4,685 research outputs found

    The usefulness of c-Kit in the immunohistochemical assessment of melanocytic lesions

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    C-Kit (CD117), the receptor for the stem cell factor, a growth factor for melanocyte migra- tion and proliferation, has shown differential immunostaining in various benign and malig- nant melanocytic lesions. The purpose of this study is to compare c-Kit immunostaining in benign nevi and in primary and metastatic malignant melanomas, to determine whether c-Kit can aid in the differential diagnosis of these lesions. c-Kit immunostaining was per- formed in 60 cases of pigmented lesions, including 39 benign nevi (5 blue nevi, 5 intra- dermal nevi, 3 junctional nevi, 15 cases of pri- mary compound nevus, 11 cases of Spitz nevus), 18 cases of primary malignant melanoma and 3 cases of metastatic melanoma. The vast majority of nevi and melanomas examined in this study were posi- tive for c-Kit, with minimal differences between benign and malignant lesions. C-Kit cytoplasmatic immunoreactivity in the intraepidermal proliferating nevus cells, was detected in benign pigmented lesions as well as in malignant melanoma, increasing with the age of patients (P=0.007) in both groups. The patient’s age at presentation appeared to be the variable able to cluster benign and malignant pigmented lesions. The percentage of c-Kit positive intraepidermal nevus cells was better associated with age despite other vari- ables (P=0.014). The intensity and percentage of c-Kit positivity in the proliferating nevus cells in the dermis was significantly increased in malignant melanocytic lesions (P=0.015 and P=0.008) compared to benign lesions (compound melanocytic nevi, Spitz nevi, intradermal nevi, blue nevi). Immunostaning for c-Kit in metastatic melanomas was nega- tive. Interestingly in two cases of melanoma occurring on a pre-existent nevus, the melanoma tumor cells showed strong cytoplas- matic and membranous positivity for c-kit, in contrast with the absence of any immunoreac- tivity in pre-existent intradermal nevus cells. C-Kit does not appear to be a strong immuno- histochemical marker for distinguishing melanoma from melanocytic nevi, if we consid- er c-Kit expression in intraepidermal prolifer- ating cells. The c-Kit expression in proliferat- ing melanocytes in the dermis could help in the differential diagnosis between a superfi- cial spreading melanoma (with dermis inva- sion) and a compound nevus or an intradermal nevus. Finally, c-Kit could be a good diagnostic tool for distinguishing benign compound nevi from malignant melanocytic lesions with der- mis invasion and to differentiate metastatic melanoma from primary melanoma

    Carbon-fiber tips for scanning probe microscopes and molecular electronics experiments

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    We fabricate and characterize carbon-fiber tips for their use in combined scanning tunneling and force microscopy based on piezoelectric quartz tuning fork force sensors. An electrochemical fabrication procedure to etch the tips is used to yield reproducible sub-100-nm apex. We also study electron transport through single-molecule junctions formed by a single octanethiol molecule bonded by the thiol anchoring group to a gold electrode and linked to a carbon tip by the methyl group. We observe the presence of conductance plateaus during the stretching of the molecular bridge, which is the signature of the formation of a molecular junction.Comment: Conference Proceeding (Trends in NanoTechnology 2011, Tenerife SPAIN); Nanoscale Research Letters, (2012) 7:25

    In-depth description of Electrohydrodynamic conduction pumping of dielectric liquids: physical model and regime analysis

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    In this work, we discuss the fundamental aspects of Electrohydrodynamic (EHD) conduction pumping of dielectric liquids. We build a mathematical model of conduction pumping that can be applied to all sizes, down to microsized pumps. In order to do this, we discuss the relevance of the Electrical Double Layer (EDL) that appears naturally on nonmetallic substrates. In the process, we identify a new dimensionless parameter related to the value of the zeta potential of the substrate-liquid pair, which quantifies the influence of these EDLs on the performance of the pump. This parameter also describes the transition from EHD conduction pumping to electro-osmosis. We also discuss in detail the two limiting working regimes in EHD conduction pumping: ohmic and saturation. We introduce a new dimensionless parameter, accounting for the electric field enhanced dissociation that, along with the conduction number, allows us to identify in which regime the pump operates.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades PGC2018-099217-B-I0

    Controlling the quality factor of a tuning-fork resonance between 9 K and 300 K for scanning-probe microscopy

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    We study the dynamic response of a mechanical quartz tuning fork in the temperature range from 9 K to 300 K. Since the quality factor Q of the resonance strongly depends on temperature, we implement a procedure to control the quality factor of the resonance. We show that we are able to dynamically change the quality factor and keep it constant over the whole temperature range. This procedure is suitable for applications in scanning probe microscopy.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    Mechanical properties of freely suspended atomically thin dielectric layers of mica

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    We have studied the elastic deformation of freely suspended atomically thin sheets of muscovite mica, a widely used electrical insulator in its bulk form. Using an atomic force microscope, we carried out bending test experiments to determine the Young's modulus and the initial pre-tension of mica nanosheets with thicknesses ranging from 14 layers down to just one bilayer. We found that their Young's modulus is high (190 GPa), in agreement with the bulk value, which indicates that the exfoliation procedure employed to fabricate these nanolayers does not introduce a noticeable amount of defects. Additionally, ultrathin mica shows low pre-strain and can withstand reversible deformations up to tens of nanometers without breaking. The low pre-tension and high Young's modulus and breaking force found in these ultrathin mica layers demonstrates their prospective use as a complement for graphene in applications requiring flexible insulating materials or as reinforcement in nanocomposites.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, selected as cover of Nano Research, Volume 5, Number 8 (2012

    Proper motions of the HH1 jet

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    We describe a new method for determining proper motions of extended objects, and a pipeline developed for the application of this method. We then apply this method to an analysis of four epochs of [S~II] HST images of the HH~1 jet (covering a period of 20\sim 20~yr). We determine the proper motions of the knots along the jet, and make a reconstruction of the past ejection velocity time-variability (assuming ballistic knot motions). This reconstruction shows an "acceleration" of the ejection velocities of the jet knots, with higher velocities at more recent times. This acceleration will result in an eventual merging of the knots in 450\sim 450~yr and at a distance of 80"\sim 80" from the outflow source, close to the present-day position of HH~1.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    Mechanical properties of freely suspended semiconducting graphene-like layers based on MoS2

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    We fabricate freely suspended nanosheets of molybdenum disulphide (MoS2) which are characterized by quantitative optical microscopy and high-resolution friction force microscopy. We study the elastic deformation of freely suspended nanosheets of MoS2 using an atomic force microscope. The Young's modulus and the initial pre-tension of the nanosheets are determined by performing a nanoscopic version of a bending test experiment. MoS2 sheets show high elasticity and an extremely high Young's modulus (0.30 TPa, 50% larger than steel). These results make them a potential alternative to graphene in applications requiring flexible semiconductor materials

    Methodological approach for mineralogical characterization of tailings from a Cu(Au,Ag) skarn type deposit using QEMSCAN (Quantitative Evaluation of Minerals by Scanning Electron Microscopy)

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    Skarn type deposits are important potential resources for Cu, Au, and Ag as well as other strategic metals, which require accurate characterization of the mineralogy, texture and grade for successful processing and environmental management. The mineralogy of these deposits and of the resulting tailings has traditionally been examined using transmitted light microscopy, cathodoluminescence, X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, and electron probe microanalysis. In the present study, the Quantitative Evaluation of Minerals by Scanning Electron Microscopy (QEMSCAN (R)) technology was applied to rapidly acquire spatially resolved mineralogical data from tailings associated with a Cu(Au,Ag) skarn type deposit. The resulting modal and textural data provided relevant additional information on the distribution of the ore minerals, including detail on the trace minerals, grain size distributions, and mineral associations. The following benefits of detailed mineralogical knowledge from this study can be pointed out it improves the lithotyping of these complex deposit types and will benefit their ore processing strategies; it allows inferences to be made about the environmental behavior of the tailings, namely the acid mine drainage potential; it provides data about deportment of penalty and toxic elements, which are specifically As, Te, and Sb. Thus, particular applications of QEMSCAN include assessments of the acid consumption of the mineral assemblages (mainly assured due to calcite and dolomite) and of the abundance, distribution and mobility of potentially toxic elements, such as As