145 research outputs found
Online group consultation on labor analgesia for pregnant women: is it feasible?
Introduction: Our department of anesthesiology has been conducting weekly, for several years, a group
consultation to educate childbearing people about labor analgesia. The emergence of the COVID-19
pandemic forced an adaptation to a virtual consultation format. Since there are no studies about online
group consultation on labor analgesia in order to understand its role, an anonymous questionnaire was
created and applied. The objective was to evaluate this new consultation format, namely the ease of access,
usefulness of the content provided, and its impact on the satisfaction and experience of childbirth.
Materials and methods: An observational prospective study was conducted. A questionnaire was sent by email after childbirth to all childbearing people participating in the online consultation from January 20, 2021, to March 2, 2022. SPSS Statistics version 28.0 (IBM Corp. Released 2021. IBM SPSS Statistics for
Windows, Version 28.0. Armonk, NY: IBM Corp) was used for statistical analysis. Internal consistency was
analyzed using Cronbach’s alpha.
Results: A total of 563 participants were eligible, and 404 (71.8%) completed questionnaires were analyzed.
A few technical problems were reported. The participants considered their privacy respected, and more than
90% were satisfied with the content of the online consultation, the opportunity to pose questions, and the help managing expectations. Considering face-to-face consultation, 89.6% of patients considered the online format an effective alternative, 63.2% believed it could replace the old model, and 96.3% would recommend it.
Conclusions: Our study demonstrates that online consultation on labor analgesia was a good strategy during
the COVID-19 pandemic and has the potential to be used in this format in the future.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Structure and functioning of a mountain grazed grassland and their response after exclosure
Se estudió el efecto del pastoreo por ganado doméstico y de distintos tiempos de exclusión sobre la composición florística y la diversidad, y sobre la dinámica de la biomasa aérea, el contenido de nitrógeno y la productividad primaria de diferentes formas de vida, en un pastizal semi-natural de montaña de la provincia de Córdoba. El pastoreo promovió una mayor diversidad de especies, aunque la biomasa total y la productividad fueron máximas en el sitio con mayor tiempo de exclusión.
El pastoreo promovió la abundancia de especies rastreras y graminoides. Las gramíneas en penacho sólo aparecen a partir de los 4 años de exclusión y representan más del 90% de la biomasa total en el sitio excluido del pastoreo por 15 años. No hubo diferencias significativas en la dinámica estacional de la biomasa en pie ni del nitrógeno de las diferentes formas de crecimiento en los diferentes sitios estudiados, pero las formas de crecimiento rastreras y graminoides prolongaron su estación de crecimiento bajo pastoreo, y se observó un mayor contenido de nitrógeno en las plantas pastoreadas. La productividad primaria neta aérea estuvo limitada a la primavera y el verano, entre los meses de octubre y marzo. La productividad disminuyó ligeramente luego de la exclusión del pastizal, pero aumentó significativamente a partir de los 4 años sin pastoreo.The effect of grazing and different times of exclosure on floristic composition, biomass, plant nitrogen concentration and aboveground net plant productivity were studied in a mountain grassland of Córdoba, Argentina. Plant diversity was maximum at the grazed site and no invasion of alien species was recorded at any site, but total standing biomass and aboveground net plant productivity were maximum at the site excluded from grazing for 15 years. Prostrate, graminoid and annual growth forms accounted for more than 90% of live biomass at the grazed site. Rosettes increased their biomass with grazing exclusion and tussock grasses were apparent only after 4 years of exclusion and accounted for 90% of total biomass after 15 years of exclosure. There was no site effect on seasonal dynamics of standing biomass and plant nitrogen content of different plant growth forms, but prostrates and graminoids showed a prolonged growth season under grazing, and plant nitrogen content was higher in grazed plants. Aboveground net plant productivity (ANPP) was limited to spring and summer, from October to March. Two years of exclusion from grazing slightly decreased ANPP, but significatively increased after 4 years without livestock grazing.Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP) - Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales (FCAF
Interactions between silica and titanium nanoparticles and oral and gastrointestinal epithelia: Consequences for inflammatory diseases and cancer
Engineered nanoparticles (NPs) composed of elements such as silica and titanium, smaller than 100 nm in diameter and their aggregates, are found in consumer products such as cosmetics, food, antimicrobials and drug delivery systems, and oral health products such as toothpaste and dental materials. They may also interact accidently with epithelial tissues in the intestines and oral cavity, where they can aggregate into larger particles and induce inflammation through pathways such as inflammasome activation. Persistent inflammation can lead to precancerous lesions. Both the particles and lesions are difficult to detect in biopsies, especially in clinical settings that screen large numbers of patients. As diagnosis of early stages of disease can be lifesaving, there is growing interest in better understanding interactions between NPs and epithelium and developing rapid imaging techniques that could detect foreign particles and markers of inflammation in epithelial tissues. NPs can be labelled with fluorescence or radioactive isotopes, but it is challenging to detect unlabeled NPs with conventional imaging techniques. Different current imaging techniques such as synchrotron radiation X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy are discussed here. Improvements in imaging techniques, coupled with the use of machine learning tools, are needed before diagnosis of particles in biopsies by automated imaging could move usefully into the clinic
Is extensive livestock production compatible with biodiversity and soil conservation?
El efecto de la ganadería comercial sobre la conservación de la biodiversidad y de los suelos es difícil de evaluar debido a la falta de relictos sin ganado, a la heterogeneidad del paisaje y a la complejidad de las respuestas. Para describir en qué condiciones la ganadería comercial resulta compatible con la conservación de la biodiversidad y de los suelos, analizamos a distintas escalas los modelos y la información existentes. Concluimos que en sistemas que evolucionaron con altas presiones de herbívoros, ya sean domésticos o silvestres, la ganadería a cargas comerciales puede ser compatible con la conservación, y aun necesaria. Sin embargo, mientras que la biodiversidad se maximiza con una presión de herbivoría heterogénea dentro de cada uno de los diferentes ambientes que componen el paisaje, la producción ganadera tiende a optimizarse con una presión homogénea. Por ello, aún en sistemas que evolucionaron con alta presión de herbivoría, la compatibilidad con la conservación exige una cierta heterogeneidad de la presión, lo que puede disminuir la producción con respecto a la máxima posible. En sistemas que evolucionaron con baja presión de herbívoría es menos probable que la ganadería comercial resulte compatible con la conservación de la biodiversidad y de los suelos.The effect of commercial livestock production on biodiversity and soil conservation is difficult to evaluate due to the lack of relicts without livestock, landscape heterogeneity and the complexity of responses. We analyzed the available information and models, integrating different scales, to describe in what conditions commercial livestock production results compatible with biodiversity and soil conservation. We conclude that in systems that evolved with heavy pressure of either wild or domestic herbivores, commercial livestock production is compatible with conservation, and may even be necessary. However, biodiversity is maximized with a heterogeneous herbivore pressure within each of the habitats that constitute the landscape, while livestock production tends to be optimized with a homogeneous pressure. Thus, even in systems that evolved with heavy herbivore pressure, compatibility with conservation requires certain heterogeneity of herbivore pressure, which may decrease production relative to the potential maximum. In systems which evolved with light herbivore pressure, commercial livestock production is less likely to be compatible with biodiversity and soil conservation
Tree size and microenvironment affect fire damage and survival in Chaco Serrano
Los incendios afectan de distinta manera a ejemplares de una misma especie leñosa según el tamaño del individuo y las condiciones del microambiente, entre otros factores. Esto tiene implicancias en la estructuración de los paisajes forestales, ya que la velocidad a la que se recupera el bosque depende, en parte, de la severidad con la cual el fuego afecta a los individuos leñosos. Nos propusimos analizar cómo el tamaño y el microambiente afectan el nivel de daño por fuego y la supervivencia en dos especies leñosas características del bosque chaqueño serrano, en un gradiente altitudinal en las Sierras de Córdoba (Argentina). Estudiamos dos incendios que ocurrieron entre julio y agosto de 2007. Seleccionamos 163 espinillos (Vachellia caven) y 48 molles (Lithraea molleoides) localizados entre 800 y 1700 m s. n. m. Para cada individuo estimamos la altura y el volumen pre-fuego en base al leño remanente, y características del microambiente como cobertura vegetal, proporción de roca bajo la copa, pendiente, orientación de la ladera e insolación por intercepción. Tres meses después estimamos el daño por fuego y tres años más tarde evaluamos la supervivencia. Los espinillos con más vegetación en su ambiente circundante sufrieron más daño por el fuego, y este efecto fue más pronunciado a menores altitudes. Además, los ejemplares de las laderas sur con mucha pendiente sufrieron más daño que los de las laderas norte, y los individuos más pequeños resultaron más dañados que los grandes. Los molles más altos sufrieron menos daño por fuego que los más bajos. El 94% de los espinillos y el 92% de los molles sobrevivieron al incendio, y, en el caso del espinillo, la probabilidad de morir fue mayor para los ejemplares más pequeños. Concluimos que el sistema se vuelve menos susceptible al fuego a medida que avanza la sucesión, al aumentar el tamaño de los individuos y disminuir la cobertura herbácea.Wildfires differentially affect specimens of the same woody species, depending, among other factors, on tree size and microenvironment. This has implications for the structuring of forest landscapes, as forest recovery depends, in part, on the severity of fire on woody specimens. We aimed at analyzing how microenvironment and tree size affect fire damage and survival in two woody species common in the Chaco Serrano forest, along an altitudinal gradient in Córdoba Mountains (Argentina). We studied two wildfires that occurred in July and August 2007. We selected 163 espinillos (Vachellia caven) and 48 molles (Lithraea molleoides) located between 800 and 1700 m a. s. l. For each individual, we estimated pre-fire height and volume on the basis of the remaining woody tissues, and microenvironmental characteristics as plant cover, rock proportion under the crown, slope, aspect and insolation by interception. After three months we estimated the fire damage for each individual and three years later we evaluated survival. The espinillos with higher plant cover in their surroundings were more damaged, and this effect was more pronounced at lower altitudes. Additionally, individuals were more damaged in steep southern slopes than in northern slopes, while smaller individuals were more damaged than larger ones. Taller molles experienced less fire damage than shorter molles. The 94% of the espinillos and 92% of the molles survived the wildfire, with higher death probability for smaller individuals in the case of espinillo. We concluded the system becomes less susceptible to fire as succession proceeds, mainly because of the increasing size of woody individuals and the reduction of herbaceous cover
La vegetación de las montañas de Córdoba (Argentina) a comienzos del siglo XXI: un mapa base para el ordenamiento territorial.
Background and aims: A detailed and updated vegetation map is necessary to land use planning. Given the need for a land-use plan for the Córdoba mountains, we decided to: make a vegetation map of these mountains; describe the vegetation of the mapped classes; interpret their distribution along the elevation gradient, and discuss the implications for land use planning.
M&M: We elaborated a preliminary map from satellite images and field information, where we discriminate 14 vegetation units. Then, after a field control, we performed the final map, grouping the vegetation units into seven classes.
Results: In the final map we identified: native forests, exotic forests, native scrublands, grasslands, lawns, grasslands with rock and/or bare soil and rocky areas. These classes were discriminated with an overall 82.6% precision. In addition, we separated water bodies, flood areas, crops and urban areas. The scrublands were the most widespread class, covering 37% of the landscape, followed by crops, covering 23% of the territory. Native forests only occupied 5.5% of the area. Scrublands and forests decreased along the elevation gradient, while grasslands and rocky areas increased.
Conclusions: We suggest that land use planning should promote the restoration of native forests to occupy 20-40% of the landscape, the control of the advance of urban areas and crops, and the management of invasive alien species to limit their expansion.Introducción y objetivos: Un mapa de vegetación detallado y actualizado es clave para el ordenamiento territorial. Dada la necesidad de un ordenamiento para las Sierras de Córdoba, nos propusimos: confeccionar un mapa de vegetación de estas montañas; describir la vegetación de las clases identificadas; interpretar su distribución a lo largo del gradiente altitudinal y discutir las implicancias para el ordenamiento territorial.
M&M: Construimos un mapa preliminar a partir de imágenes satelitales e información de campo, donde discriminamos 14 unidades de vegetación. Luego de hacer un control a campo, elaboramos el mapa final, agrupando las unidades de vegetación en siete clases.
Resultados: En el mapa final identificamos: bosques nativos, bosques exóticos, matorrales nativos, pajonales, céspedes, pastizales con roca y/o suelo desnudo y roquedales. Estas clases se discriminaron con una precisión general del 82,6%. Además, separamos cuerpos de agua, zonas inundables, cultivos y zonas urbanas. Los matorrales, que fueron la clase más extendida, abarcaron un 37% del paisaje, le siguieron los cultivos, que cubrieron un 23% del territorio. Los bosques nativos sólo ocuparon un 5,5% del área. Matorrales y bosques disminuyeron a lo largo del gradiente altitudinal, mientras que pastizales y roquedales aumentaron.
Conclusiones: Sugerimos que un ordenamiento territorial de las montañas debería promover la restauración de los bosques nativos hasta ocupar un 20-40% del paisaje, el control del avance de las zonas urbanas y cultivos, y el manejo de especies exóticas invasoras para limitar su expansión sobre las fisonomías nativas.
Actualistic taphonomic study of the rodents digested by the Achala culpeo fox (Lycalopex culpaeus smithersi) in the highlands of central Argentina
We present the first actualistic study of the rodents consumed by the South American foxLycalopex culpaeus smithersi (Achala culpeo fox), a subspecies of the culpeo fox that is endemicto the highlands of central Argentina. We provide a taphonomic characterization of this canidbased on digested micromammal bones, and compare it to other carnivores. We studied over 1000bones derived from 83 scats collected in Quebrada del Condorito National Park, Córdobaprovince, Argentina, corresponding to caviomorph and myomorph rodents. Galea leucoblepharawas the main prey (59.8% MNI, 93.1% biomass). Average relative abundance for the totalassemblage was 26.7. Cranial and, to a lesser extent, proximal limb bones were the most abundantelements. A high degree of breakage was observed in cranial elements and, to a lesser extent, inlimb bones. A high proportion of heavy and extreme digestion was inferred, while some elementsbear light or no digestion traces at all. Overall, the Achala culpeo fox fits best with othermammalian carnivores in the category of extreme modification, and shows types and proportionsof taphonomic attributes similar to other South American mammalian predators. These resultscontribute to the understanding of regional taphonomic processes and of digestivemodifications by Lycalopex foxes generally, and are thus relevant to interpreting the presence of micromammal remains in the archaeological and palaeontological recordsand the impact of these foxes in their formation.Fil: Coll, Daiana Geraldine. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; ArgentinaFil: Montalvo, Claudia Inés. Universidad Nacional de La Pampa. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; ArgentinaFil: Fernández, Fernando Julián. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ingeniería; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Pia, Monica Valeria. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Ciencias de la Tierra y Ambientales de La Pampa. Universidad Nacional de La Pampa. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Ciencias de la Tierra y Ambientales de La Pampa; ArgentinaFil: Mondini, Nora Mariana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Antropología de Córdoba. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades. Instituto de Antropología de Córdoba; Argentin
Not a melting pot: Plant species aggregate in their non-native range
Aim: Plant species continue to be moved outside of their native range by human activities. Here, we aim to determine whether, once introduced, plants assimilate into native communities or whether they aggregate, thus forming mosaics of native- and alien-rich communities. Alien species might aggregate in their non-native range owing to shared habitat preferences, such as their tendency to establish in high-biomass, species-poor areas. Location: Twenty-two herbaceous grasslands in 14 countries, mainly in the temperate zone. Time period: 2012–2016. Major taxa studied: Plants. Methods: We used a globally coordinated survey. Within this survey, we found 46 plant species, predominantly from Eurasia, for which we had co-occurrence data in their native and non-native ranges. We tested for differences in co-occurrence patterns of 46 species between their native (home) and non-native (away) range. We also tested whether species had similar habitat preferences, by testing for differences in total biomass and species richness of the patches that species occupy in their native and non-native ranges. Results: We found the same species to show different patterns of association depending on whether they were in their native or non-native range. Alien species were negatively associated with native species; instead, they aggregated with other alien species in species-poor, high-biomass communities in their non-native range compared with their native range. Main conclusions: The strong differences between the native (home) and non-native (away) range in species co-occurrence patterns are evidence that the way in which species associate with resident communities in their non-native range is not species dependent, but is instead a property of being away from their native range. These results thus highlight that species might undergo important ecological changes when introduced away from their native range. Overall, we show origin-dependent associations that result in novel communities, in which alien-rich patches exist within a mosaic of native-dominated communities
The plant traits that drive ecosystems: Evidence from three continents.
Question: A set of easily‐measured (‘soft’) plant traits has been identified as potentially useful predictors of ecosystem functioning in previous studies. Here we aimed to discover whether the screening techniques remain operational in widely contrasted circumstances, to test for the existence of axes of variation in the particular sets of traits, and to test for their links with ‘harder’ traits of proven importance to ecosystem functioning.
Location: central‐western Argentina, central England, northern upland Iran, and north‐eastern Spain.
Recurrent patterns of ecological specialization: Through ordination of a matrix of 640 vascular plant taxa by 12 standardized traits, we detected similar patterns of specialization in the four floras. The first PCA axis was identified as an axis of resource capture, usage and release. PCA axis 2 appeared to be a size‐related axis. Individual PCA for each country showed that the same traits remained valuable as predictors of resource capture and utilization in all of them, despite their major differences in climate, biogeography and land‐use. The results were not significantly driven by particular taxa: the main traits determining PCA axis 1 were very similar in eudicotyledons and monocotyledons and Asteraceae, Fabaceae and Poaceae.
Links between recurrent suites of ‘soft’ traits and ‘hard’ traits: The validity of PCA axis 1 as a key predictor of resource capture and utilization was tested by comparisons between this axis and values of more rigorously established predictors (‘hard’ traits) for the floras of Argentina and England. PCA axis 1 was correlated with variation in relative growth rate, leaf nitrogen content, and litter decomposition rate. It also coincided with palatability to model generalist herbivores. Therefore, location on PCA axis 1 can be linked to major ecosystem processes in those habitats where the plants are dominant.
Conclusion: We confirm the existence at the global scale of a major axis of evolutionary specialization, previously recognised in several local floras. This axis reflects a fundamental trade‐off between rapid acquisition of resources and conservation of resources within well‐protected tissues. These major trends of specialization were maintained across different environmental situations (including differences in the proximate causes of low productivity, i.e. drought or mineral nutrient deficiency). The trends were also consistent across floras and major phylogenetic groups, and were linked with traits directly relevant to ecosystem processes.Fil: Díaz, Sandra Myrna. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal; ArgentinaFil: Hodgson, J.G.. The University. Department of Animal and Plant Sciences. Unit of Comparative Plant Ecology; Reino UnidoFil: Thompson, K.. The University. Department of Animal and Plant Sciences. Unit of Comparative Plant Ecology; Reino UnidoFil: Cabido, Marcelo Ruben. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal; ArgentinaFil: Cornelissen, Johannes H. C.. Free University. Faculty Earth and Life Sciences. Department of Systems Ecology; Países BajosFil: Funes, Guillermo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal; ArgentinaFil: Pérez Harguindeguy, Natalia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal; ArgentinaFil: Vendramini, Fernanda. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal; ArgentinaFil: Falczuk, Valeria. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal; ArgentinaFil: Zak, Marcelo Román. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal; ArgentinaFil: Khoshnevi, M.. Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands; IránFil: Pérez Rontomé, M. C.. Instituto Pirenaico de Ecología; EspañaFil: Shirvani, F. A.. Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands; IránFil: Yazdani, S.. Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands; IránFil: Abbas Azimi, R. Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands; IránFil: Bogaard, A. The University. Department of Archaeology and Prehistory; Reino UnidoFil: Boustani, S.. Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands; IránFil: Charles, M.. The University. Department of Archaeology and Prehistory; Reino UnidoFil: Dehghan, M.. Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands; IránFil: de Torres Espuny, L.. Instituto Pirenaico de Ecología; EspañaFil: Guerrero Campo, J.. Instituto Pirenaico de Ecología; EspañaFil: Hynd, A.. The University. Department of Archaeology and Prehistory; Reino UnidoFil: Jones, G.. The University. Department of Archaeology and Prehistory; Reino UnidoFil: Kowsary, E.. Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands; Irán. Instituto Pirenaico de Ecología; EspañaFil: Kazemi Saeed, F.. Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands; IránFil: Maestro Martínez, M.. Instituto Pirenaico de Ecología; EspañaFil: Romo Diez, A.. Instituto Botanico de Barcelona; EspañaFil: Shaw, S.. Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands; Irán. The University. Department of Animal and Plant Sciences; Reino UnidoFil: Siavash, B.. Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands; IránFil: Villar Salvador, P.. Instituto Pirenaico de Ecología; Españ
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