1,053 research outputs found

    Utilisation de la dépendance du comportement de l'adhésif vis-à-vis de la pression hydrostatique pour optimiser la capacité des joints collés = Using the adhesive's behaviour dependence on the hydrostatic pressure to optimise adhesive joint capacity

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    National audienceLa technique du collage structural s'avĂšre ĂȘtre de plus en plus utilisĂ©e dans le domaine du gĂ©nie civil que ce soit dans le cadre de travaux de renforcements pour le collage d'Ă©lĂ©ments additionnels ou que ce soit dans le cadre de la rĂ©alisation de nouvelles structures en remplacement des techniques d'assemblages usuelles. Le collage structural induit cependant des concentrations de contraintes aux extrĂ©mitĂ©s du joint collĂ© et de nombreux auteurs se sont donc attachĂ©s Ă  les Ă©tudier pour les rĂ©duire et par consĂ©quent augmenter la capacitĂ© du joint collĂ©, voire sa durĂ©e de vie. Toutes ces Ă©tudes concernent donc l'optimisation du transfert des efforts par collage. On s'intĂ©resse ici Ă  l'Ă©tude du rĂŽle de la pression hydrostatique sur les capacitĂ©s ultimes des adhĂ©sifs utilisĂ©s. Celle-ci permet de nous intĂ©resser ensuite Ă  une nouvelle forme de joint collĂ©, Ă  savoir, le joint « courbe » qui permet de crĂ©er naturellement une composante de compression hors plan du joint collĂ© en extrĂ©mitĂ©. Dans un premier temps, une modĂ©lisation en mĂ©canique linĂ©aire classique est conduite pour Ă©tudier l'influence de diffĂ©rents paramĂštres gĂ©omĂ©triques sur les contraintes, puis nous nous intĂ©ressons Ă  la mĂ©canique de la rupture pour Ă©tudier la propagation d'Ă©ventuelles fissures pour cette nouvelle gĂ©omĂ©trie. AprĂšs avoir menĂ© notre Ă©tude thĂ©orique, nous prĂ©sentons ensuite quelques essais quasi-statiques comparant joint plan et joint courbe. Les rĂ©sultats de ces investigations sont ensuite exploitĂ©s au regard des divers dĂ©veloppements thĂ©oriques exposĂ©s. Un brevet vient d'ĂȘtre dĂ©posĂ© pour cette nouvelle gĂ©omĂ©trie, et des essais additionnels sont en cours de rĂ©alisation, mais le joint courbe semble prometteur

    Conception d’un ancrage par collage, optimisĂ© grĂące Ă  la dĂ©pendance du comportement de l’adhĂ©sif vis Ă  vis de la pression hydrostatique

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    La technique du collage structural s’avĂšre ĂȘtre de plus en plus utilisĂ©e dans le domaine du gĂ©nie civil que ce soit dans le cadre de travaux de renforcements pour le collage d’élĂ©ments additionnels ou que ce soit dans le cadre de la rĂ©alisation de nouvelles structures en remplacement des techniques d’assemblages usuelles. Le collage structural induit cependant des concentrations de contraintes aux extrĂ©mitĂ©s du joint collĂ© et de nombreux auteurs se sont donc attachĂ©s Ă  les Ă©tudier pour les rĂ©duire et par consĂ©quent augmenter la capacitĂ© de l’assemblage, voire sa durĂ©e de vie. Toutes ces Ă©tudes concernent donc l’optimisation du transfert des efforts par collage. On s’intĂ©resse ici Ă  l’étude du rĂŽle de la pression hydrostatique sur les capacitĂ©s ultimes des adhĂ©sifs utilisĂ©s. Celle-ci permet de nous intĂ©resser ensuite Ă  une nouvelle forme de joint collĂ©, Ă  savoir, le joint " courbe " qui permet de crĂ©er naturellement une composante de compression hors plan du joint collĂ© en extrĂ©mitĂ©. Dans un premier temps, une modĂ©lisation en mĂ©canique linĂ©aire classique est conduite pour Ă©tudier l’influence de diffĂ©rents paramĂštres gĂ©omĂ©triques sur les contraintes, puis nous nous intĂ©ressons Ă  la mĂ©canique de la rupture pour Ă©tudier la propagation d’éventuelles fissures pour cette nouvelle gĂ©omĂ©trie. AprĂšs avoir menĂ© notre Ă©tude thĂ©orique, nous prĂ©sentons ensuite quelques essais quasi-statiques comparant joint plan et joint courbe. Les rĂ©sultats de ces investigations sont ensuite exploitĂ©s au regard des divers dĂ©veloppements thĂ©oriques exposĂ©s. Un brevet vient d’ĂȘtre dĂ©posĂ© pour cette nouvelle gĂ©omĂ©trie, et des essais additionnels sont en cours de rĂ©alisation, mais le joint courbe semble prometteur

    An adaptive multi-agent system for task reallocation in a MapReduce job

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    International audienceWe study the problem of task reallocation for load-balancing of MapReduce jobs in applications that process large datasets. In this context, we propose a novel strategy based on cooperative agents used to optimise the task scheduling in a single MapReduce job. The novelty of our strategy lies in the ability of agents to identify opportunities within a current unbalanced allocation, which in turn trigger concurrent and one-to-many negotiations amongst agents to locally reallocate some of the tasks within a job. Our contribution is that tasks are reallocated according to the proximity of the resources and they are performed in accordance to the capabilities of the nodes in which agents are situated. To evaluate the adaptivity and responsiveness of our approach, we implement a prototype test-bed and conduct a vast panel of experiments in a heterogeneous environment and by exploring varying hardware configurations. This extensive experimentation reveals that our strategy significantly improves the overall runtime over the classical Hadoop data processing

    Use of A Network Enabled Server System for a Sparse Linear Algebra Grid Application

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    Solving systems of linear equations is one of the key operations in linear algebra. Many different algorithms are available in that purpose. These algorithms require a very accurate tuning to minimise runtime and memory consumption. The TLSE project provides, on one hand, a scenario-driven expert site to help users choose the right algorithm according to their problem and tune accurately this algorithm, and, on the other hand, a test-bed for experts in order to compare algorithms and define scenarios for the expert site. Both features require to run the available solvers a large number of times with many different values for the control parameters (and maybe with many different architectures). Currently, only the grid can provide enough computing power for this kind of application. The DIET middleware is the GRID backbone for TLSE. It manages the solver services and their scheduling in a scalable way.La rĂ©solution de systĂšmes linĂ©aires creux est une opĂ©ration clĂ© en algĂšbre linĂ©aire. Beaucoup d’algorithmes sont utilisĂ©s pour cela, qui dĂ©pendent de nombreux paramĂštres, afin d’offrir une robustesse, une performance et une consommation mĂ©moire optimales. Le projet GRID-TLSE fournit d’une part, un site d’expertise basĂ© sur l’utilisation de scĂ©narios pour aider les utilisateurs Ă  choisir l’algorithme qui convient le mieux Ă  leur problĂšme ainsi que les paramĂštres associĂ©s; et d’autre part, un environnement pour les experts du domaine leur permettant de comparer efficacement des algorithmes et de dĂ©finir dynamiquement de nouveaux scĂ©narios d’utilisation. Ces fonctionnalitĂ©s nĂ©cessitent de pouvoir exĂ©cuter les logiciels de rĂ©solution disponibles un grand nombre de fois,avec beaucoup de valeurs diffĂ©rentes des paramĂštres de contrĂŽle (et Ă©ventuellement sur plusieurs architectures de machines). Actuellement, seule la grille peut fournir la puissance de calcul pour ce type d’applications. L’intergiciel DIETest utilisĂ© pour gĂ©rer la grille, les diffĂ©rents services, et leur ordonnancement efficace

    Zika virus in Gabon (Central Africa) - 2007 : a new threat from Aedes albopictus ?

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    Background Chikungunya and dengue viruses emerged in Gabon in 2007, with large outbreaks primarily affecting the capital Libreville and several northern towns. Both viruses subsequently spread to the south-east of the country, with new outbreaks occurring in 2010. The mosquito species Aedes albopictus, that was known as a secondary vector for both viruses, recently invaded the country and was the primary vector involved in the Gabonese outbreaks. We conducted a retrospective study of human sera and mosquitoes collected in Gabon from 2007 to 2010, in order to identify other circulating arboviruses. Methodology/Principal Findings Sample collections, including 4312 sera from patients presenting with painful febrile disease, and 4665 mosquitoes belonging to 9 species, split into 247 pools (including 137 pools of Aedes albopictus), were screened with molecular biology methods. Five human sera and two Aedes albopictus pools, all sampled in an urban setting during the 2007 outbreak, were positive for the flavivirus Zika (ZIKV). The ratio of Aedes albopictus pools positive for ZIKV was similar to that positive for dengue virus during the concomitant dengue outbreak suggesting similar mosquito infection rates and, presumably, underlying a human ZIKV outbreak. ZIKV sequences from the envelope and NS3 genes were amplified from a human serum sample. Phylogenetic analysis placed the Gabonese ZIKV at a basal position in the African lineage, pointing to ancestral genetic diversification and spread. Conclusions/Significance We provide the first direct evidence of human ZIKV infections in Gabon, and its first occurrence in the Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus. These data reveal an unusual natural life cycle for this virus, occurring in an urban environment, and potentially representing a new emerging threat due to this novel association with a highly invasive vector whose geographic range is still expanding across the globe. Author Summary Not previously considered an important human arboviral pathogen, the epidemic capacity of Zika virus (ZIKV, a dengue-related flavivirus) was revealed by the Micronesia outbreak in 2007, which affected about 5000 persons. Widely distributed throughout tropical areas of Asia and Africa, ZIKV is transmitted by a broad range of mosquito species, most of which are sylvatic or rural, Aedes aegypti, an anthropophilic and urban species, being considered the main ZIKV epidemic vector. In a context of emerging arbovirus infections (chikungunya (CHIKV) and dengue (DENV)) in Gabon since 2007, we conducted a retrospective study to detect other, related viruses. In samples collected during the concurrent CHIKV/DENV outbreaks that occurred in the capital city in 2007, we detected ZIKV in both humans and mosquitoes, and notably the Asian mosquito Aedes albopictus that recently invaded the country and was the main vector responsible for these outbreaks. We found that the Gabonese ZIKV strain belonged to the African lineage, and phylogenetic analysis suggested ancestral diversification and spread rather than recent introduction. These findings, showing for the first time epidemic ZIKV activity in an urban environment in Central Africa and the presence of ZIKV in the invasive mosquito Aedes albopictus, raise the possibility of a new emerging threat to human health

    Allocation équitable de tùches pour l'analyse de données massives

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    L'URL de l'ouvrage est la suivante:http://www.cepadues.com/livres/jfsma-2016-systemes-multi-agents-simulations-9782364935594.htmlInternational audienceMany companies are using MapReduce applications to process very large amounts of data. Static optimization of such applications is complex because they are based on user-defined operations, called map and reduce, which prevents some algebraic optimization. In order to optimize the task allocation, several systems collect data from previous runs and predict the performance doing job profiling. However they are not effective during the learning phase, or when a new type of job or data set appears. In this paper, we present an adaptive multiagent system for large data sets analysis with MapReduce. We do not preprocess data and we adopt a dynamic approach, where the reducer agents interact during the job. In order to decrease the workload of the most loaded reducer - and so the execution time - we propose a task re-allocation based on negotiation.De nombreuses entreprises utilisent l'application MapReduce pour le traitement de donnĂ©es massives. L'optimisation statique de telles applications est complexe car elles reposent sur des opĂ©rations dĂ©finies par l'utilisateur, appelĂ©es map et reduce, ce qui empĂȘche une optimisation algĂ©brique. Afin d'optimiser l'allocation des tĂąches, plusieurs systĂšmes collectent des donnĂ©es Ă  partir des exĂ©cutions prĂ©cĂ©dentes et prĂ©disent les performances en faisant une analyse de la tĂąche. Cependant, ces systĂšmes ne sont pas efficaces durant la phase d'apprentissage ou lorsqu'un nouveau type de tĂąches ou de donnĂ©es apparait. Dans ce papier, nous prĂ©sentons un systĂšme multi-agents adaptatif pour l'analyse de donnĂ©es massives avec MapReduce. Nous ne prĂ©-traitons pas les donnĂ©es et adoptons une approche dynamique oĂč les agents reducers interagissent durant l'exĂ©cution. Nous proposons une rĂ©-allocation des tĂąches basĂ©e sur la nĂ©gociation pour parvenir Ă  faire dĂ©croitre la charge de travail du plus chargĂ© des agents reducers et ainsi rĂ©duire le temps d'exĂ©cution

    A Location-Aware Strategy for Agents Negotiating Load-balancing

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    International audienceWe study a novel location-aware strategy for distributed systems where cooperating agents perform the load-balancing. The strategy allows agents to identify opportunities within a current unbalanced allocation , which in turn triggers concurrent and one-to-many negotiations amongst agents to locally reallocate some tasks. The tasks are reallocated according to the proximity of the resources and they are performed in accordance with the capabilities of the nodes in which agents are situated. This dynamic and ongoing negotiation process takes place concurrently with the task execution and so the task allocation process is adaptive to disruptions (task consumption, slowing down nodes). We evaluate the strategy in a multi-agent deployment of the MapReduce design pattern for processing large datasets. Empirical results demonstrate that our strategy significantly improves the overall runtime of the data processing
