333 research outputs found

    Quality of Life and psychopathology in adults who underwent Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation (HSCT) in childhood: a qualitative and quantitative analysis.

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    Background: Patients who undergo pediatric Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation (HSCT) may experience long-term psychological sequelae and poor Quality of Life (QoL) in adulthood. This study aimed to investigate subjective illness experience, QoL, and psychopathology in young adults who have survived pediatric HSCT. Method: The study involved patients treated with HSCT in the Hematology-Oncology Department between 1984 and 2007. Psychopathology and QoL were investigated using the SCL-90-R and SF-36. Socio-demographic and medical information was also collected. Finally, participants were asked to write a brief composition about their experiences of illness and care. Qualitative analysis of the texts was performed using T-LAB, an instrument for text analysis that allows the user to highlight the occurrences and co-occurrences of lemma. Quantitative analyses were performed using non-parametric tests (Spearman correlations, Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests). Results: Twenty-one patients (9 males) participated in the study. No significant distress was found on the SCL-90 Global Severity Index, but it was found on specific scales. On the SF-36, lower scores were reported on scales referring to bodily pain, general health, and physical and social functioning. All the measures were significantly (p < 0.05) associated with specific socio-demographic and medical variables (gender, type of pathology, type of HSCT, time elapsed between communication of the need to transplant and effective transplantation, and days of hospitalization). With regard to the narrative analyses, males focused on expressions related to the body and medical therapies, while females focused on people they met during treatment, family members, and donors. Low general health and treatment with autologous HSCT were associated with memories about chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and the body parts involved, while high general health was associated with expressions focused on gratitude (V-Test \ub1 1.96). Conclusion: Pediatric HSCT survivors are more likely to experience psychological distress and low QoL in adulthood compared with the general population. These aspects, along with survivors' subjective illness experience, show differences according to specific medical and socio-demographic variables. Studies are needed in order to improve the care and long-term follow-up of these families

    Animal-Based Measures for the On-Farm Welfare Assessment of Geese

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    Currently, no specific animal-based measures (ABMs) protocols are available for geese in commercial meat production systems. Following a critical review of the literature and consultation of experts, seven ABMs, potentially valid and feasible for the on-farm welfare assessment of geese, were identified and then tested in 12 farms in Poland to assess their inter-observer reliability. Two observers conducted the assessment, which was divided into two phases. First, a handling test assessed the human\u2013animal relationship (HAR), and a 100% inter-observer reliability was achieved by the observers when evaluating the attitudes of stockpeople and the reactions of geese to humans. Next, an animal inspection was conducted, and the observers simultaneously and independently visually evaluated 100 randomly selected geese per farm and assessed whether the selected ABMs could be identified. In terms of inter-observer reliability, high correlation coecients were found for plumage dirtiness (r = 0.745; p &lt; 0.01), twisted wings (r = 0.890; p &lt; 0.001), and broken/twisted wings (r = 0.858; p &lt; 0.001). The results showed that plumage dirtiness, twisted wings, and broken/twisted wings are valid and reliable measures. Further research should address the reliability of ABMs of geese in other types of production systems

    Human lipoaspirate as autologous injectable active scaffold for one-step repair of cartilage defects

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    Research on mesenchymal stem cells from adipose tissue shows promising results for cell-based therapy in cartilage lesions. In these studies, cells have been isolated, expanded, and differentiated in vitro before transplantation into the damaged cartilage or onto materials used as scaffolds to deliver cells to the impaired area. The present study employed in vitro assays to investigate the potential of intra-articular injection of microfragmented lipoaspirate as a one-step repair strategy; it aimed to determine whether adipose tissue can act as a scaffold for cells naturally present at their anatomical site. Cultured clusters of lipoaspirate showed a spontaneous outgrowth of cells with a mesenchymal phenotype and with multilineage differentiation potential. Transduction of lipoaspirate clusters by lentiviral vectors expressing GFP evidenced the propensity of the outgrown cells to repopulate fragments of damaged cartilage. On the basis of the results, which showed an induction of proliferation and ECM production of human primary chondrocytes, it was hypothesized that lipoaspirate may play a paracrine role. Moreover, the structure of a floating culture of lipoaspirate, treated for 3 weeks with chondrogenic growth factors, changed: tissue with a high fat component was replaced by a tissue with a lower fat component and connective tissue rich in GAG and in collagen type I, increasing the mechanical strength of the tissue. From these promising in vitro results, it may be speculated that an injectable autologous biologically active scaffold (lipoaspirate), employed intra-articularly, may 1) become a fibrous tissue that provides mechanical support for the load on the damaged cartilage; 2) induce host chondrocytes to proliferate and produce ECM; and 3) provide cells at the site of injury, which could regenerate or repair the damaged or missing cartilage

    Reassessing the biostratigraphy and the paleobathymetry of the Gonfolite Lombarda Group in the Como area (northern Italy)

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    Calcareous nannofossil and foraminiferal analyses have been carried out on outcrops from the type-area of the Gonfolite Lombarda Group (Como, northern Italy). In these marine fine- to coarse-grained clastics, rapidly accumulating at the southern front of the uprising Alpine range during the Oligo-Miocene, a scarce, but reliable, sequence of calcareous nannofossil events has been observed, allowing to refine the previous age assignments. Planktonic foraminifera were found to be extremely rare and provided limited biostratigraphic information. The Villa Olmo Conglomerate and the Chiasso Formation contain the Last Occurrence (LO) of Sphenolithus distentus and the First Occurrence (FO) of Triquetrorhabdulus carinatus, which are characteristic of the nannofossil zones NP24 and NP25 (Chattian), respectively. The lower part of the Como Conglomerate was deposited during the zone NP25, whilst the upper part of the Como Conglomerate straddles the Chattian/Aquitanian boundary in zone NN1. The deposition of the Prestino Mudstones also occurred during zone NN1. However, the upper part of this formation has been dated as Burdigalian during nannofossil zone NN2. The deposition of the upper part of the Val Grande Sandstone has been assigned to the NN3 zone owing to the presence of the taxon Sphenolithus belemnos, which is restricted to NN3. The upper part of the investigated section is characterized by the deposition of the Lucino Conglomerate and its fine-grained members (Lucinasco and Lurate Caccivio Mudstones). The Lucinasco Mudstones have been dated as late Burdigalian corresponding to zone NN4, whilst the overlying Lurate Caccivio Mudstones were deposited during the Langhian part of the zone NN5, based on the presence of S. heteromorphus and the absence of H. ampliaperta. On the whole, the base and the top of the outcropping Gonfolite Lombarda Group result from our study to be younger than hitherto proposed, allowing to resolve certain previous conflicts with the few radiometric dates available for clasts from the Gonfolite Lombarda Group. The depth of deposition was upper bathyal during the Chattian and the Aquitanian and shallowed to neritic during the deposition of the Langhian Lurate Caccivio Mudstones

    Primary extraskeletal osteosarcoma of the post-hepatic caudal vena cava in a dog—Case report

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    Extraskeletal osteosarcoma (EOSA) in dogs is a rare malignant mesenchymal tumor of somatic soft tissues or more commonly visceral organs with a poor prognosis. In dogs, EOSAs have been described as arising from multiple locations, but differently from humans, never from a main vessel. In this report, we describe the first case of an EOSA arising from the post-hepatic caudal vena cava in a 7-year-old male neutered mix breed dog. This report focuses on the description of the diagnostic challenges to obtain a preoperative diagnosis, highlights the importance of histopathology for a correct diagnosis, and introduces a new differential diagnosis for an animal presenting with a suspected thrombus of the vena cava

    The otter population of the River Ticino (N Italy) 20 years after its reintroduction

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    On the River Ticino (Piedmont and Lombardy regions, N Italy), the Eurasian otter Lutra lutra became extinct in the 1980s and was reintroduced in 1997. Since then, the status of the reintroduced population has been assessed only occasionally, in 2008 and 2010. Between 2016 and 2018, we conducted an extensive survey for otter signs along the whole Italian stretch of the River Ticino, following the \u2018Standard Method\u2019 for otter surveys. In 2016\u20132017, we found 101 spraints (mean marking intensity: 0.40 spraints/100 m), spread over a 97-km long stretch of the river. In 2018 only five spraints were collected, the two furthermost marking sites being 32 km apart. Genotyping of nDNA extracted from 21 faecal samples enabled the identification of six different individuals. The surveys led to drawing a reliable picture of otter distribution and population size, with evidence of otter occurrence on a longer than previously recorded stretch of the river. The results of the 2018 survey suggest that stochastic factors may still threaten the survival of reintroduced otters and would suggest a reinforcement of the population is required to increase its genetic diversity

    <i>Zygomaticus major</i> muscle bony attachment site:a Thiel-embalmed cadaver study

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    Objective: Thezygomaticus major is a principal muscle of facial expression which is engaged when smiling. The zygomaticus major origin of the zygomatic bone is often discussed relevant to its importance in the field of plastic surgery. In addition, the zygomaticus major attachment site is also significant for forensic craniofacial reconstruction, separating the cheek into frontal and lateral surfaces. However, there are discrepancies amongst published articles regarding the precise origin of the zygomaticus major muscle. The aim of this study is to investigate more distinctive and palpable landmarks as the bony attachment of the zygomaticus major. Methods: This project is the first zygomaticus major dissection study utilising Thiel embalmed cadavers. Fifty-two facial dissections were investigated in 26 Thiel embalmed bodies, bequeathed to the Centre for Anatomy and Human Identification at The University of Dundee between 2013 and 2015. Results: This study found that the origin of zygomaticus major muscle was located at the superior margin of the temporal process on the lateral surface of zygomatic bone. Moreover, the zygomaticus major muscle overlapped the anterosuperior border of the masseter muscle. One out of 52 zygomaticus major muscles presented bifurcation. Conclusion: The origin site of zygomaticus major is considered important to increase resemblance in forensic craniofacial reconstruction. Furthermore, since zygomaticus major is a salient muscle involved in facial expression, the potential effects for cosmetic/surgical procedures are also relevant to the medical field and successful surgical outcomes. The current study provided easily palpable landmarks of zygomaticus major origin site which is beneficial for both surgeons and forensic craniofacial reconstruction practitioners. © 202

    Transect walks : method sensitivity for on-farm welfare evaluation in turkeys

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    There is increasing consumer demands for livestock and poultry products that meet minimum animal welfare standards during their production cycle. Additionally, a growing number of farmers are aware about full compliance with the animal welfare standards that could play an important economic role in commercial intensive productions. Indeed, animal welfare assessment protocols have meaningful effects to promote and guarantee the on-farm safeguard animal standards. Transect walks method appeared to provide a practical approach to welfare assessment in broilers farms. Because of the similarities of meat poultry production, this method could be considered a reasonable approach for turkey welfare evaluation in terms of time demands, within costs and feasibility. The aim of this study was to determine the sensitivity of this method at 3 commercial turkey farms with similar facilities (Animal Welfare Indicators project, FP7-KBBE-2010-4). In this study, 10 commercial female-turkey flocks (6 houses with identical management), ranging from 3,212 to 6,000 birds and belonging to the same company were evaluated one week before slaughter. On turkey farms, walking through the house is a routine daily procedure to check the health status of the birds. Two previously trained assessors in performing the transect methodology and properly assessing the selected indicators, evaluated each paired house sequentially and independently within the same day by walking through predefined transect bands (1 to 4) in random order. The animal-based indicators considered were: immobility, lameness, wounds and featherless. The statistical model used was GLM in the GENMOD procedure (SAS V9). The results showed that this welfare assessment method highlights even small variation among houses for the considered variables. In fact, there were significant difference across houses (P=0.0021, P=0.0006, P=0.0081 and P=0.0003) for all the evaluated indicators respectively. Differences across observers were detected for wounds and featherless (P<0.0001). These results may be due to the difficulties in assessing equally these parameters while walking. On the contrary, lameness, probably the most important welfare problem in meat poultry, showed a good concordance between observers (P= 0.361). These preliminary findings suggest that this new approach has potential as a tool for on-farm welfare evaluation, which may be worthwhile to be further developed

    Gli echinodermi come modelli per lo studio di Distruttori Endocrini: un approccio integrato

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    Gli echinodermi rappresentano dei validi modelli sperimentali nell\u2019ambito dell\u2019ecotossicologia marina. Essi infatti sono organismi bentonici a diretto contatto con potenziali fonti di xenobiotici e offrono un ampio range di processi biologici utili per questo tipo di approccio. In questo lavoro sono presentati i risultati pi\uf9 significativi ottenuti nel nostro laboratorio utilizzando questi organismi come modelli per lo studio degli effetti di potenziali Distruttori Endocrini (ED). Sono stati presi in esame due diverse specie di echinodermi, il riccio di mare Paracentrotus lividus e il crinoide Antedon mediterranea, e due diversi aspetti della loro fisiologia, la biologia riproduttiva e lo sviluppo rigenerativo, rispettivamente. Esemplari adulti di entrambe le specie sono stati esposti a diversi ED, potenzialmente in grado di interferire con gli ormoni sessuali. Le concentrazioni utilizzate erano comparabili a quelle ambientali. La ricerca si \ue8 basata su un approccio multidisciplinare che ha previsto analisi morfologiche, chimiche e biochimiche. I risultati ottenuti hanno evidenziato la capacit\ue0 di questi composti di interferire con diversi parametri quali la crescita rigenerativa, il pattern istologico e il diametro delle uova prodotte, sebbene lo specifico meccanismo d\u2019azione sia ancora da chiarire. Infatti, nel caso di P. lividus, la somministrazione diretta di ormoni sessuali, quali l\u2019estradiolo, non produce effetti significativi sulla biologia riproduttiva dell\u2019animale. Nel complesso i risultati ottenuti sottolineano sia l\u2019importanza di utilizzare modelli alternativi nei test ecotossicologici sia la necessit\ue0 di approfondire maggiormente la fisiologia di base degli organismi modello

    Substrate choice by turkeys differing in 3-point gait-scoring system in a mobility test

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    Assessment of pain in poultry flocks\u2019 production is one of the biggest welfare concerns. The aim of this study was to evaluate the walking ability and preferences for three types of substrates by turkeys with different degrees of lameness, in order to verify if birds with higher gait score experience pain and how their choices differ from healthy birds. An experimental test was conducted with 16 male-turkeys 116-day-old (B.U.T.6). Nine birds (56.25%) were considered normal (score 0) whereas 7 (43.75%) were evaluated as having mild to severe lameness (scores 1 or 2) according to 3-point gait-score assessment. A familiar (A: wet litter) and unfamiliar (B: plastic slat) substrate were distributed into three horizontal lines (L1, L2, and L3; each one measuring 150cm length x 60cm width) separated by three concrete empty areas of the same measures. L1 was divided into 75cm of A substrate and the same dimensions of B; L2 had 100cm of A and 50cm of B, while L3 had 50cm of A and 100cm of B. The turkeys\u2019 motivation to pass through the lines was triggered by the presence of conspecifics located at the end of the experimental area. Data were analyzed using ANOVA. There were no significant differences between normal and lame turkeys to the total time spent on three lines (215.00\ub161.59s), (233.57\ub174.81s);the total time spent on the empty area (385.22\ub183.70s), (557.71\ub1124.04s) and the total time to cross the testing areas (581.3\ub191.72s), (791.2\ub1154.44s),respectively. Substrate A was chosen by 71.4% of lame birds even in L1 as L2, while 55.6% of normal turkeys preferred substrate B in L1 and 77.8% chose substrate A in L2. All birds walked on substrate B in L3. According to these preliminary results, it seems that lame birds have no difference in substrate choice, or on the time spent in each part of the experiment
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