394 research outputs found

    Sustainable management of hydraulic diversions in fluvial ecosystem.

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    This thesis focuses on the study of the negative effects induced on stream ecosystems by hydropower schemes in an Alpine river system. The downstream ecological consequences of 4 controlled free-flow flushing operations designed to remove sediments accumulated in an Alpine reservoir are described. Sediment removals were carried out for analogous duration and in the same period of the year from 2006 to 2009. Brown trout populations were remarkably reduced after the beginning of flushing operations, but appeared to reach equilibrium with the new environmental conditions. Macroinvertebrate fauna, despite exhibiting a significant reduction in abundance and biomass following each flushing, showed a quick recovery within 3 months. Nevertheless, the yearly occurrence of sediment flushing changed the taxa composition, allowing species with fast life cycle and good colonizing ability to become dominant. Particle size analysis of core samples collected in riffle habitats provide evidence of a significant increase in interstitial fine sediment, that could adversely affect the recovery processes. Maximum allowable SSCs of 10 g L-1(daily average) and 5 g L-1(overall average) for flushing operations carried out in small to medium high-gradient Alpine streams are recommend. In the same river network, a data set (n=30) of free-flowing and altered flow streams was used to detect the effects of water diversion on macroinvertebrate communities using single and multimetric indices as well multivariate approaches. Although macroinvertebrate diversity decreased significantly in response to reduced flows, the results suggest that invertebrate-based metrics may be poor descriptors of the magnitude of flow reduction. A consistent pattern in the dataset was demonstrated through multivariate analysis by groups of taxa that were respectively reduced or increased in abundance at the impaired sites, confirming that diversions are potentially responsible for a change in macroinvertebrate composition. The findings of this research showed how both activities have the potential to alter biological communities, but even that could be managed together to minimize risks. Considering obtained results this project will help support current and future research of Alpine stream ecosystems and will provide information for a management of freshwater resource balancing economical, technical and environmental issues

    Participatory Rural Appraisal for Diagnostic Analysis of spate irrigation systems in Raya Valley, Ethiopia

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    Spate irrigation is a complex and unique form of water management, which represent the main source of irrigation water in semi-arid river catchments. Water is diverted from seasonal rivers by using diversion structures made by stones, earth and brushwood, located within the river bed. The modernisation of spate irrigation realised in Raya Valley (northern Ethiopia) resulted in disappointing performances. One of the main reasons for this failure was the poor consideration of the characteristics of seasonal catchments and local communities’ needs and preferences. Local farmers, who showed a deep knowledge of the river system, were involved only at the level of consultation. The aim of this research was to develop a participatory Diagnostic Analysis (DA) for a traditional non-modernised spate irrigation system in Raya Valley, in order to involve local farmers within the development process, and to build a solid knowledge basis for effective improvements. A Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) of the Harosha spate irrigation system was undertaken. PRA techniques focusing on spatial, temporal, socio-economical and spatiotemporal aspects of the system were performed with local farmers in order to identify and rank main problems and constraints to development. Farmers recognised the need of more resistant diversion structures and gabion walls for the stabilisation of the river bank. The involvement of farmers also helped to highlight that not only irrigation-related problems, but also flood-related problems threaten agricultural production and rural livelihoods. Rather than an irrigation system approach, an approach integrating irrigation development and flood risk mitigation is suggested for framing future development strategies

    Arte e Luz. Indagações de uma relação

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    Il ciclo di seminari "Arte e luce. Indagine di unrapporto" – organizzato nell'agosto 2011 per gli allievidella pós-graduaçao della FAUUSP – nasce dallaconsapevolezza del ruolo dell'elemento luminoso nellapercezione di forme e colori e dalla conseguentevolontà di riflettere criticamente sull'impiego odiernodell'illuminazione nella valorizzazione delle opered'arte.Il punto di partenza è uno studio storico-artistico cheha permesso di ricostruire e riconoscere l'importanzache - nell'età in cui si è sviluppato in Italia illinguaggio barocco - pittori, scultori ed architettiattribuivano alla luce. Costoro, in funzione di essa,compirono scelte operative specifiche ed arrivaronoaddirittura ad intervenire sugli ambienti didestinazione delle loro creazioni per ottenere precisecondizioni di rischiaramento che ne avrebberoottimizzato la percezione visiva o completato ilmessaggio con la loro significante presenza.Il discorso si allarga, poi, a considerare, sempre dalpunto di vista dello storico dell'arte, gli ambiticonservativo, architettonico, religioso, museologico emuseografico che sono coinvolti nella complessa eproblematica relazione oggetto dei seminari: èauspicabile che solo dalla coscienza di talemolteplicità di fattori scaturiscano le soluzionioperative che si avvalgono delle potenzialità propriedell'odierna tecnologia illuminotecnica. Tali sceltedovrebbero essere, cioè, l'esito di un compromesso traesigenze differenti e spesso tra loro contrastanti,consapevolmente valutate e condivise da parte di tuttele figure professionali che sono coinvolte in questospecifico settore. O ciclo de seminários "Arte e luz. Indagações deuma relação" – organizado em agosto de 2011 pelosalunos de pós-graduação da FAUUSP – nasce daconsciência do papel do elemento luminoso napercepção de formas e cores e da consequentevontade de refletir criticamente sobre o empregoatual da iluminação na valorização das obras de arte.O ponto de partida é um estudo histórico-artísticoque permitiu reconstruir e reconhecer a importânciaque, na época em que se desenvolveu na Itália alinguagem barroca, pintores, escultores e arquitetosatribuíam à luz. Aqueles, em função desta, fizeramescolhas operativas específicas e chegaram atémesmo a intervir nos ambientes de destinação dassuas obras para obter precisas condições deiluminação que teriam otimizado a percepção visivadas mesmas obras ou que teriam completado amensagem.A análise se amplia, em seguida, para considerar,sempre do ponto de vista do historiador da arte, osâmbitos conservativo, arquitetônico, religioso,museológico e museográfico que estão envolvidos nacomplexa e problemática relação que é o objeto destes seminários: é desejável que somente da consciência de tal multiplicidade de fatores nasçamas soluções operativas que se aproveitem daspotencialidades da atual tecnologia das técnicas deiluminação. Tais escolhas deveriam ser, assim, o êxito de um acordo entre exigências diferentes e amiúde contrastantes entre elas, conscientemente avaliadas e compartilhadas por todas as figuras profissionais que estão envolvidas neste específico setor

    Local reactions to tick bites

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    A retrospective histological and immunohistochemical study has been carried out in 25 cases of tick bites recorded in our Departments. The samples that included an attached tick showed a cement cone anchoring the mouthparts to the skin and a blood-soaked, spongiform appearance of the superficial dermis, with a mild neutrophilic and eosinophilic infiltration. The vessels displayed a loose multilayered endothelial proliferation, with plump endothelia, permeated with erythrocytes. A few of them were severed, allowing copious blood extravasation. The established lesions included the following: erythema chronicum migrans-like cases, foreign body granulomas-sometimes containing remnants of the mouthparts-cutaneous lymphoid hyperplasia, either of the T-cell or the B-cell type, and tick-bite alopecia. In both the T-cell and B-cell pseudolymphomas, several vessels showed concentric endothelial and perithelial proliferation similar to that seen in the acute lesions. In the tick-bite alopecia, a lymphocytic infiltrate attacked the permanent portion of the hair follicles, whose reaction was a noticeable hyperplasia of the fibrous sheaths, although only a minority of the hairs was destroyed. The observed alterations are specific in the acute lesions and in the alopecia, where they directly arise as a result of the interactions between the host's tissues and the antihemostatic, anti-inflammatory, and immunomodulatory chemicals contained in the tick saliva. In the other lesions, the changes seem less characteristic, although the fragments of mouthparts and the special vascular changes provide a clue to their etiolog

    Influenza B-cells protective epitope characterization: a passkey for the rational design of new broad-range anti-influenza vaccines

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    The emergence of new influenza strains causing pandemics represents a serious threat to human health. From 1918, four influenza pandemics occurred, caused by H1N1, H2N2 and H3N2 subtypes. Moreover, in 1997 a novel influenza avian strain belonging to the H5N1 subtype infected humans. Nowadays, even if its transmission is still circumscribed to avian species, the capability of the virus to infect humans directly from avian reservoirs can result in fatalities. Moreover, the risk that this or novel avian strains could adapt to inter-human transmission, the development of resistance to anti-viral drugs and the lack of an effective prevention are all incumbent problems for the world population. In this scenario, the identification of broadly neutralizing monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) directed against conserved regions shared among influenza isolates has raised hopes for the development of monoclonal antibody-based immunotherapy and “universal” anti-influenza vaccines

    Adverse Events Related to Vaccination (VAEs): How to Manage the Further Doses of Immunization and Parents’ Hesitancy

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    This study supports the evidence that after vaccine‐related reactions, it is still possible to carry out the immunization protocol

    Spatial Variability of Soil Moisture in Newly Implemented Agricultural Bench Terraces in the Ethiopian Plateau

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    In arid areas prone to desertification and soil erosion, the effectiveness of radical bench terracing in reducing drought risk is dependent on its correct implementation. However, the relationship between proper terracing implementation and the landscape capacity of holding soil moisture is still not understood. Moreover, spatial patterns of Soil Water Content (SWC) within the same terraced hillslope are weakly studied. The present paper analyses SWC variations in four newly implemented terraced sites in Tigray Region, Ethiopia. In all sites, terraced areas show SWC significantly higher than non-terraced ones, with the lower part of the terraced hillslope more humid than the others. A Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) analysis highlighted significant dependency of SWC from the date of analysis, the position in the terraced slope, and its significant positive correlation with the percent of Water Stable Aggregates (WSA) analyzed at the study sites. Since high soil disturbance induces low soil aggregates stability, this result shows how low soil disturbance can significantly increase SWC of radical terraces. Overall, the results of the present paper testify the good performances of bench terraces in Northern Ethiopia in terms of soil water conservation, and can represent a benchmark study informing future terracing implementation in some arid and semi-arid agricultural areas of the world