65 research outputs found

    I simboli e le icone di appartenenza religiosa nello spazio pubblico europeo

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    [The symbols and icons of religious affiliation in the European public space] The belief that freedom of religion in all its forms belongs to the universe of fundamental rights is consolidated in the European legal science. Article 3 of the Italian Constitution establishes the equality of citizens before the law and expressly mentions the religious element among the parameters of non-discrimination. Equally strong, regarding the breadth of the content of religious freedom, are the formulations contained in European law. Nevertheless, the European Court of Justice, in some of its recent decisions, has reached conclusions which are likely to downsize the fundamentality of the right to religious freedom, its absoluteness, in the face of the cultural challenges posed by the current immigration, also relating to women’s clothing. 

    Presentazione. La (ir)resistibile ascesa della dottrina dell'austerità

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    «La stabilità finanziaria, la cosiddetta sostenibilità delle finanze pubbliche, è diventata, dapprima ‘silenziosamente’ negli anni novanta dello scorso secolo (Maastricht, Patto di stabilità e crescita) e poi sempre più chiaramente a partire dalla crisi dei debiti sovrani della fine del primo decennio del ventunesimo secolo, un vincolo ineludibile per i Governi e per i Parlamenti degli Stati dell’Unione. L’imperativo assoluto dell’agenda politica europea, il supervalore a cui tutti gli altri valori dell’ordinamento sovranazionale e degli ordinamenti degli Stati membri devono inderogabilmente sottostare (Fiscal compact)»... (segue)

    L’allargamento dello spazio giuridico ed economico: osservazioni preliminari.

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    SOMMARIO1. Il ‘ritorno all’Europa’: un evento costituzionale mancato? 2. Le vulgate dominanti: a) La rappresentazione allarmistica; b) La rappresentazione buonista. 3. Una rappresentazione realista. 4. Le sfide reali: a) La sfida politica; b) La sfida istituzionale; c) La sfida giuridico-costituzionale. 5. Per un’Europa europea

    Comparative evaluation of feeders in the growth of cuyes (Cavia porcellus)

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    Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado. Maestría en Producción AnimalEl objetivo de la investigación fue evaluar la eficiencia productiva y económica de cuyes (Cavia porcellus) durante la etapa de crecimiento, mediante el uso de tres tipos de comederos (pocillo de arcilla, tolva plástica tipo ave y tolva metálica tipo conejo) en interacción con dos tipos de alojamiento (jaulas y pozas). Se utilizaron 72 cuyes mejorados machos recién destetados (14 ± 3 días), pertenecientes al genotipo Cieneguilla - UNALM, durante siete semanas. Se utilizó un diseño completo al azar con arreglo factorial de seis tratamientos y tres repeticiones de cuatro animales en cada una; siendo: poza con pocillo de arcilla (T1), poza con tolva plástica tipo ave (T2), poza con comedero metálico tipo conejo (T3), jaula con pocillo de arcilla (T4), jaula con tolva tipo ave (T5) y jaula con comedero metálico tipo conejo (T6). El alimento balanceado, que fue integral en harina, y el agua se suministraron ad libitum. Se evaluó ganancia de peso, consumo de alimento, conversión alimenticia, mermas, mortalidad y retribución económico. Los resultados indican que, el mayor consumo (P<0.05), considerando la merma, como parte del mismo, se presenta en los tratamientos que usaron pocillo de arcilla; entre tanto el comedero tipo tolva plástica permitió el menor porcentaje de alimento perdido (P<0.05). En relación al tipo de cuyera, el sistema de jaulas fue superior (P<0.05) en ganancia de peso. Finalmente, el T5 (tolva plástica en jaula) evidenció tener los parámetros por debajo de los promedios numéricos de los demás, lo que repercutió en su retribución y mérito económico, siendo en este sentido la alternativa más eficiente; considerando únicamente el rubro alimentación como el costo productivo.The objective of the research was to evaluate the productive and economic efficiency of guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus) during the growth stage, through the use of three types of feeders (clay well, plastic bird-type hopper and metal rabbit-type hopper) in interaction with two types of accommodation (cages and pools). 72 freshly weaned male improved guinea pigs (14 ± 3 days), belonging to the Cieneguilla-UNALM genotype, were used for seven weeks. A complete randomized design with factorial arrangement of six treatments and three replications of four animals in each was used; being: pool with clay well (T1), pool with plastic bird-type hopper (T2), pool with metal rabbit-type feeder (T3), cage with clay well (T4), cage with bird-type hopper (T5) and cage with metallic rabbit type feeder (T6). Balanced feed, which was wholemeal in flour, and water were supplied ad libitum. Weight gain, feed consumption, feed conversion, losses, mortality and economic compensation were evaluated. The results indicate that the highest consumption (P<0.05), considering the decrease, as part of it, occurs in the treatments that used a clay well; meanwhile the plastic hopper feeder allowed the lowest percentage of lost food (P<0.05). Regarding the type of guinea pig, the cage system was superior (P <0.05) in weight gain. Finally, the T5 (plastic cage hopper) evidenced having the parameters below the numerical averages of the others, which had an impact on their remuneration and economic merit, being in this sense the most efficient alternative; considering only the food item as the productive cos

    Crecimiento de cuatro genotipos de cuyes (Cavia porcellus) bajo dos sistemas de alimentación

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    The main technical parameters of four improved guinea pig genotypes currently available and subjected to two feeding systems (mixed and integral) during the growth stage were evaluated. Ninety-six newly weaned male guinea pigs (15 ± 3 days) belonging to the genotypes: Cieneguilla-UNALM, Peru-INIA, Cuy G-IVITA/Mantaro/UNMSM, and Inkacuy-UCSS were used. Pelletized diets as well as water, were offered ad libitum for eight weeks, while forage (maize husks) was only supplied to the mixed treatments. A completely randomized design with a factorial arrangement of eight treatments and three replicates of four animals in each was used. The factors were the genotype on the one hand, and the feeding system (mixed and integral) on the other hand. The results showed that, at the genotype level, Cieneguilla, Cuy G and Inkacuy recorded better weights and weight gains (p &lt; 0.05) compared to Perú. Feed conversion favored (p &lt; 0.05) the T2 treatment (Cieneguilla-integral); in general, the Cieneguilla-UNALM genotype performed better than the others; meanwhile, the systems with and without forage, except for intake that was higher in the first (p &lt; 0.05), showed a similar behavior (p &gt; 0.05).Se evaluaron los principales parámetros técnicos de cuatro genotipos de cuyes mejorados disponibles en la actualidad y sometidos a dos sistemas de alimentación (mixto e integral) durante la etapa de crecimiento. Se utilizaron 96 cuyes machos recién destetados (15&nbsp;±&nbsp;3 días) pertenecientes a los genotipos: Cieneguilla-UNALM, Perú-INIA, Cuy G-IVITA/Mantaro/UNMSM e Inkacuy-UCSS. Las dietas peletizadas y el agua fueron ofrecidos ad libitum durante ocho semanas, mientras que el forraje (chala) solo se suministró a los tratamientos mixtos. Se utilizó un diseño completo al azar con arreglo factorial de ocho tratamientos y tres repeticiones de cuatro animales por cada repetición, donde los factores fueron el genotipo, por una parte, y el sistema de alimentación (mixto e integral), por otra. Los resultados indican que, a nivel de genotipos, Cieneguilla, Cuy G e Inkacuy registraron mejores pesos y ganancias de peso (p&nbsp;&lt;&nbsp;0,05) que el genotipo Perú. La conversión alimenticia favoreció (p&nbsp;&lt;&nbsp;0,05) al tratamiento T2 (Cieneguilla-integral); en general, el genotipo Cieneguilla-UNALM tuvo mejor desempeño que los demás, mientras que los sistemas con y sin forraje —con excepción del consumo que fue mayor en el primero (p&nbsp;&lt;&nbsp;0,05)— tuvieron un comportamiento similar (p&nbsp;&gt;&nbsp;0,05)

    Assessment of digestible energy levels in two feeding systems in the productive and reproduction performance of guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus)

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    El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar dietas con dos niveles de energía digestible (2.7 y 2.9 Mcal de ED/kg) y dos sistemas de alimentación (con o sin la inclusión de forraje verde) en cuyes hembras reproductoras, evaluando la respuesta en parámetros productivos y reproductivos (ganancia de peso, consumo de alimento, tamaño de camada, porcentaje de fertilidad, partos, abortos, mortalidad y pesos promedios al nacimiento y destete), así como la respuesta económica. Se trabajó con 60 hembras de segundo parto de 1274 g de peso vivo y 12 cuyes machos mejorados, procedentes de la Granja de Cuyes de Cieneguilla de la Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, Lima, Perú. El estudio tuvo una duración de 18 semanas entre mayo y octubre de 2010. Se utilizó un diseño estadístico factorial de 2x2 con cuatro tratamientos y tres repeticiones por tratamiento: T1 y T2 con dietas de 2.7 Mcal de ED/kg con y sin inclusión de forraje verde, respectivamente, y el T3 y T4 con dietas de 2.9 Mcal de ED/kg con y sin inclusión de forraje verde, respectivamente. No se encontraron diferencias significativas entre tratamientos en la mayoría de los indicadores; sin embargo, las madres alimentadas bajo sistemas de inclusión de forraje perdieron peso al destete (-47.6 g), mientras que dietas con el nivel de energía 2.9 Mcal de ED/kg produjeron mayor peso al parto (p&lt;0.05). El menor costo por cría destetada se obtuvo bajo el sistema de alimentación con inclusión de forraje (S/. 5.00 vs. S/. 5.60).The aim of this study was to evaluate diets with two levels of digestible energy (2.7 and 2.9 Mcal of ED/kg) and two feeding systems (with or without the inclusion of green forage) in female breeding guinea pigs, evaluating the response in productive and reproductive parameters (weight gain, food intake, litter size, fertility rate, births, abortions, mortality and birth and weaning weights), as well as the economic response. The study was conducted with 60 second-parity females of 1274 g of mean bodyweight and 12 improved male guinea pigs from the Cieneguilla Guinea Pig Farm of the La Molina Agrarian University, Lima, Peru. The study lasted for 18 weeks between May and October 2010. A 2x2 factorial statistical design was used with four treatments and three repetitions per treatment: T1 and T2 with diets of 2.7 Mcal of ED/kg with and without inclusion of green forage, respectively, and T3 and T4 with diets of 2.9 Mcal of ED/kg with and without inclusion of green forage, respectively. No significant differences were found between treatments in most of the indicators; however, mothers fed under forage inclusion systems lost weight at weaning (-47.6 g), while diets with the 2.9 Mcal energy level of ED/kg produced greater birth weight (p&lt;0.05). The lowest cost per weaned offspring was obtained under the feed system including forage (S/. 5.00 vs. S/. 5.60)

    Il superamento della multilevel theory nei rapporti tra l’Europa, gli stati membri e i livelli di governo sub-statale

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    This essay discusses the ascent and the decline of the multilevel paradigm: a doctrine that represented the European system as a real constitutional system, a unitary legal system, although legally pluralist and therefore deprived of the character of exclusivity. In this essay, I underline that the sovereign debt crisis has placed the Union in the grip of an unquestionable constitutional disorder. The principle of mutual recognition of constitutional authority among systems belonging to the European Area, the core of the multilevel paradigm, is no longer the unquestioned prerequisite of the case-law of the crisis (as highlighted by the case-law of the FCC). Therefore the multilevel theory is the wrong ‘prescription’ to overcome the constitutional disorder. On the contrary, what is required is a new doctrine able to disclose: real constituent powers of the current globalized world and their conflict for the sovereignty

    I simboli e le icone di appartenenza religiosa nello spazio europeo

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    The symbols and icons of religious affiliation in the European public space] The belief that freedom of religion in all its forms belongs to the universe of fundamental rights is consolidated in the European legal science. Article 3 of the Italian Constitution establishes the equality of citizens before the law and expressly mentions the religious element among the parameters of nondiscrimination. Equally strong, regarding the breadth of the content of religious freedom, are the formulations contained in European law. Nevertheless, the European Court of Justice, in some of its recent decisions, has reached conclusions which are likely to downsize the fundamentality of the right to religious freedom, its absoluteness, in the face of the cultural challenges posed by the current immigration, also relating to women’s clothin

    Governare per 'decreto'. Il 'caso' Brexit, e non solo

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    Sfogliando recenti scritti, di giovani e meno giovani studiosi, balza subito agli occhi la profonda convinzione che le ragioni della democrazia pluralista siano ancora “vive e vegete”. Che le sue regole, le sue istituzioni e i suoi principi siano ancora perfettamente adeguati a rappresentare, dar forma e regolare i grandi conflitti della nostra epoca: i laceranti conflitti,economici, sociali, identitari tra vincenti e perdenti della globalizzazione. Nutro grande rispetto per questa convinzione. E, tuttavia, gli argomenti adoperati a sostegno di questa convinzione mi inquietano. Mi inquieta il sentimento (latente, non sempre dichiarato) che sull’altare delle “magnifiche e progressive sorti” della democrazia pluralista e costituzionale possano essere accantonate, sia pur momentaneamente, le ragioni della democrazia,della democrazia senza aggettivi. Un sentimento elitista che non riesco a condividere, emotivamente prima ancora che intellettualmente