115 research outputs found

    The C-terminus of p63 contains multiple regulatory elements with different functions

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    The transcription factor p63 is expressed as at least six different isoforms, of which two have been assigned critical biological roles within ectodermal development and skin stem cell biology on the one hand and supervision of the genetic stability of oocytes on the other hand. These two isoforms contain a C-terminal inhibitory domain that negatively regulates their transcriptional activity. This inhibitory domain contains two individual components: one that uses an internal binding mechanism to interact with and mask the transactivation domain and one that is based on sumoylation. We have carried out an extensive alanine scanning study to identify critical regions within the inhibitory domain. These experiments show that a stretch of ~13 amino acids is crucial for the binding function. Further, investigation of transcriptional activity and the intracellular level of mutants that cannot be sumoylated suggests that sumoylation reduces the concentration of p63. We therefore propose that the inhibitory function of the C-terminal domain is in part due to direct inhibition of the transcriptional activity of the protein and in part due to indirect inhibition by controlling the concentration of p63. Keywords: p63, transcriptional regulation, auto-inhibition, sumoylatio

    Predictive role of vitamin A serum concentration in psoriatic patients treated with IL-17 inhibitors to prevent skin and systemic fungal infections

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    The use of biological drugs in psoriasis is replacing traditional therapies due to their specific mechanism and limited side effects. However, the use of Interleukin 17 inhibitors and the modification of its cytokine pathway could favor the risk of fungal infections.All-trans retinoic acid is an active metabolite of vitamin A with anti-inflammatory and immunoregulatory properties through its capacity to stimulate both innate and adaptive immunity and to its effects on proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis in a variety of immune cells. Furthermore, it has been recently discovered that All-trans retinoic acid has a direct fungistatic effect against Candida and Aspergillus Fumigatus.On the basis of these new insights, in the current review, we suggest that the evaluation of serum level of All-trans retinoic acid or vitamin A should be considered as a predictive marker for the development of fungal infections among psoriatic patients treated with Interleukin 17 inhibitors.In clinical practice, vitamin A test could be added in the routine hospital diagnostic management for a better selection of psoriatic patients eligible to Interleukin 17 inhibitors

    Differences in the vascular and metabolic profiles between metabolically healthy and unhealthy obesity

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    Abstract Individuals suffering from severe obesity but not presenting the typical metabolic alterations, are included in a subclass of obesity defined Metabolically Healthy Obesity (MHO). The physiological factors underlying what seems a protective and favourable metabolic profile remain unclear. MHO individuals are more insulin-sensitive, have relatively lower visceral/ectopic fat accumulation and reduced levels of chronic low-grade inflammation, compared to obese subjects with co-morbidities. The study of MHO subjects represents a great opportunity for the recognition of the mechanisms that lead to the vascular and metabolic complications in obesity. Finding the differences among the metabolic profile of visceral adipose tissue between metabolically healthy and unhealthy obesity may lead to future personalized and stratified therapies.This review article summarizes the pathomechanisms and metabolic changes in MHO and metabolically unhealthy obesity (MUO), reviews clinical studies on the subject, and discusses preventive and therapeutic options

    p63 orchestrates serine and one carbon metabolism enzymes expression in head and neck cancer

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    background: head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) is characterized by high proliferation and limited differentiation. the altered expression of the p53 family members, and specifically of p63, represents a pivotal event in the pathogenesis of HNSCC. physiologically, p63 affects metabolism through the direct transactivation of the enzyme hexokinase 2, and subsequently controls the proliferation of epithelial cells; nonetheless, its role in cancer metabolism is still largely unclear. the high energetic demand of cancer and the consequent needs of a metabolic reshape, also involve the serine and glycine catabolic and anabolic pathways, including the one carbon metabolism (OCM), to produce energetic compounds (purines) and to maintain cellular homeostasis (glutathione and S-adenosylmethionine). results: the involvement in serine/glycine starvation by other p53 family members has been reported, including HNSCC. Here, we show that in HNSCC p63 controls the expression of the enzymes regulating the serine biosynthesis and one carbon metabolism. p63 binds the promoter region of genes involved in the serine biosynthesis as well as in the one carbon metabolism. p63 silencing in a HNSCC cell line affects the mRNA and protein levels of these selected enzymes. moreover, the higher expression of TP63 and its target enzymes, negatively impacts on the overall survival of HNSCC patients. conclusion: these data indicate a direct role of p63 in the metabolic regulation of HNSCC with significant clinical effects

    Transglutaminase 3 Reduces the Severity of Psoriasis in Imiquimod-Treated Mouse Skin.

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    Four transglutaminase (TG) isoforms have been detected in epidermal keratinocytes: TG1, TG2, TG3, and TG5. Except for TG1 and TG3, their contribution to keratinocyte development and structure remains undefined. In this paper, we focused on the roles of TG2 and TG3 in imiquimod-induced psoriasis in mouse skin. We evaluated the severity of psoriasis markers in the skin of imiquimod-treated TG3 null and TG2 null mice. Our results showed that compromised TG3KO mouse skin was more responsive than WT or TG2KO mouse skin to the action of the pro-inflammatory drug imiquimod

    A primary luminal/HER2 negative breast cancer patient with mismatch repair deficiency

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    : Here, we present the case of a 47-year-old woman diagnosed with luminal B breast cancer subtype and provide an in-depth analysis of her gene mutations, chromosomal alterations, mRNA and protein expression changes. We found a point mutation in the FGFR2 gene, which is potentially hyper-activating the receptor function, along with over-expression of its ligand FGF20 due to genomic amplification. The patient also harbors somatic and germline mutations in some mismatch repair (MMR) genes, with a strong MMR mutational signature. The patient displays high microsatellite instability (MSI) and tumor mutational burden (TMB) status and increased levels of CTLA-4 and PD-1 expression. Altogether, these data strongly implicate that aberrant FGFR signaling, and defective MMR system might be involved in the development of this breast tumor. In addition, high MSI and TMB in the context of CTLA-4 and PD-L1 positivity, suggest the potential benefit of immune checkpoint inhibitors. Accurate characterization of molecular subtypes, based on gene mutational and expression profiling analyses, will be certainly helpful for individualized treatment and targeted therapy of breast cancer patients, especially for those subtypes with adverse outcome

    p63: a crucial player in epithelial stemness regulation

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    epithelial tissue homeostasis is closely associated with the self-renewal and differentiation behaviors of epithelial stem cells (ESCs). p63, a well-known marker of ESCs, is an indispensable factor for their biological activities during epithelial development. the diversity of p63 isoforms expressed in distinct tissues allows this transcription factor to have a wide array of effects. p63 coordinates the transcription of genes involved in cell survival, stem cell self-renewal, migration, differentiation, and epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition. through the regulation of these biological processes, p63 contributes to, not only normal epithelial development, but also epithelium-derived cancer pathogenesis. In this review, we provide an overview of the role of p63 in epithelial stemness regulation, including self-renewal, differentiation, proliferation, and senescence. we describe the differential expression of TAp63 and ΔNp63 isoforms and their distinct functional activities in normal epithelial tissues and in epithelium-derived tumors. furthermore, we summarize the signaling cascades modulating the TAp63 and ΔNp63 isoforms as well as their downstream pathways in stemness regulation

    Peritoneal expression of Matrilysin helps identify early post-operative recurrence of colorectal cancer

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    Recurrence of colorectal cancer (CRC) following a potentially curative resection is a challenging clinical problem. Matrix metalloproteinase-7 (MMP-7) is over-expressed by CRC cells and supposed to play a major role in CRC cell diffusion and metastasis. MMP-7 RNA expression was assessed by real-time PCR using specific primers in peritoneal washing fluid obtained during surgical procedure. After surgery, patients underwent a regular follow up for assessing recurrence. transcripts for MMP-7 were detected in 31/57 samples (54%). Patients were followed-up (range 20–48 months) for recurrence prevention. Recurrence was diagnosed in 6 out of 55 patients (11%) and two patients eventually died because of this. Notably, all the six patients who had relapsed were positive for MMP-7. Sensitivity and specificity of the test were 100% and 49% respectively. Data from patients have also been corroborated by computational approaches. Public available coloncarcinoma datasets have been employed to confirm MMP7 clinical impact on the disease. Interestingly, MMP-7 expression appeared correlated to Tgfb-1, and correlation of the two factors represented a poor prognostic factor. This study proposes positivity of MMP-7 in peritoneal cavity as a novel biomarker for predicting disease recurrence in patients with CRC

    A BRCA2 germline mutation and high expression of immune checkpoints in a TNBC patient

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    : Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) is the most aggressive subtype of mammary carcinoma. Here, we describe a case of an 81-year-old female diagnosed with ductal triple negative breast cancer with a germline pathogenic variant in BReast CAncer gene2 (BRCA2). Genetic testing also revealed the presence of four somatic mutations in the ephrin type-A receptor 3 (EphA3), TP53, BRCA1-associated protein (BAP1), and MYB genes. The BRCA2, TP53, and BAP1 gene mutations are highly predictive of a defective homologous recombination repair system and subsequent chromosomal instability in this patient. Coherently, the patient displayed a strong homologous recombination deficiency signature and high tumor mutational burden status, which are generally associated with increased probability of immune neoantigens formation and presentation, and with tumor immunogenicity. Analysis of immune checkpoint revealed high expression of programmed cell death ligand 1 (PD-L1), programmed cell death ligand 2 (PD-L2), programmed death 1 (PD1), and cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated protein 4 (CTLA 4), suggesting that the patient might likely benefit from immunotherapies. Altogether, these findings support an unveiled link between BRCA2 inactivation, HR deficiency and increased expression of immune checkpoints in TNBC. This clinical case highlights the importance of screening TNBC patients for genetic mutations and TMB biomarkers in order to predict the potential efficacy of immunotherapy
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