66 research outputs found

    Primary Health Care Governance: Case Studies in Argentina and Brazil

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    Transaction Cost Economics is a recent perspectiveto organizations analysis, and it is still little applied in the publicsector. The purpose of this paper is to assess the relativeefficiency of two primary health care platforms, one in Argentinaand the another one in Brazil. The transaction costs arecategorized, counted and normalized into quartiles from directobservation, interviews and documental review. Besides,institutional arrangements are described. The discriminatinghypothesis of association between organizational efficiency andthe alignment of transaction characteristics with the governancemode is comparatively tested. The analysis showed that theBrazilian case presented lower frequency of transaction costsbecause its institutional arrangement contains more coordinationand incentives with less strategic uncertainty. The evaluationmethod developed in this paper highlights the importance ofstudying the characteristics of organization for the generation ofknowledge and production of managerial contributions overpublic health service’s delivery

    Transformation and tumorigenicity testing of simian cell lines and evaluation of poliovirus replication

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    The key role of cell cultures in different scientific fields is worldwide recognized, both as in vitro research models alternative to laboratory animals and substrates for biological production. However, many safety concerns rise from the use of animal/human cell lines that may be tumorigenic, leading to potential adverse contaminations in cell-derived biologicals. In order to evaluate the suitability of 13 different cell lines for Poliovirus vaccine production, safety and quality, in vitro/in vivo tumorigenicity and Poliovirus propagation properties were evaluated. Our results revealed that non-human primate cell lines CYNOM-K1, FRhK-4, 4MBr-5 and 4647 are free of tumorigenic features and represent highly susceptible substrates for attenuated Sabin Poliovirus strains. In particular, FRhK-4 and 4647 cell lines are characterized by a higher in vitro replication, resulting indicated for the use in large-scale production field


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    RESUMO Com intuito de verificar os efeitos que a política de salário mínimo exerce sobre o mercado de trabalho metropolitano brasileiro, o presente estudo contribui ao verificar a sua inter-relação com variáveis como taxa de atividade, grau de informalidade e taxa de desemprego em quatro regiões metropolitanas (Recife, Porto Alegre, Belo Horizonte e São Paulo), separadamente, no período de janeiro de 2003 a março de 2015. Ao utilizar o método de autorregressão vetorial (VAR), os resultados mostram que a relação entre salário mínimo e taxa de atividade se deu com ingresso de mão de obra apenas em uma região estudada. Nas demais regiões observam-se tanto uma tendência de queda no grau de informalidade quanto um aumento na taxa de desemprego

    Condicionalidades em saúde do programa Bolsa Família – Brasil: uma análise a partir de profissionais da saúde

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    Este estudo apresenta a percepção de profissionais de equipes de Saúde da Família de municípios do Nordeste do Brasil acerca das mudanças na vida das famílias participantes do programa Bolsa Família, da relação destas com os serviços de saúde e do impacto na dinâmica de trabalho dos profissionais, a partir do acompanhamento das condicionalidades de saúde do programa Bolsa Família. As informações foram obtidas por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas e encontros de grupo focal. Os profissionais acreditam que o programa ocasionou mudanças favoráveis na vida das famílias participantes, como a redução da pobreza, o aumento da frequência escolar das crianças e mudanças positivas na relação entre as famílias participantes e os serviços de saúde. No entanto, relataram dificuldades de caráter organizacional no acompanhamento das condicionalidades, sobretudo devido ao aumento da demanda de trabalho. É importante que as condicionalidades de saúde proporcionem oportunidades para a realização de ações que visem ao empoderamento e autonomia dos sujeitos quanto ao autocuidado e desenvolvimento da cidadania

    Wage differentials associated with race between 2002 and 2014 in Brazil: Evidence from a quantile decomposition

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    Throughout the 2000s Brazil went through a great phase of economic development. The present study seeks to investigate whether this movement was accompanied by a reduction in inequality in the labor market, measured here by the wage gap between whites and non-whites. To do so, three cohorts of time (2002-2004, 2007-2009 and 2012-2014) were analyzed from the microdata of the National Household Sampling Survey (Pesquisa Nacional de Amostragem Domiciliar - PNAD). The applied method is the counterfactual Oaxaca-Blinder along with the Recentered Influence Function Regression (RIF-Regression) so that the main determinants of wages inequalities can be detailed throughout the salary distribution. Our results showed that wage gap (totals, due to observed factors and discrimination) are higher in the higher quantiles of the distribution, that is, in professions or activities with higher wages. The results also point to a salary approximation between the groups during the analyzed period, which was mainly due to observable characteristics, specially education levels. However, discrimination decreased only between the first and second triennium and in low magnitude. Apart from that, the main determinants of racial wage gap are returns to education, experience and professions considered unregulated (self-employment and informal workers)