We observe Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations that indicate a two-dimensional character of the Fermi surface. The frequency of the oscillations signals a multiple sub-bands occupation in the quantum well or a multiple valley configuration. From the temperature dependence of the oscillation amplitude we extract an effective carrier mass m∗≃1.45m^{*}\simeq1.45\,mem_{e}. An electric field applied in the back-gate geometry increases the mobility, the carrier density and the oscillation frequency.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure
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