56 research outputs found

    Incendies de forĂȘts en MĂ©diterranĂ©e : le trop dit, le mal dit, le non dit

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    Les incendies de forĂȘts en MĂ©diterranĂ©e ont suscitĂ© une production de chiffres et d'Ă©crits impressionnante. Cet article cherche Ă  dĂ©montrer Ă  partir de sources diversifiĂ©es que le traitement de l'information est significativement dĂ©sĂ©quilibrĂ©. Les donnĂ©es factuelles sur l'origine, les lieux de dĂ©parts des incendies, les surfaces concernĂ©es sont de l'ordre du trop dit. En revanche les analyses sur le fait social sont souvent cantonnĂ©es Ă  la recherche du bouc Ă©missaire : le mal dit. Rarement abordĂ©es dans la presse, les donnĂ©es Ă©conomiques existent mais prĂ©sentĂ©es suivant des comptabilitĂ©s Ă©miettĂ©es et hĂ©tĂ©roclites, facilitant le non dit. Que signifie ce dĂ©sĂ©quilibre flagrant dans les informations sur les incendies ? Existe-t-il une volontĂ© dĂ©libĂ©rĂ©e d'occulter certaines questions gĂȘnantes

    Cryo-Near-Field Photovoltage Microscopy of Heavy-Fermion Twisted Symmetric Trilayer Graphene

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    Ever since the initial experimental observation of correlated insulators and superconductivity in the flat Dirac bands of magic angle twisted bilayer graphene, a search for the microscopic description that explains its strong electronic interactions has begun. While the seemingly disagreeing electronic transport and scanning tunneling microscopy experiments suggest a dichotomy between local and extended electronic orbitals, definitive experimental evidence merging the two patterns together has been much sought after. Here, we report on the local photothermoelectric measurements in the flat electronic bands of twisted symmetric trilayer graphene (TSTG). We use a cryogenic scanning near-field optical microscope with an oscillating atomic force microscopy (AFM) tip irradiated by the infrared photons to create a nanoscopic hot spot in the planar samples, which generates a photocurrent that we probe globally. We observe a breakdown of the non-interacting Mott formalism at low temperatures (10K), signaling the importance of the electronic interactions. Our measurements reveal an overall negative offset of the Seebeck coefficient and significant peaks of the local photovoltage values at all positive integer fillings of the TSTG's moir\'e superlattice, further indicating a substantial deviation from the classical two-band semiconductor Seebeck response. We explain these observations using the interacting topological heavy-fermion model. In addition, our data reveal a spatial variation of the relative interaction strength dependent on the measured local twist angle (1.2{\deg} - 1.6{\deg}). Our findings provide experimental evidence of heavy fermion behaviour in the topological flat bands of moir\'e graphene and epitomize an avenue to apply local thermoelectric measurements to other strongly correlated materials in the disorder-free limit

    Current practice in proton therapy delivery in adult cancer patients across Europe

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE Major differences exist among proton therapy (PT) centres regarding PT delivery in adult cancer patient. To obtain insight into current practice in Europe, we performed a survey among European PT centres. MATERIALS AND METHODS We designed electronic questionnaires for eight tumour sites, focusing on four main topics: 1) indications and patient selection methods; 2) reimbursement; 3) on-going or planned studies, 4) annual number of patients treated with PT. RESULTS Of 22 centres, 19 (86%) responded. In total, 4233 adult patients are currently treated across Europe annually, of which 46% consists of patients with central nervous system tumours (CNS), 15% head and neck cancer (HNC), 15% prostate, 9% breast, 5% lung, 5% gastrointestinal, 4% lymphoma, 0.3% gynaecological cancers. CNS are treated in all participating centres (n = 19) using PT, HNC in 16 centres, lymphoma in 10 centres, gastrointestinal in 10 centres, breast in 7 centres, prostate in 6 centres, lung in 6 centres, and gynaecological cancers in 3 centres. Reimbursement is provided by national health care systems for the majority of commonly treated tumour sites. Approximately 74% of centres enrol patients for prospective data registration programs. Phase II-III trials are less frequent, due to reimbursement and funding problems. Reasons for not treating certain tumour types with PT are lack of evidence (30%), reimbursement issues (29%) and/or technical limitations (20%). CONCLUSION Across European PT centres, CNS tumours and HNC are the most frequently treated tumour types. Most centres use indication protocols. Lack of evidence for PT and reimbursement issues are the most reported reasons for not treating specific tumour types with PT

    La production durable de biens et services en forĂȘt mĂ©diterranĂ©enne : une mise en perspective historique

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    La production de biens et services en forĂȘt s'inscrit dans une longue histoire. Cet article propose une analyse historique de la notion de multifonctionnalitĂ© : longue saga de la nĂ©gociation plus ou moins aboutie entre offres et demandes de biens et de services. Dans cette histoire, la place de la forĂȘt mĂ©diterranĂ©enne a Ă©tĂ© tout Ă  fait ignorĂ©e ou minorĂ©e, Cependant, une rĂ©vision de cette marginalitĂ© thĂ©matique, Ă©cologique, sociale et Ă©conomique s'amorce progressivement
