828 research outputs found

    Study of Doubly Heavy Baryon Spectrum via QCD Sum Rules

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    In this work, we calculate the mass spectrum of doubly heavy baryons with the diquark model in terms of the QCD sum rules. The interpolating currents are composed of a heavy diquark field and a light quark field. Contributions of the operators up to dimension six are taken into account in the operator product expansion. Within a reasonable error tolerance, our numerical results are compatible with other theoretical predictions. This indicates that the diquark picture reflects the reality and is applicable to the study of doubly heavy baryons.Comment: 23 pages, 9 figures, minor corrections in expression

    Classes of exact wavefunctions for general time-dependent Dirac Hamiltonians in 1+1 dimensions

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    In this work we construct two classes of exact solutions for the most general time-dependent Dirac Hamiltonian in 1+1 dimensions. Some problems regarding to some formal solutions in the literature are discussed. Finally the existence of a generalized Lewis-Riesenfeld invariant connected with such solutions is discussed

    A self-calibration rotational stitching method for precision measurement of revolving surfaces

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    When measuring revolving objects, it is often desired to obtain not only the geometrical form of the workpiece, but also the topography of the surface, as they both affect the performance of the part. However, holistic measurement of the entire three-dimensional surface of a revolving part is challenging since most surface measurement instruments only have limited measurement ability, where the bottom and the side surfaces cannot be measured. One solution to obtain geometrical form and surface topography information simultaneously is to add a precision axis to rotate the object while performing surface topography measurement. However, this solution requires a high-cost precision rotation stage and adjustable mounting and alignment aids. Moreover, errors in the rotation will be added to the measurement result, which can be difficult to compensate. Stitching is a method often used for measuring revolving surfaces without the need for precision motion axes, as the method is applied at the software level, and errors in the rotation can be compensated by the stitching algorithm. Nevertheless, the overall accuracy of stitching is limited when the number of sub-surfaces is large, since the measurement and stitching error accumulate along the stitching chain. In this paper, a self-calibration rotational stitching method is presented which can compensate for the accumulated error. The self-calibration method utilises the inherent nature of a revolving surface and compensates for the registration error by aligning the last dataset with the first dataset. The proposed method is demonstrated by measuring grinding wheels with a coherence scanning interferometer and simultaneously rotating the grinding wheels with a low-cost stepper-motor. It is demonstrated that the proposed stitching measurement method is effective in compensating for accumulated registration error. The proposed self-calibration rotational stitching method can be easily extended to a wide range of applications for measuring revolving surfaces using various measuring instruments

    Any-degrees-of-freedom (anyDOF) registration for the characterization of freeform surfaces

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    This paper presents an any-degrees-of-freedom (anyDOF) registration method for the characterization of freeform surfaces. The method attempts to fill the research gap regarding traditional surface registration methods which are normally dedicated to solving the global optimization problem with all DOF but they lack flexibility. The proposed anyDOF method is capable of registering surfaces with any specified combination of DOF. This is particularly useful when some of the DOF are known to be unchanged according to the a priori knowledge. The anyDOF surface registration method is regarded as a typical optimization problem of finding the minimum distance from target surface to the reference surface, with constraints of the unwanted DOF. The problem is solved by the Levenberg-Marquardt method. Simulated experiments for a two-dimensional (2D) profile and a three-dimensional (3D) surface were undertaken, together with three measurement experiments including a fluid-jet polished surface, a bonnet polished surface and a diamond machined freeform surface. Experimental results show that the anyDOF registration method is highly flexible in the characterization of freeform surfaces

    Improved Method of Fatigue Life Assessment for TiAl Alloys

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    For rapid fatigue life assessment of TiAl alloys, the new method was proposed based on qualitative and quantitative analyses. The qualitative analysis was employed to illustrate the microstructure effect for TiAl alloys on their fatigue life. The new formula is derived for estimation of the interaction forces of dislocations, which yields quite satisfactory results. The results of qualitative and quantitative analyses were used to predict the fatigue life improvement by the addition of trace elements producing grain refinement.Предложен новый метод оценки усталостной долговечности TiAl сплавов по результатам количественного и качественного анализа. С помощью количественного анализа определено влияние микроструктуры TiAl сплавов на их усталостную долговечность. Расчет усилия между дислокациями проведен по стандартной формуле, с помощью которой можно получить точный результат. Количественный и качественный анализ показал, что усталостную долговечность можно повысить путем введения микроэлементов, которые способствуют измельчению зерен.Запропоновано новий метод оцінки довговічності від утомленості ТіАl сплавів за результатами кількісного та якісного аналізу. За допомогою кількісного аналізу визначено вплив мікроструктури TiAl сплавів на їх довговічність від утомленості. Розрахунок зусилля між дислокаціями проведено за стандартною формулою, за допомогою якої можна отримати точний результат. Кількісний та якісний аналіз показав, що довговічність від утомленості можна підвищити шляхом введення мікроелементів, які сприяють подрібненню зерен

    J/ψ+c+cˉJ/\psi + c + \bar{c} Photoproduction in e+ee^+ e^- Scattering

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    We investigate the J/ψJ/\psi + c + cˉ\bar{c} photoproduction in e+ee^+ e^- collision at the LEP II energy. The physical motivations for this study are: 1) such next-to-leading order(NLO) process was not considered in previous investigations of J/ψJ/\psi photoproduction in e+ee^+ e^- interaction, and it is worthwhile to do so in order to make sound predictions for experimental comparison; 2) from recent Belle experiment results, the process with same final states at the BB factory has a theoretically yet unexplainable large fraction; hence it is interesting to see what may happen at other colliders; 3) the existing LEP data are marginal in observing such process, and at the planed Linear Colliders(LCs) this process can be measured with high accuracy; 4) it is necessary to take this process into consideration in the aim of elucidating the quarkonium production mechanism, especially in testing the universality of NRQCD nonperturbative matrix elements via J/ψJ/\psi photoproduction in electron-position collisions.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figure

    Heart of Darkness: The Significance of the Zeptobarn Scale for Neutralino Direct Detection

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    The direct detection of dark matter through its elastic scattering off nucleons is among the most promising methods for establishing the particle identity of dark matter. The current bound on the spin-independent scattering cross section is sigma^SI < 10 zb for dark matter masses m_chi ~ 100 GeV, with improved sensitivities expected soon. We examine the implications of this progress for neutralino dark matter. We work in a supersymmetric framework well-suited to dark matter studies that is simple and transparent, with models defined in terms of four weak-scale parameters. We first show that robust constraints on electric dipole moments motivate large sfermion masses mtilde > 1 TeV, effectively decoupling squarks and sleptons from neutralino dark matter phenomenology. In this case, we find characteristic cross sections in the narrow range 1 zb 70 GeV. As sfermion masses are lowered to near their experimental limit mtilde ~ 400 GeV, the upper and lower limits of this range are extended, but only by factors of around two, and the lower limit is not significantly altered by relaxing many particle physics assumptions, varying the strange quark content of the nucleon, including the effects of galactic small-scale structure, or assuming other components of dark matter. Experiments are therefore rapidly entering the heart of dark matter-favored supersymmetry parameter space. If no signal is seen, supersymmetric models must contain some level of fine-tuning, and we identify and analyze several possibilities. Barring large cancellations, however, in a large and generic class of models, if thermal relic neutralinos are a significant component of dark matter, experiments will discover them as they probe down to the zeptobarn scale.Comment: 35 pages, 11 figures; v2: references added, figures extended to 2 TeV neutralino masses, XENON100 results included, published versio

    Reheating Temperature and Gauge Mediation Models of Supersymmetry Breaking

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    For supersymmetric theories with gravitino dark matter, the maximal reheating temperature consistent with big bang nucleosynthesis bounds arises when the physical gaugino masses are degenerate. We consider the cases of a stau or sneutrino next-to-lightest superpartner, which have relatively less constraint from big bang nucleosynthesis. The resulting parameter space is consistent with leptogenesis requirements, and can be reached in generalized gauge mediation models. Such models illustrate a class of theories that overcome the well-known tension between big bang nucleosynthesis and leptogenesis.Comment: 30 pages, 4 figures; v2: refs adde

    Color-singlet and color-octet J/psi production in top quark rare decays

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    J/psi production in top quark rare decays is investigated under the framework of NRQCD factorization formalism. Various production channels are studied, and we find that the contributions from the color-singlet quark fragmentation and the color-octet gluon fragmentation are both over 3 orders larger than that from the leading order color-singlet process. The numerical results show that the branching ratio B(t -> c + J/psi + X) is about 10^{-14} in the SM, and 10^{-10} in the MSSM.Comment: 10 pages, RevTex, 4 postscript figures. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Inelastic J/ψJ/\psi production in polarized photon-hadron collisions

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    Presented here is a calculation of inelastic J/ψJ/\psi production in polarized photon-hadron collisions under the framework of NRQCD factorization formalism. We consider the photoproduction of \jpsi in the energy range relevant to HERA. The Weizs\"acker-Williams approximation is adopted in the evaluation of the cross sections for epep collisions. We found that this process can give another independent test for the color-octet mechanism, and the different features for the two color-octet processes may provide further informations on the mechanism for inelastic \jpsi photoproduction. And the discrepancy on the production asymmetry AA between various sets of polarized gluon distribution functions is also found to be distinctive.Comment: 14pages, 6 PS figure