794 research outputs found

    Effect of Age and Food Novelty on Food Memory

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    The influence of age of the consumer and food novelty on incidentally learned food memory was investigated by providing a meal containing novel and familiar target items under the pretense of a study on hunger feelings to 34 young and 36 older participants in France and to 24 young and 20 older participants in Denmark and testing them a day later on recognition of the targets among a set of distractors that were variations of the target made by adding or subtracting taste (sour or sweet) or aroma (orange or red berry flavor). Memory was also tested by asking participants to indicate whether the target and the distractors were equal to or less or more intense than the remembered target in sourness sweetness and aroma. The results showed that when novelty is defined as whether people know or not a given product, it has a strong influence on memory performance, but that age did not, the elderly performing just as well as the young. The change in the distractors was more readily detected with familiar than with novel targets where the participants were still confused by the target itself. Special attention is given to the influence of the incidental learning paradigm on the outcome and to the ways in which it differs from traditional recognition experiments

    Marrow-tumor interactions: the role of the bone marrow in controlling chemically induced tumors

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    This report summarizes work done to evaluate the role of the bone marrow in tumor growth regulation. Work done with the MCA tumor showed that several subclasses of mononuclear bone marrow cells (e.g. natural regulatory cell, NRC) play a major role in the regulation of tumor growth. Experiments with the spontaneous CE mammary carcinoma system illustrate that a rapid growth of certain neoplasms may be due to the fact that through some as yet undefined mechanism the tumor eliminates mononuclear cells in the bone marrow of the host and stops their production. (KRM

    Semantic metrics

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    In the context of the Semantic Web, many ontology-related operations, e.g. ontology ranking, segmentation, alignment, articulation, reuse, evaluation, can be boiled down to one fundamental operation: computing the similarity and?or dissimilarity among ontological entities, and in some cases among ontologies themselves. In this paper, we review standard metrics for computing distance measures and we propose a series of semantic metrics. We give a formal account of semantic metrics drawn from a variety of research disciplines, and enrich them with semantics based on standard Description Logic constructs. We argue that concept-based metrics can be aggregated to produce numeric distances at ontology-level and we speculate on the usability of our ideas through potential areas

    Resistance to ceratocystis wilt (Ceratocystis fimbriata) in parents and progenies of Eucalyptus grandis x E. urophylla.

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    Ceratocystis wilt, caused by Ceratocystis fimbriata, is one ofthe most damaging diseases in eucalyptus plantations worldwide. Although there are resistant genotypes, the genetic basis of resistance is still poorly understood. In this paper we studied the resistance leveI by a stem inoculation experiment of genotypes of Eucalyptus grandis and E. urophylla and estimated the heritability and gains of selection in families derived from controlled interspecific crosses. In both species, highly resistant as well as highly susceptible genotypes to Ceratocystis wilt were found. Out of 21 parents assessed, twelve were resistant and nine susceptible. Estimates of individual narrow (50%) and broad (59%) sense heritability suggested a high degree of genetic control and low allelic dominance of the trait. There was great genetic variation among and within families, a fact that contributes to high heritability and genetic gain. A genetic gain in lesion size of up to -74.4 % was obtained from selection of the 50 best clones in the evaluated families, i.e., the mean lesion length in the progeny population can be reduced by 74,4%

    Resistance of Eucalyptus pellita to rust (Puccinia psidii).

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    Eucalypts rust (Puccinia psidii) is currently one of the major diseases in commercial eucalypt plantations in Brazil. The primary method of disease control is the use of resistant genotypes, and, among the different species of Eucalyptus, E. pellita is indicated as a promising source of resistance. In this work, the genetic control of rust resistance in E. pellita through inoculations under controlled conditions of 441 plants from four full-sibling families was studied. Inoculations were performed using the monopostular isolate UFV-2, race 1. All families tested segregated for rust resistance, and the number of resistant plants was higher than susceptible in all crosses. Inheritance models based on few genes did not fully explain the observed segregation patterns, and the narrow-sense heritability of rust resistance was estimated between 32.7% and 37.3%. The results suggested that rust resistance in E. pellita is complex and is controlled by major- and minor-effect genes

    Large Deformation Effects in the N = Z 44Ti Compound Nucleus

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    The N = Z 44Ti* nucleus has been populated in Fusion Evaporation process at very high excitation energies and angular momenta using two entrance channels with different mass-asymmetry. The deformation effects in the rapidly rotating nuclei have been investigated through the energy distribution of the alpha-particle combined to statistical-model calculations. In the case of low-multiplicity events, the ratio between first particle emitted has been measured and shows significant disagreement with the predictions of the statistical-model. This may explain The large discrepancies observed in proton energy spectra measured in previous experiments performed in the same mass region.Comment: Proceeding of the 10th International Conference on Nuclear Reaction Mechanisms, Varenna Italy, June 9-13 2003. 10 pages, 6 figures, 1 tabl

    Mealtime Experiences of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder from the Perspectives of Filipino Occupational Therapists in Cebu: Implications for Practice

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    Purpose: Occupational therapists (OTs) handle children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and a common concern is how their sensory processing issues affect their feeding habits. There is limited information regarding interventions about this issue both locally and internationally. This study aims to know the experiences of OTs providing feeding interventions associated with sensory issues for children with ASD. It will also describe what approaches they used for these interventions. Method: Qualitative phenomenology using in-depth interviews with nine OTs in Cebu, Philippines was conducted, and data underwent thematic analysis. Results: Five themes emerged: 1) a family that feeds together, stays together, 2) key to mealtime challenges, 3) root of mealtime challenges, 4) highs and lows of a therapist on feeding interventions, and 5) teletherapy as a sign of times. Conclusion: OTs and parents look at foundational skill deficits of a child with ASD and relate the said skill deficits to mealtime behaviors and challenges. Results provided in-depth description of what current intervention approaches the selected therapists choose and how they are applied and combined in targeting feeding concerns and sensory issues that relate to feeding. Handling feeding issues is also an opportunity for OTs to work with other healthcare professionals

    Observation of the lowest energy gamma-ray in any superdeformed nucleus : 196Bi

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    New results on the superdeformed 196^{196}Bi nucleus a re reported. We have observed with the EUROBALL IV γ\gamma-ray spectrometer array a superdeformed trans ition of 124 keV which is the lowest observed energy γ\gamma-ray in any superdeformed nucleus. We have de velopped microscopic cranked Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov calculations using the SLy4 effective force and a realistic surface p airing which strongly support the Kπ=2K^\pi=2^-(π\pi[651]1/2ν\otimes \nu[752]5/2) assignment of this su perdeformed band