1,171 research outputs found

    Anfíbios de uma área de campo da depressão central do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil

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    Rio Grande do Sul is the only Brazilian state where the Pampa biome is represented, comprising approximately 63% of its area. Characterized as a grassland biome, it has suffered severe degradation process due to intense agricultural activities. Our objective was to contribute towards the knowledge of the Pampa amphibian fauna. We surveyed amphibians at the area of Agronomic Experimental Station of Rio Grande do Sul, located in the municipality of Eldorado do Sul. Samplings were made fortnightly between August 1998 to August 2000, through diurnal active search. We recorded 16 species of anuran amphibians, distributed in six families (Bufonidae, Cycloramphidae, Hylidae, Leiuperidae, Leptodactylidae and Microhylidae). Species composition was compared with other seven grassland localities, and we found larger similarity with an area at the Uruguayan-Brazilian boundary. An area in the municipality of Palmeira, state of Paraná, was the less similar between the localities.O Rio Grande do Sul é o único estado brasileiro onde o bioma Pampa está representado, abrangendo aproximadamente 63 % de sua área. Este bioma é caracterizado principalmente pelo ambiente de campo, ecossistema que nas últimas décadas vem sofrendo intenso processo de degradação devido ao uso intenso por atividades agropecuárias. Com o objetivo de contribuir para o conhecimento da fauna de anfíbios do bioma Pampa, realizamos um levantamento da fauna de anfíbios na área da Estação Experimental Agronômica do Rio Grande do Sul, localizada no município de Eldorado do Sul. A área é caracterizada pelo ambiente de campo, com predomínio de pastagens naturais. As amostragens foram desenvolvidas quinzenalmente no período de agosto de 1998 a agosto de 2000, e o método empregado para o registro das espécies foi a busca ativa diurna. Foram registradas 16 espécies de anfíbios anuros, distribuídas em seis famílias (Bufonidae, Cycloramphidae, Hylidae, Leiuperidae, Leptodactylidae e Microhylidae). A composição de espécies da área foi comparada com a de outras sete localidades, todas em regiões de campos ou formações naturais de área aberta e encontramos maior similaridade com uma área na fronteira Uruguai-Brasil. Uma área no município de Palmeira, estado do Paraná, apresentou a menor similaridade com as demais localidades

    Gastrinoma : aspectos diagnósticos e terapêuticos de um caso

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    Os autores relatam o caso de uma paciente feminina com 46 anos, com úlceras pépticas recidivantes há dois anos. Ela foi submetida a tratamento clínico e cirúrgico sem resultados, com recidiva de úlcera de neoboca. Na segunda cirurgia, realizada no Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, constatou-se a presença de processo expansivo comprometendo o corpo do pâncreas, com imvasão da cabeca e cauda infiltrando estruturas vizinhas como o duodeno, antro gástrico e linfonodos regionais. O exame histo-patológico revelou neoplasia de células das ilhotas de Langerhans, cujo estudo imuno-histoquímico demonstrou secreção de gastrina e de enolase neuronal específica pelas células tumorais, caracterizando-o como um gastrinoma e síndrome de Zollinger-Ellison. O caso relatado mostrou níveis séricos de gastrina persistentemente normais, fato que justifica o seu relato, além da sua raridade.The authors report a case of a patient, fem, 46years old with recurrent peptic ulcers for about two years. Clinical and surgical treatment was tried, without results, so presenting recurrence of a marginal ulcer. In the second surgery, performed in the Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, we observed an expansive tumor in the body of the pancreas with head and tail invasion. Duodenum, gastric antrum and regional limphonodes were infiltrated by this tumor. Histo-pathologic examination revealed a Langerhans islet tumor. The imunehistochemical study of tumoral cells was positive to gastrinoma and Zollinger-EIIison syndrome. Different from other cases, gastrineseric levels were persistently normal, justifying then this report

    Antileukemic, Antioxidant, Anti-Inflammatory and Healing Activities Induced by a Polyphenol-Enriched Fraction Extracted from Leaves of Myrtus communis L.

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    Natural products have offered a number of exciting approaches in cancer treatment over the years. In this study, we investigated the prophylactic and therapeutic effects of the polyphenol-enriched fraction extracted from Myrtus communis (PEMC) on acute and chronic leukemia. According to the UHPLC-MSn, the fraction is rich in flavonoids. Protective activity of the PEMC was assessed by evaluating the antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, wound healing, and hemolysis potential in a series of in vivo and in vitro assays, while the therapeutic approach consisted of the evaluation of cytotoxic activity of the PEMC against HL60 and K562 leukemia cell lines. Safety of the fraction was also evaluated on a non-cancerous Vero cell line and by an acute toxicity test performed in mice. The PEMC demonstrated a significant anti-inflammatory and healing potential. The activities found at the dose of 100 mg/kg were better than those observed using a reference drug. The PEMC demonstrated a significant antioxidant effect and a specific cytotoxicity towards HL60 (IC50 = 19.87 µM) and K562 (IC50 = 29.64 µM) cell lines being non-toxic to the Vero cell line. No hemolytic activity was observed in vitro and no toxicity effect was found in mice. Thus, the PEMC has a pharmacological potential as both preventive and therapeutic agent. However, further research is necessary to propose its mechanism of action

    Fish resource exploitation in the southern Atlantic coast of the Iberian Peninsula: A view from the traceological analysis of flaked stone tools (sixth-fourth mill. cal BCE)

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    In this paper, we provide new data on fish resource exploitation during the Mesolithic and Neolithic period on the Atlantic coast of the Iberian Peninsula. Evidence from four different sites is presented: Vale Marim I (end of the seventh/beginning of the sixth millennium cal BCE) and Vale Pincel I (2nd and 3rd quarters of the sixth millennium cal BCE), both located on the southwestern Portuguese coast, and La Esparragosa and SET Parralejos (fourth-third millennia cal BCE), both located on the southern Spanish coast. The analysis of the lithic assemblages by means of use-wear analysis provided evidence of fish-processing activities. The analysis of the archaeological tools has been based on a renewed experimental framework for fish-related use-wear traces. Despite data being still scarce and fragmentary, this study points out the necessity of a more integrating approach, including traceological analysis in the framework of a broader research on prehistoric fishing.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Pre-dilation and Post-dilation in Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement: Indications, Benefits and Risks

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    Transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) is an established treatment for patients with symptomatic severe aortic stenosis. In recent years, an emphasis has been placed on simplification of the procedure. Balloon predilation was initially considered a mandatory step to cross and prepare the stenotic aortic valve, but several studies demonstrated the feasibility of performing TAVR without balloon valvuloplasty. Balloon postdilation of the implanted valve is sometimes required to optimise results, although many patients do not require this step. Contemporary consensus advocates an individualised approach to TAVR procedures and so balloon pre- and post-dilation are performed selectively. This review aims to outline the advantages and disadvantages of balloon pre- and post-dilation and to identify the scenarios in which they are required during TAVR procedures

    Optimization of high pressure processing parameters to enhance the quality attributes of scallops (Nodipecten nodosus)

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    ABSTRACT: Seafood is one of the most important sources of nutrients. However, they have a short shelf-life and the traditional preservation methods may generate losses in their natural flavour and nutrients. Thisstudy evaluated and optimize the High Pressure Processing (HPP) regarding pressure level (200-400 MPa) and holding time (0-5 min) applied to lion’s paw scallop (Nodipecten nodosus) to reduce microbial contamination while maintaining desirable characteristics. Response surface methodology with a Box-Behnken design and Desirability function were employed to simultaneously optimize these quality attributes. HPP enhanced microbial quality at 200 MPa/5 min, despite promoting inadequate physical-chemical modifications in the adductor muscle of the scallop. In such processing condition, in spite of a slight increase in muscle humidity which could be of benefit, pH increase was also verified, as well as a decrease in water holding capacity (WHC). At more severe level (400 MPa/5 min), a decrease in the shear force related to instrumental texture and in Whiteness (W) and Luminosity (L*) related to color was observed. Simultaneous optimization provided a value of 365MPa / 2min where physicochemical characteristics would be the more similar to the scallop without facing a preservation process