371 research outputs found

    Efeito da época de semeadura sobre a qualidade da semente de soja no Estado de Mato Grosso.

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    Genomic instability in human actinic keratosis and squamous cell carcinoma

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    OBJECTIVE: To compare the repetitive DNA patterns of human actinic keratoses and squamous cell carcinomas to determine the genetic alterations that are associated with malignant transformation. INTRODUCTION: Cancer cells are prone to genomic instability, which is often due to DNA polymerase slippage during the replication of repetitive DNA and to mutations in the DNA repair genes. The progression of benign actinic keratoses to malignant squamous cell carcinomas has been proposed by several authors. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Eight actinic keratoses and 24 squamous cell carcinomas (SCC), which were pair-matched to adjacent skin tissues and/or leucocytes, were studied. The presence of microsatellite instability (MSI) and the loss of heterozygosity (LOH) in chromosomes 6 and 9 were investigated using nine PCR primer pairs. Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA patterns were also evaluated using eight primers. RESULTS: MSI was detected in two (D6S251, D9S50) of the eight actinic keratosis patients. Among the 8 patients who had squamous cell carcinoma-I and provided informative results, a single patient exhibited two LOH (D6S251, D9S287) and two instances of MSI (D9S180, D9S280). Two LOH and one example of MSI (D6S251) were detected in three out of the 10 patients with squamous cell carcinoma-II. Among the four patients with squamous cell carcinoma-III, one patient displayed three MSIs (D6S251, D6S252, and D9S180) and another patient exhibited an MSI (D9S280). The altered random amplified polymorphic DNA ranged from 70% actinic keratoses, 76% squamous cell carcinoma-I, and 90% squamous cell carcinoma-II, to 100% squamous cell carcinoma-III. DISCUSSION: The increased levels of alterations in the microsatellites, particularly in D6S251, and the random amplified polymorphic DNA fingerprints were statistically significant in squamous cell carcinomas, compared with actinic keratoses. CONCLUSION: The overall alterations that were observed in the repetitive DNA of actinic keratoses and squamous cell carcinomas indicate the presence of a spectrum of malignant progression

    Avaliação da solarização do solo para o controle de Ralstonia solanacearum.

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    O presente trabalho avaliou o emprego da solarização como uma alternativa para o controle da murcha bacteriana, causada por Ralstonia solanacearum, em amostras de solo infestado com o patógeno, dispostas em bolsas de náilon e enterradas em parcelas solarizadas ou não. Dois experimentos foram instalados, um em Campinas (SP), de fevereiro a abril de 2001, e o outro em Piracicaba (SP), de dezembro de 2001 a janeiro de 2002. Os ensaios foram efetuados em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, esquema fatorial, com quatro repetições, tendo cada parcela 4 x 4 m. Os fatores avaliados foram a solarização (com ou sem), efetuada com filme plástico transparente de 100 µm de espessura, o período de tratamento (30 e 60 dias e 37 e 60 dias para o primeiro e o segundo experimentos, respectivamente) e a profundidade de colocação das amostras (10 e 20 cm), fator verificado apenas no segundo ensaio. Após os períodos estipulados de solarização, o solo de cada bolsa foi colocado em vasos, para os quais foram transplantadas mudas de tomateiro (Lycopersicon esculentum). No solo não solarizado, em ambos os experimentos, 43 a 100% dos tomateiros murcharam. No segundo experimento, 6 a 22% dos tomateiros murcharam no solo solarizado por 37 dias. Entretanto não foram detectadas plantas murchas nas parcelas solarizadas do primeiro experimento e no segundo ensaio nenhum tomateiro murchou solo solarizado por 60 dias, nas duas profundidades estudadas. Os resultados indicam que a solarização é uma técnica promissora para o controle de R. solanacearum

    Ericaceae of the Serra Negra, Minas Gerais, Brazil

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    Serra Negra is a fragment of the Mantiqueira Range located among Lima Duarte, Santa Bárbara do Monte Verde, Rio Preto and Olaria, with altitudes between 800 and 1700 m. The vegetation is represented by a mosaic of forests and field environments, of which the "campo rupestre" must be highlighted, due to its occurrence in the whole altitudinal range in the area. A wide floristic study was conducted between the years 2003 and 2014 and the collected specimens were deposited in the Herbarium Leopoldo Krieger (CESJ), of the Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora. The aim of the present study was to conduct a floristic and taxonomic inventory to the family Ericaceae of the Serra Negra. It were recorded eight species belonging to three genera, of which Gaylussacia and Agarista were the richest, with four and three species, respectively, and Gaultheria represented by just one species. Identification keys, descriptions, illustrations of diagnostic characters, and comments of geographic distribution, ecological and taxonomic are provided.A Serra Negra é um fragmento do Complexo da Mantiqueira, localizado entre os municípios de Lima Duarte, Santa Bárbara do Monte Verde, Rio Preto e Olaria, com altitudes variando entre 800 e 1700m. A vegetação apresenta um mosaico composto por florestas e ambientes campestres, destacando-se o campo rupestre por toda a amplitude altimétrica. Um amplo estudo florístico foi realizado entre os anos de 2003 e 2014, e os espécimes coletados foram depositados no Herbário Leopoldo Krieger (CESJ), da Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora. O objetivo do presente estudo foi realizar um inventário florístico e taxonômico para a família Ericaceae da Serra Negra. Foram registradas oito espécies pertencentes a três gêneros, sendo Agarista e Gaylussacia os mais ricos, com quatro e três espécies respectivamente, e Gaultheria representado por apenas uma espécie. São apresentadas chaves de identificação, descrições das espécies, ilustrações de caracteres diagnósticos e comentários de distribuição geográfica, ecológicos e taxonômicos

    Analysis of the Specificity and Biochemical Characterization of Metalloproteases Isolated from Eupenicillium javanicum Using Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer Peptides

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    Enzymes have important features that may facilitate their application in industrial processes and have been used as alternatives to chemical catalysts. In particular, proteases can be isolated from microorganisms, which provide important sources of advantageous enzymes for industrial processes. For example, Eupenicillium javanicum is a filamentous fungus that has been shown to express industrially applicable enzymes and chemical components, such as antifungal compounds. The biotechnological potential of E. javanicum and proteases made us search a novel protease from this microorganism. The macromolecule was isolated, the main biochemical properties was evaluated, and the specificity of the protease subsites was determined. The protease was produced under solid-state bioprocess with wheat bran and isolated by two chromatography steps with yield of 27.5% and 12.4-fold purification. The molecular mass was estimated at 30 kDa. The N-terminal sequence of the first 20 amino acid residues was AVGAGYNASVALALEKALNN. The enzyme presented higher proteolytic activity at pH 6.0 and 60 degrees C. The protease is stable at wide range of pH values and temperatures and in the presence of surfactants. The primed side of the catalytic site showed the highest catalytic efficiency of the enzyme isolated from E. javanicum. The S'(1) subsite is responsible for catalyzing the protease reaction with substrates with tyrosine in P'(1). These findings provide important insights into the biochemical characterization of a highly active protease from E. javanicum and may facilitate the development of industrial processes involving this protease.Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP) [2012/24703-8, 2011/06986-0]Univ Sao Paulo, Sch Pharmaceut Sci Ribeirao Preto, Dept Pharmaceut Sci, Ribeirao Preto, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Paulista Med Sch, Dept Biophys, Sao Paulo, BrazilUniv Sao Paulo, Sch Pharmaceut Sci Ribeirao Preto, Dept Phys & Chem, Ribeirao Preto, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Paulista Med Sch, Dept Biophys, Sao Paulo, BrazilFAPESP: 2012/24703-8FAPESP: 2011/06986-0Web of Scienc

    Agronomic Characteristics, Chemical Composition and In vitro Gas Production of Sugarcane Cultivars (Saccharum spp.) for Feeding Ruminants.

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    solids content (BRIX), NDF/BRIX ratio and tons of sucrose/ha, total digestible nutrients, digestible energy, metabolizable energy, net energy and in vitro digestibility of organic matter, crude protein, neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and acid detergent, of digestion and In vitro gas production of nonfibrous carbohydrates, latency time, digestion rate and gas production of fibrous carbohydrates, and in vitro digestibility of organic matter. There was a significant difference between the cultivars regarding the neutral detergent fiber content, in vitro digestibility of organic matter, total digestible nutrients, digestible energy, net energy, degradation rates of fibrous and non-fibrous carbohydrates and latency period. There was a negative correlation between stem percentage and NDF/BRIX and positive correlation between in vitro digestibility of organic matter and total digestible nutrients. The results were submitted to analysis of variance and mean test by Scott-Knott and Pearson's correlation analysis. The statistical program used was SAEG 2000. The RB835486 variety was superior to the other cultivars, as it presented 93.28% of stem, 57.5% of in vitro digestibility of organic matter, NDF / BRIX ratio of 2.68, 43.78% NDF, latency period 2.86h and fibrous carbohydrate degradation rate of 2.26% per hour. Therefore, this cultivar was better indicated for animal feeding between May and July in the State of Mato Grosso, Brazil

    On the thermal footsteps of Neutralino relic gases

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    Current literature suggests that neutralinos are the dominant cold dark matter particle species. Assuming the microcanonical definition of entropy, we examine the local entropy per particle produced between the ``freeze out'' era to the present. An ``entropy consistency'' criterion emerges by comparing this entropy with the entropy per particle of actual galactic structures given in terms of dynamical halo variables. We apply this criterion to the cases when neutralinos are mosly b-inos and mostly higgsinos, in conjunction with the usual ``abundance'' criterion requiring that present neutralino relic density complies with 0.1 < \Omega_{\chic{\tilde\chi^0_1}} < 0.3 for h0.65h\simeq 0.65. The joint application of both criteria reveals that a better fitting occurs for the b-ino channels, hence the latter seem to be favoured over the higgsino channels. The suggested methodology can be applied to test other annihilation channels of the neutralino, as well as other particle candidates of thermal gases relics.Comment: LaTex AIP style, 8 pages including 1 figure. Final version to appear in Proceedings of the Mexican School of Astrophysics (EMA), Guanajuato, M\'exico, July 31 - August 7, 200

    Trends in stroke incidence, mortality and case fatality rates in Joinville, Brazil: 1995–2006

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    Background: Studying stroke rates in a whole community is a rational way to assess the quality of patient care and primary prevention. However, there are few studies of trends in stroke rates worldwide and none in Brazil. Objective: Established study methods were used to define the rates for first ever stroke in a defined population in Brazil compared with similar data obtained and published in 1995. Methods: All stroke cases occurring in the city of Joinville during 2005-2006 were prospectively ascertained. Crude incidence and mortality rates were determined, and age adjusted rates and 30 day case fatality were calculated and compared with the 1995 data. Results: Of the 1323 stroke cases registered, 759 were first ever strokes. The incidence rate per 100 000 was 105.4 (95% CI 98.0 to 113.2), mortality rate was 23.9 (95% CI 20.4 to 27.8) and the 30 day case fatality was 19.1%. Compared with the 1995 data, we found that the incidence had decreased by 27%, mortality decreased by 37% and the 30 day case fatality decreased by 28%. Conclusions: Using defined criteria we showed that in an industrial southern Brazilian city, stroke rates are similar to those from developed countries. A significant decrease in stroke rates over the past decade was also found, suggesting an improvement in primary prevention and inpatient care of stroke patients in Joinville.Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Santa Catarina (FAPESC)Universidade Regional de JoinvilleJoinville Municipal Health DepartmentFundacao de Apoio a Pesquisa Cientifica do Estado de Santa Catarina-FAPES