9,758 research outputs found

    Fast linear-space computations of longest common subsequences

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    AbstractSpace saving techniques in computations of a longest common subsequence (LCS) of two strings are crucial in many applications, notably, in molecular sequence comparisons. For about ten years, however, the only linear-space LCS algorithm known required time quadratic in the length of the input, for all inputs. This paper reviews linear-space LCS computations in connection with two classical paradigms originally designed to take less than quadratic time in favorable circumstances. The objective is to achieve the space reduction without alteration of the asymptotic time complexity of the original algorithm. The first one of the resulting constructions takes time O(n(m−l)), and is thus suitable for cases where the LCS is expected to be close to the shortest input string. The second takes time O(ml log(min[s, m, 2nl])) and suits cases where one of the inputs is much shorter than the other. Here m and n (m⩽n) are the lengths of the two input strings, l is the length of the longest common subsequences and s is the size of the alphabet. Along the way, a very simple O(m(m−l)) time algorithm is also derived for the case of strings of equal length

    On Computing Longest Common Subsequences in Linear Space

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    GPs’ perspectives on the management of patients with multimorbidity: Systematic review and synthesis of qualitative research

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    Objective: To synthesise the existing published literature on the perceptions of general practitioners (GPs) or their equivalent on the clinical management of multimorbidity and determine targets for future research that aims to improve clinical care in multimorbidity. Design: Systematic review and metaethnographic synthesis of primary studies that used qualitative methods to explore GPs’ experiences of clinical management of multimorbidity or multiple chronic diseases. Data sources: EMBASE, MEDLINE, CINAHL, PsycInfo, Academic Search Complete, SocIndex, Social Science Full Text and digital theses/online libraries (database inception to September 2012) to identify literature using qualitative methods (focus groups or interviews). Review methods: The 7-step metaethnographic approach described by Noblit and Hare, which involves cross-interpretation between studies while preserving the context of the primary data. Results: Of 1805 articles identified, 37 were reviewed in detail and 10 were included, using a total of 275 GPs in 7 different countries. Four areas of difficulty specific to the management of multimorbidity emerged from these papers: disorganisation and fragmentation of healthcare; the inadequacy of guidelines and evidence-based medicine; challenges in delivering patient-centred care; and barriers to shared decision-making. A ‘line of argument’ was drawn which described GPs’ sense of isolation in decision-making for multimorbid patients. Conclusions: This systematic review shows that the problem areas for GPs in the management of multimorbidity may be classified into four domains. There will be no ‘one size fits all’ intervention for multimorbidity but these domains may be useful targets to guide the development of interventions that will assist and improve the provision of care to multimorbid patients

    A meta-analysis of variables that predict significant intracranial injury in minor head trauma.

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    BACKGROUND: Previous studies have presented conflicting results regarding the predictive effect of various clinical symptoms, signs, and plain imaging for intracranial pathology in children with minor head injury. AIMS: To perform a meta-analysis of the literature in order to assess the significance of these factors and intracranial haemorrhage (ICH) in the paediatric population. METHODS: The literature was searched using Medline, Embase, Experts, and the grey literature. Reference lists of major guidelines were crosschecked. Control or nested case-control studies of children with head injury who had skull radiography, recording of common symptoms and signs, and head computed tomography (CT) were selected. OUTCOME VARIABLE: CT presence or absence of ICH. RESULTS: Sixteen papers were identified as satisfying criteria for inclusion in the meta-analysis, although not every paper contained data on every correlate. Available evidence gave pooled patient numbers from 1136 to 22 420. Skull fracture gave a relative risk ratio of 6.13 (95% CI 3.35 to 11.2), headache 1.02 (95% CI 0.62 to 1.69), vomiting 0.88 (95% CI 0.67 to 1.15), focal neurology 9.43 (2.89 to 30.8), seizures 2.82 (95% CI 0.89 to 9.00), LOC 2.23 (95% CI 1.20 to 4.16), and Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) <15 of 5.51 (95% CI 1.59 to 19.0). CONCLUSIONS: There was a statistically significant correlation between intracranial haemorrhage and skull fracture, focal neurology, loss of consciousness, and GCS abnormality. Headache and vomiting were not found to be predictive and there was great variability in the predictive ability of seizures. More information is required about the current predictor variables so that more refined guidelines can be developed. Further research is currently underway by three large study groups

    The properties of the gamma-ray blazars in the CJ-F VLBI sample

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    We present first results from the analysis of multi-epoch VLBI observations of the EGRET detected sources [9] in the CJ-F sample (Caltech Jodrell-Flat-spectrum, [10]). These objects form a subsample of 14 sources within the 293 AGN of the full CJ-F sample. 5 GHz VLBI snapshot observations of the CJ-F sources are continuously being performed in order to create a valid database for thorough statistical tests of pc-scale jet motion in AGN. All gamma-bright CJ-F AGN have been observed at least twice with the VLBA, which enables us to investigate jet component motions and paths. In particular, we concentrate on the analysis of those properties supposed to be essential for gamma-ray production, i.e., superluminal motion and bending. A paper discussing the possible relation between morphological changes and gamma-ray flaring/production is in preparation

    The Co-occurrence of child and intimate partner maltreatment in the family: characteristics of the violent perpetrators

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    This study considers the characteristics associated with mothers and fathers who maltreat their child and each other in comparison to parents who only maltreat their child. One hundred and sixty-two parents who had allegations of child maltreatment made against them were considered. The sample consisted of 43 fathers (Paternal Family—PF) and 23 mothers (Maternal Family—MF) who perpetrated both partner and child maltreatment, together with 23 fathers (Paternal Child—PC) and 26 mothers (Maternal Child—MC) who perpetrated child maltreatment only. In addition, 2 fathers (Paternal Victim—PV) and 23 mothers (Maternal Victim—MV) were victims of intimate partner maltreatment and perpetrators of child maltreatment and 7 fathers (Paternal Non-abusive Carer—PNC) and 15 mothers (Maternal Non-abusive Carer—MNC) did not maltreat the child but lived with an individual who did. Within their family unit, 40.7% of parents perpetrated both intimate partner and child maltreatment. However, fathers were significantly more likely to maltreat both their partner and child than mothers and mothers were significantly more likely to be victims of intimate partner violence than fathers. PF fathers conducted the highest amount of physical and/or sexual child maltreatment while MC and MV mothers perpetrated the highest amount of child neglect. Few significant differences between mothers were found. PF fathers had significantly more factors associated with development of a criminogenic lifestyle than PC fathers. Marked sex differences were demonstrated with PF fathers demonstrating significantly more antisocial characteristics, less mental health problems and fewer feelings of isolation than MF mothers. MC mothers had significantly more childhood abuse, mental health problems, parenting risk factors and were significantly more likely to be biologically related to the child than PC fathers. This study suggests that violent families should be assessed and treated in a holistic manner, considering the effects of partner violence upon all family members, rather than exclusively intervening with the violent man

    A Determination of H_0 with the CLASS Gravitational Lens B1608+656: I. Time Delay Measurements with the VLA

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    We present the results of a program to monitor the four-image gravitational lens B1608+656 with the VLA. The system was observed over a seven month period from 1996 October to 1997 May. The 64 epochs of observation have an average spacing of 3.6~d. The light curves of the four images of the background source show that the flux density of the background source has varied at the ~5% level. We measure time delays in the system based on common features that are seen in all four light curves. The three independent time delays in the system are found to be Delta t_{BA} = 31 +/- 7~d, Delta t_{BC} = 36 +/- 7~d, and Delta t_{BD} = 76^{+9}_{-10}~d at 95% confidence. This is the first gravitational lens system for which three independent time delays have been measured. A companion paper presents a mass model for the lensing galaxy which correctly reproduces the observed image positions, flux density ratios, and time delay ratios. The last condition is crucial for determining H_0 with a four-image lens. We combine the time delays with the model to obtain a value for the Hubble constant of H_0 = 59^{+8}_{-7} km/s/Mpc at 95% confidence (statistical) for (Omega_M, Omega_{Lambda}) = (1,0). In addition, there is an estimated systematic uncertainty of +/- 15 km/s/Mpc from uncertainties in modeling the radial mass profiles of the lensing galaxies. The value of H_0 presented in this paper is comparable to recent measurements of H_0 from the gravitational lenses 0957+561, PG1115+080, B0218+357, and PKS1830-211.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. 20 pages, 13 figure

    Practice to Policy: Clinical Psychologists' Experiences of Macro-Level Work

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    Aims: Many clinical psychologists have ventured beyond therapeutic and assessment roles to undertake public policy work. However, little research has systematically examined clinical psychologists’ roles in policy work and the implications of such work for the profession. This qualitative study examined the influences, processes, skills and knowledge underpinning policy work by clinical psychologists, and the challenges and facilitators encountered. / Method: Participants were 37 UK clinical psychologists, from a broad spectrum of specialties, who had engaged in public policy work. They were selected by purposive sampling and snowballing to take part in a semi-structured interview about their experiences of policy work and social action. Transcripts were analyzed using Thematic Analysis. / Results: The analysis yielded six themes, grouped into two domains: (1) ’Getting There’, describing participants’ professional journeys to policy work, including early influences and career paths, and (2) ‘Being There’ describing their experiences of working in this way, the challenges and facilitators in the process, and the skills and knowledge upon which they drew. / Conclusions: Clinical psychologists already possess core clinical and research skills that may potentially be adapted to work within broader political systems. However, they need to learn to use their existing skills in a different context, and also acquire some additional skills unique to policy-level work
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