40 research outputs found

    Caracterizacion mecánica y micro-estructural del acero astm a 131a sometidos a cargas explosivas

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    El trabajo presenta la caracterización micro-estructural del acero ASTM A 131 grado A antes y después de ser sometido a explosiones, mediante la realización de ensayos destructivos y no destructivos, que permitieron establecer el comportamiento mecánico de estructuras navales sometidas a ese tipo de cargas. La caracterización del material se presento en el marco del proyecto “Evaluación de la confiabilidad estructural de paneles navales abollados por cargas dinámicas”. Los especímenes para prueba fueron fabricados a partir de paneles estructurales que sometidos a explosiones (con 125 gr de pendolita) controladas cercanas. Las explosiones generaron deformaciones moderadas en el panel. Se obtuvieron probetas para ensayos metalográficos y espectroscopia. Se realizaron ensayos de tensión a especímenes del material original y especímenes postimpacto. Para la configuración y dimensiones del panel utilizado no se observaron variaciones micro-estructurales significativas representadas estas en cambios de fase, tamaño de granos, composición química o micro-dureza. Tampoco se detectó presencia de fisuras o discontinuidades en el panel al ser evaluado con pruebas de ultrasonido

    Low Energy Light Yield of Fast Plastic Scintillators

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    Compact neutron imagers using double-scatter kinematic reconstruction are being designed for localization and characterization of special nuclear material. These neutron imaging systems rely on scintillators with a rapid prompt temporal response as the detection medium. As n-p elastic scattering is the primary mechanism for light generation by fast neutron interactions in organic scintillators, proton light yield data are needed for accurate assessment of scintillator performance. The proton light yield of a series of commercial fast plastic organic scintillators---EJ-200, EJ-204, and EJ-208---was measured via a double time-of-flight technique at the 88-Inch Cyclotron at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Using a tunable deuteron breakup neutron source, target scintillators housed in a dual photomultiplier tube configuration, and an array of pulse-shape-discriminating observation scintillators, the fast plastic scintillator light yield was measured over a broad and continuous energy range down to proton recoil energies of approximately 50 keV. This work provides key input to event reconstruction algorithms required for utilization of these materials in emerging neutron imaging modalities.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figure

    Manangementul în diagnosticul şl tratamentul formelor grave de pielonefrită acută

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    Summary In o group of 212 patients we analyzed the causes of the increasing incidence of purulent acute pielonephritis in the last 3 years. We discovered that the incidence increased as a result of a dilated addressing to the specialist and the treatment before the appreciation of the final diagnosis was ineffective. A new schedule of antibacterial treatment was implemented for the attention of urological service in R. Moldova

    Developments in Capture- γ Libraries for Nonproliferation Applications

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    The neutron-capture reaction is fundamental for identifying and analyzing the γ-ray spectrum from an unknown assembly because it provides unambiguous information on the neutron-absorbing isotopes. Nondestructive-assay applications may exploit this phenomenon passively, for example, in the presence of spontaneous-fission neutrons, or actively where an external neutron source is used as a probe. There are known gaps in the Evaluated Nuclear Data File libraries corresponding to neutron-capture γ-ray data that otherwise limit transport-modeling applications. In this work, we describe how new thermal neutron-capture data are being used to improve information in the neutron-data libraries for isotopes relevant to nonproliferation applications. We address this problem by providing new experimentally-deduced partial and total neutron-capture reaction cross sections and then evaluate these data by comparison with statistical-model calculations

    The immediate breast reconstruction for patients with breast cancer

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    Secţia Mamologie, Institutul Oncologic, Chișinău, Republica Moldova, Al XII-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova cu participare internațională 23-25 septembrie 2015Introducere: Cancerul glandei mamare (CGM) actualmente, reprezintă cea mai frecventă formă de cancer la femei, constituind o problemă majoră. În Republica Moldova CGM este principala cauză de mortalitate prin tumori maligne la femei. Reconstrucția mamară imediată (RMI) este o etapă importantă în reabilitarea pacientelor cu CGM, care au suportat tratament chirurgical – mastectomie. RMI îi permite femeii să ducă o viață completă, îmbunătățește semnificativ calitatea vieții și nu influențează rezultatele supraviețuirii pacientelor cu CGM. Scopul: Argumentarea efectuării RMI ca metodă crucială pentru creşterea calității vieții femeilor după mastectomie. Material și metode: Au fost evaluate 46 femei diagnosticate cu CGM, la care s-a efectuat ulterior mastectomie. Rezultate: Pe parcursul studiului 26,1±6,48% paciente au beneficiat de RMI (stadiul I – 8,7%, IIA – 6,5%, IIB – 10,9%). RMI cu lambou musculocutanat transvers al mușchiului drept abdominal (TRAM) s-a efectuat în 66,7% cazuri. RMI cu lamboul m.latissimus dorsi s-a efectuat în 33,7% cazuri. În toate cazurile indicație pentru RMI a servit siguranţa oncologică și dorința pacientei. Acest fapt a influențat nesemnificativ supravieţuirea. În urma RMI a scăzut cu 25,6±4,9% depresia/anxietatea la femei și peste 50% s-au încadrat cu succes în viața de familie, socială și profesională. Concluzii: Indicațiile RMI sunt bazate pe siguranța oncologică și dorinţa pacientei. RMI influențează nesemnificativ rata supravieţuirii pacientelor post-tratament, dar crește considerabil calitatea vieții și rata reintegrării complexe a femeilor diagnosticate cu CGM.Introduction: Breast cancer (BC) currently represents the most common form of cancer in women, constituting a major problem in Moldova. BC is the leading cause of death by malignant tumors in women. Immediate breast reconstruction (IBR) is an important step in the rehabilitation of patients with BC, who received surgical treatment – mastectomy. IBR allows the woman to lead a full life, significantly improves quality of life and survival. Aim: Argumentation of IBR as crucial method for increasing the quality of life in women after mastectomy. Material and methods: There were analyzed 46 women diagnosed with BC, after mastectomy and subsequent breast reconstruction. Results: During the study 26.1±6.48% patients benefited from IBR (stage I – 8.7% cases, IIA – 6.5% cases, IIB – 10.9% cases). IBR with transverse rectus abdominis myocutaneous flap (TRAM) was performed in 66.7% cases. IBR with flap from m.latissimus dorsi was made in 33.7% cases. In all cases as indications for IBR served the desire of the patient and oncological safety. This doesn’t influence significantly the survival of the patients. Following IBR depression/anxiety decreased by 25.6±4.9% and over 50% have been successfully employed in family, social and professional activities. Conclusions: IBR indications are based on oncological safety and the requirement of the patient. IBR has not significant influence on survival rate of patients after mastectomy, but significantly increase the quality of life and reintegration rate of women diagnosed with BC

    Caracterizacion mecánica y micro-estructural del acero astm a 131a sometidos a cargas explosivas

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    El trabajo presenta la caracterización micro-estructural del acero ASTM A 131 grado A antes y después de ser sometido a explosiones, mediante la realización de ensayos destructivos y no destructivos, que permitieron establecer el comportamiento mecánico de estructuras navales sometidas a ese tipo de cargas. La caracterización del material se presento en el marco del proyecto “Evaluación de la confiabilidad estructural de paneles navales abollados por cargas dinámicas”. Los especímenes para prueba fueron fabricados a partir de paneles estructurales que sometidos a explosiones (con 125 gr de pendolita) controladas cercanas. Las explosiones generaron deformaciones moderadas en el panel. Se obtuvieron probetas para ensayos metalográficos y espectroscopia. Se realizaron ensayos de tensión a especímenes del material original y especímenes postimpacto. Para la configuración y dimensiones del panel utilizado no se observaron variaciones micro-estructurales significativas representadas estas en cambios de fase, tamaño de granos, composición química o micro-dureza. Tampoco se detectó presencia de fisuras o discontinuidades en el panel al ser evaluado con pruebas de ultrasonido

    Caracterizacion mecánica y micro-estructural del acero astm a 131a sometidos a cargas explosivas.

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    The work presents the micro-structural characterization of the steel ASTM A 131 grade A before and after being subjected to explosions, by means of the realization of destructive and not destructive rehearsals that you/they allowed to establish the mechanical behavior of subjected naval structures to that type of loads. The characterization of the material you presents in the mark of the project "Evaluation of the structural dependability of naval panels dented by dynamic loads". The especímenes for test was manufactured starting from structural panels that subjected to explosions (with 125 pendolita gr) controlled near. The explosions generated deformations moderated in the panel. Test tubes were obtained for rehearsals metalographical and espectroscopy. They were carried out rehearsals of tension to especímenes of the original material and especímenes post-impact. For the configuration and dimensions of the used panel were not observed represented significant micro-structural variations these in phase changes, size of grains, chemical composition or micro-hardness. Neither it was detected presence of fissures or discontinuities in the panel when being evaluated with ultrasonido tests.El trabajo presenta la caracterización micro-estructural del acero ASTM A 131 grado A antes y después de ser sometido a explosiones, mediante la realización de ensayos destructivos y no destructivos, que permitieron establecer el comportamiento mecánico de estructuras navales sometidas a ese tipo de cargas. La caracterización del material se presento en el marco del proyecto �Evaluación de la confiabilidad estructural de paneles navales abollados por cargas dinámicas�. Los especímenes para prueba fueron fabricados a partir de paneles estructurales que sometidos a explosiones (con 125 gr de pendolita) controladas cercanas. Las explosiones generaron deformaciones moderadas en el panel. Se obtuvieron probetas para ensayos metalográficos y espectroscopia. Se realizaron ensayos de tensión a especímenes del material original y especímenes postimpacto. Para la configuración y dimensiones del panel utilizado no se observaron variaciones micro-estructurales significativas representadas estas en cambios de fase, tamaño de granos, composición química o micro-dureza. Tampoco se detectó presencia de fisuras o discontinuidades en el panel al ser evaluado con pruebas de ultrasonido

    The Adventures of ScriptKitty: Teaching middle school students cyber awareness with comics on the Raspberry Pi

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    Cyber security and on-line safety practices are not commonly taught in schools. However, there is an increasing need for education in these topics as children are joining the Internet community at a much earlier age than previous generations. It is crucial that young people understand the risks they may face on-line and how to mitigate them, ideally as soon as they begin using the Internet unsupervised. The Adventures of ScriptKitty (AOSK) introduces students to basic cyber security concepts using the Raspberry Pi, a single board computer that retails for $35.00. We created AOSK to help facilitate a culture of good cyber security practices and raise interest in STEM. The material is presented in the form of comics paired with instructional sections, including sections of more detailed technical information for readers who wish to learn more about key concepts. We piloted a portion of AOSK to a group of local middle school students. Our time with the students was limited, so we administered a short quiz, then discussed the Raspberry Pi. Next, students completed the packet sniffing exercise from Chapter 2, with the authors available to answer questions and help troubleshoot. Students were asked to re-take the quiz afterward. Our preliminary results show that students achieved a greater understanding of the material, with improved scores of 14%. A custom Pi image preloaded with Kali Linux and all needed software is included with the material. All the materials are published and available for free through GitBook at: https://suzannejmatthews.gitbooks.io/aosk/conten