11 research outputs found


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      *Penulis untuk korespondensi In bio insecticide production, the use of agricultural by products as a substrate to produce the starter has the role important on the efficient production processes, as well as the use of single isolate and production media. The bio insecticide production was carried out by the solid state cultivation, by examining the effect of substrate thick nessoncell growth and bio insecticide toxicity of bio insecticide produced. The bacterial of localisolates used were obtained from carrion worm of Attacus atlas, and identified as Bacillus thuringiens is and had  important potential as bio insecticide. Tofu whey was used for starter media, while mixture of dregs sago and iles-iles as its production media. During the cultivation the media thickness affected on pH, cell growth, spores and substrate consumption. The increased of substrate thickness caused the decrease of  pH, and  simultaneously the decrease of  cell growth, spores and substrate consumption.  The product with highes toxicity capability against dipteralarvae (LC50 of 0,24 mg/mL) and lepidoptera larvae (LC50 of 3,3 mg/mL) was obtained under cultivation process with substrate thicknes of 1 cm. Keywords: Bacillus thuringiensis, bioinsecticide, solid-state cultivation,  solid waste sago, solid waste iles-ile


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      *Penulis untuk korespondensi In bio insecticide production, the use of agricultural by products as a substrate to produce the starter has the role important on the efficient production processes, as well as the use of single isolate and production media. The bio insecticide production was carried out by the solid state cultivation, by examining the effect of substrate thick nessoncell growth and bio insecticide toxicity of bio insecticide produced. The bacterial of localisolates used were obtained from carrion worm of Attacus atlas, and identified as Bacillus thuringiens is and had  important potential as bio insecticide. Tofu whey was used for starter media, while mixture of dregs sago and iles-iles as its production media. During the cultivation the media thickness affected on pH, cell growth, spores and substrate consumption. The increased of substrate thickness caused the decrease of  pH, and  simultaneously the decrease of  cell growth, spores and substrate consumption.  The product with highes toxicity capability against dipteralarvae (LC50 of 0,24 mg/mL) and lepidoptera larvae (LC50 of 3,3 mg/mL) was obtained under cultivation process with substrate thicknes of 1 cm. Keywords: Bacillus thuringiensis, bioinsecticide, solid-state cultivation,  solid waste sago, solid waste iles-ile

    Analisis Variasi Faktor Eksposi dan Ketebalan Irisan Terhadap CTDI dan Kualitas Citra Pada Computed Tomography Scan

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    CT Scan merupakan alat pencitraan sinar-X yang dipadukan dengan komputer pengolah data sehingga mampu menghasilkan gambar potongan melintang tubuh dan memiliki dosis relatif lebih tinggi, karena berasal dari radiasi primer dan radiasi hambur dari setiap slice. Dosis yang dihasilkan dipengaruhi oleh parameter scan yaitu faktor eksposi (tegangan tabung, arus- waktu rotasi) dan ketebalan irisan. Kuantitas dosis pada pemeriksaan CT Scan digunakan metode Computed Tomography Dose Index (CTDI). Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengatahui efek variasi parameter scan terhadap CTDI dan kualitas citra dengan menggunakan phantom. Hasil data yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa pada variasi 200 mAs, 120 kV dan 5 mm menghasilkan CTDIvol dan CNR optimum dengan nilai masing-masing 25.8 mGy dan 3.51. Hal ini disebabkan adanya keseimbangan nilai antara faktor eksposi yang tidak memiliki rentang yang terlalu jauh sehingga menghasilkan energi dan kuantitas sinar X yang seimbang dan ketebalan irisan tidak menghasilkan noise tinggi sehingga objek dalam phantom tetap dapat terlihat lebih baik. Kata Kunci: CT Scan, CTDI, CTDIvol, LCR, CNR

    Antifulgal potency agints Candida albicans (ATCC 10231) and its Activity as biosurfactant of WNA 4.1.13 fermented growth of Sediment from mangrove Wonorejo Surabaya

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    The purpose of this study was to identify the genus of bacteria that produces biosurfactants and its potency as antifungal to Candida albicans (ATCC 10231). WNA bacteria 4.1.13 were isolated from Wonorejo mangrove sediments in Surabaya. The bacteria were identified by examining the morphology and and cell colony.Cell morphology identification was carried out by Gram staining and spores identification. Biosurfactant activity was carried out by oil spreading test, drop collapse test and parafilm test. Antifungal activity was performed by agar diffusion method. The results showed that WNA 4.1.13 isolates from Surabaya Wonorejo mangrove sediments were rod shaped, including Gram positive and had endospores located at the center of bacterial cells. Based on the morphological character of the colony and genus cell bacterial isolates WNA 4.1.13 including Bacillus sp. The result showed that in the broth collapse test, the droplets were flat, forming a clean zone in the oil spreading test and widened diameter in the parafilm test. Antifungal activity test showed inhibition zones formed by fermentation broth isolates of WNA 4.1.13. In conclusion, the fermentation of broth of WNA 4.1.13 isolates from the Wonorejo Surabaya have biosurfactant activity and antifungal potency against Candida albicans (ATCC 10231). Key words : Biosurfactant, Antifungal, Mangrove, Candida albicans Fermented brot

    A Study on the Effectiveness of Antifungal Agents on Cotton Fabrics Colored by Gambir Natural Dyes (Uncaria Gambir)

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    The increasing interest in the use of natural dyes is not accompanied by sufficient information and method for the application due to broad natural dyes resources existence. Gambir (Uncaria gambir), one of promising favorable natural dyes, has been used as batik coloring for decades. However, the application of gambir extract as a textile colorant faces a severe problem to be encountered which is the microbial growth such as fungi, mold, and bacteria. This study proposed several antifungal agents to suppress the growth of the fungus such as chitosan, aloe vera, and formaldehyde. To conduct the fungus inhibition concentration of every antifungal agent, Aspergillus Niger was introduced on the colored cloth medium with the addition of Potato Dextrose Broth (PDB) growth media. Three methods of antifungal addition during the coloring process were investigated namely pre-coloring, post-coloring, and mix coloring process. The growth of Aspergillus Niger was observed and measured the diameter and thickness of the colony. One-way ANOVA was used to analyze the treatment significantly. The result showed that all concentration of chitosan and formaldehyde addition, significantly, could suppress the fungus growth. However, formaldehyde is a toxic ingredient and harmful to the environment which becomes a limitation in the application. Meanwhile, from the significance level, Aloe vera could not inhibit the Aspergillus Niger growth with the addition of 2 and 5 g/L, but it could suppress the Aspergillus Niger growth with the addition of 8 g/L. Furthermore, the optimum condition was observed on the addition of 5 g/L chitosan at post-coloring method because of the minimum growth area of the Aspergillus Niger

    Transcatheter Closure of Perimembranous Ventricular Septal Defect Using the Lifetech Konar-Multi Functional Occluder: Early to Midterm Results of the Indonesian Multicenter Study

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    Background: The alternative device to close perimembranous ventricular septal defect (pmVSD) has been searched for better result, less complications and applicable for infants. However, the ideal device is still unavailable. We aimed to evaluate the effectiveness and outcome of transcatheter pmVSD closure using the KONAR-multi functional occluder (MFO). Methods: Clinical, procedural, follow-up data of pmVSD patients with symptom of heart failure or evidence of significant left to right shunt, growth failure, recurrent respiratory tract infection, and history of endocarditis who underwent transcatheter closure using the MFO were prospectively evaluated. Results: Between January 2016 and December 2017, there were complete records of 132 pmVSD children closed using MFO from eleven centers in Indonesia. The median of age was 4.5 (0.3-17.4) years; weight 14.8 (3.5-57) kg, defect size at the smallest part 3.4 (1.0-8.1) mm, flow ratio 1.6 (1.3-4.9), mean pulmonary artery pressure 18 (7-79) mmHg, fluoroscopy time 18 (3.8-91) and procedural time 75 (26-290) minutes. A retrograde approach was done in 41 (31%) patients. Procedures succeeded in first attempt in 126 (95.4%), failed in three and migration in three patients. Six of eight infants with congestive heart failure were closed successfully. Of 126 patients with successful VSD closure, 12 months follow-up were completed in all patients. The rate of complete occlusion at 1 month, 3 months, 6 months and 12 months after intervention were 95.2%, 97.6%, 99.2%, and 99.2%, respectively. New-onset aortic regurgitation and moderate tricuspid regurgitation developed only in five and three patients. Neither complete atrioventricular block, nor other complications occurred. Conclusion: Transcatheter closure of pmVSD using the MFO is safe, effective, and feasible in infants and children