24 research outputs found

    Onderzoek naar Duurzame Schelpdiervisserij (PRODUS) Eindrapport deelproject 1 c

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    De fluctuaties in aanbod van mosselzaad en druk op de visserij hebben er toe geleid dat de sector is gaan zoeken naar alternatieve bronnen van jonge mosselen. Sinds 2000 wordt gewerkt aan het ontwikkelen van mosselzaadinvangsystemen (MZI’s). Er is onder andere gekeken naar variatie in zaadinvang en groei van het zaad, het effect van MZI's op de bodemfauna en -structuur en op vogels en zeezoogdieren. Het artikel eindigt met enkele conclusies en aanbevelingen

    Ecologische analyse van potentiële locaties voor mosselzaadinvang (MZI) in Nederlandse kustwateren

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    Het doel van de ecologische analyse is aan te geven of, en zo ja welke, ecologische functies aan de orde zijn bij toepassing van mosselzaadinvang (MZI) in de gegeven zoekgebieden en wat de mogelijke effecten zijn. De analyse is gebaseerd op de resultaten van eerdere MZI evaluaties en gericht op mogelijke effecten op draagkracht, bodem, vogels en zeezoogdieren. Omdat het gaat om een vergelijking van gebieden is de aandacht vooral gericht op effecten die ruimtelijk verschillend kunnen uitwerken. Op basis van deze studie kan een keuze worden gemaakt van een redelijk groot aantal locaties waarvoor geen omvangrijke nadelige effecten van MZI toepassingen worden verwacht. Deze locaties bevinden zich in de Waddenzee, Voordelta en Oosterschelde, met een evenredige verdeling over deze gebieden

    Factorization with Uncertainty

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    3D Object Recognition Based on Canonical Angles between Shape Subspaces

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    A Colorectal Cancer Screening Project in an Old Order Mennonite Community: Capstone Project Technical Report

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    The purpose of this project was to determine if colorectal cancer (CRC) screening education and community access to fecal occult blood tests (FOBT) is associated with an increase in the uptake of FOBT in an old order Mennonite community. Utilizing a modified cultural model, an educational offering on CRC screening and access to FOBT in the community was delivered to a self-selected sample of age-eligible participants. Thirty-three age eligible residents completed the CRC screening questionnaires and received education on CRC screening. Twenty-nine of the age-eligible participants were found to be at average risk and twenty-three elected to receive FOBT testing kits. The most commonly reported previous CRC screening was colonoscopy; however, only 30% of the population had completed any previous CRC screening. This project was successful in increasing the uptake of FOBT in an old order Mennonite community through the provision of culturally appropriate education and the delivery of FOBT within the community using a modified cultural model. If the high FOBT uptake is maintained in other OOM/Amish populations FOBT is a viable CRC screening tool in these populations

    Extending interrupted feature point tracking for 3-D affine reconstruction

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    Abstract. Feature point tracking over a video sequence fails when the points go out of the field of view or behind other objects. In this paper, we extend such interrupted tracking by imposing the constraint that under the affine camera model all feature trajectories should be in an affine space. Our method consists of iterations for optimally extending the trajectories and for optimally estimating the affine space, coupled with an outlier removal process. Using real video images, we demonstrate that our method can restore a sufficient number of trajectories for detailed 3-D reconstruction.

    The ECW installation at the TEXTOR tokamak

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    Previous electron cyclotron wave experiments on TEXTOR were performed using a 110 GHz, 350 kW, 200 ms gyrotron. The installation is presently extended with a new gyrotron at 140 GHz, which produces more than 800 kW of RF power in a Gaussian beam for more than 3 s at 1% duty cycle. Auxiliary systems have been overhauled and upgraded. The installation can be conveniently switched between gyrotrons while the control system is kept extremely versatile allowing to switch between manual expert operation and fully automated operation from the TEXTOR control room. A scheme is being developed to allow control of the steerable launcher depending on real-time plasma parameters. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved