193 research outputs found

    Graphics and haptics user interface for virtual bronchoscopy

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    Premi al millor Projecte de Fi de Carrera presentat durant el curs 2010-2011 en l'àmbit de Sistemes d'Informació que atorga INDRA SISTEMASLa broncoscopia virtual es una técnica de reconstrucción tridimensional generada por medio del ordenador que simula la vista de las vías aéreas, como si estuviese llevando a cabo una broncoscopia real. Representa un ambiente útil de entrenamiento donde el doctor puede recibir indicaciones sobre el camino más corto que conecta la tráquea con la zona enferma que se necesita observar con más atención. La idea principal consiste en realizar una exploración de los pulmones lo mas real posibles, como si el doctor estuviese sujetando un broncoscopio dando la sensación de estar interactuando con el ambiente real. Con este objetivo, el ususario llevará a cabo la tarea de exploración de los pulmones lo más real posible, como si el doctor estuviese sujetando un broncoscopio dando la sensación de tacto y fricción y también para dar una posible guía a lo largo de una ruta calculada. El desarrollo de este proyecto requiere: la implementación de una representación gráfica de los pulmones desde un punto de vista exterior y desde la cámara del broncoscopio, la determinación de los moivimientos del dispositivo háptico para poder controlar el macroscopio virtual de la manera más real posible; la representación háptica de las fuerzas de contacto con los elementos virtuales y, finalmente, una evaluación por parte de un equipo médico especializado. El programa será desarrollado utilizando H3DAPI para la representación gráfica yla interfaz háptica, Qt para cosntruir la Interfaz Gráfica de Usuario y CMake para definir el proyecto: debido a esas elecciones la aplicación podrá funcionar en diferentes sistemas operaticos.Award-winnin

    Residues of the quinone outside inhibitor fungicide trifloxystrobin after postharvest dip treatments to control Penicillium spp. on citrus fruit.

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    The effectiveness of postharvest dip treatment with trifloxystrobin (TFX) or imazalil (IMZ) was compared for controlling green and blue mold (caused by Penicillium digitatum and Penicillium italicum, respectively) of citrus fruit. Residues retained by fruit were determined as a function of treatment time, dip temperature, and storage conditions. Trials on 'Avana apireno' mandarin oranges artificially inoculated with P. digitatum or P. italicum revealed that treatments with 200 to 600 mg/liter active ingredient TFX at 20 degrees C were less effective than 100 mg/liter TFX at 500C for controlling P. digitatum but equally effective for controlling P. italicum. IMZ treatments with 200 mg/liter IMZ at 20 degrees C or 25 mg/liter IMZ at 50 degrees C resulted in more than 98% reduction of P. digitatum and ca. 93% reduction of P. italicum compared with untreated fruit. Total suppression of pathogens was achieved when higher IMZ doses were applied. Studies on artificially wounded lemons, oranges, clementines, and mandarins revealed that treatment with 100 mg/liter TFX at 50 degrees C effectively controlled decay development (mainly due to P. digitatum) after 7 days of storage at 20 degrees C. These results were confirmed on nonwounded oranges of cv. Tarocco and on grapefruits of cvs. Marsh Seedless and Star Ruby during 3 weeks of simulated quarantine at 1 degrees C, storage (5 weeks at 8 degrees C for oranges and 8 weeks at 11degrees C for grapefruits), and an additional 1 week of simulated marketing conditions at 20 degrees C. IMZ at 50 degrees C was highly effective for controlling decay during storage and the simulated marketing period. TFX treatment at 50 degrees C was as effective as IMZ for controlling decay in most samples. After treatment with 100 mg/liter TFX at 20 degrees C, fungicide residues in 'Tarocco' oranges doubled from 0.15 mg/kg to 0.30 mg/kg when dip time increased from 0.5 to 3 min, whereas when treatments were performed at 50 degrees C TFX residues were not related to dipping time. Residues of TFX were significantly correlated with dip temperature. A 3-min dip treatment at 50 degrees C resulted in a deposition of TFX that was approximately twofold higher than that obtained when treatments were carried out at 20 degrees C

    Qualitative profile and quantitative determination of flavonoids from Crocus sativus L. petals by LC-MS/MS

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    From the methanolic extract of Crocus sativus petals nine known flavonoids have been isolated and identified, including glycosidic derivatives of quercetin and kaempferol as major compounds (1–2), and their methoxylated and acetylated derivatives. Additionally, LC-ESI-MS qualitative and LC-ESI-MS/MS quantitative studies of the major compounds of the methanolic extract were performed. The high content of glycosylated flavonoids could give value to C. sativus petals, which are a waste product in the production of the spice saffron

    COLD HEAD MONITOR: Monitoraggio delle teste fredde

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    In un sistema di raffreddamento per ricevitori radioastronomici, la corretta manutenzione delle criopompe e dei compressori è fondamentale per il mantenimento delle prestazioni nel tempo. Lo scopo di questo progetto è quello di monitorare le correnti di alimentazione del motore della testa fredda: le parti meccaniche che lo compongono sono soggette ad usura e possono compromettere il funzionamento dell’intero sistema. Eventuali anomalie nelle correnti possono infatti permettere di prevedere in anticipo eventuali malfunzionamenti riducendo i tempi di inattività non programmati

    Challenging management of gingival squamous cell carcinoma:a 10 years single-center retrospective study on Northern-Italian patients

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    Aim of this study was to describe the outcome of patients with gingival squamous cell carcinoma (GSCC), and to recognize aspects affecting clinical course and to consider survival rate. The case records of patients, over a 10-year period, were retrospectively examined. Differences in distribution of the potential risk factors by prognosis were investigated through non-parametrical tests (Wilcoxon Rank-Sum and Fisher?s Exact). Survival curves for age, therapy and stage were built by the Kaplan-Meier method and compared with Log-Rank test. 79 patients were analysed. Significant increase in mortality for patients older than 77 and for those with advanced stages was found. Cumulative survival rate 5 years after the diagnosis was 43%, while at 10 years was of 11%. With a statistical relationship between age and tumour stage with survival rates, and 70% of GSCC cases identified as stage IV, early GSCC diagnosis remains challenging

    Organized crime and employment relations : a personal story of ‘Ndrangheta control on employment relations management practices in Southern Italy

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    This article sets out the testimony of Paolo, an Italian entrepreneur who worked under the control of an ‘Ndrangheta clan for years, and finally rebelled against that criminal organization. Paolo operated on a crucial front line, as he managed the relations between his company and the dominant criminal organization in his area. This story constitutes a ‘wake-up call’ for more research on the intrusion of organized crime in the labour market. Paolo’s story reveals how strongly organized crime can penetrate decision-making processes and control key people’s management practices. Such control is decisive not only while under the direct influence of organized crime, but also after rebelling against it. Overall, this article provides insights into how organized crime affects employment relations and it calls for more attention to be paid to this topic in the sociology of work and employment relations

    Genomic signatures of adaptive introgression from European mouflon into domestic sheep

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    Mouflon (Ovis aries musimon) became extinct from mainland Europe after the Neolithic, but remnant populations from the Mediterranean islands of Corsica and Sardinia have been used for reintroductions across Europe since the 19th-century. Mouflon x sheep hybrids are larger-bodied than mouflon, potentially showing increased male reproductive success, but little is known about genomic levels of admixture, or about the adaptive significance of introgression between resident mouflon and local sheep breeds. Here we analysed Ovine medium-density SNP array genotypes of 92 mouflon from six geographic regions, along with data from 330 individuals of 16 domestic sheep breeds. We found lower levels of genetic diversity in mouflon than in domestic sheep, consistent with past bottlenecks in mouflon. Introgression signals were bidirectional and affected most mouflon and sheep populations, being strongest in one Sardinian mouflon population. Developing and using a novel approach to identify chromosomal regions with consistent introgression signals, we infer adaptive introgression from mouflon to domestic sheep related to immunity mechanisms, but not in the opposite direction. Further, we infer that Soay and Sarda sheep carry introgressed mouflon alleles involved in bitter taste perception and/or innate immunity. Our results illustrate the potential for adaptive introgression even among recently diverged populations
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