8,054 research outputs found

    String Creation, D-branes and Effective Field Theory

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    This paper addresses several unsettled issues associated with string creation in systems of orthogonal Dp-D(8-p) branes. The interaction between the branes can be understood either from the closed string or open string picture. In the closed string picture it has been noted that the DBI action fails to capture an extra RR exchange between the branes. We demonstrate how this problem persists upon lifting to M-theory. These D-brane systems are analysed in the closed string picture by using gauge-fixed boundary states in a non-standard lightcone gauge, in which RR exchange can be analysed precisely. The missing piece in the DBI action also manifests itself in the open string picture as a mismatch between the Coleman-Weinberg potential obtained from the effective field theory and the corresponding open string calculation. We show that this difference can be reconciled by taking into account the superghosts in the (0+1)effective theory of the chiral fermion, that arises from gauge fixing the spontaneously broken world-line local supersymmetries.Comment: 33 page

    The inner regions of protoplanetary disks

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    To understand how planetary systems form in the dusty disks around pre-main-sequence stars a detailed knowledge of the structure and evolution of these disks is required. While this is reasonably well understood for the regions of the disk beyond about 1 AU, the structure of these disks inward of 1 AU remains a puzzle. This is partly because it is very difficult to spatially resolve these regions with current telescopes. But it is also because the physics of this region, where the disk becomes so hot that the dust starts to evaporate, is poorly understood. With infrared interferometry it has become possible in recent years to directly spatially resolve the inner AU of protoplanetary disks, albeit in a somewhat limited way. These observations have partly confirmed current models of these regions, but also posed new questions and puzzles. Moreover, it has turned out that the numerical modeling of these regions is extremely challenging. In this review we give a rough overview of the history and recent developments in this exciting field of astrophysics.Comment: 45 pages with 14 Figures. to appear in Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics (2010, Vol. 48

    New results on superconformal quivers

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    All superconformal quivers are shown to satisfy the relation c = a and are thus good candidates for being the field theory living on D3 branes probing CY singularities. We systematically study 3 block and 4 block chiral quivers which admit a superconformal fixed point of the RG equation. Most of these theories are known to arise as living on D3 branes at a singular CY manifold, namely complex cones over del Pezzo surfaces. In the process we find a procedure of getting a new superconformal quiver from a known one. This procedure is termed "shrinking" and, in the 3 block case, leads to the discovery of two new models. Thus, the number of superconformal 3 block quivers is 16 rather than the previously known 14. We prove that this list exausts all the possibilities. We suggest that all rank 2 chiral quivers are either del Pezzo quivers or can be obtained by shrinking a del Pezzo quiver and verify this statement for all 4 block quivers, where a lot of "shrunk'' del Pezzo models exist.Comment: 51 pages, many figure

    Effects of climate change on the radial growth of shelterbelts across the brown, dark brown, and black soil zones of Saskatchewan

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    Non-Peer ReviewedEffects of climate change on the radial growth of shelterbelts across the brown, dark brown, and black soil zones of Saskatchewan Climate change poses many challenges for Saskatchewan agricultural producers. Landowners will face more frequent and intense weather events, increasing pest infestations and disease, and experience warmer and drier growing seasons under future climates. In response to this issue, several studies have named shelterbelts as a valuable strategy to buffer the negative effects of climate change, by helping protect producer's crops and livestock from the elements. However, the ability of shelterbelts to grow under a changed climate is unknown, and until it is determined, producers will be unable to benefit from the full potential of shelterbelts. We plan to predict the growth of four shelterbelts species across the brown, dark brown, and black soil zones of Saskatchewan to determine what species will be best suited to different areas within Saskatchewan under a changing climate. With this information, producers will be able to reap the benefits of shelterbelts, and better adapt to climate change

    Organometallic vapor phase epitaxial growth of high purity GaInAs using trimethylindium

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    Journal ArticleGax In1−xAs lattice matched to the InP substrate (x=0.47) has been grown by organometallic vapor phase epitaxy using trimethylindium (TMIn) and trimethylgallium (TMGa) as the group III sources and AsH3 as the As source. In a simple, horizontal, atmospheric pressure reactor, the GaInAs growth proceeds without visible evidence of parasitic prereaction problems. The process yields homogeneous, reproducible GaInAs with a high growth efficiency and a solid/vapor In distribution coefficient of nearly unity. Most importantly, several layers with room-temperature electron mobilities of approximately 10 000 cm2/Vs and carrier concentrations of approximately 1015 cm−3 have been produced. The 4-K photoluminescence shows a narrow (4-5 meV) band-edge emission peak and a low-intensity band acceptor peak at ~18 meV lower energy. Surface morphologies are routinely featureless as observed by high magnification interference contrast microscopy

    Axionic D3-D7 Inflation

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    We study the motion of a D3 brane moving within a Type IIB string vacuum compactified to 4D on K3 x T_2/Z_2 in the presence of D7 and O7 planes. We work within the effective 4D supergravity describing how the mobile D3 interacts with the lightest bulk moduli of the compactification, including the effects of modulus-stabilizing fluxes. We seek inflationary solutions to the resulting equations, performing our search numerically in order to avoid resorting to approximate parameterizations of the low-energy potential. We consider uplifting from D-terms and from the supersymmetry-breaking effects of anti-D3 branes. We find examples of slow-roll inflation (with anti-brane uplifting) with the mobile D3 moving along the toroidal directions, falling towards a D7-O7 stack starting from the antipodal point. The inflaton turns out to be a linear combination of the brane position and the axionic partner of the K3 volume modulus, and the similarity of the potential along the inflaton direction with that of racetrack inflation leads to the prediction n_s \le 0.95 for the spectral index. The slow roll is insensitive to most of the features of the effective superpotential, and requires a one-in-10^4 tuning to ensure that the torus is close to square in shape. We also consider D-term inflation with the D3 close to the attractive D7, but find that for a broad (but not exhaustive) class of parameters the conditions for slow roll tend to destabilize the bulk moduli. In contrast to the axionic case, the best inflationary example of this kind requires the delicate adjustment of potential parameters (much more than the part-per-mille level), and gives inflation only at an inflection point of the potential (and so suffers from additional fine-tuning of initial conditions to avoid an overshoot problem).Comment: 29 pages, 5 figure

    String Pair Creations in D-brane Systems

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    We investigate the criterion, on the Born-Infeld background fields, for the open string pair creation to occur in Dpp-(anti-)Dpp-brane systems. Although the pair creation occurs generically in both Dpp-Dpp and Dpp-anti-Dpp systems for the cases which meet the criterion, it is more drastic in Dpp-anti-Dpp-brane systems by some exponential factor depending on the background fields. Various configurations exhibiting pair creations are obtained via duality transformations. These include the spacelike scissors and two D-strings (slanted at different angles) passing through each other. We raise the scissors paradox and suggest a resolution based on the triple junction in IIB setup.Comment: V2. 1+28 pages, 5 figures in JHEP3, minor changes, added reference

    A Rare Case of Cat Scratch Disease Presenting with Splenic Abscess-A Case Report

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    Cat scratch disease is a zoonotic infection presenting with usual symptoms such as fever, fatigue, rigor, myalgia, rashes followed by regional tender and painful lympadenopathy. Other rare presentations include abscess formation in major organs. The main agent is Bartonella henselae. In this study, we describe a patient presenting with abdominal pain and tenderness with prodromal symptoms and microscopically it showed necrotizing granuloma in stellate pattern with palisading histiocytes. The prompt history of having pets, classical microscopy and by ruling out other causes of necrotizing granuloma, the diagnosis of cat scratch disease is obtained

    A New Infinite Class of Quiver Gauge Theories

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    We construct a new infinite family of N=1 quiver gauge theories which can be Higgsed to the Y^{p,q} quiver gauge theories. The dual geometries are toric Calabi-Yau cones for which we give the toric data. We also discuss the action of Seiberg duality on these quivers, and explore the different Seiberg dual theories. We describe the relationship of these theories to five dimensional gauge theories on (p,q) 5-branes. Using the toric data, we specify some of the properties of the corresponding dual Sasaki-Einstein manifolds. These theories generically have algebraic R-charges which are not quadratic irrational numbers. The metrics for these manifolds still remain unknown.Comment: 29 pages, JHE
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