67 research outputs found

    Desarrollo de una plataforma computacional para el modelado metabólico de microorganismos

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    [EN] Synthetic biology focuses on the design and construction of artificial genetic systems that are capable of carrying out a specific function after being inserted into a living system. With the development of synthetic biology a new generation of bioengineers has appeared who develop complex, highly integrated genetic biological pathways. Te improvement of this scientific discipline aims to establish a computational and conceptual framework that will support the development of modular artificial biological systems based on an engineering and systematic methodology. To achieve this, it will be necessary to provide new integrated computational tools in a common environment for the analysis of metabolic phenotypes, the design of new complex genetic pathways and the visualisation of metabolic maps to the next generation of designers in synthetic biology and future biotechnologists and biological engineers. A result of this research is the Hydra platform (Hybrid Draw and Routes Analysis) that integrates various tools for the design, analysis, and visualisation of metabolic networks.[ES] La Biología Sintética (BS) se centra en el diseño y la construcción de sistemas genéticos artificiales, capaces de desarrollar una función específica después de haber sido introducidos en un sistema vivo. Con el desarrollo de la BS, se observa una nueva generación de bioingenieros que desarrollan complejos circuitos biológicos genéticos con un alto nivel de integración. La mejora de esta disciplina científica tiene por objeto establecer un marco computacional y conceptual que dé asistencia al desarrollo de sistemas biológicos artificiales modulares basándose en una metodología ingenieril y sistemática, para lo que se necesita proveer a la próxima generación de diseñadores en Biología Sintética y a los futuros biotecnólogos e ingenieros biológicos de nuevas herramientas computacionales integradas en un entorno común para el análisis de fenotipos metabólicos, el diseño de nuevos circuitos genéticos complejos y la visualización de mapas metabólicos. Como resultado de esta investigación se obtiene la plataforma Hydra (Hybrid Draw and Routes Analysis), que integra diversas herramientas para el diseño, análisis y visualización de las redes metabólicas.Los autores desean agradecer el soporte financiero recibido por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación a través de la concesión TIN2009- 12359; la Conselleria de Inmigración y Ciudadanía de la Generalitat Valenciana (concesión 3012/2009) y la Comisión Europea (Proyecto TARPOL FP7 EU KBBE 212894).Reyes, R.; Garrido, J.; Jaime, RA.; Córdova, V.; Triana, J.; Villar, L.; Castro, JC.... (2011). Desarrollo de una plataforma computacional para el modelado metabólico de microorganismos. Nereis. Revista Iberoamericana Interdisciplinar de Métodos, Modelización y Simulación. (3):25-31. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/91952S2531

    Adapting the adult social care outcomes toolkit (ASCOT) for use in care home quality monitoring: conceptual development and testing

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    Background: Alongside an increased policy and practice emphasis on outcomes in social care, English local authorities are now obliged to review quality at a service level to help in their new role of ensuring the development of diverse and high-quality care markets to meet the needs of all local people, including self-funders. The Adult Social Care Outcomes Toolkit (ASCOT) has been developed to measure the outcomes of social care for individuals in a variety of care settings. Local authorities have expressed an interest in exploring how the toolkit might be used for their own purposes, including quality monitoring. This study aimed to explore how the care homes version of the ASCOT toolkit might be adapted for use as a care home quality indicator and carry out some preliminary testing in two care homes for older adults. Methods: Consultations were carried out with professional and lay stakeholders, with an interest in using the tool or the ratings it would produce. These explored demand and potential uses for the measure and fed into the conceptual development. A draft toolkit and method for collecting the data was developed and the feasibility of using it for quality monitoring was tested with one local authority quality monitoring team in two homes for older adults. Results: Stakeholders expressed an interest in care home quality ratings based on residents’ outcomes but there were tensions around who might collect the data and how it might be shared. Feasibility testing suggested the measure had potential for use in quality monitoring but highlighted the importance of training in observational techniques and interviewing skills. The quality monitoring officers involved in the piloting recommended that relatives’ views be collected in advance of visits, through surveys not interviews. Conclusions: Following interest from another local authority, a larger evaluation of the measure for use in routine quality monitoring is planned. As part of this, the ratings made using this measure will be validated against the outcomes of individual residents and compared with the quality ratings of the regulator, the Care Quality Commission

    Multivariate non-normally distributed random variables in climate research – introduction to the copula approach

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    Probability distributions of multivariate random variables are generally more complex compared to their univariate counterparts which is due to a possible nonlinear dependence between the random variables. One approach to this problem is the use of copulas, which have become popular over recent years, especially in fields like econometrics, finance, risk management, or insurance. Since this newly emerging field includes various practices, a controversial discussion, and vast field of literature, it is difficult to get an overview. The aim of this paper is therefore to provide an brief overview of copulas for application in meteorology and climate research. We examine the advantages and disadvantages compared to alternative approaches like e.g. mixture models, summarize the current problem of goodness-of-fit (GOF) tests for copulas, and discuss the connection with multivariate extremes. An application to station data shows the simplicity and the capabilities as well as the limitations of this approach. Observations of daily precipitation and temperature are fitted to a bivariate model and demonstrate, that copulas are valuable complement to the commonly used methods

    NeuroKit2: A Python toolbox for neurophysiological signal processing

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    Contains fulltext : 230586.pdf (Publisher’s version ) (Closed access)NeuroKit2 is an open-source, community-driven, and user-centered Python package for neurophysiological signal processing. It provides a comprehensive suite of processing routines for a variety of bodily signals (e.g., ECG, PPG, EDA, EMG, RSP). These processing routines include high-level functions that enable data processing in a few lines of code using validated pipelines, which we illustrate in two examples covering the most typical scenarios, such as an event-related paradigm and an interval-related analysis. The package also includes tools for specific processing steps such as rate extraction and filtering methods, offering a trade-off between high-level convenience and fine-tuned control. Its goal is to improve transparency and reproducibility in neurophysiological research, as well as foster exploration and innovation. Its design philosophy is centred on user-experience and accessibility to both novice and advanced users.8 p

    Transfer of MHC-class-I molecules among liver sinusoidal cells facilitates hepatic immune surveillance.

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    Background & Aims: In the liver, antigen-presenting cell populations such as Kupffer cells, liver dendritic cells, and liver sinusoidal endothelial cells (LSECs) participate through cross-presentation to CD8 T cells (CTLs) in hepatic immune-regulation and immune-surveillance. The participation of hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) in immune regulation is controversial. Here we studied HSC's contribution to antiviral CTL immunity. Methods: Flow cytometric analysis of MHC-I molecules at the cell surface of liver cells from mice with cell-type restricted MHC-I expression. Mice with HSC-restricted MHC-I expression were infected with a hepatotropic virus and analyzed for development of viral hepatitis after CTL transfer. Results: HSCs transferred MHC-I molecules to LSECs and these molecules were employed for LSEC cross-presentation to CTLs. Such transfer of MHC-I molecules was sufficient to support in vivo LSEC cross-presentation of soluble antigens to CTLs. Importantly, this transfer of MHC-I molecules contributed to anti-viral CTL immunity leading to development of immune-mediated hepatitis. Conclusions: Our findings demonstrate transfer of MHC-I molecules among sinusoidal liver cell populations as a potent mechanism to increase anti-viral CTL effector function. The transfer of MHC-I molecules from HSCs supplies LSECs with additional MHC-I molecules for their own cell-intrinsic cross-presentation. Such cross-allocation of MHC-I molecules in liver cell populations is distinct from cross-dressing that occurs among immune cell populations in lymphoid tissues where peptide-loaded MHC-I molecules are transferred. Our findings thus reveal a novel mechanism that increases local cross-presentation and CTL effector function in the liver, which may be instrumental for immune-surveillance during viral infection of antigen-presenting liver cells