131 research outputs found

    Life-history and diet of two populations of Natrix maura (Reptilia, Colubridae) from contrasted habitats in Sardinia

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    Aspects of general ecology and population biology of two populations of freeliving viperine snakes (Natrix maura) were studied in Mediterranean localities of the island of Sardinia (Thyrrenian Sea, Italy). The apparent adult sex-ratio was not significantly different from equality, but males were slightly more numerous than females. The diet consisted mainly of arnphibians, both adults and tadpoles (area A) or fish (area B). Females were significantly longer than males. Reproduction was yearly, and clutch size and female total length were positively correlated. A hundred and seven live offsprings were obtained from 135 eggs (79.2% of successful incubation rates). The proportion of unsuccessful incubation was not significantly correlated with either female total length or clutch size. There was no evidence of a trade-off between clutch size and offspring size, as hatchlings were no smaller in clutches that were unusually large in relation to maternal body size. Oviposition date was correlated with neither maternal length nor clutch size. lncubation period was significantly correlated with mean hatchling size, but not with either clutch size or maternal length. No female died after oviposition, thus suggesting a very low incidence of mortality rates dueto starvation and reproductive costs. A case of long-term sperm storage deriving from autumnal mating is described. Population size estimates are provided for both study areas. Key words: Natrix maura, Ecology, Mediterranean region, Sardinia.Aspects of general ecology and population biology of two populations of freeliving viperine snakes (Natrix maura) were studied in Mediterranean localities of the island of Sardinia (Thyrrenian Sea, Italy). The apparent adult sex-ratio was not significantly different from equality, but males were slightly more numerous than females. The diet consisted mainly of arnphibians, both adults and tadpoles (area A) or fish (area B). Females were significantly longer than males. Reproduction was yearly, and clutch size and female total length were positively correlated. A hundred and seven live offsprings were obtained from 135 eggs (79.2% of successful incubation rates). The proportion of unsuccessful incubation was not significantly correlated with either female total length or clutch size. There was no evidence of a trade-off between clutch size and offspring size, as hatchlings were no smaller in clutches that were unusually large in relation to maternal body size. Oviposition date was correlated with neither maternal length nor clutch size. lncubation period was significantly correlated with mean hatchling size, but not with either clutch size or maternal length. No female died after oviposition, thus suggesting a very low incidence of mortality rates dueto starvation and reproductive costs. A case of long-term sperm storage deriving from autumnal mating is described. Population size estimates are provided for both study areas. Key words: Natrix maura, Ecology, Mediterranean region, Sardinia.Aspects of general ecology and population biology of two populations of freeliving viperine snakes (Natrix maura) were studied in Mediterranean localities of the island of Sardinia (Thyrrenian Sea, Italy). The apparent adult sex-ratio was not significantly different from equality, but males were slightly more numerous than females. The diet consisted mainly of arnphibians, both adults and tadpoles (area A) or fish (area B). Females were significantly longer than males. Reproduction was yearly, and clutch size and female total length were positively correlated. A hundred and seven live offsprings were obtained from 135 eggs (79.2% of successful incubation rates). The proportion of unsuccessful incubation was not significantly correlated with either female total length or clutch size. There was no evidence of a trade-off between clutch size and offspring size, as hatchlings were no smaller in clutches that were unusually large in relation to maternal body size. Oviposition date was correlated with neither maternal length nor clutch size. lncubation period was significantly correlated with mean hatchling size, but not with either clutch size or maternal length. No female died after oviposition, thus suggesting a very low incidence of mortality rates dueto starvation and reproductive costs. A case of long-term sperm storage deriving from autumnal mating is described. Population size estimates are provided for both study areas. Key words: Natrix maura, Ecology, Mediterranean region, Sardinia

    Threatened by legislative conservationism? The case of the critically endangered Aeolian Lizard

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    Species-based conservation legislation needs to be based on sound scientific data and updated taxonomic knowledge. European Union environmental legislation is among the most advanced in the world, yet there is not a clear and regular mechanism to update species' lists of Habitats Directive Annexes according the latest available scientific data. Here we reviewed the situation of the endemic Aeolian lizard Podarcis raffonei and indicate it as a case-study of possible ongoing species extinction into the Mediterranean biodiversity hotspot as the result of failure to update lists of EU protected species. We recommend to implement a mechanism of periodical revision of the Annexes of the Habitats Directive with particular attention to endemic EU species included in the IUCN Red List as Critically Endangered

    Dynamic evaluation of circulating mirna profile in egfr‐ mutated nsclc patients treated with egfr‐tkis

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    Background: Resistance to EGFR‐TKIs constitutes a major challenge for the management of EGFR‐mutated NSCLC, and recent evidence suggests that deregulation of specific microRNAs (miRNAs) may influence resistance to targeted agents. In this retrospective study, we explored the role of specific plasmatic miRNAs (miR‐21, miR‐27a and miR‐181a) as a surrogate for predicting EGFR‐TKI performance in EGFR‐mutated NSCLC patients. Methods: Plasma samples of 39 advanced EGFR‐mutated NSCLC patients treated with EGFR‐TKIs were collected at different points in time and miRNA levels were assessed by RT‐PCR. Results: Higher basal values of miR‐21 were reported in patients who achieved a partial/complete response (PR/CR) compared to those with stability/progression of disease (SD/PD) (p = 0.011). Along the same line, patients who experienced a clinical benefit lasting at least six months displayed higher basal levels of circulating miR‐21 (p = 0.039). However, dynamic evaluation of miRNA values after two months from the start of EGFR‐TKI treatment showed that patients who experienced SD had an increase in miR‐21 levels (Fold Change [FC] = 2.6) compared to patients achieving PR/CR (p = 0.029). The same tendency was observed for miR‐27a (FC = 3.1) and miR‐181a (FC = 2.0), although without reaching statistical significance. Remarkably, preclinical studies showed an increase in miR‐21 levels in NSCLC cells that became resistant after exposure to EGFR‐TKIs. Conclusions: Our study provides interesting insights on the role of circulating miRNAs, in particular miR‐21, and their dynamic change over time in predicting EGFR‐TKI response in EGFR‐mutated NSCLC

    Interrelationship between miRNA and splicing factors in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma

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    Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is one of the most lethal cancers because of diagnosis at late stage and inherent/acquired chemoresistance. Recent advances in genomic profiling and biology of this disease have not yet been translated to a relevant improvement in terms of disease management and patient’s survival. However, new possibilities for treatment may emerge from studies on key epigenetic factors. Deregulation of microRNA (miRNA) dependent gene expression and mRNA splicing are epigenetic processes that modulate the protein repertoire at the transcriptional level. These processes affect all aspects of PDAC pathogenesis and have great potential to unravel new therapeutic targets and/or biomarkers. Remarkably, several studies showed that they actually interact with each other in influencing PDAC progression. Some splicing factors directly interact with specific miRNAs and either facilitate or inhibit their expression, such as Rbfox2, which cleaves the well-known oncogenic miRNA miR-21. Conversely, miR-15a-5p and miR-25-3p significantly downregulate the splicing factor hnRNPA1 which acts also as a tumour suppressor gene and is involved in processing of miR-18a, which in turn, is a negative regulator of KRAS expression. Therefore, this review describes the interaction between splicing and miRNA, as well as bioinformatic tools to explore the effect of splicing modulation towards miRNA profiles, in order to exploit this interplay for the development of innovative treatments. Targeting aberrant splicing and deregulated miRNA, alone or in combination, may hopefully provide novel therapeutic approaches to fight the complex biology and the common treatment recalcitrance of PDAC

    Testing hypotheses of habitat use and temporal activity in relation to body plan in a mediterranean lizard community

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    A body plan (bauplan) is a suite of morphological characters shared by phylogenetically related animals at some point during their development. Despite its value, the bauplan concept is still rarely employed to characterize functional groups in community ecology. Here, we examine habitat use and spatio-temporal activity correlates of an entire sevenspecies community of lizards with different bauplans. The study was carried out in three locations in central Italy, encompassing a complex landscape with a patchy mosaic of a wide variety of habitats and microclimates. We tested four hypotheses regarding niche breadth, habitat use, and activity patterns. The first hypothesis, niche complementarity, in which species with similar body shapes should non-randomly partition available habitats, was not supported. By contrast, the hypotheses that larger bodied species should have a wider niche breadth, that slower species should inhabit habitat types of higher cover, and species inhabiting open sunny habitats should exhibit more seasonally variable activity patterns, were all supported by the data. Sympatric lizard communities in our study area were clearly organized by autecological constraints and eco-physiological attributes

    Synthesis of Pt-Mo/WMCNTs Nanostructures Reduced by the Green Chemical Route and Its Electrocatalytic Activity in the ORR

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    Platinum (Pt) and molybdenum (Mo) nanoparticles were supported on multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) by a green chemical route. Different relations of Pt:Mo (10:0, 8:2, 5:5, 2:8, and 0:10, respectively) in weight percent were compared to their electrocatalytic activity in the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) in an acid medium. The morphologies and the structure were analyzed by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The rotary disc electrode (RDE) and linear voltammetry (LV) techniques were employed to observe the electron transfer and mass transport phenomena. The surface activation of the samples was conducted by cyclic voltammetry (CV) technique According to the TEM analysis. The TEM analysis, shows that Mo and Pt nanoparticles have a good dispersion on the tubular carbon support, with sizes between 3.94 and 10.97 nm. All Pt-containing ratios had exhibited a first-order transfer in the ORR without inhibition of the reaction. Molybdenum is a reducing agent (oxyphilic metal) that benefits the adsorption of oxygenated species. The Pt:Mo 8:2 wt.% ratio presents the maximum benefits in the kinetic parameters. The Mo10/MWCNTs nanostructure inhibits the ORR due to the strong bonds it presents with oxygen. Molybdenum at low concentrations with platinum is conducive to oxygen molecule adsorption-desorption by increasing the ORR’s electroactivity

    Omics analysis of educated platelets in cancer and benign disease of the pancreas

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    Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is traditionally associated with thrombocy-tosis/hypercoagulation and novel insights on platelet-PDAC “dangerous liaisons” are warranted. Here we performed an integrative omics study investigating the biological processes of mRNAs and expressed miRNAs, as well as proteins in PDAC blood platelets, using benign disease as a refer-ence for inflammatory noise. Gene ontology mining revealed enrichment of RNA splicing, mRNA processing and translation initiation in miRNAs and proteins but depletion in RNA transcripts. Remarkably, correlation analyses revealed a negative regulation on SPARC transcription by isomiRs involved in cancer signaling, suggesting a specific ”education” in PDAC platelets. Platelets of benign patients were enriched for non-templated additions of G nucleotides (#ntaG) miRNAs, while PDAC presented length variation on 3′ (lv3p) as the most frequent modification on miRNAs. Additionally, we provided an actionable repertoire of PDAC and benign platelet-ome to be exploited for future studies. In conclusion, our data show that platelets change their biological repertoire in patients with PDAC, through dysregulation of miRNAs and splicing factors, supporting the presence of de novo protein machinery that can “educate” the platelet. These novel findings could be further exploited for innovative liquid biopsies platforms as well as possible therapeutic targets

    Threatened and extinct amphibians and reptiles in Italian natural history collections are useful conservation tools

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    Natural history museums are irreplaceable tools to study and preserve the biological diversity around the globe and among the primary actors in the recognition of species and the logical repositories for their type specimens. In this paper we surveyed the consistency of the preserved specimens of amphibians and reptiles housed in the major Italian scientific collections, and verified the presence of threatened species according to the IUCN Red List, includ-ing the Extinct (EX), Extinct in the Wild (EW), Critically Endangered (CR), Endangered (EN), and Vulnerable (VU) categories. Altogether, we analyzed 39 Italian zoological collections. We confirmed the presence of one extinct reptile (Chioninia coctei) and five extinct or extinct in the wild amphibian species (Atelopus longirostris, Nectophrynoides asperginis, Pseudophilautus leucorhinus, P. nasutus, and P. variabilis). Seven CR amphibians, fourteen CR reptile species and the extinct skink C. coctei are shared by more than one institution. Museums which host the highest number of threatened and extinct amphibian species are respectively Turin (17 CR and 1 EX), Florence (13 CR and 1 EX), and Trento (15 CR and 1 EW), while for reptiles the richest museums are those from Genoa (15 CR and 1 EX), Florence (11 CR and 1 EX), and Pisa (7 CR). Finally, we discussed the utility of natural history museums and the strategies to follow for the implementation of their functionality. © Firenze University Press