9 research outputs found

    Trifolium repens L response to P, K, Ca, Mg and S addition in eíght soils of Argentinian Northeast

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    Se estudió la respuesta del Trifolium repens cv. Haifa a la adición de P, K, Ca, Mg y S en ocho suelos de la Provincia de Corrientes, Argentina, con el objetivo de conocer sus posibles limitaciones nutritivas para esa planta. La experiencia se realizó bajo invernadero en suelos molisoles, alfisoles y entisoles de los que se extrajeron muestras de los primeros 15 cm de profundidad. Se establecieron dos jerarquías dedeficiencia, primaria o secundaria, según ésta apareciera en todas las cosechas desde la primera o sólo en las posteriores, respectivamente. Las respuestas a la adición de nutrientes fueron diferentes para cada suelo, aunque la mayor parte de ellos respondieron positivamente a la aplicación de P. Los resultados ratifican la frecuencia de deficiencias primarias de este elemento en los suelos de la Provincia de Corrientes; sin embargo, también sugieren la probabilidad de que sea acompa­ñada por otras de igual o menor jerarquía como de K, S, Ca y Mg.The response of Trifolium repens cv. Haifa to P, K, Ca, Mg and S in eigth soils from Corrientes, Argentina was studied. The objective was to know possible nutrient restriction for that species in these soils. A greenhouse trial in pots applying the intensive culture concept was done. Molisols, alfisols and entisols soils were studied; samples at 15 cm deep were taken. Two levels of deficiency were established: primary or secondary, depending on its presence in all harvests from the begining or in some of the following. The response to nutrient addition were different for each soil, although most of them responded to P. Results confirm the high frecuency of P primary deficiency in the soils of Corrientes Province. However, the possibility that this deficiency occurs simultaneously with others of the same or less level of K, S, Ca, and Mg is suggested.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Introduzione generale alle malattie respiratorie

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    Questo capitolo offre una panoramica, necessariamente sintetica, dei principali aspetti di anatomia e morfologia dell’apparato respiratorio che possono essere di interesse per il medico. La conoscenza della struttura del polmone e di come il mantenimento di questa struttura sia essenziale per la corretta funzionalità sono di fondamentale importanza per comprendere i meccanismi alla base dei processi patologici e per una esatta interpretazione delle indagini diagnostiche più comuni, dalle prove di funzionalità respiratoria alle metodiche di imaging

    What we learn about bipolar disorder from large-scale neuroimaging: Findings and future directions from the ENIGMA Bipolar Disorder Working Group

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    MRI-derived brain measures offer a link between genes, the environment and behavior and have been widely studied in bipolar disorder (BD). However, many neuroimaging studies of BD have been underpowered, leading to varied results and uncertainty regarding effects. The Enhancing Neuro Imaging Genetics through Meta-Analysis (ENIGMA) Bipolar Disorder Working Group was formed in 2012 to empower discoveries, generate consensus findings and inform future hypothesis-driven studies of BD. Through this effort, over 150 researchers from 20 countries and 55 institutions pool data and resources to produce the largest neuroimaging studies of BD ever conducted. The ENIGMA Bipolar Disorder Working Group applies standardized processing and analysis techniques to empower large-scale meta- and mega-analyses of multimodal brain MRI and improve the replicability of studies relating brain variation to clinical and genetic data. Initial BD Working Group studies reveal widespread patterns of lower cortical thickness, subcortical volume and disrupted white matter integrity associated with BD. Findings also include mapping brain alterations of common medications like lithium, symptom patterns and clinical risk profiles and have provided further insights into the pathophysiological mechanisms of BD. Here we discuss key findings from the BD working group, its ongoing projects and future directions for large-scale, collaborative studies of mental illness

    Recent advances in rice biotechnology-towards genetically superior transgenic rice

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