625 research outputs found

    Nucleosynthesis Calculations for the Ejecta of Neutron Star Coalescences

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    We present the results of fully dynamical r-process network calculations for the ejecta of neutron star mergers (NSMs). The late stages of the inspiral and the final violent coalescence of a neutron star binary have been calculated in detail using a 3D hydrodynamics code (Newtonian gravity plus backreaction forces emerging from the emission of gravitational waves) and a realistic nuclear equation of state. The found trajectories for the ejecta serve as input for dynamical r-process calculations where all relevant nuclear reactions (including beta-decays depositing nuclear energy in the expanding material) are followed. We find that all the ejected material undergoes r-process. For an initial Ye close to 0.1 the abundance distributions reproduce very accurately the solar r-process pattern for nuclei with A above 130. For lighter nuclei strongly underabundant (as compared to solar) distributions are encountered. We show that this behaviour is consistent with the latest observations of very old, metal-poor stars, despite simplistic arguments that have recently been raised against the possibility of NSM as possible sources of Galactic r-process material.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, proceedings of Nuclei in the Cosmos 2000, to be published in Nucl. Phys. A; minor correctio

    Stellar evolution of massive stars at very low metallicities

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    Recently, measurements of abundances in extremely metal poor (EMP) stars have brought new constraints on stellar evolution models. In an attempt to explain the origin of the abundances observed, we computed pre--supernova evolution models, explosion models and the related nucleosynthesis. In this paper, we start by presenting the pre-SN models of rotating single stars with metallicities ranging from solar metallicity down to almost metal free. We then review key processes in core-collapse and bounce, before we integrate them in a simplistic parameterization for 3D MHD models, which are well underway and allow one to follow the evolution of the magnetic fields during collapse and bounce. Finally, we present explosive nucleosynthesis results including neutrino interactions with matter, which are calculated using the outputs of the explosion models. The main results of the pre-SN models are the following. First, primary nitrogen is produced in large amount in models with an initial metallicity Z=10−8Z=10^{-8}. Second, at the same metallicity of Z=10−8Z=10^{-8} and for models with an initial mass larger than about 60 Mo, rotating models may experience heavy mass loss (up to more than half of the initial mass of the star). The chemical composition of these winds can qualitatively reproduce the abundance patterns observed at the surface of carbon-rich EMP stars. Explosive nucleosynthesis including neutrino-matter interactions produce improved abundances for iron group elements, in particular for scandium and zinc. It also opens the way to a new neutrino and proton rich process (Îœ\nup-process) able to contribute to the nucleosynthesis of elements with A > 64. (Abridged)Comment: 29 pages, 10 figures, Reviews of Modern Astronomy 19, proceedings for 79th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Deutsche Astronomische Gesellschaft 200

    The Innermost Ejecta of Core Collapse Supernovae

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    We ensure successful explosions (of otherwise non-explosive models) by enhancing the neutrino luminosity via reducing the neutrino scattering cross sections or by increasing the heating efficiency via enhancing the neutrino absorption cross sections in the heating region. Our investigations show that the resulting electron fraction Ye in the innermost ejecta is close to 0.5, in some areas even exceeding 0.5. We present the effects of the resulting values for Ye on the nucleosynthesis yields of the innermost zones of core collapse supernovae.Comment: 4pages, 2figures; contribution to Nuclei In The Cosmos VIII, to appear in Nucl. Phys.

    Electrophysiological Effects of Ionising Radiation on Cortical Rat Neurons in vitro

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    Nucleosynthesis in multi-dimensional SNIa explosions

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    We present the results of nucleosynthesis calculations based on multidimensional (2D and 3D) hydrodynamical simulations of the thermonuclear burning phase in SNIa. The detailed nucleosynthetic yields of our explosion models are calculated by post-processing the ejecta, using passively advected tracer particles. The nuclear reaction network employed in computing the explosive nucleosynthesis contains 383 nuclear species. We analyzed two different choices of ignition conditions (centrally ignited, in which the spherical initial flame geometry is perturbated with toroidal rings, and bubbles, in which multi-point ignition conditions are simulated). We show that unburned C and O varies typically from ~40% to ~50% of the total ejected material.The main differences between all our models and standard 1D computations are, besides the higher mass fraction of unburned C and O, the C/O ratio (in our case is typically a factor of 2.5 higher than in 1D computations), and somewhat lower abundances of certain intermediate mass nuclei such as S, Cl, Ar, K, and Ca, and of 56Ni. Because explosive C and O burning may produce the iron-group elements and their isotopes in rather different proportions one can get different 56Ni-fractions (and thus supernova luminosities) without changing the kinetic energy of the explosion. Finally, we show that we need the high resolution multi-point ignition (bubbles) model to burn most of the material in the center (demonstrating that high resolution coupled with a large number of ignition spots is crucial to get rid of unburned material in a pure deflagration SNIa model).Comment: Accepted for A&A, 14 pages, 11 Figures, 2 Table

    Nucleosynthesis Basics and Applications to Supernovae

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    This review concentrates on nucleosynthesis processes in general and their applications to massive stars and supernovae. A brief initial introduction is given to the physics in astrophysical plasmas which governs composition changes. We present the basic equations for thermonuclear reaction rates and nuclear reaction networks. The required nuclear physics input for reaction rates is discussed, i.e. cross sections for nuclear reactions, photodisintegrations, electron and positron captures, neutrino captures, inelastic neutrino scattering, and beta-decay half-lives. We examine especially the present state of uncertainties in predicting thermonuclear reaction rates, while the status of experiments is discussed by others in this volume (see M. Wiescher). It follows a brief review of hydrostatic burning stages in stellar evolution before discussing the fate of massive stars, i.e. the nucleosynthesis in type II supernova explosions (SNe II). Except for SNe Ia, which are explained by exploding white dwarfs in binary stellar systems (which will not be discussed here), all other supernova types seem to be linked to the gravitational collapse of massive stars (M>>8M⊙_\odot) at the end of their hydrostatic evolution. SN1987A, the first type II supernova for which the progenitor star was known, is used as an example for nucleosynthesis calculations. Finally, we discuss the production of heavy elements in the r-process up to Th and U and its possible connection to supernovae.Comment: 52 pages, 20 figures, uses cupconf.sty (included); to appear in "Nuclear and Particle Astrophysics", eds. J. Hirsch., D. Page, Cambridge University Pres

    New Stellar (n,Îł)(n,\gamma) Cross Sections and The "Karlsruhe Astrophysical Database of Nucleosynthesis in Stars"

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    Since April 2005 a regularly updated stellar neutron cross section compilation is available online at http://nuclear-astrophysics.fzk.de/kadonis. This online-database is called the "Karlsruhe Astrophysical Database of Nucleosynthesis in Stars" project and is based on the previous Bao et al. compilation from the year 2000. The present version \textsc{KADoNiS} v0.2 (January 2007) includes recommended cross sections for 280 isotopes between 1^{1}H and 210^{210}Po and 75 semi-empirical estimates for isotopes without experimental information. Concerning stellar (n,Îł)(n,\gamma) cross sections of the 32 stable, proton-rich isotopes produced by the pp process experimental information is only available for 20 isotopes, but 9 of them have rather large uncertainties of ≄\geq9%. The first part of a systematic study of stellar (n,Îł)(n,\gamma) cross sections of the pp-process isotopes 74^{74}Se, 84^{84}Sr, 102^{102}Pd, 120^{120}Te, 130^{130}Ba, 132^{132}Ba, 156^{156}Dy, and 174^{174}Hf is presented. In another application \textsc{KADoNiS} v0.2 was used for an modification of a reaction library of Basel university. With this modified library pp-process network calculations were carried out and compared to previous results.Comment: Proceedings "International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology 2007", Nice/ Franc

    Pushing 1D CCSNe to explosions: model and SN 1987A

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    We report on a method, PUSH, for triggering core-collapse supernova explosions of massive stars in spherical symmetry. We explore basic explosion properties and calibrate PUSH such that the observables of SN1987A are reproduced. Our simulations are based on the general relativistic hydrodynamics code AGILE combined with the detailed neutrino transport scheme IDSA for electron neutrinos and ALS for the muon and tau neutrinos. To trigger explosions in the otherwise non-exploding simulations, we rely on the neutrino-driven mechanism. The PUSH method locally increases the energy deposition in the gain region through energy deposition by the heavy neutrino flavors. Our setup allows us to model the explosion for several seconds after core bounce. We explore the progenitor range 18-21M⊙_{\odot}. Our studies reveal a distinction between high compactness (HC) and low compactness (LC) progenitor models, where LC models tend to explore earlier, with a lower explosion energy, and with a lower remnant mass. HC models are needed to obtain explosion energies around 1 Bethe, as observed for SN1987A. However, all the models with sufficiently high explosion energy overproduce 56^{56}Ni. We conclude that fallback is needed to reproduce the observed nucleosynthesis yields. The nucleosynthesis yields of 57−58^{57-58}Ni depend sensitively on the electron fraction and on the location of the mass cut with respect to the initial shell structure of the progenitor star. We identify a progenitor and a suitable set of PUSH parameters that fit the explosion properties of SN1987A when assuming 0.1M⊙_{\odot} of fallback. We predict a neutron star with a gravitational mass of 1.50M⊙_{\odot}. We find correlations between explosion properties and the compactness of the progenitor model in the explored progenitors. However, a more complete analysis will require the exploration of a larger set of progenitors with PUSH.Comment: revised version as accepted by ApJ (results unchanged, text modified for clarification, a few references added); 26 pages, 20 figure

    Nucleosynthesis in Two-Dimensional Delayed Detonation Models of Type Ia Supernova Explosions

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    The nucleosynthetic characteristics of various explosion mechanisms of Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) is explored based on three two-dimensional explosion simulations representing extreme cases: a pure turbulent deflagration, a delayed detonation following an approximately spherical ignition of the initial deflagration, and a delayed detonation arising from a highly asymmetric deflagration ignition. Apart from this initial condition, the deflagration stage is treated in a parameter-free approach. The detonation is initiated when the turbulent burning enters the distributed burning regime. This occurs at densities around 10710^{7} g cm−3^{-3} -- relatively low as compared to existing nucleosynthesis studies for one-dimensional spherically symmetric models. The burning in these multidimensional models is different from that in one-dimensional simulations as the detonation wave propagates both into unburned material in the high density region near the center of a white dwarf and into the low density region near the surface. Thus, the resulting yield is a mixture of different explosive burning products, from carbon-burning products at low densities to complete silicon-burning products at the highest densities, as well as electron-capture products synthesized at the deflagration stage. In contrast to the deflagration model, the delayed detonations produce a characteristic layered structure and the yields largely satisfy constraints from Galactic chemical evolution. In the asymmetric delayed detonation model, the region filled with electron capture species (e.g., 58^{58}Ni, 54^{54}Fe) is within a shell, showing a large off-set, above the bulk of 56^{56}Ni distribution, while species produced by the detonation are distributed more spherically (abridged).Comment: Accepted by the Astrophysical Journal. 15 pages, 14 figures, 4 table
