1,189 research outputs found

    Travelling wave solutions for degenerate pseudo-parabolic equation modelling two-phase flow in porous media

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    We discuss a pseudo-parabolic equation modelling two-phase flow in porous media, which includes a dynamic capillary pressure term. We extend results obtained previously for linear higher order terms and investigate the existence of travelling wave solutions in the non-linear and degenerate case. These cases may lead to non-smooth travelling waves, as well as to a discontinuous capillary pressure

    Travelling wave solutions for degenerate pseudo-parabolic equation modelling two-phase flow in porous media

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    We discuss a pseudo-parabolic equation modelling two-phase flow in porous media, which includes a dynamic capillary pressure term. We extend results obtained previously for linear higher order terms and investigate the existence of travelling wave solutions in the non-linear and degenerate case. These cases may lead to non-smooth travelling waves, as well as to a discontinuous capillary pressure

    Solidification of Al-Sn-Cu based immiscible alloys under intense shearing

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    The official published version of the Article can be accessed from the link below - Copyright @ 2009 The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society and ASM InternationalThe growing importance of Al-Sn based alloys as materials for engineering applications necessitates the development of uniform microstructures with improved performance. Guided by the recently thermodynamically assessed Al-Sn-Cu system, two model immiscible alloys, Al-45Sn-10Cu and Al-20Sn-10Cu, were selected to investigate the effects of intensive melt shearing provided by the novel melt conditioning by advanced shear technology (MCAST) unit on the uniform dispersion of the soft Sn phase in a hard Al matrix. Our experimental results have confirmed that intensive melt shearing is an effective way to achieve fine and uniform dispersion of the soft phase without macro-demixing, and that such dispersed microstructure can be further refined in alloys with precipitation of the primary Al phase prior to the demixing reaction. In addition, it was found that melt shearing at 200 rpm and 60 seconds will be adequate to produce fine and uniform dispersion of the Sn phase, and that higher shearing speed and prolonged shearing time can only achieve minor further refinement.This work is funded by the EPSRC and DT

    Optimal Sizes of Dielectric Microspheres for Cavity QED with Strong Coupling

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    The whispering gallery modes (WGMs) of quartz microspheres are investigated for the purpose of strong coupling between single photons and atoms in cavity quantum electrodynamics (cavity QED). Within our current understanding of the loss mechanisms of the WGMs, the saturation photon number, n, and critical atom number, N, cannot be minimized simultaneously, so that an "optimal" sphere size is taken to be the radius for which the geometric mean, (n x N)^(1/2), is minimized. While a general treatment is given for the dimensionless parameters used to characterize the atom-cavity system, detailed consideration is given to the D2 transition in atomic Cesium (852nm) using fused-silica microspheres, for which the maximum coupling coefficient g/(2*pi)=750MHz occurs for a sphere radius a=3.63microns corresponding to the minimum for n=6.06x10^(-6). By contrast, the minimum for N=9.00x10^(-6) occurs for a sphere radius of a=8.12microns, while the optimal sphere size for which (n x N)^(1/2) is minimized occurs at a=7.83microns. On an experimental front, we have fabricated fused-silica microspheres with radii a=10microns and consistently observed quality factors Q=0.8x10^(7). These results for the WGMs are compared with corresponding parameters achieved in Fabry-Perot cavities to demonstrate the significant potential of microspheres as a tool for cavity QED with strong coupling.Comment: 12 pages, 14 figure

    Polarization of AGN in UV Spectral Range

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    We present the review of some new problems in cosmology and physics of stars in connection with future launching of WSO. We discuss three problems. UV observations of distant z > 6 quasars allow to obtain information on the soft < 1 KeV X-ray radiation of the accretion disk around a supermassive black hole because of its cosmological redshift. Really the region of X-ray radiation is insufficiently investigated because of high galactic absorption. In a result one will get important information on the reionization zone of the Universe. Astronomers from ESO revealed the effect of alignment of electric vectors of polarized QSOs. One of the probable mechanism of such alignment is the conversion of QSO radiation into low mass pseudoscalar particles (axions) in the extragalactic magnetic field. These boson like particles have been predicted by new SUSY particle physics theory. Since the probability of such conversion is increasing namely in UV spectral range one can expect the strong correlation between UV spectral energy distribution of QSO radiation and polarimetric data in the optical range. In the stellar physics one of the interesting problems is the origin of the X-ray sources with super Eddington luminosities. The results of UV observations of these X-ray sources will allow to find the origin of these sources as accreting intermediate mass black holes.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Factors affecting domestic water consumption in rural households upon access to improved water supply: insights from the Wei River Basin, China

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    Comprehensively understanding water consumption behavior is necessary to design efficient and effective water use strategies. Despite global efforts to identify the factors that affect domestic water consumption, those related to domestic water use in rural regions have not been sufficiently studied, particularly in villages that have gained access to improved water supply. To address this gap, we investigated 247 households in eight villages in the Wei River Basin where three types of improved water supply systems are implemented. Results show that domestic water consumption in liters per capita per day was significantly correlated with water supply pattern and vegetable garden area, and significantly negatively correlated with family size and age of household head. Traditional hygiene habits, use of water appliances, and preference for vegetable gardening remain dominant behaviors in the villages with access to improved water supply. Future studies on rural domestic water consumption should pay more attention to user lifestyles (water appliance usage habits, outdoor water use) and cultural backgrounds (age, education)

    Molecular Dynamics Study of Bamboo-like Carbon Nanotube Nucleation

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    MD simulations based on an empirical potential energy surface were used to study the nucleation of bamboo-like carbon nanotubes (BCNTs). The simulations reveal that inner walls of the bamboo structure start to nucleate at the junction between the outer nanotube wall and the catalyst particle. In agreement with experimental results, the simulations show that BCNTs nucleate at higher dissolved carbon concentrations (i.e., feedstock pressures) than those where non-bamboolike carbon nanotubes are nucleated

    Squeezed states produced by modulation interaction and phase conjugation in fibers

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    Number-state expansions are derived for the squeezed states produced by four-wave mixing (modulation interaction and phase conjugation) in fibers. These expansions are valid for arbitrary pump-induced coupling and dispersion-induced mismatch coefficients. To illustrate their use, formulas are derived for the associated field-quadrature and photon-number variances and correlations

    Analyses of fracture line distribution in intra-articular distal radius fractures

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    PURPOSE:To assess the association between the fracture line distribution and the location of comminution in intra-articular distal radius fractures by building fracture mapping. PATIENTS/METHODS:Forty cases with intra-articular fractures of distal radius were enrolled in the current prospective clinical study. Fracture lines and comminution zones were identified by reduced three-dimensional computed tomography reconstructions and then graphically superimposed onto a standard template to create two-dimensional fracture maps, followed by the conversion into heating maps. Based on qualitative descriptive fracture mapping analyses, the patterns of intra-articular distal radius fractures were determined. RESULTS:It was observed that the highest fracture line intensity was located as an inverted "T" shape zone in the dorsal aspect of the joint with high incidence of fractures and the prominently intense color in heat mapping. The keystone projected area, the radial styloid process and the metacarpal radial side articular surface were found to be the least involved parts of the fracture. According to the mapping of the number and distribution of fracture lines, a new classification method for intra-articular fractures of the distal radius was redefined. Different surgical approaches and internal fixation techniques were proposed for different types. In this paper, we retrospectively compared the preoperative X-ray findings between different types. Based on the preoperative X-ray prediction, the distal intra-articular radius fractures were classified, so as to develop effective surgical strategies. In this study, a new surgical approach was attempted, but due to the lack of evidence-based evidence, long-term postoperative complications and hand function should be further evaluated. CONCLUSION:This study redefines a new method for the classification of intra-articular fractures of the distal radius, which allows doctors to have a clearer understanding of the characteristics of distal radius fractures. Moreover, the application value in fracture diagnosis is more significant, and the best surgical approach is selected for different types.Xin Zhang, Yinqi Zhang, Jian Fan, Feng Yuan, Qian Tang, Cory J. Xia