4,485 research outputs found

    Full-scale crash test of a CH-47C helicopter

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    A full-scale crash test of a large troop/cargo carrying CH-47C helicopter was conducted at the Langley impact dynamics research facility. The crash test of this large helicopter was performed as part of a joint U.S. Army-NASA helicopter test program to provide dynamic structural and seat response data. The test, the procedures employed, the instrumentation, a general assessment of the resulting damage, and typical levels of accelerations experienced during the crash are reported. Various energy-absorbing seating systems for crew and troops were installed and instrumented to provide data for use in the development of design criteria for future aircraft. The crash conditions were selected to simulate known crash conditions and are representative of the 95th percentile accident environment for an autorotating helicopter. Visual examination of the crashed test specimen indicated irreparable damage to many of the structural components. The highest accelerations were recorded by the accelerometers located on the cabin floor in the aft section of the helicopter, directly above the primary impact location and on the floor of the cockpit above the secondary impact location(s)

    Computer program for calculation of oxygen uptake

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    A description and operational precedures are presented for a computer program, written in Super Basic, that calculates oxygen uptake, carbon dioxide production, and related ventilation parameters. Program features include: (1) the option of entering slope and intercept values of calibration curves for the O2 and CO2 and analyzers; (2) calculation of expired water vapor pressure; and (3) the option of entering inspured O2 and CO2 concentrations. The program is easily adaptable for programmable laboratory calculators

    Light airplane crash tests at three roll angles

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    Three similar twin engine general aviation airplanes were crash tested at the Langley impact dynamics research facility at 27 m/sec and at nominal roll angles of 0 deg, -15 deg, and -30 deg. Other flight parameters were held constant. The test facility, instrumentation, test specimens, and test method are briefly described. Structural damage and accelerometer data for each of the three impact conditions are presented and discussed

    Light airplane crash tests at three flight-path angles

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    Three similar twin engine general aviation airplane specimens were crash tested at Langley impact dynamics research facility at 27 m/sec and at flight-path angles of -15 deg, -30 deg, and -45 deg. Other flight parameters were held constant. The test facility, instrumentation, test specimens, and test method are briefly described. Structural damage and accelerometer data for each of the three impact conditions are presented and discussed

    Crash tests of three identical low-wing single-engine airplane

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    Three identical four place, low wing single engine airplane specimens with nominal masses of 1043 kg were crash tested under controlled free flight conditions. The tests were conducted at the same nominal velocity of 25 m/sec along the flight path. Two airplanes were crashed on a concrete surface (at 10 and 30 deg pitch angles), and one was crashed on soil (at a -30 deg pitch angle). The three tests revealed that the specimen in the -30 deg test on soil sustained massive structural damage in the engine compartment and fire wall. Also, the highest longitudinal cabin floor accelerations occurred in this test. Severe damage, but of lesser magnitude, occurred in the -30 deg test on concrete. The highest normal cabin floor accelerations occurred in this test. The least structural damage and lowest accelerations occurred in the 10 deg test on concrete

    Women, Families and Feminist Politics: A Global Exploration

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    Teacher Education and Leadership for Change: Exploring Faculty Perspectives

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    Given the call for newer forms of leadership in schools, teacher educators have a central role to play in promoting, modeling, and critiquing leadership for change. This study explored the thinking of a group of teacher educators in one Canadian context to gain some insight into their views of educational leadership and the extent to which these promote or constrain leadership for change. Findings revealed some diversity in faculty views about leadership, but also illustrated that traditional views remain deeply embedded in teacher educators' thinking.Les revendications visant de nouvelles formes de direction au sein des écoles assignent aux enseignants un rôle central dans la favorisation, le modelage et la critique de nouvelles orientations en leadership. Cette étude s'est penchée sur les idées d'un groupe déformateurs d'enseignants couvrant dans un contexte canadien dans le but d'en ressortir un aperçu de leurs avis du leadership pédagogique et de déterminer dans quelle mesure ces points de vue font avancent ou limitent révolution des nouvelles formes de direction. II en ressort une certaine diversité d'opinions au sujet du leadership. Les résultats indiquent également que les idées des formateurs d’enseignants demeurent fortement empreintes de points de vue traditionnels

    Body water compartments during bed rest: Evaluation of analytical methods

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    Nine healthy young men were studied to determine the reproducibility and interchangeability of the use of radio-iodinated human serum albumin and Evans Blue dye for estimating plasma volume, sodium bromide for extracellular fluid volume, and deuterium oxide for total body water volume. All subjects were tested in a semibasal condition and allowed to rest for at least 30 min. after arriving at the laboratory. The results indicate that there was uniform distribution of I131 and Evans Blue dye 10 min. after injection and of NaBr and D2O 3 hours after oral ingestion; the buildup of residual tracer did not interfere appreciably with the measurement of either or Evans Blue spaces when they are administered at equal intervals, and the buildup of background tracer after ingestion of NaBr and D2O once per week for three consecutive weeks did not affect the accuracy of the measurement. It was found that I131 and Evans Blue may be used interchangeably for estimating plasma volume; for estimating bromide and D2O spaces, one 3-hour equilibrium blood sample gives results similar to the extrapolation of multiple samples
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