683 research outputs found

    Mitigating smart card fault injection with link-time code rewriting: a feasibility study

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    We present a feasibility study to protect smart card software against fault-injection attacks by means of binary code rewriting. We implemented a range of protection techniques in a link-time rewriter and evaluate and discuss the obtained coverage, the associated overhead and engineering effort, as well as its practical usability

    Lateral spin-orbit interaction and spin polarization in quantum point contacts

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    We study ballistic transport through semiconductor quantum point contact systems under different confinement geometries and applied fields. In particular, we investigate how the {\em lateral} spin-orbit coupling, introduced by asymmetric lateral confinement potentials, affects the spin polarization of the current. We find that even in the absence of external magnetic fields, a variable {\em non-zero spin polarization} can be obtained by controlling the asymmetric shape of the confinement potential. These results suggest a new approach to produce spin polarized electron sources and we study the dependence of this phenomenon on structural parameters and applied magnetic fields. This asymmetry-induced polarization provides also a plausible explanation of our recent observations of a 0.5 conductance plateau (in units of 2e2/h2e^2/h) in quantum point contacts made on InAs quantum-well structures. Although our estimates of the required spin-orbit interaction strength in these systems do not support this explanation, they likely play a role in the effects enhanced by electron-electron interactions.Comment: Summited to PRB (2009

    Ballistic electron transport in stubbed quantum waveguides: experiment and theory

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    We present results of experimental and theoretical investigations of electron transport through stub-shaped waveguides or electron stub tuners (ESTs) in the ballistic regime. Measurements of the conductance G as a function of voltages, applied to different gates V_i (i=bottom, top, and side) of the device, show oscillations in the region of the first quantized plateau which we attribute to reflection resonances. The oscillations are rather regular and almost periodic when the height h of the EST cavity is small compared to its width. When h is increased, the oscillations become less regular and broad depressions in G appear. A theoretical analysis, which accounts for the electrostatic potential formed by the gates in the cavity region, and a numerical computation of the transmission probabilities successfully explains the experimental observations. An important finding for real devices, defined by surface Schottky gates, is that the resonance nima result from size quantization along the transport direction of the EST.Comment: Text 20 pages in Latex/Revtex format, 11 Postscript figures. Phys. Rev. B,in pres

    Coulomb drag between ballistic one-dimensional electron systems

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    The presence of pronounced electronic correlations in one-dimensional systems strongly enhances Coulomb coupling and is expected to result in distinctive features in the Coulomb drag between them that are absent in the drag between two-dimensional systems. We review recent Fermi and Luttinger liquid theories of Coulomb drag between ballistic one-dimensional electron systems, and give a brief summary of the experimental work reported so far on one-dimensional drag. Both the Fermi liquid (FL) and the Luttinger liquid (LL) theory predict a maximum of the drag resistance R_D when the one-dimensional subbands of the two quantum wires are aligned and the Fermi wave vector k_F is small, and also an exponential decay of R_D with increasing inter-wire separation, both features confirmed by experimental observations. A crucial difference between the two theoretical models emerges in the temperature dependence of the drag effect. Whereas the FL theory predicts a linear temperature dependence, the LL theory promises a rich and varied dependence on temperature depending on the relative magnitudes of the energy and length scales of the systems. At higher temperatures, the drag should show a power-law dependence on temperature, R_D \~ T^x, experimentally confirmed in a narrow temperature range, where x is determined by the Luttinger liquid parameters. The spin degree of freedom plays an important role in the LL theory in predicting the features of the drag effect and is crucial for the interpretation of experimental results.Comment: 25 pages, 14 figures, to appear in Semiconductor Science and Technolog

    An overview of the ciao multiparadigm language and program development environment and its design philosophy

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    We describe some of the novel aspects and motivations behind the design and implementation of the Ciao multiparadigm programming system. An important aspect of Ciao is that it provides the programmer with a large number of useful features from different programming paradigms and styles, and that the use of each of these features can be turned on and off at will for each program module. Thus, a given module may be using e.g. higher order functions and constraints, while another module may be using objects, predicates, and concurrency. Furthermore, the language is designed to be extensible in a simple and modular way. Another important aspect of Ciao is its programming environment, which provides a powerful preprocessor (with an associated assertion language) capable of statically finding non-trivial bugs, verifying that programs comply with specifications, and performing many types of program optimizations. Such optimizations produce code that is highly competitive with other dynamic languages or, when the highest levéis of optimization are used, even that of static languages, all while retaining the interactive development environment of a dynamic language. The environment also includes a powerful auto-documenter. The paper provides an informal overview of the language and program development environment. It aims at illustrating the design philosophy rather than at being exhaustive, which would be impossible in the format of a paper, pointing instead to the existing literature on the system

    Coulomb drag shot noise in coupled Luttinger liquids

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    Coulomb drag shot noise has been studied theoretically for 1D interacting electron systems, which are realized e.g. in single-wall nanotubes. We show that under adiabatic coupling to external leads, the Coulomb drag shot noise of two coupled or crossed nanotubes contains surprising effects, in particular a complete locking of the shot noise in the tubes. In contrast to Coulomb drag of the average current, the noise locking is based on a symmetry of the underlying Hamiltonian and is not limited to asymptotically small energy scales.Comment: 4 pages Revtex, accepted for publication in PR

    Cryogenic Design of the 43 T LNCMI Grenoble Hybrid Magnet

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    AbstractThe association of two inner resistive coils (Polyhelix and Bitter) producing 34.5 T with an outer NbTi superconducting coil producing 8.5 T to obtain a 43 T hybrid magnet is a technical challenge. Accidental failure modes leading to complex electromagnetic behaviors and large transient dynamical forces should be anticipated. These considerations lead to a reinforced design and a thermo-hydraulic strategy to limit the overpressure. The cryostat has been designed with innovative thermo-mechanical supports sustaining the coil at 1.8 K-1200 hPa and the eddy current shield at 30 K, both being possibly overloaded by high dynamic forces in the worst accidental failure case

    Are magnetic monopoles at the origin of magneto-electricity in spin ices?

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    The possibilities of combining several degrees of freedom inside a unique material have recently been highlighted in their dynamics and proposed as information carriers in quantum devices where their cross-manipulation by external parameters such as electric and magnetic fields could enhance their functionalities. An emblematic example is that of electromagnons, spin-waves dressed with electric dipoles, that are fingerprints of multiferroics. Point-like objects have also been identified, which may take the form of excited quasiparticles. This is the case for magnetic monopoles, the exotic excitations of spin ices, that have been recently proposed to carry an electric dipole although experimental evidences remain elusive. Presently, we investigate the electrical signature of a classical spin ice and a related compound that supports quantum fluctuations. Our in-depth study clearly attributes magnetoelectricity to the correlated spin ice phase distinguishing it from extrinsic and single-ion effects. Our calculations show that the proposed model conferring magnetoelectricity to monopoles is not sufficient, calling for higher order contributions

    High temperature piezoelectric properties of flux-grown α-GeO 2 single crystal

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    International audienceThe temperature-dependence of the piezoelectric properties of trigonal ïĄ-GeO2 single-crystals obtained by the high-temperature flux method was measured by the resonance technique of the electrical impedance in the 20°C-600°C range. To approach the values of the two independent piezoelectric coefficients d11 and d14, we first measured as a function of temperature the elastic coefficients S11, S14 and S66 and the dielectric permittivity 11 which are involved in the coupling coefficient k of both the thickness shear mode and the transverse mode. A Y-cut plate with a simple +45°-rotation ((YXtwl) +45°/0°/0°) was used to measure the coupling coefficient of the thickness shear mode, and two X-turned plates ((XYtwl) +45°/0°/0° and (XYtwl)-45°/0°/0°) were prepared to characterize the coupling coefficient of two transverse modes. From the whole experimental measurements, the piezoelectric coefficients of ïĄ-GeO2 were calculated up to 600 °C. They show that this crystal is one of the most efficient in regard of the -quartz-like family at room temperature, and that its thermal comportment retains large piezoelectric properties up to 600°C

    Determinacy analysis for logic programs using mode and type information

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    We propose an analysis for detecting procedures and goals that are deterministic (i.e. that produce at most one solution), or predicates whose clause tests are mutually exclusive (which implies that at most one of their clauses will succeed) even if they are not deterministic (because they cali other predicates that can produce more than one solution). Applications of such determinacy information include detecting programming errors, performing certain high-level program transformations for improving search efñciency, optimizing low level code generation and parallel execution, and estimating tighter upper bounds on the computational costs of goals and data sizes, which can be used for program debugging, resource consumption and granularity control, etc. We have implemented the analysis and integrated it in the CiaoPP system, which also infers automatically the mode and type information that our analysis takes as input. Experiments performed on this implementation show that the analysis is fairly accurate and efncient
