9 research outputs found

    NASVD and MNF methods applied for noise reduction in airborne gamma-ray spectrometry

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    Orientadores: Rodrigo de Souza Portugal, Adalene Moreira SilvaDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de GeocienciasResumo: O processamento atual em gamaespectrometria necessita de novas ferramentas para auxiliar a remoção de ruídos, visto que ao final desta etapa há constatação de ruído remanescente. O ruído remanescente prejudica de forma expressiva os produtos finais. O decaimento radioativo é um processo aleatório e a estimativa de todas as medidas é governada por leis estatísticas. Os perfis de taxas de contagem são sempre "ruidosos" quando utilizados períodos curtos como um segundo para cada medida. Os filtros utilizados e, posteriormente, as correções efetuadas no processamento atual de dados gamaespectrométricos não são suficientes para remover ou diminuir consideravelmente o ruído oriundo do espectro. Dois métodos estatísticos que atuam diretamente nos dados coletados, isto é, nos espectros vêm sendo sugeridos na literatura para remover estes ruídos remanescentes: o Noise-Adjusted Singular Value Decomposition ¿ NASVD e Maximum Noise Fraction ¿ MNF. Estes métodos produzem uma redução no desvio padrão de forma significativa. Neste trabalho eles foram implementados dentro do ambiente de processamento do software OASIS MONTAJ e aplicados em uma área compreendida por dois blocos, I e II do levantamento aerogeofísico que recobre a porção oeste da Província Mineral do Tapajós - sudoeste do Estado do Pará e sudeste do Estado do Amazonas. Os dados filtrados e não-filtrados foram processados e comparados usando os coeficientes determinados pela empresa Lasa Engenharia e Prospecções S.A. Os resultados da comparação entre perfis e mapas apresentaram-se de forma promissora, pois houve um ganho na resolução dos produtos.Abstract: The gamaespectrometry processing needs new tools to help the noise¿s removal, at the end of this step there are evidence of remaining noise; this remaining noise causes damages at the final product. The radioactive decline is a random process and the estimate of the measures is managed by statistical laws. The profiles of counting ratios are always noisy when analyzed for short periods, like a second for each measurement. Filters and corrections made in the airborne gamma-ray spectrometric data processing are not enough to remove or reduce the spectrum's noise. Two statistic methods which act directly at collected data, i.e., in the spectrum domain, the literature has been suggesting to remove such remaining noises, the Noise-Adjusted Singular Value Decomposition ¿ NASVD and Maximum Noise Fraction ¿ MNF. These methods produce a significant reduction in the standard deviation. In this work both methods were implemented in the software OASIS MONTAJ environment and applied in one area between two blocks, I and II of the airborne survey which covers the west area of Mineral Province of Tapajós ¿ southwest of Pará state and southeast of Amazonas state. The filtered and not filtered data were processed and compared using the coefficients determined by Lasa Engenharia e Prospecções S.A. The results of the comparison done, using maps and profiles showed up a promising form; therefore, these products had gained resolution.MestradoGeologia e Recursos NaturaisMestre em Geociência

    USE OF GEOPHYSICAL TECHNIQUES FOR ANALYSIS OF TRACE METALS IN A CEMETERY UNSATURATED SOIL ZONE: Utilização de técnicas geofísicas para análise de metais traço em zona de solo não saturado de cemitério

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    The purpose of this research was to apply two geophysical methods [Resistivity Imaging Technique (RI) and Inductive Electromagnetic Technique (EM-31)] to verify this tool’s efficiency in locating in subsurface contamination plumes and/or metal ions released by decomposition of corpses and their shells at Necrópole Nossa Senhora Aparecida, Piedade, SP. This research was carried out from October 2015 to September 2016. In the first phase, we used the Resistivity Imaging technique and later we applied the electromagnetic technique. This period between one investigation and another was useful to verify if anomalies changed during that period. Results showed that localized anomalies did not move and that results of both methodologies were similar, considering limitations of each technique.A pesquisa objetivou a aplicação de dois métodos geofísicos [Técnica de Caminhamento Elétrico (CE) e Técnica Eletromagnética Indutiva (EM-31)] com intuído de verificar a eficiência dessa ferramenta na localização em subsuperfície de plumas de contaminação e/ou íons metálicos liberados pela decomposição de cadáveres e seus invólucros na Necrópole Nossa Senhora Aparecida, Piedade, SP. A pesquisa foi efetuada no período de outubro/2015 a setembro/2016, onde utilizamos na primeira fase a técnica do caminhamento elétrico e posteriormente aplicamos a técnica eletromagnética; esse período entre uma investigação e outra, serviu para verificarmos se houve movimentação das anomalias no decorrer do tempo. Os resultados demonstraram que não houve movimentação das anomalias localizadas assim como os resultados das duas metodologias foram semelhantes, levando-se em consideração as limitações de cada técnica

    Geophysical research of high structural Anhembi - SP

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    Nesse trabalho são apresentados os resultados de levantamentos gravimétricos e magnetométricos feitos no Alto Estrutural de Anhembi, SP. Para a área total, foi adotada a escala de semi-detalhe, enquanto que, para a área de ocorrência de geiseritos, os levantamentos foram feitos em escala de detalhe. O Alto Estrutural de Anhembi registra dois eventos geológicos importantes durante a evolução da Bacia Sedimentar do Paraná, ou seja, uma intensa atividade geotermal no final do Permiano que produziu milhares de geiseritos, bem como a migração e o transporte do óleo da Formação Irati armazenados em arenitos da Formação Pirambóia causados pela intrusão de diques e sills associados ao vulcanismo da Formação Serra Geral. Esses reservatórios são agora arenitos asfálticos que afloram na borda da estrutura circular, mostrando que eles estão localizados na base da Formação Pirambóia. O levantamento gravimétrico de semi-detalhe mostra uma anomalia positiva na direção NW-SE superposta ao rio Tietê, que indica uma forte correlação com o Lineamento Tietê. Esta é a prova de que, durante a sedimentação das formações do final do Permiano , havia um alto estrutural separando as formações Serra Alta, Teresina e Rio do Rasto a sul do rio Tietê, da Formação Corumbataí a norte do mesmo rio. Além disso, a anomalia gravimétrica residual também mostra uma feição aproximadamente circular coincidindo com a área de afloramentos da Formação Teresina no centro do Alto Estrutural de Anhembi. O padrão e forma da anomalia gravimétrica residual confirmam que as rochas do embasamento estão dispostas em blocos escalonados resultados do efeito dominó. Na realidade, a estrutura das rochas do embasamento é reproduzida na superfície por falhas e lineamentos. Levantamentos de semi-detalhe não mostram qualquer possível rocha ígnea como fonte de calor sob a área dos geiseritos. Os resultados sugerem que uma possível falha ao longo do córrego do Retiro tenha servido como conduto principal para a água quente vindo do embasamento. A fonte de calor está associada com a deformação dúctil ocorrida no interior da crosta e do manto superior.In this work results from gravity and magnetic surveys done on Anhembi Structural High, SP, are presented. For whole area a large scale surveying was adopted while for outcropping area of geyserites both gravity and magnetic surveys were done at a small scale. This structural high records two important geological events during the evolution of the Paraná Sedimentary Basin, that is, an intense geothermal activity in Late Permian that produced thousands of geyserites, and migration and transport of oil from the Irati formation trapped into sandstones of the Pirambó ia Formation caused by intrusion of sills and dykes associated with the Serral Geral volcanism. These reservoirs are now tar sand deposits that outcrop in the border of the circular structure showing that they are located in the bottom of the Piramboia Formation. Gravity survey at large scale shows a positive anomaly in NW-SE direction matching the Tietê river which indicates a strong association with Tiet ê Lineament. This is the proof that during sedimentation of Late Permian formations there was a structural high along this lineament separating Serra Alta, Teresina and Rio do Rasto formations occurring southern Tietê river from the Corumbatai formation that occurs only northern this river. Moreover, residual gravity anomaly also shows an approximately circular feature matching the outcropping area of the Teresina formation in the center of the structural high. The pattern and shape of this residual gravity anomaly also confirms that the basement rocks are broken into blocks laying each other such as domino effect. Actually, the structure of t he basement rocks is reproduced on the ground by faults and lineaments. Small scale surveys do not show any possible igneous rock as heat source under the area of geyserites. Results suggest that a possible fault existed along the Retiro river served as the main conduct for hot water coming from the basement. The heat source is associated with ductile deformation occurred under the crust and upper mantle

    As técnicas NASVD e MNF e sua aplicação na redução de ruídos em dados gamaespectrométricos

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    A desintegração radioativa é um processo aleatório e a estimativa de todas as medidas associadas é governada por leis estatísticas. Os perfis de taxas de contagem são sempre "ruidosos" quando utilizados períodos curtos como um segundo para cada medida. Os filtros utilizados e posteriormente as correções feitas no processamento atual de dados gamaespectrométricos não são suficientes para remover ou diminuir, consideravelmente, o ruído oriundo do espectro. Dois métodos estatísticos que atuam diretamente nos dados coletados, isto é, nos espectros, vêm sendo sugeridos na literatura para remover e minimizar estes ruídos remanescentes o Noise-Adjusted Singular Value Decomposition - NASVD e Maximum Noise Fraction - MNF. Estes métodos produzem uma redução no ruído de forma significativa. Neste trabalho eles foram implementados dentro do ambiente de processamento do software Oasis Montaj e aplicados na área compreendida pelos blocos I e II do levantamento aerogeofísico que recobre a porção oeste da Província Mineral do Tapajós, entre os Estados do Pará e Amazonas. Os dados filtrados e não-filtrados com as técnicas de NASVD e MNF foram processados com os parâmetros e constantes fornecidos pela empresa Lasa Engenharia e Prospecções S.A., sendo estes comparados. Os resultados da comparação entre perfis e mapas apresentaram-se de forma promissora, pois houve um ganho na resolução dos produtos. _______________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThe radioactive decay is a random process, and the measurement precision is ruled by statistical laws. The counting ratios of the profiles are alwaysnoisy when analyzed for short periods, such as one second per measurement. Corrections made at the end of conventional processing in the airborne gamma-ray spectrometric method data are not enough to remove and minimize, or even reduce considerably, the spectrum's originated noise. Two statistic methods that actlocally in collected data, in the spectrum domain, have been suggested by literature to remove such remaining noises, the Noise-Adjusted Singular Value Decomposition - NASVD and Maximum Noise Fraction - MNF. These methods produce a significantly noise reduction. In this work both methods were applied in an area comprehended by two blocks, I and II, of the airborne survey that covers the west area of Mineral Province of Tapajós between Pará and Amazon states. The filtered and non-filtered data with the NASVD and MNF techniques were processed with the Lasa's parameters. The comparison of results between maps and profiles shows that both methods are valuable, since there was resolution gain in these products

    As técnicas NASVD e MNF e sua aplicação na redução de ruídos em dados gamaespectrométricos

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    A desintegração radioativa é um processo aleatório e a estimativa de todas as medidas associadas é governada por leis estatísticas. Os perfis de taxas de contagem são sempre "ruidosos" quando utilizados períodos curtos como um segundo para cada medida. Os filtros utilizados e posteriormente as correções feitas no processamento atual de dados gamaespectrométricos não são suficientes para remover ou diminuir, consideravelmente, o ruído oriundo do espectro. Dois métodos estatísticos que atuam diretamente nos dados coletados, isto é, nos espectros, vêm sendo sugeridos na literatura para remover e minimizar estes ruídos remanescentes o Noise-Adjusted Singular Value Decomposition - NASVD e Maximum Noise Fraction - MNF. Estes métodos produzem uma redução no ruído de forma significativa. Neste trabalho eles foram implementados dentro do ambiente de processamento do software Oasis Montaj e aplicados na área compreendida pelos blocos I e II do levantamento aerogeofísico que recobre a porção oeste da Província Mineral do Tapajós, entre os Estados do Pará e Amazonas. Os dados filtrados e não-filtrados com as técnicas de NASVD e MNF foram processados com os parâmetros e constantes fornecidos pela empresa Lasa Engenharia e Prospecções S.A., sendo estes comparados. Os resultados da comparação entre perfis e mapas apresentaram-se de forma promissora, pois houve um ganho na resolução dos produtos.The radioactive decay is a random process, and the measurement precision is ruled by statistical laws. The counting ratios of the profiles are alwaysnoisy when analyzed for short periods, such as one second per measurement. Corrections made at the end of conventional processing in the airborne gamma-ray spectrometric method data are not enough to remove and minimize, or even reduce considerably, the spectrum's originated noise. Two statistic methods that actlocally in collected data, in the spectrum domain, have been suggested by literature to remove such remaining noises, the Noise-Adjusted Singular Value Decomposition - NASVD and Maximum Noise Fraction - MNF. These methods produce a significantly noise reduction. In this work both methods were applied in an area comprehended by two blocks, I and II, of the airborne survey that covers the west area of Mineral Province of Tapajós between Pará and Amazon states. The filtered and non-filtered data with the NASVD and MNF techniques were processed with the Lasa's parameters. The comparison of results between maps and profiles shows that both methods are valuable, since there was resolution gain in these products.27226928

    2D magnetometric modeling of a basic-intermediate intrusion geometry: geophysical and geological approaches applied to the Limeira intrusion, Paraná Magmatic Province (SP, Brazil)

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    ABSTRACT: The Limeira Intrusion is an occurrence related to the Mesozoic continental flood basalts of Paraná Magmatic Province, cropping out at the eastern São Paulo state. It is made up of basic-intermediate rocks with a great diversity of structures, textures and modal compositions, related to specific evolutionary process in a magma chamber. Previous geological and stratigraphic evidence suggests it has a lopolithic-like geometry rather than a conventional sill-like, assumed for most regional similar occurrences. 2D forward modeling of magnetometric data, based on available aerial and newly obtained ground data integrated with in situ rock magnetic susceptibility measurements, were used to test such hypothesis. The results, even considering intrinsic drawbacks of magnetometric theoretical models, are compatible with the geologic-based presumed intrusion geometry. The determination of intrusive bodies geometry is quite significant to explain their different emplacement mechanisms. In the case of Limeira Intrusion, the results suggest that the emplacement mechanism may occur, apparently, by inner-accretion of fresh magmatic pulses in its central region. Importantly, the magmatic evolution of lopolith-like basic-intermediate intrusions may open the way for extensive differentiation processes, with strong implications to petrology and metallogenesis

    2D magnetometric modeling of a basic-intermediate intrusion geometry: geophysical and geological approaches applied to the Limeira intrusion, Paraná Magmatic Province (SP, Brazil)

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    <div><p>ABSTRACT: The Limeira Intrusion is an occurrence related to the Mesozoic continental flood basalts of Paraná Magmatic Province, cropping out at the eastern São Paulo state. It is made up of basic-intermediate rocks with a great diversity of structures, textures and modal compositions, related to specific evolutionary process in a magma chamber. Previous geological and stratigraphic evidence suggests it has a lopolithic-like geometry rather than a conventional sill-like, assumed for most regional similar occurrences. 2D forward modeling of magnetometric data, based on available aerial and newly obtained ground data integrated with in situ rock magnetic susceptibility measurements, were used to test such hypothesis. The results, even considering intrinsic drawbacks of magnetometric theoretical models, are compatible with the geologic-based presumed intrusion geometry. The determination of intrusive bodies geometry is quite significant to explain their different emplacement mechanisms. In the case of Limeira Intrusion, the results suggest that the emplacement mechanism may occur, apparently, by inner-accretion of fresh magmatic pulses in its central region. Importantly, the magmatic evolution of lopolith-like basic-intermediate intrusions may open the way for extensive differentiation processes, with strong implications to petrology and metallogenesis.</p></div

    Effect of lung recruitment and titrated Positive End-Expiratory Pressure (PEEP) vs low PEEP on mortality in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome - A randomized clinical trial

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    IMPORTANCE: The effects of recruitment maneuvers and positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) titration on clinical outcomes in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) remain uncertain. OBJECTIVE: To determine if lung recruitment associated with PEEP titration according to the best respiratory-system compliance decreases 28-day mortality of patients with moderate to severe ARDS compared with a conventional low-PEEP strategy. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: Multicenter, randomized trial conducted at 120 intensive care units (ICUs) from 9 countries from November 17, 2011, through April 25, 2017, enrolling adults with moderate to severe ARDS. INTERVENTIONS: An experimental strategy with a lung recruitment maneuver and PEEP titration according to the best respiratory-system compliance (n = 501; experimental group) or a control strategy of low PEEP (n = 509). All patients received volume-assist control mode until weaning. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES: The primary outcome was all-cause mortality until 28 days. Secondary outcomes were length of ICU and hospital stay; ventilator-free days through day 28; pneumothorax requiring drainage within 7 days; barotrauma within 7 days; and ICU, in-hospital, and 6-month mortality. RESULTS: A total of 1010 patients (37.5% female; mean [SD] age, 50.9 [17.4] years) were enrolled and followed up. At 28 days, 277 of 501 patients (55.3%) in the experimental group and 251 of 509 patients (49.3%) in the control group had died (hazard ratio [HR], 1.20; 95% CI, 1.01 to 1.42; P = .041). Compared with the control group, the experimental group strategy increased 6-month mortality (65.3% vs 59.9%; HR, 1.18; 95% CI, 1.01 to 1.38; P = .04), decreased the number of mean ventilator-free days (5.3 vs 6.4; difference, −1.1; 95% CI, −2.1 to −0.1; P = .03), increased the risk of pneumothorax requiring drainage (3.2% vs 1.2%; difference, 2.0%; 95% CI, 0.0% to 4.0%; P = .03), and the risk of barotrauma (5.6% vs 1.6%; difference, 4.0%; 95% CI, 1.5% to 6.5%; P = .001). There were no significant differences in the length of ICU stay, length of hospital stay, ICU mortality, and in-hospital mortality. CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: In patients with moderate to severe ARDS, a strategy with lung recruitment and titrated PEEP compared with low PEEP increased 28-day all-cause mortality. These findings do not support the routine use of lung recruitment maneuver and PEEP titration in these patients. TRIAL REGISTRATION: clinicaltrials.gov Identifier: NCT01374022