495 research outputs found

    Confirming Bank Liability in Letter of Credit Transactions: Whose Bank Is It Anyway?

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    Context. The abundance of deuterated molecules in a star-forming region is sensitive to the environment in which they are formed. Deuteration fractions, in other words the ratio of a species containing D to its hydrogenated counterpart, therefore provide a powerful tool for studying the physical and chemical evolution of a star-forming system. While local low-mass star-forming regions show very high deuteration ratios, much lower fractions are observed towards Orion and the Galactic centre. Astration of deuterium has been suggested as a possible cause for low deuteration in the Galactic centre. Aims. We derive methanol deuteration fractions at a number of locations towards the high-mass star-forming region NGC 6334I, located at a mean distance of 1.3 kpc, and discuss how these can shed light on the conditions prevailing during its formation. Methods. We use high sensitivity, high spatial and spectral resolution observations obtained with the Atacama Large Millimeter/ submillimeter Array to study transitions of the less abundant, optically thin, methanol-isotopologues: 13CH3OH, CH318OH, CH2DOH and CH3OD, detected towards NGC 6334I. Assuming local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) and excitation temperatures of ~120–330 K, we derive column densities for each of the species and use these to infer CH2DOH/CH3OH and CH3OD/CH3OH fractions. Results. We derive column densities in a range of (0.8–8.3) × 1017 cm−2 for 13CH3OH, (0.13–3.4) × 1017 cm−2 for CH318OH, (0.03–1.63) × 1017 cm−2 for CH2DOH and (0.15–5.5) × 1017 cm−2 for CH3OD in a ~1″ beam. Interestingly, the column densities of CH3OD are consistently higher than those of CH2DOH throughout the region by factors of 2–15. We calculate the CH2DOH to CH3OH and CH3OD to CH3OH ratios for each of the sampled locations in NGC 6334I. These values range from 0.03% to 0.34% for CH2DOH and from 0.27% to 1.07% for CH3OD if we use the 13C isotope of methanol as a standard; using the 18 O-methanol as a standard, decreases the ratios by factors of between two and three. Conclusions. All regions studied in this work show CH2DOH/CH3OH as well as CH2DOH/CH3OD values that are considerably lower than those derived towards low-mass star-forming regions and slightly lower than those derived for the high-mass star-forming regions in Orion and the Galactic centre. The low ratios indicate a grain surface temperature during formation ~30 K, for which the efficiency of the formation of deuterated species is significantly reduced. Therefore, astration of deuterium in the Galactic centre cannot be the explanation for its low deuteration ratio but rather the high temperatures characterising the region

    Project ACCRUE: Exploring Options to Increase Awareness of AIDS Malignancy Consortium Clinical Trials in North Carolina

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    BACKGROUND Longer lifespans conferred by antiretroviral therapy result in more time exposed to cancer risk for people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA). Given limited diversity in AIDS Malignancy Consortium (AMC) clinical trials, there is need for new approaches to educate PLWHA in order to improve awareness and participation in AMC trials. METHODS With input from a community advisory board, Project ACCRUE (AMC Clinical Trials at Carolina Ramp Up Enrollment) conducted a key informant interview with service providers; online organizational surveys of AMC trial awareness and resource needs; and "lunch and learn" educational sessions, including pre- and post-intervention knowledge assessments. RESULTS Providers indicated that transportation, mistrust of the medical community, and affordability were barriers to trial participation, while printed educational materials could facilitate trial recruitment. Providers indicated that their clients had concerns about participating in trials, but also recognized several benefits of participation including access to medical personnel and treatment, receipt of monetary incentives, and a feeling of satisfaction from helping others. In lunch and learn sessions, use of an audience response system to collect questionnaire data improved scores on knowledge-based items [S(55) = 460; P < .0001] compared to a pencil and paper test [S(20) = 12.5; P = .6541].LIMITATIONS Generalizability may have been compromised by the small sample size. Long-term recall was not measured, and the short retest interval may have impacted post-intervention assessments. CONCLUSIONS Service providers recognize the benefits of working with researchers to educate patients about HIV-related cancers and participation in clinical trials. Lunch and learn sessions improved knowledge and perceptions about clinical trials for PLWHA

    G11.92-0.61-MM2 : a bonafide massive prestellar core?

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    Supported by NSF AAPF (C.J.C., AST-1003134) and ERC (A.V., PALs 320620).Core accretion models of massive star formation require the existence of stable massive starless cores, but robust observational examples of such objects have proven elusive. We report subarcsecond-resolution Submillimeter Array (SMA) 1.3 mm, 1.1 mm, and 0.88 mm and Very Large Array 1.3 cm observations of an excellent massive starless core candidate, G11.92–0.61-MM2, initially identified in the course of studies of GLIMPSE Extended Green Objects (EGOs). Separated by ~7 farcs 2 from the nearby MM1 protostellar hot core, MM2 is a strong, compact dust continuum source (submillimeter spectral index α = 2.6 ± 0.1), but is devoid of star formation indicators. In contrast to MM1, MM2 has no masers, no centimeter continuum, and no (sub)millimeter wavelength line emission in ~24 GHz of bandwidth observed with the SMA, including N2H+(3-2), HCO+(3-2), and HCN(3-2). Additionally, there is no evidence for an outflow driven by MM2. The (sub)millimeter spectral energy distribution of MM2 is best fit with a dust temperature of ~17-19 K and luminosity of ~5-7 L☉. The combined physical properties of MM2, as inferred from its dust continuum emission, are extreme: M ≳ 30 M☉ within a radius 1025 cm–2 and nH_2 >109 cm–3. Comparison of the molecular abundance limits derived from our SMA observations with gas-grain chemical models indicates that extremely dense (n(H) ≫ 108 cm–3), cold (<20 K) conditions are required to explain the lack of observed (sub)millimeter line emission, consistent with the dust continuum results. Our data suggest that G11.92–0.61-MM2 is the best candidate for a bonafide massive prestellar core found to date, and a promising target for future higher-sensitivity observations.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Aphid biology: Expressed genes from alate Toxoptera citricida, the brown citrus aphid

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    The brown citrus aphid, Toxoptera citricida (Kirkaldy), is considered the primary vector of citrus tristeza virus, a severe pathogen which causes losses to citrus industries worldwide. The alate (winged) form of this aphid can readily fly long distances with the wind, thus spreading citrus tristeza virus in citrus growing regions. To better understand the biology of the brown citrus aphid and the emergence of genes expressed during wing development, we undertook a large-scale 5′ end sequencing project of cDNA clones from alate aphids. Similar large-scale expressed sequence tag (EST) sequencing projects from other insects have provided a vehicle for answering biological questions relating to development and physiology. Although there is a growing database in GenBank of ESTs from insects, most are from Drosophila melanogaster and Anopheles gambiae, with relatively few specifically derived from aphids. However, important morphogenetic processes are exclusively associated with piercing-sucking insect development and sap feeding insect metabolism. In this paper, we describe the first public data set of ESTs from the brown citrus aphid, T. citricida. The cDNA library was derived from alate adults due to their significance in spreading viruses (e.g., citrus tristeza virus). Over 5180 cDNA clones were sequenced, resulting in 4263 high-quality ESTs. Contig alignment of these ESTs resulted in 2124 total assembled sequences, including both contiguous sequences and singlets. Approximately 33% of the ESTs currently have no significant match in either the non-redundant protein or nucleic acid databases. Sequences returning matches with an E-value of ≤ −10 using BLASTX, BLASTN, or TBLASTX were annotated based on their putative molecular function and biological process using the Gene Ontology classification system. These data will aid research efforts in the identification of important genes within insects, specifically aphids and other sap feeding insects within the Order Hemiptera. The sequence data described in this paper have been submitted to Genbank's dbEST under the following accession numbers.: CB814527-CB814982, CB832665-CB833296, CB854878-CB855147, CB909714-CB910020, CB936196-CB936346, CD449954-CD450759. Abbreviation: / EST: expressed sequence ta

    Association Between Superwoman Schema, Depression, and Resilience: The Mediating Role of Social Isolation and Gendered Racial Centrality

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    Objectives: We examined dimensions of Superwoman Schema as predictors of both depression and resilience. We also investigated if social isolation and gendered racial centrality mediated these relationships. Method: We used path analysis to investigate the direct and indirect effects of an obligation to display an image of strength, emotional suppression, and resistance to vulnerability on depressive symptoms through social isolation. We also explored the direct and indirect effects of an intense motivation to succeed and an obligation to help others on resilience through gendered racial centrality. Results: Emotional suppression and an obligation to help others were directly associated with depression. Emotional suppression, resistance to vulnerability, and an obligation to help others were indirectly associated with depression through social isolation. In contrast, an obligation to display an image of strength and an intense motivation to succeed was associated with resilience and gendered racial centrality. Conclusion: Findings highlight the unique complexity of Superwoman Schema as suggested within qualitative research. Black women’s endorsement of Superwoman Schema may be both adaptive in navigating interlocking systems of oppression and psychologically distressin

    The extraordinary outburst in the massive protostellar system NGC 6334 I-MM1 : strong increase in mid-infrared continuum emission

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    Financial support for this work was provided by NASA through award #07_0156 issued by USRA. Based in part on observations collected at the European Organisation for Astronomical Research in the Southern Hemisphere under ESO program 089.C-0852(A).In recent years, dramatic outbursts have been identified toward massive protostars via infrared and millimeter dust continuum and molecular maser emission. The longest lived outburst (>6 yr) persists in NGC 6334 I-MM1, a deeply embedded object with no near-IR counterpart. Using FORCAST and HAWC+ on SOFIA, we have obtained the first mid-IR images of this field since the outburst began. Despite being undetected in pre-outburst ground-based 18 μm images, MM1 is now the brightest region at all three wavelengths (25, 37, and 53 μm), exceeding the UCHII region MM3 (NGC 6334 F). Combining the SOFIA data with ALMA imaging at four wavelengths, we construct a spectral energy distribution of the combination of MM1 and the nearby hot core MM2. The best-fit Robitaille radiative transfer model yields a luminosity of (4.9 ± 0.8) × 104 L⊙. Accounting for an estimated pre-outburst luminosity ratio MM1:MM2 = 2.1 ± 0.4, the luminosity of MM1 has increased by a factor of 16.3 ± 4.4. The pre-outburst luminosity implies a protostar of mass 6.7 M⊙, which can produce the ionizing photon rate required to power the pre-outburst HCHII region surrounding the likely outbursting protostar MM1B. The total energy and duration of the outburst exceed the S255IR-NIRS3 outburst by a factor of 3, suggesting a different scale of event involving expansion of the protostellar photosphere (to 20 R⊙), thereby supporting a higher accretion rate (0.0023 M⊙ yr−1) and reducing the ionizing photon rate. In the grid of hydrodynamic models of Meyer et al., the combination of outburst luminosity and magnitude (3) places the NGC 6334 I-MM1 event in the region of moderate total accretion (~0.1–0.3 M⊙) and hence long duration (~40–130 yr).PostprintPeer reviewe

    Dynamical modelling of the elliptical galaxy NGC 2974

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    In this paper we analyse the relations between a previously described oblate Jaffe model for an ellipsoidal galaxy and the observed quantities for NGC 2974, and obtain the length and velocity scales for a relevant elliptical galaxy model. We then derive the finite total mass of the model from these scales, and finally find a good fit of an isotropic oblate Jaffe model by using the Gauss-Hermite fit parameters and the observed ellipticity of the galaxy NGC 2974. The model is also used to predict the total luminous mass of NGC 2974, assuming that the influence of dark matter in this galaxy on the image, ellipticity and Gauss-Hermite fit parameters of this galaxy is negligible within the central region, of radius 0.5Re.0.5R_{\rm e}.Comment: 7 figure

    Magnetohydrodynamics and Plasma Cosmology

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    We study the linear magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) equations, both in the Newtonian and the general-relativistic limit, as regards a viscous magnetized fluid of finite conductivity and discuss instability criteria. In addition, we explore the excitation of cosmological perturbations in anisotropic spacetimes, in the presence of an ambient magnetic field. Acoustic, electromagnetic (e/m) and fast-magnetosonic modes, propagating normal to the magnetic field, can be excited, resulting in several implications of cosmological significance.Comment: 9 pages, RevTeX, To appear in the Proceedings of the Peyresq X Meeting, IJTP Conference Serie

    Dynamic Evolution Model of Isothermal Voids and Shocks

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    We explore self-similar hydrodynamic evolution of central voids embedded in an isothermal gas of spherical symmetry under the self-gravity. More specifically, we study voids expanding at constant radial speeds in an isothermal gas and construct all types of possible void solutions without or with shocks in surrounding envelopes. We examine properties of void boundaries and outer envelopes. Voids without shocks are all bounded by overdense shells and either inflows or outflows in the outer envelope may occur. These solutions, referred to as type X\mathcal{X} void solutions, are further divided into subtypes XI\mathcal{X}_{\rm I} and XII\mathcal{X}_{\rm II} according to their characteristic behaviours across the sonic critical line (SCL). Void solutions with shocks in envelopes are referred to as type Z\mathcal{Z} voids and can have both dense and quasi-smooth edges. Asymptotically, outflows, breezes, inflows, accretions and static outer envelopes may all surround such type Z\mathcal{Z} voids. Both cases of constant and varying temperatures across isothermal shock fronts are analyzed; they are referred to as types ZI\mathcal{Z}_{\rm I} and ZII\mathcal{Z}_{\rm II} void shock solutions. We apply the `phase net matching procedure' to construct various self-similar void solutions. We also present analysis on void generation mechanisms and describe several astrophysical applications. By including self-gravity, gas pressure and shocks, our isothermal self-similar void (ISSV) model is adaptable to various astrophysical systems such as planetary nebulae, hot bubbles and superbubbles in the interstellar medium as well as supernova remnants.Comment: 24 pages, 13 figuers, accepted by ApS
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