33 research outputs found

    The demonetization in tort liability from the film Aquarius: Injunction and in natura compensation of moral damages

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    A partir do drama vivenciado pela personagem Clara no filme Aquarius (2016), o presente artigo objetiva caracterizar os excessos da monetarização no enfrentamento aos danos morais e indicar alternativas jurídicas aplicáveis no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro, com lastro no exame da doutrina especializada e de decisões judiciais. Caracterizada a tendência de prevenção de danos e tutela específica das obrigações, examina-se a viabilidade da ação inibitória como remédio processual para garantir o sossego domiciliar em face de vizinhos. Ademais, verifica-se a plausibilidade jurídica da tese da compensação in natura de danos morais, mesmo na ausência de autorização expressa em lei. Conclui-se que, preventivamente, é preciso garantir a ação inibitória para defender interesses existenciais e que, após a ocorrência do dano moral, é salutar que a compensação pecuniária seja associada a meios despecuniarizados de reparação, como o pedido público de desculpas, a fim de efetivamente fazer frente ao prejuízo moral na mesma seara em que foi experimentado.Taking as a starting point the drama experienced by the character Clara from the film Aquarius (2016), this article aims to characterize the excesses of monetization in compensation of moral damages and to indicate legal alternatives applicable in Brazilian law, based on the exam of specialized doctrine and judicial decisions. After characterizing the tendency of prevention of damages and specific protection of obligations, it is analyzed the viability of the injunction as a procedural remedy to guarantee home placidity in the face of neighbors. In addition, it is verified the legal plausibility of the theory of in natura compensation of moral damages, even in the absence of express authorization in legal statutes. It is concluded that preventive action must be taken in order to defend existential interests and that, after the occurrence of moral damages, it is salutary that pecuniary compensation be associated with demonetized means of redress, such as public apology, in order to effectively cope with the moral prejudice in the same field it was experienced


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    RESUMO O presente artigo objetiva verificar a utilidade e a forma de aplicação do método do caso (case method) no ensino jurídico da responsabilidade civil. Trata-se de ramo marcadamente jurisprudencial, com textos normativos abertos e imprecisos. A partir da pesquisa bibliográfica, constata-se que o método do caso propicia o indispensável desenvolvimento da razão prática jurídica, empregada na atividade interpretativa voltada à decisão considerada justa para o caso concreto. Tal método prepara a capacidade reflexiva para percepção dos valores e interesses envolvidos no caso submetido a análise, mais necessária em face da insuficiência do direito legislado e da doutrina. Em perspectiva pragmática, o artigo traz indagações exemplificativas aptas a estimular a reflexão do discente em matéria de responsabilidade civil. Apresenta-se, ainda, roteiro ilustrativo de aula a respeito de um problema jurídico real: a possível responsabilidade do Estado por nomeação tardia em concurso público, tema enfrentado pelo STF no julgamento do Recurso Extraordinário n. 724.347/DF, em regime de repercussão geral. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Método Do Caso; Responsabilidade Civil; Ensino Jurídico; Didática; Razão Prática Jurídica. ABSTRACTThe present article aims to verify the feasibility and the means of applying the case method in legal education of tort liability. It is a niche markedly jurisprudential, with open and imprecise normative texts. Through bibliographical research, it is verified that the case method propitiates the indispensable development of juridical practical reason, used in the interpretive activity focused on the decision considered just for the concrete case. This method prepares the reflective capacity for understanding of the values and interests involved in the case submitted for consideration, which is more necessary in view of the insufficiency of statute law and doctrine. In a pragmatic perspective, this article lists exemplary questions capable of stimulating student’s reflection on tort liability. It also presents an illustrative lesson plan on a real juridical problem: possible State liability for late nomination in civil service examinations, a matter faced by Supreme Court in the judgment of Extraordinary Appeal no. 724,347/DF, under the system of general repercussion. KEYWORDS: Case Method; Tort Liability; Legal Education; Didactics; Juridical Practical Reason

    Root length and alveolar bone level of impacted canines and adjacent teeth after orthodontic traction: a long-term evaluation

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    Objective The aim of this retrospective study was to evaluate the long-term effects of orthodontic traction on root length and alveolar bone level in impacted canines and adjacent teeth. Material and Methods Sample consisted of 16 patients (nine males and seven females), mean initial age 11 years and 8 months presenting with unilaterally maxillary impacted canines, palatally displaced, treated with the same surgical and orthodontic approach. Teeth from the impacted-canine side were assigned as Group I (GI), and contralateral teeth as control, Group II (GII). The mean age of patients at the end of orthodontic treatment was 14 years and 2 months and the mean post-treatment time was 5 years and 11 months. Both contralateral erupted maxillary canines and adjacent teeth served as control. Root length and alveolar bone level (buccal and palatal) were evaluated on cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) images. The comparison of root length and alveolar bone level changes between groups were assessed by applying paired t-test, at a significance level of 5% (

    Study reveals that apnea is related to facial morphology

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    Cordel como estratégia de educação popular na saúde de homens

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    Este estudo teve como objetivo descrever a experiência na elaboração e utilização da literatura de cordel como estratégia para a educação popular em saúde de homens. Trata-se de um relato de experiência sobre a criação de um cordel para educação em saúde de homens no contexto do semiárido baiano. O estudo revelou que a literatura de cordel constitui-se em um veículo importante de interlocução e comunicação que, de maneira expressiva, utiliza-se de seus versos e prosas, da cultura e do cotidiano e contribui para a formação em saúde, adequando-se às ações desempenhadas pela Enfermagem. A construção desse cordel possibilitou ampliar discussões e reflexões sobre a população a ser cuidada, bem como se constituiu em um importante elemento de educação com poder para estimular práticas de autocuidado, promovendo saúde, prevenindo doenças e valorizando as especificidades de cada público em seu lócus

    From conventional to self-ligating bracket systems: Is it possible to aggregate the experience with the former to the use of the latter?

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    INTRODUCTION: Orthodontics, just as any other science, has undergone advances in technology that aim at improving treatment efficacy with a view to reducing treatment time, providing patients with comfort, and achieving the expected, yet hardly attained long-term stability. The current advances in orthodontic technology seem to represent a period of transition between conventional brackets (with elastic ligatures) and self-ligating brackets systems. Scientific evidence does not always confirm the clear clinical advantages of the self-ligating system, particularly with regard to reduced time required for alignment and leveling (a relatively simple protocol), greater comfort for patients, and higher chances of performing treatment without extractions - even though the number of extractions is more closely related to patient's facial morphological pattern, regardless of the technique of choice. Orthodontics has recently and brilliantly used bracket individualization in compensatory treatment with a view to improving treatment efficacy with lower biological costs and reduced treatment time. OBJECTIVE: This paper aims at presenting a well-defined protocol employed to produce a better treatment performance during this period of technological transition. It explores the advantages of each system, particularly with regards to reduced treatment time and increased compensatory tooth movement in adult patients. It particularly addresses compensable Class III malocclusions, comparing the system of self-ligating brackets, with which greater expansive and protrusive tooth movement (maxillary arch) is expected, with conventional brackets Capelozza Prescription III, with which maintaining the original form of the arch (mandibular arch) with as little changes as possible is key to yield the desired results

    Facial morphology and obstructive sleep apnea

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    Objective: This study aimed at assessing the relationship between facial morphological patterns (I, II, III, Long Face and Short Face) as well as facial types (brachyfacial, mesofacial and dolichofacial) and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) in patients attending a center specialized in sleep disorders. Methods: Frontal, lateral and smile photographs of 252 patients (157 men and 95 women), randomly selected from a polysomnography clinic, with mean age of 40.62 years, were evaluated. In order to obtain diagnosis of facial morphology, the sample was sent to three professors of Orthodontics trained to classify patients' face according to five patterns, as follows: 1) Pattern I; 2) Pattern II; 3) Pattern III; 4) Long facial pattern; 5) Short facial pattern. Intraexaminer agreement was assessed by means of Kappa index. The professors ranked patients' facial type based on a facial index that considers the proportion between facial width and height. Results: The multiple linear regression model evinced that, when compared to Pattern I, Pattern II had the apnea and hypopnea index (AHI) worsened in 6.98 episodes. However, when Pattern II was compared to Pattern III patients, the index for the latter was 11.45 episodes lower. As for the facial type, brachyfacial patients had a mean AHI of 22.34, while dolichofacial patients had a significantly statistical lower index of 10.52. Conclusion: Patients' facial morphology influences OSA. Pattern II and brachyfacial patients had greater AHI, while Pattern III patients showed a lower index