3,303 research outputs found

    On the interaction of small and large eddies in two dimensional turbulent flows

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    Some results concerning the interaction of small and large eddies to two dimensional turbulent flows are presented. It is shown that the amplitude of small structures decays exponentially to a small value, and from this is inferred a simplified interaction law of small and large eddies. Beside their intrinsic interest for the understanding of the physics of turbulence, these results lead to new numerical schemes to be studied in a separate work

    Letter, 1954 June 19, from John W. Work to Eva Jessye

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    1 page, Work was the Chairman for the Music Department at Fisk University. Fred Work and Mills Music Inc. is mentioned


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    Language teaching traditionally focuses on grammar, often ignoring the effects of the context within which it is used. A recent study (Work, 2010) of the interaction of discourse context (pragmatics) with the selection of appropriate grammatical structures (syntax) shows this to be a source of problems for learners. This paper presents cross-sectional and cross-linguistic classroom data from 143 instructed English-speaking second language (L2) learners of Spanish and French of different proficiency levels as well as from 13 native speakers (NS) examining null and postverbal subjects in Spanish, subject dislocation and c’est clefts in French and object clitic left dislocation (CLLD) in both languages. The results indicate that the interface structures investigated were vulnerable, that is, particularly subject to learner error. Overall, learners showed significant differences from NS in the production and perception of these structures. Even advanced learners demonstrated a wide range of discourse-pragmatic proficiency. Contact with the target language alone has not been found to be sufficient to acquire accurate language use in context and instruction in pragmatics has been found to be successful (Bouton, 1988, 1990, 1992, 1994; Bardovi-Harlig, 2001; Kasper, 1997, 2001). Based on this research and current theories of L2 acquisition, and in an effort to connect theory with practice, instructional units of integrated and sequenced classroom activities for improving pragmatic competence were developed. These units are composed of awareness activities, plentiful authentic language input, interpretation and analysis, and finally production activities

    Marching through Georgia

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    Letter, 1954 September 7, from John W. Work to Eva Jessye

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    1 page, Work was the Chariman of the Department of Music. Georgia Davis is mentioned

    Nellie Lost & Found

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    [Verse 1]Ten o\u27clock! the rain begins to fall,And Nellie still from home!Vainly now, her loving name we call,Oh whither does she roam?Can it be she wanders from the street,Thro\u27 the wood to find her onely way,Bless the child!I fear her little feet Have carried her astray. [Chorus]Wake the boys to search for \u27Nellie!Stay not for the dawn;Who shall sleep when from the mother\u27s foldOne little lamb is gone! [Verse 2]Eleven o\u27clock! the little brothers wait,Still hoping her return;Peeping through the lattice of the gate,Their darling to discern.Weary now they turn them to the door,While their tears, for lips that not are dumb,Ask the question often asked before,Oh mother, will she come? [Chorus] [Verse 3]Twelve o\u27clock! and in the forest wild,What terrors the hour!Who can tell what foes surround the child ,Or shield her from their power?Storms to face and torrents to be cross\u27d,Beasts of prey that in the darkness roam;Would to God that only I were lost, And Nellie safe at home! [Chorus] [Verse 4]One o\u27clock! me thinks I hear a voice,With tidings in its tone!Does it bid this trembling heart rejoice,Or sorrow makes it known?Still I hear that midnight echo stirr\u27d,Surely too, it bears a joyful sound;Praise the Lord! a mother\u27s prayer is heard,The darling one is found! [Chorus for last verse]Thro\u27 the wood the midnight echoes Bear a joyful sound;Praise the Lord! a mother\u27s prayer is heard,The darling one is found

    Hebrews and Work

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    Introduction to Hebrews Christ Created & Sustains the World (Hebrews 1:1-2:8) The Creation has Become Subject to Evil (Hebrews 2:14-3:6) Life in the Wilderness: Journey to the New World (Hebrews 3:7-4:16) Our Great High Priest (Hebrews 5:1-10:18) Christ\u27s Sacrifice Makes Possible Our Service (Hebrews 5:1-7:28) Christ\u27s Intercession Empowers Our Life and Work (Hebrews 7:1-10:18) Realizing the Faith (Hebrews 10:19-11:40) Enduring Hardship, Pursuing Peace (Hebrews 12:1-16) Shaking Things Up (Hebrews 12:18-29) Hospitality (Hebrews 13:1-3) Money Matters (Hebrews 13:5-6) Working Outside the Camp (Hebrews 13:11-25) Conclusion to Hebrew

    Exclusionary employment in Britain’s broken labour market

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    There is growing evidence of the problematic nature of the UK’s ‘flexible labour market’ with rising levels of in-work poverty and insecurity. Yet successive Governments have stressed that paid work is the route to inclusion, focussing attention on the divide between employed and unemployed. Past efforts to measure social exclusion have tended to make the same distinction. The aim of this paper is to apply Levitas et al’s (2007) framework to assess levels of exclusionary employment, i.e. exclusion arising directly from an individual’s labour market situation. Using data from the Poverty and Social Exclusion UK survey, results show that one in three adults in paid work is in poverty, or in insecure or poor quality employment. One third of this group have not seen any progression in their labour market situation in the last five years. The policy focus needs to shift from ‘Broken Britain’ to Britain’s broken labour market

    Garbage as a Feed for Swine

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    Garbage is the main feed for swine in the Territory of Hawaii because of the high cost of other concentrates commonly fed to hogs. An extensive study has therefore been made of the value of garbage as a feed for swine. This study has included experiments with weanling pigs, with growing and fattening pigs, with brood sows, and supplementary experiments with rats. Analyses of 622 samples of military garbage and of 50 samples from a civilian cafeteria indicate that military garbage is ordinarily well balanced. at least in respect to nutritive ratio. That from the cafeteria was considerably lower in protein

    Transnationalism and Social Work Education

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    Transnational movements, networks, and relationships are everywhere in this “world on the move” (Williams & Graham, 2014, p. i1). Transnational peoples maintain relationships of interdependence and support with families and communities in their places of origin, often returning regularly, while starting new lives and making new connections. Transnationalism is characterized by mobilities and networks, by social integration, and by extended and extensive relationship ties of family, neighborhood, religious faith, or combinations thereof (Valtonen, 2008). While disciplines across the world including sociology, human geography, and cultural anthropology engage with the implications of transnationalism (Bauböck & Faist, 2010), social work in England and mainland Europe has not achieved similar levels of engagement. As Cox and Geisen state: “the social world is being transformed by migration and social work is playing catch-up” (2014, p. i162)
