1,322 research outputs found

    Testing Luminescence Dating Methods for Small Samples from Very Young Fluvial Deposits

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    The impetus behind this study is to understand the sedimentological dynamics of very young fluvial systems in the Amazon River catchment and relate these to land use change and modern analogue studies of tidal rhythmites in the geologic record. Initial quartz optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating feasibility studies have concentrated on spit and bar deposits in the Rio Tapajós. Many of these features have an appearance of freshly deposited pristine sand, and these observations and information from anecdotal evidence and LandSat imagery suggest an apparent decadal stability. The characteristics of OSL from small (~5 cm) sub-samples from ~65 cm by ~2 cm diameter vertical cores are quite remarkable. Signals from medium-sized aliquots (5 mm diameter) exhibit very high specific luminescence sensitivity, have excellent dose recovery and recycling, essentially independent of preheat, and show minimal heat transfer even at the highest preheats. These characteristics enable measurement of very small signals with reasonable precision and, using modified single-aliquot regenerative-dose (SAR) approaches, equivalent doses as low as ~4 mGy can be obtained. Significant recuperation is observed for samples from two of the study sites and, in these instances, either the acceptance threshold was increased or growth curves were forced through the origin; recuperation is considered most likely to be a measurement artefact given the very small size of natural signals. Dose rates calculated from combined inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry/inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-MS/ICP-OES) and high-resolution gamma spectrometry range from ~0.3 to 0.5 mGya−1 , and OSL ages for features so far investigated range from 13 to 34 years to several 100 years. Sampled sands are rich in quartz and yields of 212–250 µm or 250–310 µm grains indicate high-resolution sampling at 1–2 cm intervals is possible. Despite the use of medium-sized aliquots to ensure the recovery of very dim natural OSL signals, these results demonstrate the potential of OSL for studying very young active fluvial processes in these settings

    Maximal acceleration or maximal accelerations?

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    We review the arguments supporting the existence of a maximal acceleration for a massive particle and show that different values of this upper limit can be predicted in different physical situations.Comment: 13 pages, Latex, to be published in Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    Maintaining Tumor Heterogeneity in Patient-Derived Tumor Xenografts.

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    Preclinical models often fail to capture the diverse heterogeneity of human malignancies and as such lack clinical predictive power. Patient-derived tumor xenografts (PDX) have emerged as a powerful technology: capable of retaining the molecular heterogeneity of their originating sample. However, heterogeneity within a tumor is governed by both cell-autonomous (e.g., genetic and epigenetic heterogeneity) and non-cell-autonomous (e.g., stromal heterogeneity) drivers. Although PDXs can largely recapitulate the polygenomic architecture of human tumors, they do not fully account for heterogeneity in the tumor microenvironment. Hence, these models have substantial utility in basic and translational research in cancer biology; however, study of stromal or immune drivers of malignant progression may be limited. Similarly, PDX models offer the ability to conduct patient-specific in vivo and ex vivo drug screens, but stromal contributions to treatment responses may be under-represented. This review discusses the sources and consequences of intratumor heterogeneity and how these are recapitulated in the PDX model. Limitations of the current generation of PDXs are discussed and strategies to improve several aspects of the model with respect to preserving heterogeneity are proposed.We are grateful to Cancer Research UK for supporting all authors

    Phase Transition in Asymmetrical Superfluids I: Equal Fermi Surfaces

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    In this paper, we study phase transitions in asymmetrical fermion superfluids. In this scenario, the candidates to form pair are particles with mismatched masses and chemical potentials. We derive an expression for the critical temperature in terms of the gap and masses (or chemical potentials) when the constraint of equal Fermi surfaces maμa=mbμbm_a\mu_a = m_b\mu_b is imposed.Comment: RevTex, 11 pages, 2 figures, typos corrected and an appendix added, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Turbulence driven particle transport in Texas Helimak

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    We analyze the turbulence driven particle transport in Texas Helimak (K. W. Gentle and Huang He, Plasma Sci. and Technology, 10, 284 (2008)), a toroidal plasma device with one-dimensional equilibrium with magnetic curvature and shear. Alterations on the radial electric field, through an external voltage bias, change spectral plasma characteristics inducing a dominant frequency for negative bias values and a broad band frequency spectrum for positive bias values. For negative biased plasma discharges, the transport is high where the waves propagate with phase velocities near the plasma flow velocity, an indication that the transport is strongly affected by a wave particle resonant interaction. On the other hand, for positive bias the plasma has a reversed shear flow and we observe that the transport is almost zero in the shearless radial region, an evidence of a transport barrier in this region.Comment: 8 pages, 11 figure


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    Three species of salmon in the Snake River Basin have been listed as endangered. Recovery efforts for these fish include attempts to obtain increased quantities of water during smolt migration periods to improve habitat in the lower basin. Agriculture is the dominant user of surface flows in this region. This study investigates farmer cost of a contingent water contract requiring the agricultural release of stored irrigation supplies in low flow years during critical flow periods. Results show that contingent contracts can provide substantial quantities of water at a relatively modest cost without significantly affecting the agricultural base of the area.Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    TECNOLOGIA Assistiva e Computacional: Contribuições para O atendimento Educacional Especializado e Desafios Na formação de Professores

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    Neste trabalho, analisamos aspectos relacionados a como a tecnologia computacional é utilizada no Atendimento Educacional Especializado (AEE) e como se deu a formação de professores para utilizar esses recursos. Para tanto, delimitamos os seguintes objetivos específicos: investigar a utilização da tecnologia assistiva (TA) computacional no âmbito das salas de recursos multifuncionais (SRM); problematizar as tensões, dificuldades e possibilidades relacionadas à TA com ênfase na tecnologia computacional para o AEE; analisar a formação do professor de educação especial para o AEE tendo como recurso a TA com ênfase na tecnologia computacional, visando à mediação dos processos de aprendizagem. O aporte teórico deste trabalho foi a abordagem histórico-cultural, tomando por referência os estudos de Vigotski e seus colaboradores. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa que fez uso de diferentes instrumentos metodológicos como, os grupos focais, o questionário online e a entrevista semiestruturada. Para desenvolvê-lo, realizamos a coleta de dados em diferentes contextos, começando pelos grupos focais da pesquisa inaugural do Oneesp, que serviram como dispositivo para esta pesquisa, seguida da aplicação de um questionário aos professores participantes da pesquisa-formação desenvolvida como um desdobramento no estado do Espírito Santo da pesquisa inaugural do Oneesp pelos integrantes do Oeeesp e da aplicação in loco de entrevistas semiestruturadas com professores de educação especial, de uma SRM do Tipo II. Foram oitenta e nove professores participantes na pesquisa do Oneesp, trinta professores na pesquisa-formação do Oeeesp e dois professores para aplicação da entrevista semiestruturada in loco, respectivamente. Esses dois professores participaram tanto da pesquisa do Oneesp como da pesquisa do Oeeesp. Analisamos esses três momentos, dos quais emergiram os apontamentos que nos proporcionaram pensar, com base nas narrativas orais e escritas dos professores: sua formação para uso da TA computacional; seu entendimento sobre sua formação para este fim; seus anseios por uma formação mais direcionada; a forma como utilizam a tecnologia na sala de recursos; seus entendimentos sobre as dificuldades e possibilidades relacionadas a TA com ênfase na tecnologia computacional para o AEE. Após essas análises, concluímos que poucos professores que atuam nas SRM tiveram uma formação que possibilitasse a aplicação das tecnologias computacionais em sua mediação pedagógica, aliando teoria e prática, com momentos de formação que privilegiassem os momentos presenciais e em laboratórios, onde possam interagir com os computadores e suas ferramentas simbólicas. Sem essa familiaridade com os recursos computacionais, os professores acabam sentindo-se inseguros para utilizá-los, deixando de potencializar, pela via desses recursos, os processos de ensinoaprendizagem do aluno com deficiência. Faz-se necessário um investimento nesse tipo de formação e, mais do que isso, que se viabilize para os professores que atuam ou que pretendem atuar nas SRM. A partir de uma formação apropriada é possível fazer com que os professores utilizem os recursos computacionais como mediadores dos processos de ensino-aprendizagem de seus alunos

    Mitigating Gender Bias in Machine Learning Data Sets

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    Artificial Intelligence has the capacity to amplify and perpetuate societal biases and presents profound ethical implications for society. Gender bias has been identified in the context of employment advertising and recruitment tools, due to their reliance on underlying language processing and recommendation algorithms. Attempts to address such issues have involved testing learned associations, integrating concepts of fairness to machine learning and performing more rigorous analysis of training data. Mitigating bias when algorithms are trained on textual data is particularly challenging given the complex way gender ideology is embedded in language. This paper proposes a framework for the identification of gender bias in training data for machine learning.The work draws upon gender theory and sociolinguistics to systematically indicate levels of bias in textual training data and associated neural word embedding models, thus highlighting pathways for both removing bias from training data and critically assessing its impact.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, 5 Tables, Presented as Bias2020 workshop (as part of the ECIR Conference) - http://bias.disim.univaq.i