23 research outputs found

    Exploiting the genetic diversity of maize using a combined metabolomic, enzyme activity profiling, and metabolic modelling approach to link leaf physiology to kernel yield

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    A combined metabolomic, biochemical, fluxomic, and metabolic modeling approach was developed using 19 genetically distant maize (Zea mays) lines from Europe and America. Considerable differences were detected between the lines when leaf metabolic profiles and activities of the main enzymes involved in primary metabolism were compared. During grain filling, the leaf metabolic composition appeared to be a reliable marker, allowing a classification matching the genetic diversity of the lines. During the same period, there was a significant correlation between the genetic distance of the lines and the activities of enzymes involved in carbon metabolism, notably glycolysis. Although large differences were observed in terms of leaf metabolic fluxes, these variations were not tightly linked to the genome structure of the lines. Both correlation studies and metabolic network analyses allowed the description of a maize ideotype with a high grain yield potential. Such an ideotype is characterized by low accumulation of soluble amino acids and carbohydrates in the leaves and high activity of enzymes involved in the C4 photosynthetic pathway and in the biosynthesis of amino acids derived from glutamate. Chlorogenates appear to be important markers that can be used to select for maize lines that produce larger kernels

    A Polynomial Optimization Approach to Constant Rebalanced Portfolio Selection

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    We address the multi-period portfolio optimization problem with the constant rebalancing strategy. This problem is formulated as a polynomial optimization problem (POP) by using a mean-variance criterion. In order to solve the POPs of high degree, we develop a cutting-plane algorithm based on semidefinite programming. Our algorithm can solve problems that can not be handled by any of known polynomial optimization solvers.

    alphaBB: A Global Optimization Method for General Constrained Nonconvex Problems

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    . A branch and bound global optimization method, ffBB, for general continuous optimization problems involving nonconvexities in the objective function and/or constraints is presented. The nonconvexities are categorized as being either of special structure or generic. A convexrelaxation of the original nonconvexproblem is obtained by (i) replacing all nonconvex terms of special structure (i.e. bilinear, fractional, signomial) with customized tight convex lower bounding functions and (ii) by utilizing the ff parameter as defined in [17] to underestimate nonconvex terms of generic structure. The proposed branch and bound type algorithm attains finite ffl--convergence to the global minimum through the successive subdivision of the original region and the subsequent solution of a series of nonlinear convex minimization problems. The global optimization method, ffBB, is implemented in C and tested on a variety of example problems. Keywords: Global optimization, constrained optimization, con..

    Cylinder packing by simulated annealing

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    This paper is motivated by the problem of loading identical items of circular base (tubes, rolls, ...) into a rectangular base (the pallet). For practical reasons, all the loaded items are considered to have the same height. The resolution of this problem consists in determining the positioning pattern of the circular bases of the items on the rectangular pallet, while maximizing the number of items. This pattern will be repeated for each layer stacked on the pallet. Two algorithms based on the meta-heuristic Simulated Annealing have been developed and implemented. The tuning of these algorithms parameters implied running intensive tests in order to improve its efficiency. The algorithms developed were easily extended to the case of non-identical circles.<br>Este artigo aborda o problema de posicionamento de objetos de base circular (tubos, rolos, ...) sobre uma base retangular de maiores dimensões. Por razões práticas, considera-se que todos os objetos a carregar apresentam a mesma altura. A resolução do problema consiste na determinação do padrão de posicionamento das bases circulares dos referidos objetos sobre a base de forma retangular, tendo como objetivo a maximização do número de objetos estritamente posicionados no interior dessa base. Este padrão de posicionamento será repetido em cada uma das camadas a carregar sobre a base retangular. Apresentam-se dois algoritmos para a resolução do problema. Estes algoritmos baseiam-se numa meta-heurística, Simulated Annealling, cuja afinação de parâmetros requereu a execução de testes intensivos com o objetivo de atingir um elevado grau de eficiência no seu desempenho. As características dos algoritmos implementados permitiram que a sua extensão à consideração de círculos com raios diferentes fosse facilmente conseguida