18 research outputs found

    Febre purpúrica brasileira: caracterização rápida das cepas invasoras de Haemophilus aegyptius

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    Cepas de H. aegyptius isoladas em surtos de Febre Purpúrica Brasileira (FPB) no Brasil, foram caracterizadas pelo método de aglutinação em lâmina utilizando um anti-soro produzido com cepa de H. aegyptius isolada de cultura de sangue de paciente com FPB. Através desse método foi possível identificar cepas de H. aegyptius responsáveis por surtos de conjuntivite com características antigênicas iguais às cepas isoladas de FPB. A sensibilidade e especificidade da soroaglutinação em lâmina foi de 97,7% e 89,6% respectivamente, podendo ser utilizado como método de triagem em estudos de conjuntivites purulentas, para detectar cepas invasivas de H. aegyptius associadas a FPB, possibilitando assim a implantação de medidas que ampliem a eficiência na prevenção e na vigilância epidemiológica da doença.Strains of H. aegyptius isolated during outbreak of Brazilian Purpuric Fever (BPF) in Brazil were characterized antigenically by slide agglutination test utilizing antiserum produced with a H. aegyptius strain isolated from blood culture from a patient with BPF. By means of this method, it were identified H. aegyptius strains responsible for outbreaks of conjunctivitis with identical antigenic characteristics to strains isolated from BPF. The sensitivity and specificity of slide seroagglutination test was 97.7% and 89.6% respectively; therefore this assay was efficient to be used as a screening method in the studies of purulent conjunctivitis for detecting high risk populations for BPF, and to implement measures that will increase the efficiency of epidemiologic surveillance

    Quantum inference of states and processes

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    The maximum-likelihood principle unifies inference of quantum states and processes from experimental noisy data. Particularly, a generic quantum process may be estimated simultaneously with unknown quantum probe states provided that measurements on probe and transformed probe states are available. Drawbacks of various approximate treatments are considered.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Pim1 maintains telomere length in mouse cardiomyocytes by inhibiting TGF beta signalling

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    Aims Telomere attrition in cardiomyocytes is associated with decreased contractility, cellular senescence, and upregulation of proapoptotic transcription factors. Pim1 is a cardioprotective kinase that antagonizes the aging phenotype of cardiomyocytes and delays cellular senescence by maintaining telomere length, but the mechanism remains unknown. Another pathway responsible for regulating tetomere length is the transforming growth factor beta (TGF beta) signalling pathway where inhibiting TGF beta signalling maintains telomere Length. The relationship between Pim1 and TGF beta has not been explored. This study delineates the mechanism of telomere length regulation by the interplay between Pim1 and components of TGF beta signalling pathways in proliferating A549 cells and post-mitotic cardiomyocytes.Methods and results Telomere length was maintained by lentiviral-mediated overexpression of PIM1 and inhibition of TGF beta signalling in re A549 cells. Telomere length maintenance was further demonstrated in isolated cardiomyocytes from mice with cardiac-specific overexpression of PIM1 and by pharmacological inhibition of TGF beta signalling. Mechanistically, Pim1 inhibited phosphorylation of Smad2, preventing its translocation into the nucleus and repressing expression of TGF beta pathway genes.Conclusion Pim1 maintains tetomere lengths in cardiomyocytes by inhibiting phosphorylation of the TGF beta pathway downstream effectors Smad2 and Smad3, which prevents repression of telomerase reverse transcriptase. Findings from this study demonstrate a novel mechanism of telomere length maintenance and provide a potential target for preserving cardiac function.[GRAPHICS].Therapeutic cell differentiatio

    Febre purpúrica brasileira: caracterização rápida das cepas invasoras de Haemophilus aegyptius

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    Cepas de H. aegyptius isoladas em surtos de Febre Purpúrica Brasileira (FPB) no Brasil, foram caracterizadas pelo método de aglutinação em lâmina utilizando um anti-soro produzido com cepa de H. aegyptius isolada de cultura de sangue de paciente com FPB. Através desse método foi possível identificar cepas de H. aegyptius responsáveis por surtos de conjuntivite com características antigênicas iguais às cepas isoladas de FPB. A sensibilidade e especificidade da soroaglutinação em lâmina foi de 97,7% e 89,6% respectivamente, podendo ser utilizado como método de triagem em estudos de conjuntivites purulentas, para detectar cepas invasivas de H. aegyptius associadas a FPB, possibilitando assim a implantação de medidas que ampliem a eficiência na prevenção e na vigilância epidemiológica da doença

    Temperature and thickness dependence of magnetic moments in NiO epitaxial films

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    We show that linear polarized x-ray-absorption spectroscopy can be used to measure the temperature and thickness dependence of magnetic moments in NiO thin films. We demonstrate that both the long-range order and the nearest-neighbor spin-spin correlations can be revealed. NiO (100) films with thicknesses of 5, 10, and 20 monolayers epitaxially grown on MgO (100) are studied. The Neel temperature is found to be strongly reduced from the bulk value even for the 20 monolayer film