218 research outputs found

    Type II and VI collagen in nasal and articular cartilage and the effect of IL-1α on the distribution of these collagens

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    The distribution of type II and VI collagen was immunocytochemically investigated in bovine articular and nasal cartilage. Cartilage explants were used either fresh or cultured for up to 4 weeks with or without interleukin 1α (IL-1α). Sections of the explants were incubated with antibodies for both types of collagen. Microscopic analyses revealed that type II collagen was preferentially localized in the interchondron matrix whereas type VI collagen was primarily found in the direct vicinity of the chondrocytes. Treatment of the sections with hyaluronidase greatly enhanced the signal for both types of collagen. Also in sections of explants cultured with IL-1α a higher level of labeling of the collagens was found. This was apparent without any pre-treatment with hyaluronidase. Under the influence of IL-1α the area positive for type VI collagen that surrounded the chondrocytes broadened. Although the two collagens in both types of cartilage were distributed similarly, a remarkable difference was the higher degree of staining of type VI collagen in articular cartilage. Concomitantly we noted that digestion of this type of cartilage hardly occurred in the presence of IL-1α whereas nasal cartilage was almost completely degraded within 18 days of culture. Since type VI collagen is known to be relatively resistant to proteolysis we speculate that the higher level of type VI collagen in articular cartilage is important in protecting cartilage from digestion

    Predictors of Change Following Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment of Children with Anxiety Problems: A Preliminary Investigation on Negative Automatic Thoughts and Anxiety Control

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    The purpose of the present study was to evaluate negative automatic thoughts and anxiety control as predictors of change produced by cognitive-behavioral treatment of youths with anxiety disorders. Forty-five high-anxious children aged between 9 and 12 years who were selected from the primary school population, received a standardized CBT intervention that was provided in a group format. Before and after the intervention, children completed scales of negative automatic thoughts and perceived control over anxiety-related events as well as a questionnaire for measuring DSM-defined anxiety disorders symptoms, which was the outcome measure. Results indicated that CBT was effective in reducing children’s anxiety symptoms. Most importantly, the reduction of anxiety disorders symptoms was significantly associated with a decrease in negative automatic thoughts and an increase of anxiety control, which provides support for the notion that these variables are candidate mediators of CBT in anxious youths

    AAV2-Mediated Subretinal Gene Transfer of hIFN-α Attenuates Experimental Autoimmune Uveoretinitis in Mice

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    BACKGROUND: Recent reports show that gene therapy may provide a long-term, safe and effective intervention for human diseases. In this study, we investigated the effectiveness of adeno-associated virus 2 (AAV2) based human interferon-alpha (hIFN-α) gene therapy in experimental autoimmune uveoretinitis (EAU), a classic model for human uveitis. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: An AAV2 vector harboring the hIFN-α gene (AAV2.hIFN-α) was subretinally injected into B10RIII mice at two doses (1.5×10(6) vg, 1.5×10(8) vg). AAV2 vector encoding green fluorescent protein (AAV2.GFP) was used as a control (5×10(8) vg). The expression of hIFN-α in homogenized eyes and serum was detected by ELISA three weeks after injection. The biodistribution of vector DNA in the injected eyes, contralateral eyes and distant organs was determined by PCR. EAU was induced by immunization with IRBP(161-180) three weeks following vector injections, and evaluated clinically and pathologically. IRBP-specific proliferation and IL-17 expression of lymphocytes from the spleen and lymph nodes were assayed to test the influence of the subretinal delivery of AAV2.hIFN-α on the systemic immune response. hIFN-α was effectively expressed in the eyes from three weeks to three months following subretinal injection of AAV2.hIFN-α vector. DNA of AAV2.GFP was observed only in the injected eyes, but not in the distant organs or contralateral eyes. Subretinal injection of both doses significantly attenuated EAU activity clinically and histologically. For the lower dose, there was no difference concerning lymphocyte proliferation and IL-17 production among the AAV2.hIFN-α, AAV2.GFP and PBS injected mice. However, the higher dose of AAV2.hIFN-α significantly suppressed lymphocyte proliferation and IL-17 production. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Subretinal delivery of AAV2.hIFN-α lead to an effective expression within the eye for at least three months and significantly attenuated EAU activity. AAV2.hIFN-α was shown to inhibit the systemic IRBP-specific immune response

    The Evolution of Compact Binary Star Systems

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    We review the formation and evolution of compact binary stars consisting of white dwarfs (WDs), neutron stars (NSs), and black holes (BHs). Binary NSs and BHs are thought to be the primary astrophysical sources of gravitational waves (GWs) within the frequency band of ground-based detectors, while compact binaries of WDs are important sources of GWs at lower frequencies to be covered by space interferometers (LISA). Major uncertainties in the current understanding of properties of NSs and BHs most relevant to the GW studies are discussed, including the treatment of the natal kicks which compact stellar remnants acquire during the core collapse of massive stars and the common envelope phase of binary evolution. We discuss the coalescence rates of binary NSs and BHs and prospects for their detections, the formation and evolution of binary WDs and their observational manifestations. Special attention is given to AM CVn-stars -- compact binaries in which the Roche lobe is filled by another WD or a low-mass partially degenerate helium-star, as these stars are thought to be the best LISA verification binary GW sources.Comment: 105 pages, 18 figure

    Population-Based Surveillance for Invasive Pneumococcal Disease in Homeless Adults in Toronto

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    BACKGROUND: Identification of high-risk populations for serious infection due to S. pneumoniae will permit appropriately targeted prevention programs. METHODS: We conducted prospective, population-based surveillance for invasive pneumococcal disease and laboratory confirmed pneumococcal pneumonia in homeless adults in Toronto, a Canadian city with a total population of 2.5 M, from January 1, 2002 to December 31, 2006. RESULTS: We identified 69 cases of invasive pneumococcal disease and 27 cases of laboratory confirmed pneumococcal pneumonia in an estimated population of 5050 homeless adults. The incidence of invasive pneumococcal disease in homeless adults was 273 infections per 100,000 persons per year, compared to 9 per 100,000 persons per year in the general adult population. Homeless persons with invasive pneumococcal disease were younger than other adults (median age 46 years vs 67 years, P<.001), and more likely than other adults to be smokers (95% vs. 31%, P<.001), to abuse alcohol (62% vs 15%, P<.001), and to use intravenous drugs (42% vs 4%, P<.001). Relative to age matched controls, they were more likely to have underlying lung disease (12/69, 17% vs 17/272, 6%, P = .006), but not more likely to be HIV infected (17/69, 25% vs 58/282, 21%, P = .73). The proportion of patients with recurrent disease was five fold higher for homeless than other adults (7/58, 12% vs. 24/943, 2.5%, P<.001). In homeless adults, 28 (32%) of pneumococcal isolates were of serotypes included in the 7-valent conjugate vaccine, 42 (48%) of serotypes included in the 13-valent conjugate vaccine, and 72 (83%) of serotypes included in the 23-valent polysaccharide vaccine. Although no outbreaks of disease were identified in shelters, there was evidence of clustering of serotypes suggestive of transmission of pathogenic strains within the homeless population. CONCLUSIONS: Homeless persons are at high risk of serious pneumococcal infection. Vaccination, physical structure changes or other program to reduce transmission in shelters, harm reduction programs to reduce rates of smoking, alcohol abuse and infection with bloodborne pathogens, and improved treatment programs for HIV infection may all be effective in reducing the risk

    Identifying characteristic features of the retinal and choroidal vasculature in choroideremia using optical coherence tomography angiography

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    PURPOSE: Using optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) to investigate the area with flow in the superficial retinal vessel network (SVRN) and choriocapillaris (CC) layer among male subjects with choroideremia (CHM), female carriers, and normal controls to identify vascular changes. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Images of SRVN and CC layer were acquired in 9 affected males, 5 female carriers, and 14 age- and gender-matched controls using the Angiovue software of the RTVue XR Avanti. RESULTS: The mean age was 33 years for affected male CHM patients (median 30 years), 46 years for female carriers (median 53 years), and 39 years for controls (median 38.5). Mean SRVN area±SD in subjects with CHM was 12.93±2.06 mmÂČ, in carrier subjects 15.36±0.60 mmÂČ, and in controls 15.30±1.35 mmÂČ (P<0.01). The mean CC area±SD with flow was 6.97±5.26 mmÂČ in CHM subjects, 21.65±0.17 mmÂČ in carriers and 21.36±0.76 mmÂČ in controls (P<0.01). SRVN and CC area with flow showed a negative correlation in CHM subjects with the age (r=−0.86; P<0.003 and r=−0.77; P<0.01, respectively). CC area with flow had a positive correlation with SRVN (r=0.83, P<0.001). Overall, visual acuity had a negative correlation with SRVN and CC area with flow (r=−0.67, P<0.001 and r=−0.57, P<0.002, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: This is the first study to highlight changes in the SRVN in CHM subjects. OCTA detected a reduced area with flow in both retinal and choroidal circulations, and may be a useful tool for monitoring natural history and disease progression in forthcoming clinical trials

    Health Disparities Between Appalachian and Non-Appalachian Counties in Virginia USA

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    The examination of health disparities among people within Appalachian counties compared to people living in other counties is needed to find ways to strategically target improvements in community health in the United States of America (USA). Methods: A telephone survey of a random sample of adults living in households within communities of all counties of the state of Virginia (VA) in the USA was conducted. Findings: Health status was poorer among those in communities within Appalachian counties in VA and health insurance did not make a difference. Health perception was significantly worse in residents within communities in Appalachian counties compared to non-Appalachian community residents (30.5 vs. 17.4% rated their health status as poor/fair), and was worse even among those with no chronic diseases. Within communities in Appalachian counties, black residents report significantly better health perception than do white residents. Conclusion: Residents living in communities in Appalachian counties in VA are not receiving adequate health care, even among those with health insurance. More research with a larger ethnic minority sample is needed to investigate the racial/ethnic disparities in self-reported health and health care utilization within communities

    AAV-mediated photoreceptor transduction of the pig cone-enriched retina

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    Recent success in clinical trials supports the use of adeno-associated viral (AAV) vectors for gene therapy of retinal diseases caused by defects in the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE). In contrast, evidence of the efficacy of AAV-mediated gene transfer to retinal photoreceptors, the major site of inherited retinal diseases, is less robust. In addition, although AAV-mediated RPE transduction appears efficient, independently of the serotype used and species treated, AAV-mediated photoreceptor gene transfer has not been systematically investigated thus so far in large animal models, which also may allow identifying relevant species-specific differences in AAV-mediated retinal transduction. In the present study, we used the porcine retina, which has a high cone/rod ratio. This feature allows to properly evaluate both cone and rod photoreceptors transduction and compare the transduction characteristics of AAV2/5 and 2/8, the two most efficient AAV vector serotypes for photoreceptor targeting. Here we show that AAV2/5 and 2/8 transduces both RPE and photoreceptors. AAV2/8 infects and transduces photoreceptor more efficiently than AAV2/5, similarly to what we have observed in the murine retina. The use of the photoreceptor-specific rhodopsin promoter restricts transgene expression to porcine rods and cones, and results in photoreceptor transduction levels similar to those obtained with the ubiquitous promoters tested. Finally, immunological, toxicological and biodistribution studies support the safety of AAV subretinal administration to the large porcine retina. The data presented here on AAV-mediated transduction of the cone-enriched porcine retina may affect the development of gene-based therapies for rare and common severe photoreceptor diseases
