1,022 research outputs found

    Automating Fine Concurrency Control in Object-Oriented Databases

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    Several propositions were done to provide adapted concurrency control to object-oriented databases. However, most of these proposals miss the fact that considering solely read and write access modes on instances may lead to less parallelism than in relational databases! This paper cope with that issue, and advantages are numerous: (1) commutativity of methods is determined a priori and automatically by the compiler, without measurable overhead, (2) run-time checking of commutativity is as efficient as for compatibility, (3) inverse operations need not be specified for recovery, (4) this scheme does not preclude more sophisticated approaches, and, last but not least, (5) relational and object-oriented concurrency control schemes with read and write access modes are subsumed under this proposition

    Acanthaceae Bentham G. & J.D. Hooker

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    Se da a conocer los géneros y especies de Acanthaceae cultivadas en el -ámbito urbano de Mendoza-San Juan-La Rioja.Fil: Martinez Carretero, Eduardo Enrique. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico - CONICET - Mendoza. Instituto Argentino de Investigaciones de Zonas Aridas; Argentina;Fil: Ganci, Carmelo.Fil: Elmida, Carina

    Immunohistochemical C-FOS expression and autoradiography to study galnin/neuropeptide y Y1 receptor-receptor interactions in the amygdala

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    We have shown Galanin(GAL)/Neuropeptide Y Y1 receptor(Y1) interactions in the nucleus tractus solitarius and the arcuate nucleus. Since both peptides play an important role in mood disorders, the aim of this work was to study GAL/Y1 interactions in the amygdala(AMY), key nucleus for fear, mood, and motivation. We have combined the analysis of the expression of c-Fos immunoreactivity(c-Fos IR) with an autoradiographic study in the AMY. Groups of anaesthetized rats (n=4) received intracerebroventricular injections(icv) of GAL(3nmol) and the Y1 agonist Leu31-Pro34NPY(3nmol) alone or in combination, and were sacrificed 90 minutes after the injections. Immunohistochemical detection of c-Fos protein(1:5000) in AMY sections and stereological analysis were performed in: Basal(BA), lateral(LA), Central [lateral capsular subdivision(CeC), lateral intermediate subdivision(CeI), medial subdivision(CeM)] and the medial paracapsular intercalated(ITC) subnuclei of the AMY. For Autoradiography, rats (n=6) were sacrificed 15 minutes after icv injections of GAL(3nmol) and AMY sections were incubated with Y1 agonist [125I]-Leu31-Pro34-PPY (25 pM). Autoradiograms were analyzed using the NIH image analysis system. Student’s unpaired t- test and ANOVA followed by Newman-Keuls were used, respectively. We observed within the AMY that GAL increased c-Fos IR in ITC and CeC; the Y1 agonist induced both, an increase of c-Fos IR in BA and CeC and a decrease of c-Fos IR in LA and ITC. The coadministration of both peptides induced a specific effect in the ITC, significantly decreasing the c-Fos expression (P<0,05) induced by GAL or the Y1 agonist alone. Moreover, we observed that GAL significantly increased (p<0,05) the Y1 receptor agonist binding [I125]Leu31Pro34-PYY in the AMY. These results demonstrate an interaction between GAL and Y1 at the cellular and receptor level in the AMY and suggest that endogenous GAL and NPY system might interact to regulate emotional behaviours.Spanish CVI6476, TV3-Marató 090130/31/32 and Universidad de Málaga (Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Simulation of retrospective morphological channel adjustments using high-resolution differential digital elevation models versus predicted sediment delivery and stream power variations

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    [EN] This work proposes a methodological approach applied to ephemeral gravel-bed streams to verify the change in the magnitude and frequency of hydrological events affecting the morphological dynamics and sediment budget in this type of channel. For the case study, the Azohia Rambla, located in southeastern Spain, was chosen, emphasizing the research on two reference riverbed sections (RCRs): an upper one, with a predominance of erosion, and a middle one, where processes of incision, transport, and deposition were involved. First, this approach focuses on relationships between peak discharges and sediment budgets during the period 2018-2022. For this purpose, water level measurements from pressure sensors, a One-Dimensional Hydrodynamic model, and findings from comparative analyses of high-resolution differential digital elevation models (HRDEM of Difference-HRDoD) based on SfM-MVS and LiDAR datasets were used. In a second phase, the GeoWEPP model was applied to the period 1996-2022 in order to simulate runoff and sediment yield at the event scale for the watersheds draining into both RCRs. During the calibration phase, a sensitivity analysis was carried out to detect the most influential parameters in the model and confirm its capacity to simulate peak flow and sediment delivery in the area described above. Values of NS (Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency) and PBIAS (percent bias) equal to 0.86 and 7.81%, respectively, were found in the calibration period, while these indices were 0.81 and -4.1% in the validation period. Finally, different event class patterns (ECPs) were established for the monitoring period (2018-2022), according to flow stage and morphological channel adjustments (overtopping, bankfull and sub-bankfull, and half-sub-bankfull), and then retrospectively extrapolated to stages of the prior simulated period (1996-2018) from their typical sequences (PECPs). The results revealed a significant increase in the number of events and PECPs leading to lower bed incision rates and higher vertical accretion, which denotes a progressive increase in bed armoring and bank erosion processes.This research was funded by ERDF/Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities-State Research Agency (AEI)/Project CGL2017-84625-C2-1-R. State Program for Research, Develop-ment and Innovation focused on the Challenges of SocietyConesa-García, C.; Martínez-Salvador, A.; Puig-Mengual, C.; Martinez-Capel, F.; Pérez-Cutillas, P. (2023). Simulation of retrospective morphological channel adjustments using high-resolution differential digital elevation models versus predicted sediment delivery and stream power variations. Water. 15(15):1-35. https://doi.org/10.3390/w15152697135151


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    La anorexia nerviosa es un trastorno psiquiátrico con una estrecha relación con la nutrición, ya que el patrón alimentario se ve afectado por la enfermedad, que se caracteriza por la búsqueda de la delgadez extrema. Ante la falta de estudios sobre el los hábitos alimentarios en la anorexia, se decidió analizar el patrón alimentario en anorexia nerviosa mediante un cuestionario diseñado por la autora en el que se pregunta a 35 pacientes sobre el grado de temor y de consumo hacia alimentos de todos los grupos, así como sobre técnicas culinarias. En los resultados se observa que, además de existir claras fobias alimentarias, el temor ante los alimentos no condiciona directamente su consumo, dependiendo éste de otras variables externas. Además, este temor no sólo está influenciado por la composición de los alimentos o contenido graso, sino también por mitos, falsas creencias y el modo de cocinado los alimentos. También se ha realizado un análisis en profundidad del temor ante todos los grupos de alimentos, estudiando las diferencias entre ellos. Esta restricción alimentaria, más la constante búsqueda de la delgadez que presentan, termina derivando en un bajo peso y en un desequilibrio en su alimentación, siendo este por debajo del necesario para mantener el crecimiento y desarrollo.A pesar de que los resultados del análisis de la relación entre el grado de temor y el diagnóstico específico no hayan sido estadísticamente significativos, sería interesante profundizar en la diferencia de temor según el tipo de anorexia que padecen las pacientes, ya que parece haber posibles discrepancias. Además, el estudio de estas fobias es crucial para el abordaje de estas pacientes, cuyo tratamiento es complejo y de larga evolución, en el que el papel del nutricionista es indispensable para el correcto manejo multidisciplinar.<br /

    Galanin/ Neuropeptide Y Y1 receptor interaction at the cellular and receptor level in the amygdala

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    Galanin (GAL) interacts functionally with Neuropeptide Y Y1 receptor (Y1) in the nucleus tractus solitarius and the arcuate nucleus. Since GAL and Y1 participate in mood disorders, the aim of this work was to analyze GAL/Y1 interactions in the amygdala (AMY), a key nucleus for fear, mood, and motivation. We have combined an autoradiography study with the analysis of the expression of c-Fos immunoreactivity (c-Fos IR) in the AMY. Rats (n=6) were sacrificed 15 minutes after intracerebroventricular injections (icv) of GAL (3nmol) and AMY sections were incubated with Y1 agonist [125I]-Leu31-Pro34-PPY (25 pM). The autoradiograms were analyzed using the NIH image analysis system. In c-Fos IR experiments, groups of anaesthetized rats (n=4) received icv GAL (3nmol) and the Y1 agonist Leu31- Pro34NPY (3nmol) alone or in combination, and the rats were sacrificed 90 minutes after the injections. AMY sections were stained with immunohistochemical of c-Fos protein (1:5000). Stereological analysis was performed in: Basal (BA), lateral (LA), Central [lateral capsular subdivision (CeC) , lateral intermediate subdivision (CeI), medial subdivision (CeM)] and the medial paracapsular intercalated (ITC) subnuclei of the AMY. Student’s unpaired t-test and ANOVA followed by Newman-Keuls were used in autoradiographic and c-Fos IR studies. We observed that GAL significant increased (p<0,05) the Y1 receptor agonist binding, [I125]Leu31Pro34-PYY in the AMY. Within the AMY, GAL increased c-Fos IR in ITC and CeC; the Y1 agonist induced an increased of c-Fos IR in BA and CeC, while a decrease in c-Fos IR was observed in LA and ITC. However, we only observed a modification of the c-Fos expression after the coadministration of both peptides compared to the effect of GAL or the Y1 agonist alone in the ITC. The coadministration of both peptides significantly decreased the c-Fos expression (P<0,05) induced by GAL or the Y1 agonist alone. These results demonstrate an interaction between GAL and NPY Y1 at the cellular and receptor level in the AMY and suggest that endogenous GAL and NPY system might interact to regulate emotional behaviours.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Marató Tv

    COVID GEAS: COVID-19 National Survey in Patients With Systemic Autoimmune Diseases

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    COVID-19 infection; Corticosteroids; Systemic autoimmune diseaseInfección por COVID-19; Corticosteroides; Enfermedad autoinmune sistémicaInfecció per COVID-19; Corticosteroides; Malaltia autoimmune sistèmicaObjectives: COVID-19 outcomes in population with systemic autoimmune diseases (SAD) remain poorly understood. The aim was to examine demographic and clinical factors associated with COVID-19 infection in people with rheumatic disease. Methods: Two phases cross-sectional survey of individuals with rheumatic disease in April 2020 and October 2020. COVID infection, severity of disease, age, sex, smoking status, underlying rheumatic disease diagnosis, comorbidities and rheumatic disease medications taken immediately prior to infection were analyzed. Results: A total of 1,529 individuals with autoimmunity disease diagnosis were included. Out of 50 positive patients, 21 required telephone medical assistance, 16 received assessment by primary care physician, 9 were evaluated in Emergency Department and 4 patient required hospitalization. Multivariate analysis was performed without obtaining differences in any of the systemic autoimmune diseases. Regarding the treatments, significant differences were found (p 0.011) in the treatment with anti-TNF-alpha agents with OR 3.422 (1.322–8.858) and a trend to significance (p 0.094) was observed in patients receiving mycophenolate treatment [OR 2.016 (0.996–4-081)]. Conclusions: Anti-TNF-alpha treatment was associated with more than 3-fold risk of suffering from SARS-CoV-2 infection, although in all cases infection was mild. Cumulative incidence in patients with SAD was up to 5 times higher than general population but with great differences between autoimmune diseases.This work was supported by SEMAIS

    Combining SfM Photogrammetry and Terrestrial Laser Scanning to Assess Event-Scale Sediment Budgets along a Gravel-Bed Ephemeral Stream

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    [EN] Stream power represents the rate of energy expenditure along a stream reach and can be calculated using topographic data acquired via structure-from-motion (SfM) photogrammetry and terrestrial laser scanning (TLS). This study sought to quantitatively relate morphological adjustments in the Azohia Rambla, a gravel-bed ephemeral stream in southeastern Spain, to stream power (omega), critical power (omega(c)), and energy gradients ( partial differential omega/ partial differential s), along different reference channel reaches of 200 to 300 m in length. High-resolution digital terrain models (HRDTMs), combined with ortophotographs and point clouds from 2018, 2019, and 2020, and ground-based surveys, were used to estimate the spatial variability of morphological sediment budgets and to assess channel bed mobility during the study period at different spatial scales: reference channel reaches (RCRs), pilot bed survey areas (PBSAs), and representative geomorphic units (RGUs). The optimized complementary role of the SfM technique and terrestrial laser scanning allowed the generation of accurate and reliable HRDTMs, upon which a 1-D hydrodynamic model was calibrated and sediment budgets calculated. The resulting high-resolution maps allowed a spatially explicit analysis of stream power and transport efficiency in relation to volumes of erosion and deposition in the RCR and PBSA. In addition, net incision or downcutting and vertical sedimentary accretion were monitored for each flood event in relation to bedforms and hydraulic variables. Sediment sources and sinks and bed armoring processes showed different trends according to the critical energy and stream power gradient, which were verified from field observations. During flows exceeding bankfull discharges (between 18 and 24 m(3) s(-1) according to channel reach), significant variations in partial differential omega/ partial differential s values and omega/omega(c) ratios (e.g., -15 2 for a peak discharge of 31 m(3) s(-1)) were associated with a large amount of bedload mobilized upstream and vertical accretion along the middle reach (average rise height of 0.20 to 0.35 m for the same event). By contrast, more moderate peak flows (<= 10 m(3) s(-1)) only produced minor changes resulting in surface washing, selective transport, and local bed scouring.This research was funded by ERDF/Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities-State Research Agency/Project CGL2017-84625-C2-1-R (CCAMICEM); State Program for Research, Development and Innovation Focused on the Challenges of Society, the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) and EU FEDER under Project TEC2017-85244-C2-1-P and by the University of Alicante (vigrob-157 and GRE18-05).Conesa-García, C.; Puig-Mengual, C.; Riquelme, A.; Tomás, R.; Martinez-Capel, F.; García-Lorenzo, R.; Pastor, JL.... (2020). Combining SfM Photogrammetry and Terrestrial Laser Scanning to Assess Event-Scale Sediment Budgets along a Gravel-Bed Ephemeral Stream. Remote Sensing. 12(21):1-27. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs12213624S127122