53 research outputs found

    The Brazilian Tunable Filter Imager for the SOAR telescope

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    This paper presents a new Tunable Filter Instrument for the SOAR telescope. The Brazilian Tunable Filter Imager (BTFI) is a versatile, new technology, tunable optical imager to be used in seeing-limited mode and at higher spatial fidelity using the SAM Ground-Layer Adaptive Optics facility at the SOAR telescope. The instrument opens important new science capabilities for the SOAR community, from studies of the centers of nearby galaxies and the insterstellar medium to statistical cosmological investigations. The BTFI takes advantage of three new technologies. The imaging Bragg Tunable Filter concept utilizes Volume Phase Holographic Gratings in a double-pass configuration, as a tunable filter, while a new Fabry-Perot (FP) concept involves technologies which allow a single FP etalon to act over a large range of interference orders and spectral resolutions. Both technologies will be in the same instrument. Spectral resolutions spanning the range between 25 and 30,000 can be achieved through the use of iBTF at low resolution and scanning FPs beyond R ~2,000. The third new technologies in BTFI is the use of EMCCDs for rapid and cyclically wavelength scanning thus mitigating the damaging effect of atmospheric variability through data acquisition. An additional important feature of the instrument is that it has two optical channels which allow for the simultaneous recording of the narrow-band, filtered image with the remaining (complementary) broad-band light. This avoids the uncertainties inherent in tunable filter imaging using a single detector. The system was designed to supply tunable filter imaging with a field-of-view of 3 arcmin on a side, sampled at 0.12" for direct Nasmyth seeing-limited area spectroscopy and for SAM's visitor instrument port for GLAO-fed area spectroscopy. The instrument has seen first light, as a SOAR visitor instrument. It is now in comissioning phase.Comment: accepted in PAS

    Lesões musculoesqueléticas em policiais militares

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    INTRODUCTION: The physical qualities need to be analyzed and are risk factors associated with the development of musculoskeletal injuries during military sports training. OBJECTIVE: Epidemiological studies of musculoskeletal injuries occurred in the ankle and foot of military police officers. METHODS: We collected all the medical records of military police officers who have suffered previous injuries in the ankle and foot during the period September 2005 to August 2011. The information was obtained through physical therapy evaluation form found in the records and subsequently the data were tabulated and analyzed. RESULTS: After collecting the data from the medical records, it was found that there 29% bone injuries, 32% ligament injuries and 35% muscle injuries. CONCLUSION: A sprained ankle demonstrates a risk to public health is described by the international statistical classification of diseases and related health problems, which is also in the military environment, described as risk during sports practice.INTRODUCCIÓN: Las cualidades físicas precisan ser analizadas y se vinculan como factores de riesgos para desarrollar lesiones musculoesqueléticas durante el entrenamiento deportivo-militar. OBJETIVO: Recolectar datos sobre epidemiología de las lesiones musculoesqueléticas ocurridas en tobillos y pies de policías militares. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Se analizaron todas las fichas médicas de policías militares que sufrieron lesiones previas en tobillos y pies durante el período de septiembre de 2005 a agosto de 2011; las informaciones fueron obtenidas mediante los formularios de evaluación fisioterapéutica que se encontraban en las fichas médicas; posteriormente, los datos obtenidos fueron tabulados y analizados. RESULTADOS: Después de la recolección de datos de las fichas médicas se observó 29% de lesiones óseas, 32% de ligamentarias y 35% de musculares. CONCLUSIÓN: La torcedura de tobillo demuestra ser un riesgo para la salud pública como se describe en la clasificación estadística internacional de enfermedades y problemas relacionados con la salud, siendo en el medio militar señalada también como un riesgo durante la práctica deportiva.INTRODUÇÃO: As qualidades físicas precisam ser analisadas e estão associadas como fatores de risco a desenvolver lesões musculoesqueléticas durante o treinamento esportivo militar. OBJETIVO: Levantar a epidemiologia das lesões musculoesqueléticas ocorridas em tornozelo e pé de policiais militares. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram coletados todos os prontuários de policiais militares que sofreram lesões prévias no tornozelo e pé durante o período de setembro de 2005 a agosto de 2011, as informações foram obtidas através da ficha de avaliação fisioterapêutica constatada nos prontuários, posteriormente os dados obtidos foram tabulados e analisados. RESULTADOS: Após a coleta de dados dos prontuários foi observado que houve 29% de lesões ósseas, 32% de ligamentares e 35% de musculares. CONCLUSÃO: A entorse de tornozelo demonstra um risco à saúde pública como descrita pela classificação estatística internacional de doenças e problemas relacionados à saúde, sendo no meio militar também descrita como um risco durante a prática esportiva.Centro de Reabilitação da Polícia MilitarUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Centro de Traumatologia do EsporteUNIFESP, Centro de Traumatologia do EsporteSciEL