6,953 research outputs found

    Use of manganese oxides recovered from spent batteries in electrocatalysis of oxygen reduction reaction in alkaline medium

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    The oxygen reduction reaction was studied in alkaline media using manganese oxides obtained from spent batteries as electrocatalysts. Three processes were used to recover manganese oxides from spent batteries. The particles obtained were in the range from 8 to 11 nm. The electrochemical experiments indicated a good electrocatalytic activity toward oxygen reduction using the different samples and showing approximately a direct transference of 4 electrons during the process. Even though all the processes were efficient, the best result was observed for the prepared sample using reactants of low cost.FAPESPCNPqCoordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES)UFAB

    Quantitative Proteomic Analysis Reveals Changes in the Benchmark Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis Biovar Equi Exoproteome after Passage in a Murine Host

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    Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis biovar equi is the etiologic agent of ulcerative lymphangitis. To investigate proteins that could be related to the virulence of this pathogen, we combined an experimental passage process using a murine model and high-throughput proteomics with a mass spectrometry, data-independent acquisition (LC-MSE) approach to identify and quantify the proteins released into the supernatants of strain 258_equi. To our knowledge, this approach allowed characterization of the exoproteome of a C. pseudotuberculosis equi strain for the first time. Interestingly, the recovery of this strain from infected mouse spleens induced a change in its virulence potential, and it became more virulent in a second infection challenge. Proteomic screening performed from culture supernatant of the control and recovered conditions revealed 104 proteins that were differentially expressed between the two conditions. In this context, proteomic analysis of the recovered condition detected the induction of proteins involved in bacterial pathogenesis, mainly related to iron uptake. In addition, KEGG enrichment analysis showed that ABC transporters, bacterial secretion systems and protein export pathways were significantly altered in the recovered condition. These findings show that secretion and secreted proteins are key elements in the virulence and adaptation of C. pseudotuberculosis. Collectively, bacterial pathogenesis-related proteins were identified that contribute to the processes of adherence, intracellular growth and evasion of the immune system. Moreover, this study enhances our understanding of the factors that may influence the pathogenesis of C. pseudotuberculosis.Fil: Marques Da Silva, Wanderson. Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Instituto de Ciências Biológicas; Brasil. Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique; Francia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Carvalho, Rodrigo D. De Oliveira. Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Instituto de Ciências Biológicas; BrasilFil: Dorella, Fernanda A.. Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais; BrasilFil: Folador, Edson L.. Universidade Federal da Paraíba. Centro de Biotecnologia; BrasilFil: Souza, Gustavo H. M. F.. Waters Corporation; BrasilFil: Pimenta, Adriano M. C.. Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Instituto de Ciências Biológicas; BrasilFil: Figueiredo, Henrique C. P.. Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais; BrasilFil: Le Loir, Yves. Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique; FranciaFil: Silva, Artur. Universidade Federal do Pará; BrasilFil: Azevedo, Vasco. Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Instituto de Ciências Biológicas; Brasi

    O ensino da geografia na escola moderna

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    O artigo tem como objeto de estudo a Escola Moderna de Ferrer y Guardia. A Escola Moderna funcionou em Barcelona nos anos de 1901 a 1902 e 1905 a 1906. O mundo, na virada do século XIX para o XX, passava por grandes transformações impulsionadas pelos ideais das filosofias Iluminista e Positivista. Os países da Europa experimentavam o crescimento da industrialização e da produção em escala e enfrentavam as mazelas sociais inerentes à acumulação do capital. Surgem assim, em contraponto à lógica capitalista, os movimentos socialistas, dos quais Karl Marx é o maior expoente. Porém, a escola filosófica anarquista também merece notoriedade por seus princípios libertários e antiautoritários. Os anarquistas tinham especial interesse na questão educativa, pois entendiam que ela seria a ferramenta e o meio de alcançar seus objetivos revolucionários. A Escola Moderna foi uma das muitas escolas libertárias e anarquistas que surgiram no mundo no início do século XX. Assim este trabalho pretende, com o estudo dos fundamentos filosóficos anarquistas e libertários, compreender a prática da disciplina de geografia na Escola Moderna, oferecendo aos educadores contemporâneos um melhor entendimento sobre práticas educativas mais humanas e libertárias na docência dessa disciplina. A pesquisa tem caráter bibliográfico, foi referenciada em livros, repositórios científicos e sites especializados nesse tema. Aqui pretende-se demonstrar que as práticas da Escola Moderna, relacionadas às aulas de geografia, até hoje são valiosas para educadores comprometidos com valores humanistas. Palavras-chave: ensino da geografia; educação libertária; Ferrer y Guardia; Elisée Reclus; Piotr Kropotkin. Abstract The article focuses on the Modern School of Ferrer y Guardia. The Modern School operated in Barcelona from 1901 to 1902 and from 1905 to 1906. At the turn of the 19th to the 20th century, the world was undergoing major changes driven by the ideals of the Enlightenment and positivist philosophies. European countries were experiencing the growth of industrialization and large-scale production and were facing the social problems inherent in the accumulation of capital. As a counterpoint to capitalist logic, socialist movements emerged, of which Karl Marx was the greatest exponent. The anarchist philosophical school is also known for its libertarian and anti-authoritarian principles. Anarchists were particularly interested in education, seeing it as a tool and a means to achieve their revolutionary goals. The Modern School was one of many libertarian and anarchist schools that sprang up around the world in the early 20th century. Thus, by studying anarchist and libertarian philosophical foundations, this study aims to understand the practice of geography in the Modern School and to offer contemporary educators a better understanding of more humane and libertarian educational practices in teaching this subject. Books, scholarly repositories, and specialized Websites form the basis of this research, which is bibliographic in nature. The aim is to show that the practices of the modern school in relation to the teaching of geography are still valuable today for educators committed to humanist values. Keywords: teaching geography; libertarian education; Ferrer y Guardia; Elisée Reclus; Piotr Kropotkin

    Subsequent reproductive outcome in women who have experienced a potentially life-threatening condition or a maternal near-miss during pregnancy

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the long-term reproductive consequences that affect women who have experienced potentially life-threatening or life-threatening (near-miss) maternal complications. INTRODUCTION: Although advances have been made in reducing maternal death, few studies have investigated the long-term repercussions of significant events such as severe maternal morbidity and maternal near-misses. These repercussions may be long-lasting and negatively affect quality of life. METHODS: A total of 382 women who had experienced a potentially life-threatening pregnancy-related condition within the last five years were analyzed in this retrospective cohort study. A control group of 188 women who gave birth without complications was also included. Trained interviewers contacted the subjects by telephone and completed a pre-coded, structured questionnaire on reproductive health. Data were analyzed using odds ratios adjusted for age. The main outcome measures were occurrence and outcome of subsequent pregnancies. RESULTS: The estimated risk of becoming infertile as a result of tubal ligation or hysterectomy was 3.5 times higher in women who experienced a maternal near-miss or severe maternal morbidity during the index pregnancy as compared to controls. Likewise, the risk of complications in subsequent pregnancies was five times greater in women who had experienced severe maternal morbidity. However, no differences were found in the occurrence or number of subsequent pregnancies or perinatal outcome. CONCLUSION: The occurrence of a life-threatening or potentially life-threatening maternal condition reduces future reproductive potential and increases the risk of complications in subsequent pregnancies


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    Nos ambientes cársticos, áreas de recarga hídrica são caracterizadas por feições externas, que capturam e veiculam as águas superficiais para compartimentos subterrâneos. O presente estudo teve com objetivo avaliar os efeitos das flutuações naturais de curto prazo no nível da água na composição e abundância das taxocenoses zooplanctônicas e ictiofauna no interior de duas cavernas calcárias. A água da chuva é filtrada através do exocarste acima das cavernas e goteja pelos  espeleotemas. Além disso, pode ser também canalizada por meio de enxurradas, inundando parcialmente o piso das cavernas e misturando-se à água do lençol freático. Nas enxurradas são transportadas argila, troncos, folhas e fezes bovinas que se acumulam no piso das cavernas. Foram encontrados 3 grupos de invertebrados zooplanctônicos (Copepoda, Protozoa e Rotifera) e 3 táxons bentônicos/nectônicos (Annelida, Culicidae e Hyalella sp.), além de onze espécies de peixes (Characiformes e Siluriformes). Os eventos de inundação permitem que espécies de peixes e do zooplâncton oriundas do ambiente epígeo, tenham acesso e explorem locais inacessíveis da caverna durante a estação seca do ano. Ao final das estações chuvosas, aqueles organismos aprisionados em corpos de água temporários morrem e pode servir de recurso alimentar para outras espécies terrestres