126 research outputs found

    A modeling tool for measuring the performance of urban road networks

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    The aim of this paper is to develop an integrated performance indicator in urban road infrastructure for evaluating network functionality and the impact of transport system interventions. The complex indicator has been elaborated using a multicriteria algorithm, based on concordance analysis. We calibrate a synthetic performance indicator for an urban road network, containing all those elements required for characterizing urban network functionality. Specifically, a series of core indicators is identified, integrated and interlinked. The functionality of an urban road network can be determined by analyzing several aspects that commonly affect operating conditions such as traffic flow, safety, road maintenance conditions, accessibility and environmental impact. No methodology is currently available in the scientific literature for measuring urban road network performance, using indicators that combine information about various aspects: the indicators used in the analysis of transport systems assess performance separately from different perspectives. For example, the quality of traffic flow is measured through the Level of Service (HCM, 2010), accessibility performance is assessed through clustering measures (Jiang & Claramunt, 2004) and safety conditions are measured in terms of number of road accidents (Tingvall, Stigson, Eriksson, Johansson, Krafft & Lie, 2010). This paper proposes a unique modeling tool that incorporates the different indicators used separately to calculate network performance for each area

    [1,2,3]triazolo[4,5-<i>H</i>]chinoloni: una nuova classe di promettenti chemioterapici antitubercolari

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    Alcuni acidi triazolo[4,5-h] e [4,5-f]chinoloncarbossilici angolari, sintetizzati in precedenza come antiinfettivi del tratto urinario, hanno mostrato interessanti valori di MIC90 nei confronti di M. tuberculosis H37Rv. Allo scopo di approfondire le nostre conoscenze sui rapporti struttura-attività di questa classe, abbiamo pertanto preparato una nuove serie di derivati

    Análise econômica do direito internacional

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    O objetivo deste artigo é demonstrar como o método da análise econômica do Direito (AED) pode ser empregado para auxiliar a compreensão do Direito Internacional Público. Para tanto, inicia-se investigando possíveis razões para a resistência que o método tem tido por parte de estudiosos do Direito Internacional. Na sequência, passa-se à análise dos pressupostos da AED – a escassez de recursos, a racionalidade econômica, a resposta à incentivos e eficiência - exemplificando maneiras de empregá-los para análise de questões específicas de Direto Internacional. Por fim, faz-se uma breve consideração acerca das preocupações com a justiça – valor axiológico que não pode ser olvidado na busca pela eficiência. Conclui-se que a AED pode ser uma ferramenta útil à compreensão do Direito Internacional e de seus institutos, razão pela qual deveria ser utilizada com mais frequência por estudiosos da disciplina

    Atividades de retextualização do gênero receita médica em contextos de comunicação médico-paciente

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    In this study, which focuses on the communication between physicians and patients in medical consultation contexts, we analyze the retextualization activities used by patients in the process of (re)readings of the discursive medical prescription genre. The following question arises: What retextualization forms or strategies do patients use to understand the prescription? From the methodological point of view, it is a study of a qualitative approach, carried out through the bibliographic method, supported by the dialogical conception of Bakhtin’s language (2011 [1979]); as well as Marcuschi (2010a [2001]), when dealing with retextualization; and Adam (1992), Bronckart (2008/2012) and Dolz and Schneuwly (2004), on discursive genres. And also, field research, carried out in three Basic Health Units (BHUs), where the medical prescriptions that make up the corpus presented in this study were recorded. The analyzes guide some conclusions: i) the strategies and / or mechanisms for retextualizing the medical recipes that patients are involved, constitute an ideological continuum of organization of the modalities of use of the language (oral or written), mediated by the textual genres; and ii) understanding, which encompasses the whole process, both during consultation and outside it, is therefore through interactive and dialogical practices, in which the social literacy of each subject enables them to re-signify social roles and practices in the world.Neste estudo, que tem como foco a comunicação entre médicos e pacientes em contextos de consulta médica, analisa-se atividades de retextualização utilizadas por pacientes no processo de (re)leituras do gênero discursivo receita médica. Parte-se do seguinte questionamento: Quais as formas ou estratégias de retextualização que pacientes utilizam para a compreensão da receita médica? Do ponto de vista metodológico, constitui-se de um estudo de abordagem qualitativa, realizado através do método bibliográfico, apoiado na concepção dialógica da linguagem de Bakhtin (2011 [1979]); bem como Marcuschi (2010a [2001]), ao tratar de retextualização; e Adam (1992), Bronckart (2008/2012) e Dolz e Schneuwly (2004), sobre gêneros discursivos. E também, pesquisa de campo, realizada em três Unidades Básicas de Saúde (UBS), onde foi feito o registro das receitas médicas que compõem o corpus apresentado neste estudo. As análises orientam algumas conclusões: i) as estratégias e/ou mecanismos de retextualização das receitas médicas que os pacientes se envolvem, constituem um continuum ideológico de organização das modalidades de uso da língua (oral ou escrita), mediada pelos gêneros textuais; e ii) a compreensão, que engloba todo o processo, tanto durante a consulta, como fora dela, acontece, portanto, por meio de práticas interativas e dialógicas, nas quais os letramentos sociais de cada sujeito lhes possibilitam uma ressignificação dos papéis e práticas sociais no mundo

    A new system of authorship best assessment

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    Purpose:The standard bibliometric indexes ("m-quotient "H-," "H2-," "g-," "a-," "m-," and "r-" index) do not considered the research' position in the author list of the paper. We proposed a new methodology, System of Authorship Best Assessment (SABA), to characterize the scientific output based on authors' position. Material and Methods:Four classes S1A, S1B, S2A, and S2B include only papers where the researcher is in first, first/last, first/second/last, and first/second/second-last/last position respectively were used for the calculation of H-index and number of citations The system was tested with Noble prize winners controlled with researchers matched for H-index. The different in percentage between standard bibliometric index and S2B was calculated and compared. Results:The percentage differences in Noble prize winners between S2B-H-index versus Global H-index and number of citations is very lower comparing with control group (median 4.15% [adjusted 95% CI, 2.54-5.30] vs 9.00 [adjusted 95% CI, 7.16-11.84], p &lt; 0.001; average difference 8.7% vs 20.3%). All different in percentage between standard bibliometric index and S2B except two (H2- and m-index) were significantly lower among Noble prize compared with control group. Conclusion:The SABA methodology better weight the research impact by showing that for excellent profiles the S2B is similar to global values whereas for other researchers there is a significant difference

    How Knowledge On Microbiota May Be Helpful To Establish An Optimal Diet For Health Maintenance

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    In the last few years, gut microbiota has been identified to be an essential mediator in health and disease. In fact, it interacts with various organs and systems in the body, including brain, lung, liver, bone, cardiovascular system, and others. Microbiota-derived metabolites such as the short chain fatty acid (SCFA) butyrate are primary signals, which link the gut microbiota and physiology. Then, the findings on the roles of microbiota profoundly change not only the key concepts of biology and medicine, but also of nutrition. In fact, it is currently evident how the main task of nutrition is not to nourish us, but to maintain a comfortable environment for the intestinal microbiota. In this way, it works in symbiosis with us, correctly controlling the functioning of the organs, the physiological parameters and the cellular regenerative processes. It is also evident that the strength of reparative processes correlates with the ability of digestive system to process complex foods, which increases during weaning, a period of time in which the diversity of bacterial strains increases. Therefore, a task of food is to keep trained the digestive system, to which it corresponds an high microbiota diversity. Elderly leads to reduced microbiota diversity to which corresponds an intestinal frailty, responsible for the frailty of the elderly. In conclusion, a correct diet may not only keep us in good health but may also guarantee us longer longevity