41 research outputs found

    Productivity and Composition of Two Improved Native Pastures under Different Grazing Managements in Uruguay

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    Two improved native pastures were established by phosphoric (P) fertilisation and oversowing of: white clover (Trifolium repens) mixed with birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus) (TbL) and annual lotus (Lotus subbiflorus) (Rin). Such pastures were evaluated during 5 years with steers at two stocking rates (High and Low) and two grazing managements (Rotational and Alternate). Presence of legumes was high and botanical changes were favourable in both pastures that evidenced good persistence. Daily liveweight gains of steers and total animal production were high in both pastures, but significantly (P≤ 0.05) higher in TbL. No significant differences were found due to grazing management. High stocking rate resulted in superior (P≤ 0.05) animal production per hectare than Low. No significant interactions were detected

    Sustainable intensification for a larger global rice bowl

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    Future rice systems must produce more grain while minimizing the negative environmental impacts. A key question is how to orient agricultural research & development (R&D) programs at national to global scales to maximize the return on investment. Here we assess yield gap and resource-use efficiency (including water, pesticides, nitrogen, labor, energy, and associated global warming potential) across 32 rice cropping systems covering half of global rice harvested area. We show that achieving high yields and high resource-use efficiencies are not conflicting goals. Most cropping systems have room for increasing yield, resource-use efficiency, or both. In aggregate, current total rice production could be increased by 32%, and excess nitrogen almost eliminated, by focusing on a relatively small number of cropping systems with either large yield gaps or poor resource-use efficiencies. This study provides essential strategic insight on yield gap and resource-use efficiency for prioritizing national and global agricultural R&D investments to ensure adequate rice supply while minimizing negative environmental impact in coming decades

    Sustainable intensification for a larger global rice bowl.

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    Future rice systems must produce more grain while minimizing the negative environmental impacts. A key question is how to orient agricultural research & development (R&D) programs at national to global scales to maximize the return on investment. Here we assess yield gap and resource-use efficiency (including water, pesticides, nitrogen, labor, energy, and associated global warming potential) across 32 rice cropping systems covering half of global rice harvested area. We show that achieving high yields and high resource-use efficiencies are not conflicting goals. Most cropping systems have room for increasing yield, resource-use efficiency, or both. In aggregate, current total rice production could be increased by 32%, and excess nitrogen almost eliminated, by focusing on a relatively small number of cropping systems with either large yield gaps or poor resource-use efficiencies. This study provides essential strategic insight on yield gap and resource-use efficiency for prioritizing national and global agricultural R&D investments to ensure adequate rice supply while minimizing negative environmental impact in coming decades

    Determinacion del potencial y brecha de rendimiento: arroz en Uruguay.

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    Rendimiento potencial. Rendimiento actual. Brecha de rendimiento. Producción relativa. Resumen. Bibliografía

    Manejo del riego-sistematización y productividad del agua en la zona norte de Uruguay. [Resumen].

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    Maximizar la productividad del agua es muy importante ya que un ahorro en su gasto permitiría disminuir los costos de riego por bombeo, aumentar el área de arroz sembrada y/o destinar agua para regar otros cultivos en una rotación. El objetivo de los experimentos es determinar manejos de riego y sistematizaciones que permitan aumentar la productividad del agua contemplando la sustentabilidad económica y ambiental del cultivo de arroz en Uruguay

    Estudio de asociación de genoma completo para resistencia genética a nematodos gastrointestinales en ovinos Corriedale. [abstract].

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    El objetivo de este trabajo fue identificar regiones genómicas asociadas a la resistencia a NGI en ovinos Corriedale a través del estudio de asociación genómica en un solo paso (ssGWAS) del recuento de huevos por gramo en heces (HPG) utilizando 2 paneles de baja densidad y un panel comercial de mediana densidad