7 research outputs found

    Microbial populations, fermentative profile and chemical composition of signalgrass silages at different regrowth ages

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    Microbial populations, pH, ammonium nitrogen/total nitrogen (N-NH3) ratio, concentrations of lactic acid, acetic acid and butyric acid and the chemical composition of Brachiaria decumbens cv. Basiliski silages at different regrowth ages (30, 40, 50, 60 and 70 days) were evaluated by using 2-kg capacity laboratory silos. It was used a 5 × 6 factorial scheme (5 regrowth ages × 6 fermentation periods) in a complete random design, with three replicates. The fermentation periods were 1, 3, 7, 14, 28 and 56 days. Lactic acid bacteria populations were recorded in fresh forage varying from 3.93 (30 days of regrowth) to 5.51 (70 days of regrowth) log colony-forming units (cfu)/g forage. Maximum populations of these microorganisms were recorded in the silages on the seventh day of fermentation (8.69 log cfu/g silage). Enterobacteria populations persisted until the 28th day, with maximum values found as early as the first day of fermentation (7.89 log cfu/g silage). Levels of DM, NDF, ADF and ADIN increased linearly whereas values of CP decreased linearly with age of regrowth of the plants. There was a linear reduction in the levels of DM, CP and NDF and linear increase in the levels of ADIN over the period of fermentation. N-NH3 level decreased and increased linearly with regrowth age and fermentation period, respectively. The pH decreased exponentially with fermentation period. Lactic acid increased and butyric acid decreased linearly with regrowth age. The predominant Lactobacillus plantarum species in signalgrass plants is Lactobacillus plantarum

    Avaliação química e nutricional do queijo mozzarella e iogurte de leite de búfala Chemical and nutritional evaluation of mozzarella cheese and yogurt made from buffalo milk

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    O presente trabalho teve por objetivo verificar a composição química e nutricional do queijo e iogurte elaborados com leite de búfala e comparados com aqueles elaborados com leite de vaca. Dos resultados obtidos foram obtidas as seguintes conclusões: o queijo tipo mozzarella e o iogurte elaborado com leite de búfala apresentaram níveis superiores em proteína, gordura, cinzas, cálcio e fósforo, estando relacionados com a composição química inicial do leite. Os níveis de digestibilidade in vitro dos queijos tipo mozzarella e iogurte de leite de búfala apresentaram resultados semelhantes aos elaborados com leite de vaca, indicando níveis adequados de digestibilidade para consumo humano.<br>The chemical and nutritional compositions of cheese and yogurt made from buffalo and cow milk were compared. The following conclusions were obtained: mozzarella type cheese and yogurt made from buffalo milk exhibited higher content of protein, fat, minerals, calcium and phosphorus when compared to those made from cow milk; in vitro digestibility tests of mozzarella type cheese and yogurt made from buffalo milk were similar to those of cow milk, indicantig suitable digestibility levels for human consumption