241 research outputs found

    Complexity of the Putting-Out-System in Toledo and its Jurisdiction (XVII-XVIII Centuries)

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    Certain differences between the historians exist on if the system of Putting-Out- System or Verlagssystem had major or minor incident in the labor - commercial relations of the industry of the Former Regime in Spain A few authors have exposed that rarely was giving himself the system e nglishman of a capitalist merchant who was advancing the raw material to the workers later to gather the finished product and to commercialize it Others incline to that his incident had a major weight in the industrial castilian development We with this article we want to expose the complexity that is given in the relations of the world of the textile industry in Toledo according to the existing writings of obligation in the notarial protocols in the Historical Provincial File of Toledo We affirm that this system was very usual in the silk and wool industry of Toledo with the exception of which regarding the silk industry almost production did not exist in the rural area but it was concentrating practically in the own city while the wool one had major incident in the nearby people


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    Business environment in Nigeria is becoming increasingly competitive, uncertain and complex. These changes are happening so fast that organisations that desire to remain in business must speedily adapt and adopt new strategies to meet the demands of the dynamic business environment. The research determines the effect of corporate diversification strategies on the financial performance of industrial goods. The research espoused the ex-post facto data from annual reports of the selected listed industrial goods companies on the Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE) from 2012 to 2021. The least square regression analysis was used to evaluate the effect of the independent variables on the dependent variable. It was found that Income diversification has no significant effect on the return on assets of industrial goods companies in Nigeria. Also the study revealed that business segment diversification has considerable effect on the return on assets of industrial goods companies in Nigeria. It recommends that policy makers should promote policies that encourage listed firms to practice corporate diversification and companies should evaluate their strengths and weaknesses to enable them leverage on the opportunities presented by corporate diversification. Also, parent companies should ensure they are strategic while engaging in business segment diversification strategies. Keywords: Corporate Diversification, Financial Performance, Industrial Goods, Business Environment, Opportunities

    Fem and Von Mises analysis of OSSTEM ® dental implant structural components: evaluation of different direction dynamic loads

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    Abstract PURPOSE: The objective of this investigation is to study prosthodontics and internal components resistance to the masticatory stress and considering different force directions by using Finite Element Method analysis (FEM). The structural materials of the components are usually Titanium alloy grade 4 or 5 and thus, guarantee the integration of the fixture in the bone due to the osteointegration phenomena. Even if the long-term dental implant survival rate is easy to be obtained and confirmed by numerous researches, the related clinical success, due to the alteration of the mechanical and prosthodontics components is still controversial. METHODS: By applying engineering systems of investigations like FEM and Von Mises analyses, it has been investigated how dental implant material was held against the masticatory strength during the dynamic masticatory cycles. A three-dimensional system involved fixture, abutment and the connection screws, which were created and analyzed. The elastic features of the materials used in the study were taken from recent literature data. RESULTS: Data revealed a different response for both types of devices, although implant neck and dental abutment showed better results for all conditions of loading while the abutment screw represented aweak point of the system. CONCLUSION: The data of this virtual model showed all the features of different prosthetic retention systems under the masticatory load. Clinicians should find better prosthetic balance in order to better distribute the stress over the component and to guarantee patients' clinical long-term results

    Seasonal Variation of Physico-Chemical Characteristics of Water in Two Wetlands of Tiptur Taluk, Karnataka

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    The present study was carried out to evaluate the physico-chemical parameters of Sugur and Bajagur wetlands, located at Tiptur taluk, of Tumkur district, Karnataka. The physicochemical parameters play a vital role in the wetland ecosystems. A significant variation in these parameters was observed throughout the study period and monthly comparisons were made as monsoon, pre-monsoon and post-monsoon. The results of the present investigations are compared with literature values and investigation reveals that there is a fluctuation in the physico-chemical characters of the water this will be due to in flow and change in the temperature as season change

    The Quality of Services in Medical Tourism and the use of TIC

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    Offering quality services has become a great advantage to attract customers mainly service companies that operate in dynamic and competitive environments such as medical tourism which is why it is important that they adapt to current changes and trends each It is increasingly necessary to incorporate new technological tools to be at the forefront This is an applied research with a quantitative descriptive approach and its purpose is to identify the variables that affect the quality of the service and the use of Information and Communication Technologies ICT by companies dedicated to medical tourism The Servperf Model instrument was adapted and through a factor analysis the variables of tangibility reliability responsibility security and empathy were analyzed to identify which ones affect the perception of quality of services and determine if there is a correlation between them The findings indicated that ICT play a relevant role in the quality of service since they generate a competitive advantage more and more customers use technologies in their daily activities therefore they are more informed and more demanding with the services they expect to obtai

    Organisation of diagnosis and treatment of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and other interstitial lung diseases in the Nordic countries

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    To access publisher's full text version of this article click on the hyperlink at the bottom of the pageDifferences in the organisation of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) and interstitial lung diseases (ILDs) in the Nordic countries are not well described. Diagnostic setups, treatment modalities and follow-up plans may vary due to national, cultural and epidemiological features. The aim of the present study was to describe the different organisation of diagnostics and treatment of IPF and ILD in the Nordic countries. Methods All university and regional hospitals with respiratory physicians were invited to respond to a questionnaire collecting data on the number of physicians, nurses, patients with ILD/IPF, the presence of and adherence to disease-specific national and international guidelines, diagnosis and treatment including ILD-specific palliation and rehabilitation programmes. Results Twenty-four university and 22 regional hospitals returned the questionnaire. ILD and IPF incidence varied between 1.4 and 20/100,000 and 0.4 and 10/100,000, respectively. Denmark and Estonia have official national plans for the organisation of ILD. The majority of patients are managed at the university hospitals. The regional hospitals each manage 46 (5–200) patients with ILD and 10 (0–20) patients with IPF. There are from one to four ILD centres in each country with a median of two ILD specialists employed. Specialised ILD nurses are present in nine hospitals. None of the Nordic countries have national guidelines made by health authorities. The respiratory societies in Sweden, Norway and Denmark have developed national guidelines. All hospitals except two use the ATS/ERS/JRS/ALAT IPF guidelines from 2011. The limited number of ILD specialists, ILD-specialised radiologists and pathologists and the low volume of ILD centres were perceived as bottlenecks for implementation of guidelines. Twenty of the 24 university hospitals have multidisciplinary conferences (MDCs). Pulmonologists and radiologists take part in all MDCs while pathologists only participate at 17 hospitals. Prescription of pirfenidone is performed by all university hospitals except in Estonia. Triple therapy with steroid, azathioprine and N-acetylcysteine is not used. No hospitals have specific palliation programmes for patients with ILD/IPF, but 36 hospitals have the possibility of referring patients for palliative care, mostly based on existing oncology palliative care teams; seven hospitals have rehabilitation programmes for ILD. Conclusion There are obvious differences between the organisations of ILD patients in the Nordic countries. We call for national plans that consider the challenge of cultural and geographical differences and suggest the establishment of national reference centres and satellite collaborative hospitals to enable development of common guidelines for diagnostics, therapy and palliation in this patient group

    Masked Urethral Injury by Urinary Catheter in a Female Dog

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    This report describes the importance of careful diagnosis of intrapelvic urethra in cases of pelvic fractures. A 2-year-old intacted female Spitz with multiple pelvic fractures following traffic accident was treated with internal fixation. Urethral catheter was dislodged and patient discharged in good conditions. Next day, the patient was readmitted with vomiting and dysuria. Retrograde urethrography (RUG) revealed a urethral rupture by a broken bone fragment at bladder outlet which repaired by urethral anastomosis. A delayed diagnosis of urethral rupture was because of absence of the signs at the time of first visit. Moreover early urethral catheterization can mask the problems of urinary tract. As urethral rupture in female dog has been reported uncommon compared with male, examination including RUG should more careful

    Clinico-epidemiological profile and outcome of snakebite victims in South West of West Bengal: A District hospital based study

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    Introduction: Poisonous snake bites are a serious health challenge in tropical regions due to their incidence, morbidity and mortality . More than 200,000 cases of snake bite are reported in India each year. Envenomation by poisonous snakes is an occupational hazard for the farmers and farm laborers, plantation workers, herders and hunters in tropical and subtropical countries . Hence the present study is undertaken to document the Clinico-epidemiological profile and outcome of snake bite victims admitted in a Deben Mahato sadar hospital, Purulia located geographically in South West of West Bengal. Materials & Methods: Analysis and interpretation of the collected data will be done using chi-Square statistical association method . Windows excel and word 2013 is used for data entry and analysis. Descriptive statistical analysis will be done. Results on continuous measurements will be presented as Mean & Standard Deviation. Results on categorical measurements will be presented as Percentages. Results: In this study sample, a majority of snake bite victims were aged between 31-45 years. Most of the cases were males (71.34%) compared to females (28.65%). A majority of the patients were village habitants and mostly farmers (54.87%) who lives in rural areas(89.02%). Conclusion: As snake bite is an occupational hazard and awareness among farmers and plantation workers regarding wearing of foot wear.There is urgent need to create awareness among rural people regarding prompt reporting of snake victims and importance of effective treatment through mass media ,role plays and community health program

    The effect of lower body negative pressure on phase 1 cardiovascular responses at exercise onset in healthy humans

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    We tested the hypothesis that vagal withdrawal and increased venous return interact in determining the rapid cardiac output response (Phase I) at exercise onset. We used lower body negative pressure (LBNP) to increase blood dislocation to the heart by muscle pump action and simultaneously reduce resting vagal activity. At exercise start, we expected larger response amplitude for stroke volume and smaller for heart rate at progressively stronger LBNP levels, so that the cardiac output response would remain unchanged. Ten subjects performed 50 W exercise supine in Control condition and during -45 mmHg LBNP exposure. On single beat basis, we measured heart rate (HR), stroke volume (SV), and we calculated cardiac output (CO). We computed Phase I response amplitudes (A1) using an exponential model. SV A1 was higher under LBNP than in Control (p < 0.05). Conversely, the A1 of HR, was 23 ± 56 % lower under LBNP than in Control (although NS). Since these changes tended to compensate each other, the A1 for CO was unaffected by LBNP. The rapid SV kinetics at exercise onset is compatible with an effect of increased venous return, whereas the vagal withdrawal conjecture cannot be dismissed for HR kinetics. The rapid CO response may indeed be the result of two independent yet parallel mechanisms, as hypothesized, one acting on SV, the other on H

    Connaissances, Attitudes, Pratiques et Croyances sur le VIH/Sida chez les creuseurs de diamant de la zone de sante de Tshishimbi au Kasai Orienral/R.D Congo

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    Le but de cette étude est d’apporter une pierre dans la lutte contre la pandémie du VIH/Sida dans la population des creuseurs de la zone de santé de Tshishimbi qui est une catégorie à haut risque. Pour  atteindre le but visé, l’enquête se fixe l’objectif spécifique de tester certains liens entre connaissances, attitudes, pratiques, croyances et certaines caractéristiques sociodémographiques.Il s’agissait d’une étude quantitative, du type descriptif corrélationnel transversal ; menée du 24 juillet 2014 au 24 août 2014. Les données ont été recueillies par la méthode d’enquête par questionnaire au moyen de l’interview semi structurée face - à -  face.  Notre population était constituée de 422 creuseurs de diamant.Il existe une différence hautement significative entre la connaissance des moyens de transmission du VIH/Sida par contact du sang infecté et l’âge (p=0,000),  par mère – enfant et la situation matrimoniale (p=0,000); entre la connaissance de moyen de prévention du VIH/Sida le port du préservatif et l’année d’expérience (p=0,000); entre l’abstinence et l’année d’expérience p=0,007 ; il subsiste une différence hautement significative entre la situation matrimoniale (p = 0,000) et l’effet d’avoir déjà eu les rapports sexuels occasionnels. Il existe des relations positives et significatives entre certaines caractéristiques  sociodémographiques et certaines variables liées aux connaissances, attitudes, pratiques et croyances des creuseurs de diamant de la zone de santé de Tshishimbi sur la VIH/Sida. En effet, la contamination par voie hétérosexuelle, en particulier lors de rapports tarifés, chiffrés devient de plus en plus fréquente ; ce qui laisse entendre que ces pratiques et attitudes abusives sont motivées par une connaissance insuffisante [2]. Les attitudes négatives et les croyances au sein des communautés peuvent également accroître l’auto-stigmatisation intériorisée, y compris la culpabilité, la honte et l’aliénation que ressentent les personnes vivant avec le VIH. Ainsi des actions de sensibilisation dans le cadre de la prévention pourraient aider à vaincre l’épidémie.
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