622 research outputs found

    On-site sanitation density and groundwater quality: Evidence from remote sensing and in situ observations in the thiaroye aquifer, Senegal

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    © 2020 The Authors. In rapidly urbanising low-income towns and cities, there remains an absence of scientific evidence and regulatory structures to sustain the quality and quantity of groundwater used for low-cost water supplies and to reconcile this with continued use of the subsurface for low-cost sanitation. Here, we analyse the relationship between the density of on-site sanitation and shallow groundwater quality in the Thiaroye aquifer of Quaternary sands in Dakar, Senegal. On-site sanitation was mapped using object-oriented classification and visual interpretation of high-resolution, optical satellite images and ground-truthing surveys. Groundwater quality was assessed over a three-year period (2017–2019) from a network of 61 sources comprising boreholes, dug-wells, hand tubewells and piezometers. More than 253,000 on-site sanitation facilities are identified over an area of 520 km2 with densities ranging from 1 to 70 per hectare. A moderate, statistically significant linear relationship (r2 = 0.55, p « 0.01) is found between the density of on-site sanitation facilities and nitrate concentrations in sampled groundwater sources. Groundwater contamination beyond the WHO drinking-water guideline value (50 mg/L) occurs where densities of on-site sanitation facilities exceed 4 (±4) per hectare, a threshold commonly surpassed in peri-urban areas underlain by the Thiaroye aquifer of Dakar

    Practices in primary health care oriented toward the harmful consumption of drugs

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    Objective To analyze the practices of primary care focused on the harmful consumption of drugs. Method This is a qualitative study, developed with a dialectical-critical approach. Data collection was carried out through semi-structured interviews with 10 employees of a basic health unit (UBS). Results The demands are not accepted, and if they go beyond the barriers shaped by the historical absence of health care practices for drug users and moralistic and preconceived ideologies, they are not reinterpreted as health needs; practices that meet these demands and go beyond the barriers are poor; the functionalist approach, which explains drug use as a disease and considers drug users as deviants, supports the few existing practices. Conclusion primary health care is mistakenly focused on addiction; it lacks structural elements of the production process in health and internal dynamics of the working processes that would foster the development of collective practices

    Proteomics: in pursuit of effective traumatic brain injury therapeutics

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    Effective traumatic brain injury (TBI) therapeutics remain stubbornly elusive. Efforts in the field have been challenged by the heterogeneity of clinical TBI, with greater complexity among underlying molecular phenotypes than initially conceived. Future research must confront the multitude of factors comprising this heterogeneity, representing a big data challenge befitting the coming informatics age. Proteomics is poised to serve a central role in prescriptive therapeutic development, as it offers an efficient endpoint within which to assess post-TBI biochemistry. We examine rationale for multifactor TBI proteomic studies and the particular importance of temporal profiling in defining biochemical sequences and guiding therapeutic development. Lastly, we offer perspective on repurposing biofluid proteomics to develop theragnostic assays with which to prescribe, monitor and assess pharmaceutics for improved translation and outcome for TBI patients

    Representações cotidianas: uma proposta de apreensão de valores sociais na vertente marxista de produção do conhecimento

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    Propõe-se um arcabouço teórico-metodológico, na vertente marxista de construção do conhecimento, para compreensão de valores sociais pela captação de representações cotidianas. Pressupõe-se que a investigação científica congrega diferentes instâncias: epistemológica, teórica e metodológica, que coerentemente às demais instâncias propõem um conjunto de procedimentos e técnicas operacionais de apreensão e análise da realidade em estudo, expondo o objeto investigado. O estudo de valores revela a essencialidade da formação de juízos e escolhas; há valores que refletem a ideologia dominante, perpassando todas as classes sociais, mas também há valores que refletem os interesses de classe, esses não são universais, são constituídos nas relações e atividades sociais. Fundamentando-se na teoria marxista da consciência, as representações cotidianas constituem formulações discursivas, opinativas ou de convicção, emitidas por sujeitos sobre sua realidade, mostrando-se coerente forma de compreensão e exposição de valores sociais: grupos focais mostram-se apropriados para apreender opiniões enquanto entrevistas demonstram potencialidades para expor convicções

    Mortalidade infantil e acesso geográfico ao parto nos municípios brasileiros

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    OBJETIVO: Analisar o acesso geográfico ao parto hospitalar nos municípios brasileiros. MÉTODOS: Foram analisadas informações de óbitos e nascimentos quanto à sua adequação para o cálculo do coeficiente de mortalidade infantil no período de 2005 a 2007 para os 5.564 municípios brasileiros. O acesso geográfico foi expresso por indicadores de deslocamento, oferta e acesso aos serviços de saúde. A associação entre o acesso geográfico ao parto e o coeficiente de mortalidade infantil em municípios com adequação de suas informações vitais foi avaliada por meio de regressão múltipla. RESULTADOS: Dentre os municípios analisados, 56% apresentaram adequação das informações vitais, correspondendo a 72% da população brasileira. O deslocamento geográfico ao parto mostrou-se inversamente associado ao porte populacional, à renda per capita, e à mortalidade infantil, mesmo controlado por fatores demográficos e socioeconômicos. CONCLUSÕES: Embora tenham sido desenvolvidas estratégias importantes para a melhoria da qualidade do atendimento às gestantes no Brasil, as ações para garantir o acesso igualitário à assistência ao parto ainda são insuficientes. O maior deslocamento intermunicipal para o parto se mostrou como um fator de risco para a mortalidade infantil, aliado à desigualdade de oferta de serviços qualificados e à falta de integração com a atenção básica de saúde

    Satisfação no trabalho da equipe de enfermagem: revisão integrativa

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    Job satisfaction consists of a feeling of wellbeing, resulting from the interaction of several occupational aspects, and may influence the worker's relationship with the organization, clients and family. Hence, it becomes important for the quality of nursing care to reflect on this topic in depth. Therefore, this study aimed to examine the scientific evidence related to job satisfaction in Brazilian nursing. An integrative literature review was carried out in the databases LILACS, MEDLINE, BDENF and Cochrane Library, totaling 17 publications, categorized in: Job Satisfaction, Job Dissatisfaction and Associated Factors. It was concluded that job satisfaction is determined by a complex network of factors and may vary depending on the group studied. Additional research, particularly of evidence level III in different nursing fields, covering all of Brazil, is necessary to support the implementation of occupational improvements.La satisfacción en el trabajo consiste en un sentimiento de bienestar resultante de la interacción de varios aspectos ocupacionales, pudiendo influenciar la relación del trabajador con la organización, clientes y familia. Es importante para la calidad de la asistencia de enfermería realizar una reflexión profunda sobre este tema, por eso se objetivó en este estudio analizar las evidencias científicas referentes a la satisfacción en el trabajo del equipo de enfermería brasileño. Se trató de una revisión integradora de la literatura en las bases de datos LILACS, MEDLINE, BDENF y Biblioteca Cochrane, totalizando 17 publicaciones categorizadas en: Satisfacción en el Trabajo, Insatisfacción en el Trabajo y Factores Asociados. Se concluyó que la satisfacción en el trabajo es determinada por una red compleja de factores, pudiendo variar conforme el grupo estudiado. Investigaciones adicionales, especialmente con niveles de evidencias III, en diferentes campos de actuación de la enfermería, abarcando todo el Brasil, son necesarias para subsidiar la implantación de mejorías ocupacionales.A satisfação no trabalho consiste em sentimento de bem-estar. resultante da interação de vários aspectos ocupacionais, podendo influenciar a relação do trabalhador com a organização, clientes e família. Torna-se importante, para a qualidade da assistência de enfermagem, reflexão aprofundada sobre esse tema, e, por isso, objetivou-se neste estudo analisar as evidências científicas referentes à satisfação no trabalho da equipe de enfermagem brasileira. Trata-se de revisão integrativa da literatura nas bases de dados LILACS, MEDLINE, BDENF e Biblioteca Cochrane, totalizando 17 publicações categorizadas em: satisfação no trabalho, insatisfação no trabalho e fatores associados. Conclui-se que a satisfação no trabalho é determinada por rede complexa de fatores, podendo variar conforme o grupo estudado. Pesquisas adicionais, especialmente com níveis de evidências III, em diferentes campos de atuação da enfermagem, abrangendo todo Brasil, são necessárias para subsidiar a implantação de melhorias ocupacionais

    Spatial and temporal variation in reproduction of a generalist crocodilian, Caiman crocodilus yacare, in a seasonally flooded wetland

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    We monitored the number of caiman (Caiman crocodilus yacare) nests in two ranches in the Brazilian Pantanal that cover an area of about 50.000 ha for 28 years (1987-2014). The number of nests was related to combinations of rainfall, water level, and number of days with temperature below 20°C, depending on the area. Most of the variation in number of nests could not be predicted by the environmental variables, but could be represented mathematically by a sine wave. We were not able to identify any external driver and suspect that the regular fluctuations may have resulted from an intrinsic population process. Presently, ranches are used as management units under the legislation for ranching Pantanal caimans. However, although some breeding females were recaptured in the area after periods of up to 21 years, most were not recaptured near nests or in general surveys of the area, suggesting that females are not strongly philopatric and that ranches do not represent isolated demographic units. Copyright: © 2015 Campos et al

    Keratocyte loss in corneal infection through apoptosis: a histologic study of 59 cases

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    BACKGROUND: Keratocyte loss by apoptosis following epithelial debridement is a well-recognized entity. In a study of corneal buttons obtained from patients of corneal ulcer undergoing therapeutic keratoplasty, we observed loss of keratocytes in the normal appearing corneal stroma, surrounding the zone of inflammation. Based on these observations, we hypothesized that the cell loss in the inflammatory free zone of corneal stroma is by apoptosis that could possibly be a non-specific host response, independent of the nature of infectious agent. METHODS: To test our hypothesis, in this study, we performed Terminal deoxyribonucleotidyl transferase-mediated d-Uridine 5" triphosphate Nick End Labelling (TUNEL) staining on 59 corneal buttons from patients diagnosed as bacterial, fungal, viral and Acanthamoeba keratitis. The corneal sections were reviewed for morphologic changes in the epithelium, stroma, type, degree and depth of inflammation, loss of keratocytes in the surrounding stroma (posterior or peripheral). TUNEL positivity was evaluated in the corneal sections, both in the zone of inflammation as well as the surrounding stroma. A correlation was attempted between the keratocyte loss, histologic, microbiologic and clinical features. RESULTS: The corneal tissues were from 59 patients aged between 16 years and 85 years (mean 46 years) and included fungal (22), viral (15), bacterial (14) and Acanthamoeba (8) keratitis. The morphological changes in corneal tissues noted were: epithelial ulceration (52, 88.1%), destruction of Bowman's layer (58, 99%), mild to moderate (28; 47.5%) to severe inflammation (31; 52.5%). Morphologic evidence of disappearance or reduced number of keratocytic nuclei in the corneal stroma was noted in 49 (83%) cases; while the TUNEL positive brown cells were identified in all cases 53/54 (98%), including cases of fungal (19), bacterial (14), viral (13), and Acanthamoeba keratitis. TUNEL staining was located mostly in the deeper stroma and in few cases the peripheral stroma. TUNEL positivity was also noted with the polymorphonuclear infiltrates and in few epithelial cells (10 of 59, 17%) cases, more with viral infections (6/10; 60%). CONCLUSIONS: We report apoptotic cell death of keratocytes in the corneal stroma in infectious keratitis, a phenomenon independent of type of infectious agent. The inflammatory cells in the zone of inflammation also show evidence of apoptotic cell death. It could be speculated that the infective process possibly triggers keratocyte loss of the surrounding stroma by apoptosis, which could possibly be a protective phenomenon. It also suggests that necrotic cell death and apoptotic cell deaths could occur simultaneously in infective conditions of the cornea