24 research outputs found


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    [EN] An interlaboratory study, concerning the effect of ileal cannulation on the digestion and caecotrophy in the rabbit, was performed simultaneously in three experimental locations using the same procedure. In the absence of simultaneous ileal digesta sampling, the digestibility of dry matter or fibre (NDF, ADF) did not differ between cannulated or control rabbits. But, a lower crude protein digestibility (-2.6 points) was observed for cannulated animals, as a consequence of a reduced recycling of protein originating from a lower excretion of soft faeces (12.2 vs 16, 1 gDM/d, P=0.011 ). As hard faeces excretion did not differ between the two groups, the ratio hard/soft faeces was higher in cannulated rabbits. Simultaneous ileal collection and digestibility measurement led to a 2 points decrease of the dry matter digestibility (P<0.01), without significant interaction between cannulation and laboratory effect. The incidence of ileal cannulation was not negligible, but insufficient to compromise the validity of nutritional studies performed on cannulated rabbits.[FR] Une étude inter-laboratoires de /'incidence de la canulation iléale sur la digestion et la caecotrophie chez le tapín, a été réa/isée simultanément dans 3 sites expérimentaux, a partir d'un protocole commun. En l'absence d'une collecte simultanée de digesta iléaux, la mesure de la digestibilité apparente técale de la matiere seche et des tibres (NDF, ADF) ne differe pas entre le groupe de lapins munis d'une canule a l'iléon terminal et les animaux témoins. Par contre, la plus taible digestibilité des protéines (-2,6%) pour les lapins canulés peut etre liée a un moindre recyclage de proteines du tait de la plus taible excrétion de caecotrophes de ces animaux (12.2 vs 16.1 gMS/j, P=0.011). L'excrétion de teces dures ne différant pas entre les deux groupes, le ratio teces dures/caecotrophes est done plus élevé chez les lapins canulés. La collecte de digesta iléaux réalisée simultanément a la mesure de digestibilité técale, entra/ne une baisse de 2 points (P<0.01) de la digestibilité de la matiere seche de l'aliment, mais sans interaction signiticative entre l'effet de la canulation et celui du site expérimental. Sans etre négligeable, l'effet de la canulation i/éale n'est toutetois pas suffisant pour compromettre la validité des études réalisées chez /'animal canulé.Gidenne, T.; Blas Ferrer, E.; Carabaño, R.; Merino, J. (1994). EFFECT OF ILEAL CANNULATION ON RABBIT DIGESTION AND CAECOTROPHY : AN INTERLABORATORY STUDY. World Rabbit Science. 2(3):101-106. doi:10.4995/wrs.1994.224SWORD1011062


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    [EN] In four laboratories, a total of 52 adult rabbits were fitted with a single T glass cannula at terminal ileum. After surgery recovery, animals were fed ad libitum with the same batch of a diet labelled by the addition of ytterbium attached to fibre particles. The effect of time during the ileal digesta collection period (morning and evening) on ileal digesta composition and ileal digestibility of DM, CP, NDF and ADF was evaluated. Compared with the evening samples, the morning samples had higher content of ytterbium (+5%) and CP (+43%) but lower contents of NDF (-9%) and ADF (-11%). Consequently, ileal digestibility for DM, NDF and ADF resulted in higher figures when calculated from the morning samples as opposed to those from the evening samples. However, CP ileal digestibility results were just the opposite. When compared with the results obtained as a reference value from the 24-hour samples (a pool of collections obtained in the morning, evening and night), the data average from the morning and the evening samples did not differ significantly. Therefore, it is possible to reduce the number of collections and simplify ileal digesta sampling by avoiding night collections.This study was partially supported by the European Commission (Concerted Action FAIR3-PL1651)Blas, E.; Falcao, L.; Gidenne, T.; Scapinello, C.; Pinheiro, V.; García, A.; Carabaño, R. (2003). INTERLABORATORY STUDY ON ILEAL DIGESTIBILITY IN RABBITS: THE EFFECT OF DIGESTA COLLECTION TIME AND A SIMPLIFICATION OF THE PROCEDURE. World Rabbit Science. 11(2):101-111. doi:10.4995/wrs.2003.501SWORD10111111

    Composição química e contribuição nutritiva de cecotrofos de diferentes dietas Chemical composition and nutritive contribution of cecothrophes from different diets

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    Os efeitos de cinco fontes de fibra sobre a produção, composição química e a contribuição nutritiva dos cecotrofos em termos de matéria seca e proteína bruta foram estudados. Quarenta coelhas da raça Nova Zelândia branco foram alojadas em gaiolas metabólicas, por 12 dias, para adaptação às dietas. No 13º dia, para evitar a coprofagia, os animais receberam um colar de madeira por um período de 24 horas, procedendo-se à coleta dos cecotrofos de duas em duas horas. A dieta padrão tinha como principal fonte de fibra o feno de alfafa. As outras dietas foram caracterizadas pela substituição isométrica do feno de alfafa por feno de guandu (Cajanus cajan), palha de feijão, palha e sabugo de milho branco e o feno coast-cross (Cynodon dactylon). Foi observado efeito do tipo de dieta sobre a composição química dos cecotrofos e o teor de PB ingerida por cecotrofia, porém a produção de cecotrofos não diferiu entre dietas.<br>The effects of five fiber sources on the production, chemical composition and cecotrophes nutritive contribution on dry matter and crude protein base were studied. Forty White New Zealand female rabbits were housed in metabolic cage for 12 days to adaptation to the diets. In the 13th day, to prevent coprophagy, the animals received a necklace of wood for a period of 24 hours, and the cecotrophes were collected every two hours. The standard diet had the alfalfa hay as a mainly fiber source. The other diets were characterized by isometric replacement of alfalfa hay by pigeon pea hay (Cajanus cajan), bean straw, white corn with cob and husks and coast-cross hay (Cynodon dactylon). Effect of diet type on cecotrophes chemical composition and crude protein content ingested by cecotrophy was observed, however the cecotrophes production was not different among diets