218 research outputs found

    Clearing the Path for First-Generation College Students:Qualitative and Intersectional Studies of Educational Mobility

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    Clearing the Path for First-Generation College Students comprises a wide range of studies that explore the multidimensional social processes and meanings germane to the experiences of first-generation college students before and during their matriculation into institutions of higher education. The chapters offer timely, empirical examinations of the ways that these students negotiate experiences shaped by structural inequities in higher education institutions and the pathways that lead to them. This volume provides insight into the dilemmas that arise from the transformation of students’ class identities in pursuit of upward mobility, as well as their quest for community and a sense of “belonging” on college campuses that have not been historically designed for them. While centering first-generation status, this collection also critically engages the ways in which other dimensions of social identity intersect to inform students’ educational experiences in relation to dynamics of race, ethnicity, socioeconomic class, gender, and immigration. Additionally, this book takes a holistic approach by exploring the ways in which first-generation college students are influenced by, and engage with, their families and communities of origin as they undertake their educational careers.https://scholarship.richmond.edu/bookshelf/1305/thumbnail.jp

    A Global Map Of Species Terrestrial Habitat Types

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    The loss of species habitat - described as the entirety of the physical conditions, e.g. land cover and climate - is one of the primary causes of biodiversity decline globally. Knowledge about species habitats is critical to design landscape management plans and conservation prioritizations. Here, we provide a global spatial-explicit characterization of 47 terrestrial habitat types directly relevant to biodiversity conservation. These habitat types broadly follow the standard habitat classification system defined by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), which is widely used for assessments of species extinction risk. This habitat type map was produced by intersecting currently best available data on land-cover, climate and land use from a variety of ancillary datasets. We furthermore validate this map using independently derived estimates of observed habitats from biodiversity occurrence records. Overall, these data broaden our knowledge of habitat types globally and will be highly useful for broad-scale ecological studies and a spatial guide for upcoming IUCN redlist assessments. We hope that this data will spur further development of biodiversity-relevant habitat type maps on a global scale


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    The Local Health Authority of Reggio Emilia, supported by the Manodori Foundation, decided to implement this innovative social-health care pathway that was created together with other 14 organizations in the Province of Reggio Emilia: they are Associations, labor union, training institutions, social cooperatives, and so on… Together, we created a network to address the need to go back to work of cancer patients. What happens to the working age patients with cancer in Reggio Emilia? First of all first of all the HCPs who meet the patients for diagnostic or curative reasons ask for information about the work situation. On the basis of this very first information collected, if the patient is judged at risk to lose the job he is referred to the network hub of UNA MANO: the Informa-salute service. Here, a Nurse, together with other trained personnel, make the first true assessment of the risk to lose the job. If the patients is judged at low risk, he still receive information regarding… If the patient is judged at risk to lose the job, he is sent to the OT that make a deep, second level of assessment. After this, if the risk is confirmed as moderate, the patients will received a personalized intervention targeted to… If the risk is judged very high, or the patient as already lost the job, the social part of the network is activated to implement a personalized intervention targeted to

    Detection of tet(M) gene from raw milk by rapid DNA extraction followed by a two-step PCR with nested primers.

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    The likelihood that milk and milk products may act as a vehicle for antibiotic-resistant bacterial genes has become a concern to the food industry and a public health issue, and the demand for rapid tests has increased. The purity of DNA extracted from food samples is a key issue in the sensitivity and usefulness of biological analyses, such as PCR for pathogens and nonpathogens. A rapid, phenol-chloroform free method based on a modification of a sodium iodide DNA extraction, followed by a two-step PCR was developed for direct detection of the tet(M) gene in milk samples within a single working day. This study compares the proposed method with a traditional phenol solvent extraction method and with a commercial kit (QIAamp DNA blood mini kit, Qiagen). The three DNA extraction methods were used to ensure access to the tet(M) gene from 1 ml of raw milk, inoculated with a strain of Enterococcus faecalis, which carries the tet(M) gene. The proposed method, followed by a two-step PCR with nested primers specific for the tet(M) gene, was able to reach a detection limit below 10 CFU/ml in less than 4 h, including the two amplification cycles, thus outperforming in sensitivity and rapidity both the traditional and the commercial method

    Calidad microbiolĂłgica de hortalizas que se expenden en la Ciudad de CĂłrdoba

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    El consumo de vegetales es una tendencia a nivel mundial en aumento. Particularmente, el consumo de hortalizas procesadas y envasadas está en expansión. Estos productos, son más perecederos que los vegetales intactos de los cuales proceden. Si el procesado no es realizado mediante Buenas Prácticas de Manufactura (BPM), pueden estar expuestos a diversas fuentes de contaminación durante el cultivo, cosecha, distribución o elaboración. Actualmente, la frecuencia de brotes de enfermedades transmitidas por alimentos (ETAs) asociadas al consumo de hortalizas se ha elevado como resultado de un incremento en el consumo. Esto es primordial porque las ETAs representan uno de los problemas de salud pública más importante. En este sentido, la Dirección de Calidad Alimentaria de la Municipalidad de Córdoba, realiza la vigilancia de hortalizas que se expenden en la ciudad para prevenir la aparición de ETAs. El Código Alimentario Argentino (CAA), mediante resolución vigente desde 2012 (art. 925 quater), recién exige el cumplimiento de ciertos parámetros microbiológicos para que estos alimentos sean considerados aptos. El objetivo fue evaluar la calidad microbiológica de hortalizas que se comercializan en el Mercado de Abasto y vegetales procesados y envasados que se expenden listos para el consumo en la ciudad de Córdoba. Se seleccionaron dos sitios de muestreo: el Mercado de Abasto (muestras de hortalizas mínimamente procesadas) y comercios (muestras de bandejas de hortalizas procesadas y envasadas). En el Mercado se tomaron 785 muestras y en comercios se obtuvieron 525 muestras y todos los muestreos se realizaron desde octubre de 2012 a diciembre de 2013. En cada muestra se determinó: a) Escherichia coli por NMP (BAM-FDA-2002) y b) Salmonella spp. (ISO 6579- 2002). En todos los casos se siguieron los criterios de muestreos establecidos según el CAA. Del total de muestras de hortalizas mínimamente procesadas (obtenidas del Mercado), sólo el 4,45 % fueron positivas para E. coli. En cambio, E. coli fue positiva en un 20,95 % de las muestras de bandejas obtenidas de los comercios. Los casos positivos para verduras mínimamente procesadas (Mercado) se encontraron siempre en los meses de verano (diciembre a marzo). En cambio, en el caso de las hortalizas en bandejas no hubo una asociación estacional con la detección de E. coli. En ninguno de los casos se detectó Salmonella spp. En conclusión, el mayor porcentaje de E. coli encontrado en hortalizas envasadas sugiere que las plantas elaboradoras de estos productos no están aplicando correctamente las BPM. Es crucial realizar en forma correcta el lavado y desinfección de las hortalizas, ya que reduce la carga microbiana inicial. Si esto no ocurre, los microorganismos seguirán multiplicándose durante el almacenamiento del producto hasta su consumo. Es necesario seguir con el control riguroso de las hortalizas, fortaleciendo los pilares de auditoría y capacitación en BPM y así evitar riesgos al consumidor.Fil: Manca, Liliana María. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Odontología. Cátedra de Microbiología y Embriología; Argentina.Fil: Francavilla, A. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba; Argentina.Fil: Garcia-Ferreyra, C. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba; Argentina.Fil: Rondina, Alina. Municipalidad de Córdoba. Laboratorio de Alimentos; Argentina.Epidemiologí

    A novel black poplar propolis extract with promising health-promoting properties: focus on its chemical composition, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-genotoxic activities

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    Propolis is a resinous mixture produced by honeybees which has been used since ancient times for its useful properties. However, its chemical composition and bioactivity may vary, depending on the geographical area of origin and the type of tree bees use for collecting pollen. In this context, this research aimed to investigate the total phenolic content (using the Folin-Ciocalteu assay) and the total antioxidant capacity (using the FRAP, DPPH, and ABTS assays) of three black poplar (Populus nigra L.) propolis (BPP) solutions (S1, S2, and S3), as well as the chemical composition (HPLC-ESI-MSn) and biological activities (effect on cell viability, genotoxic/antigenotoxic properties, and anti-inflammatory activity, and effect on ROS production) of the one which showed the highest antioxidant activity (S1). The hydroalcoholic BPP solution S1 was a prototype of an innovative, research-type product by an Italian nutraceutical manufacturer. In contrast, hydroalcoholic BPP solutions S2 and S3 were conventional products purchased from local pharmacy stores. For the three extracts, 50 phenolic compounds, encompassing phenolic acids and flavonoids, were identified. In summary, the results showed an interesting chemical profile and the remarkable antioxidant, antigenotoxic, anti-inflammatory and ROS-modulating activities of the innovative BPP extract S1, paving the way for future research. In vivo investigations will be a possible line to take, which may help corroborate the hypothesis of the potential health benefits of this product, and even stimulate further ameliorations of the new prototype.Propolis is a resinous mixture produced by honeybees which has been used since ancient times for its useful properties

    Conservative surgery with and without radiotherapy in elderly patients with early-stage breast cancer: a prospective randomised multicentre trial.

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    ABSTRACT Breast conserving therapy (BCT) including postoperative irradiation of the remaining breast tissue is generally accepted as the best treatment for the majority of patients with early-stage breast cancer. The question is whether there is a necessity for irradiating all patients. Between 2001 and 2005, 749 women aged 55–75 years with infiltrating breast carcinoma were randomly assigned to breast conservative surgery, with or without radiotherapy (RT), to evaluate the incidence of in-breast recurrence (IBR). After 5 years of median follow-up, the cumulative incidence of IBR was 2.5% in the surgery-only arm and 0.7% in the surgery plus RT arm. There are no differences in terms of overall survival and distant disease-free survival. The preliminary evaluation suggests that breast irradiation after conservative surgery can be avoided without exposing these patients to an increased risk of distant-disease recurrence. Prolonged follow-up will further clarify the possible risks and late sequelae potentially induced by breast RT

    Genetic Diversity of PCR-Positive, Culture-Negative and Culture-Positive Mycobacterium ulcerans Isolated from Buruli Ulcer Patients in Ghana.

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    Culture of Mycobacterium ulcerans from Buruli ulcer patients has very low sensitivity. Thus confirmation of M. ulcerans infection is primarily based on PCR directed against IS2404. In this study we compare the genotypes obtained by variable number of tandem repeat analysis of DNA from IS2404-PCR positive cultures with that obtained from IS2404 positive, culture-negative tissue. A significantly greater genetic heterogeneity was found among culture-negative samples compared with that found in cultured strains but a single genotype is over-represented in both sample sets. This study provides evidence that both the focal location of bacteria in a lesion as well as differences in the ability to culture a particular genotype may underlie the low sensitivity of culture. Though preliminary, data from this work also suggests that mycobacteria previously associated with fish disease (M. pseudoshottsii) may be pathogenic for humans
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