147 research outputs found

    Change in hoticultural technology : Mar del Plata, Argentina

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    A partir de 1990 la adopción de los invernáculos, así como la irrupción y crecimiento de la gran distribución (GD) generaron cambios en la estructura comercial y productiva del cinturón hortícola de Mar del Plata (Argentina). Para analizar las transformaciones más significativas se efectuó un estudio de caso considerando las innovaciones introducidas por 11 agricultores en diversos aspectos. Se enfatizaron los cultivos de tomate y pimiento porque acompañaron la expansión de la producción bajo cubierta y los de lechuga, tanto por su importancia a campo como por continuar la rotación de los dos anteriores dentro del invernáculo. Los productores más relacionados establemente con la GD planifican en función de la demanda. En cambio, los todavía vinculados con la comercialización tradicional tienden a diversificar su producción realizando las ventas en un puesto propio del mercado mayorista local o a acopiadores de otras zonas. Ambos grupos no sólo han buscado alternativas de mayor rentabilidad a través de la vía comercial; también las han aplicado en la organización del trabajo y las tecnologías utilizadas.Since the nineties, the adoption of greenhouses and the improved of supermarket demands changed the commercial and productive structure of the horticultural area of Mar del Plata. This study analyses the most important transformations that occurred in primary production during the last years. The productive and management aspects of eleven innovative farmers were studied. It was emphasized tomato and pepper production because its development followed the expansion of crops growing in greenhouses, and lettuce because of its importance in this area (in the field) and as being part of the rotation with the other two crops in the greenhouses. Growers that have more stable relationship with supermarket supply can plan their production according to demand. Those who still trade their produce in the traditional way, diversify their production and sell their products in their own whole-sale market stand or sell them to whole-salers in other zones. In both groups, there are growers that look for a more profitable alternative production, not only in the commercial aspects, but in management and use of new technology.Fil: Carrozzi, Liliana.Fil: Viteri, María Laura

    Nicotine dependence and psychological distress: outcomes and clinical implications in smoking cessation

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    Nicotine dependence is characteristically a chronic and relapsing disease. Although 75%–85% of smokers would like to quit, and one-third make at least three serious lifetime attempts, less than 50% of smokers succeed in stopping before the age of 60. Relevant and complex factors contributing to sustained cigarette consumption, and strongly implicated in the clinical management of smokers, are the level of nicotine dependence and psychological distress. In this review of the literature, these two factors will be examined in detail to show how they may affect smoking cessation outcome and to encourage clinicians to assess patients so they can offer tailored support in quitting smoking

    Depressive, anxious, withdrawal symptoms, and craving as possible predictors of abstinence maintenance in smokers attending a 12-week quitting program

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    BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Depressive, anxious, withdrawal symptoms, and craving might affect differently the probability to maintain abstinence after quitting smoking. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to assess depressive, anxious, nicotine withdrawal symptoms, and craving in a sample of smokers attending a smoking cessation program over a period of 12 weeks. METHODS: A naturalistic study was conducted in which 78 smokers were consecutively recruited for a 12 week evaluation program. Socio-demographic data and clinical information were collected, rating scales were used to assess anxious and depressive symptoms, nicotine dependence, withdrawal symptoms, and craving. RESULTS: Of the 78 recruited smokers, 17 remained abstinent and 61 reverted to smoking during the period of 12 weeks. The probability of maintaining abstinence was increased when low depressive symptoms or low craving occurred during the cessation program. CONCLUSION: The present results strengthen the importance of assessing depressive symptoms and craving over the follow-up of a physician-assisted smoking cessation program to detect abstaining smokers at risk to relapse

    Epidemiology of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: Health effects of air pollution

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    Abstract:  COPD is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in the industrialized and the developing countries. According to the prediction of the World Health Organization, COPD will become the third leading cause of mortality and the fifth cause of disability in 2020 worldwide. In epidemiology, distinct phenotypic entities converge on the term COPD, so that prevalence and mortality data may be inclusive of chronic bronchitis, emphysema and asthma; moreover, the assessment of prevalence rates may change considerably according to the diagnostic tools used. Thus, a considerable problem is to estimate the real prevalence of COPD in the general population. COPD is determined by the action of a number of various risk factors, among which, the most important is cigarette smoking. However, during the last few decades, evidence from epidemiological studies finding consistent associations between air pollution and various outcomes (respiratory symptoms, reduced lung function, chronic bronchitis and mortality), has suggested that outdoor air pollution is a contributing cause of morbidity and mortality. In conclusion, epidemiological studies suggest that air pollution plays a remarkable role in the exacerbation and in the pathogenesis of chronic respiratory diseases. Thus, respiratory physicians, as well as public health professionals, should advocate for a cleaner environment

    Life gain in Italian smokers who quit

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    This study aims to estimate the number of life years gained with quitting smoking in Italian smokers of both sexes, by number of cigarettes smoked per day (cig/day) and age at cessation. All-cause mortality tables by age, sex and smoking status were computed, based on Italian smoking data, and the survival curves of former and current smokers were compared. The more cig/day a man/woman smokes, and the younger his/her age of quitting smoking, the more years of life he/she gains with cessation. In fact, cessation at age 30, 40, 50, or 60 years gained, respectively, about 7, 7, 6, or 5, and 5, 5, 4, or 3 years of life, respectively, for men and women that smoked 10-19 cig/day. The gain in life years was higher for heavy smokers (9 years for >20 cig/day) and lower for light smokers (4 years for 1-9 cig/day). Consistently with prospective studies conducted worldwide, quitting smoking increases life expectancy regardless of age, gender and number of cig/day. The estimates of the number of years of life that could be gained by quitting smoking, when computed specifically for a single smoker, could be used by physicians and health professionals to promote a quit attempt. © 2014 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Progetto ARGA (Allergopatie Respiratorie: studio di monitoraggio delle linee guida GINA e ARIA): studio osservazionale tra i Medici di Medicina Generale del territorio nazionale.

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    non presenteBackground: le linee guida (LG) internazionali GINA (Global Initiative for Asthma) ed ARIA (Allergic Rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma) per la gestione dell\u27asma e RA non sono sufficientemente applicate nella pratica clinica. Obiettivi: valutare il grado di applicabilit? delle LG ed il loro impatto sulla qualit? della vita del paziente in Medicina Generale. Metodi: studio osservazionale prospettico; 168 Medici di Medicina Generale (MMG) (71 del gruppo A (+ corso sulle LG) e 97 del gruppo B (- corso)) sono stati selezionati per arruolare i pazienti con diagnosi di asma/RA. Sia il MMG sia il paziente hanno compilato il questionario sulle Allergopatie Respiratorie e la scheda per la rilevazione delle Reazioni Avverse da Farmaci. Il follow-up verr? eseguito dopo 12 mesi

    Pirfenidone for Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis and Beyond

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    Pirfenidone (PFD) slows the progression of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) by inhibiting the exaggerated fibrotic response and possibly through additional mechanisms, such as anti-inflammatory effects. PFD has also been evaluated in other fibrosing lung diseases. Myocardial fibrosis is a common feature of several heart diseases and the progressive deposition of extracellular matrix due to a persistent injury to cardiomyocytes may trigger a vicious cycle that leads to persistent structural and functional alterations of the myocardium. No primarily antifibrotic medications are used to treat patients with heart failure. There is some evidence that PFD has antifibrotic actions in various animal models of cardiac disease and a phase II trial on patients with heart failure and preserved ejection fraction has yielded positive results. This review summarises the evidence about the possible mechanisms of IPF and modulation by PFD, the main results about IPF or non-IPF interstitial pneumonias and also data about PFD as a potential protective cardiac drug

    Application of a pharmacokinetic/pharmacogenetic approach to assess the nicotine metabolic profile of smokers in the real-life setting

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    The nicotine metabolite ratio, i.e., the ratio 3-hydroxycotinine/cotinine, is used to assess the nicotine metabolic status and has been proven to predict the response to smoking cessation treatments in randomized clinical trials. In the current study, a pharmacokinetic-pharmacogenetic integrated approach is described, based on the development of a liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) method for nicotine metabolite ratio assay in plasma and a real-time PCR analysis for fast genotyping of CYP2A6. The pharmacokinetic-pharmacogenetic approach was validated in 66 subjects with different smoking status. The LC/MS/MS assay was rapid and sensitive enough to detect plasma cotinine levels also in second-hand exposed abstainers. In the cohort of patients of the present study the following results were obtained: (i) the frequencies of CYP2A6 genetic variants were comparable with those from clinical trials carried out in Caucasian populations; (ii) all the subjects carrying the CYP2A6 deficient allele also had a slow metabolizer phenotype; (iii) slow metabolizers had mean nicotine metabolite ratio approximately 50% of that of the normal/fast metabolizers; (iv) women had higher nicotine metabolite ratio than men; and (v) salivary nicotine metabolite ratio measures were comparable to plasma levels. Overall, the findings of the current study demonstrate that the simultaneous assessment of nicotine metabolite ratio and CYP2A6 genotype from human blood samples is feasible and accurate and could be used in a smoking cessation program to optimize treatments and identify those smokers who inherit metabolically deficient CYP2A6 alleles

    Multimodal lung cancer screening using the ITALUNG Biomarker Panel and Low Dose Computed Tomography. Results of the ITALUNG biomarker study

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    Asymptomatic high-risk subjects, randomized in the intervention arm of the ITALUNG trial (1406 screened for lung cancer), were enrolled for the ITALUNG biomarker study (n = 1356), in which samples of blood and sputum were analysed for plasma DNA quantification (cut off 5ng/ml), loss of heterozygosity and microsatellite instability. The ITALUNG biomarker panel (IBP) was considered positive if at least one of the two biomarkers included in the panel was positive. Subjects with and without lung cancer diagnosis at the end of the screening cycle with LDCT (n = 517) were evaluated. Out of 18 baseline screen detected lung cancer cases, 17 were IBP positive (94%). Repeat screen-detected lung cancer cases were 18 and 12 of them positive at baseline IBP test (66%). Interval cancer cases (2-years) and biomarker tests after a suspect Non Calcific Nodule follow-up were investigated. The single test versus multimodal screening measures of accuracy were compared in a simulation within the screened ITALUNG intervention arm, considering screen-detected and interval cancer cases. Sensitivity was 90% at baseline screening. Specificity was 71%% and 61% for LDCT and IBP as baseline single test, and improved at 89% with multimodal, combined screening. The positive predictive value was 4.3% for LDCT at baseline and 10.6% for multimodal screening. Multimodal screening could improve the screening efficiency at baseline and strategies for future implementation are discussed. If IBP was used as primary screening test, the LDCT burden might decrease of about 60%

    Is There a Crucial Link Between Vitamin D Status and Inflammatory Response in Patients With COVID-19?

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    Background: Hypovitaminosis D has been suggested to play a possible role in coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) infection. Methods: The aim of this study is to analyze the relationship between vitamin D status and a biochemical panel of inflammatory markers in a cohort of patients with COVID-19. A secondary endpoint was to evaluate the correlation between 25OHD levels and the severity of the disease. Ninety-three consecutive patients with COVID-19-related pneumonia were evaluated from March to May 2020 in two hospital units in Pisa, in whom biochemical inflammatory markers, 25OHD levels, P/F ratio at nadir during hospitalization, and complete clinical data were available. Results: Sixty-five percent of patients presented hypovitaminosis D (25OHD ≤ 20 ng/ml) and showed significantly higher IL-6 [20.8 (10.9–45.6) vs. 12.9 (8.7–21.1) pg/ml, p = 0.02], CRP [10.7 (4.2–19.2) vs. 5.9 (1.6–8.1) mg/dl, p = 0.003], TNF-a [8.9 (6.0–14.8) vs. 4.4 (1.5–10.6) pg/ml, p = 0.01], D-dimer [0.53 (0.25–0.72) vs. 0.22 (0.17–0.35) mg/l, p = 0.002], and IL-10 [3.7 (1.8–6.9) vs. 2.3 (0.5–5.8) pg/ml, p = 0.03]. A significant inverse correlation was found between 25OHD and all these markers, even adjusted for age and sex. Hypovitaminosis D was prevalent in patients with severe ARDS, compared with the other groups (75% vs. 68% vs. 55%, p < 0.001), and 25OHD levels were lower in nonsurvivor patients. Conclusions: The relationship between 25OHD levels and inflammatory markers suggests that vitamin D status needs to be taken into account in the management of these patients. If vitamin D is a marker of poor prognosis or a possible risk factor with beneficial effects from supplementation, this still needs to be elucidated